Free-Use Vacation (Freeuse) (Bondage) (Group) (Femsubs) (Commission)

On a street in Paris, there was a small building. The sort of place that was sold to tourists for weeks at a time. It sat on the outskirts of the city, far enough away not to bother the locals, but close enough to let the travellers make their way deeper in. There, they could marvel at the sights, taste the historic food of the famous city, mingle with the locals and enjoy that particular atmosphere of culture and refinement which was so unique to the French.

Hopefully all while spending a great deal of money.

It had been empty for the last few weeks, ever since the last family to rent it had had to rush back home so very suddenly – something about ‘’financial difficulties’’ but that was about to change with the arrival of a rented van.

It was dark and late at night as the passengers disembarked, they were tired from a long trip. They had come from Singapore, which was a multiple-hour trip followed by the can journey. To say that they were spent would be an understatement. They were exhausted, their energy depleted by the trip and by the flight. Usually, they would be only too happy to fall into the waiting beds, sleeping deeply until the morning when they could finally begin their week-long vacation.

But there was something different at play here. Something not usually seen. Though they were tired, there was a sense of something else in the air. Something brooding and tense.

There were four of them. Two men and two women. Their hair was dark, and their features were Asiatic. They had travelled a long way to be here today.

The first out of the car was the man who had been driving. His name was John, and he was dressed in a casual shirt and jeans. The second was also a man, Sean. More powerful and broad of shoulder than the first.

The third was one of the girls. Lilly. She was petite, with long legs and a short skirt. She tugged the hem, almost self-consciously and gazed at the house with an unreadable expression.

The final one was Malissa. She was bigger than Lilly, with a fuller body and her dark hair tied behind her head in a ponytail. She had glasses and was wearing a casual shirt and a pair of jeans along with a bag slung over her shoulder.

For a long moment, neither of the four said a word. They gazed at the rented home, and a stranger – if one were present – might well have been forgiven for thinking that there was more going on than there seemed.

It had started with a bet. Though in truth, it had been coming on for much longer than that. The bet was only the tip of the iceberg of unspoken thoughts and feelings, fantasies and idle daydreams that had never been expected to take root in reality.

A bet. A few simple words. An agreement that maybe shouldn’t have been made.

That was all it took to change a friendship forever.

John moved up to the front of the house, fishing in his pocket for the keys. Sean flanked him, the two girls behind. The air was thick with the unsaid, and as the door swung open, it may as well have been a portal to another world. For a week, they were leaving all that they knew behind. Their friends, their families, and their future careers had all been put on hold. For seven days, they could do anything – be anything – that they wanted to be.

And what they wanted to be was freeuse.

The door swung shut, and John turned to the two girls. Malissa was nervous, fidgeting with her bag. Lilly looked on ahead, the air was tense. Who was going to be the first to say it?

It was John.

“Are the two of you ready to get started?”

“I thought we might start tomorrow,” Lilly said quickly. “We’re all tired tonight. Can’t we begin in the morning?”

“That wasn’t the deal,” John told her. “The agreement was that as soon as we arrived the punishment went into effect. Remember?”

Malissa nodded to herself. She remembered the bet all right. She still wondered why she had been mad enough to make it, and she was mad enough to carry through with it now. For her, the last few days had been a feverish riot of anticipation and wariness. Waking up late at night drenched in sweat and realising she’d been dreaming about what she might have to do. She’d touched herself, shivering as the pleasure wormed its way along her spine, remembering the terms that she had agreed to.

‘’If you win, Sean and I will do anything you say for the whole week,’’ John had said. ‘’If we win, you and Lilly have to do the same.’’

‘’Anything?’’ Malissa had been intrigued. ‘’Like, are we talking sexual here? Freeuse?’’

‘’Exactly. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to, but if you do, and if you lose, be prepared to get used in a lot of different ways.’’

The two girls had shared a look.

‘’We’re in.’’

Now they had lost, and now it was time. She switched her gaze from John to Sean, seeking any sign of mercy. But neither of the boys were willing to give them even a stay of execution. They’d been anticipating this for weeks, ever since their victory. Now was the time they had been waiting for.

Malissa took a deep breath, her lungs expanded, and the air filled her chest. She struggled to find her sense of calm, though anticipation and dread swamped her mind equally.

“Let’s start with the basics,” John said. “The two of you should strip.”

“Seriously?” Lilly said with a frown. “You’re doing that?”

“Hey, if you wanted to do something different, you should have won the bet. We get to call the shots, and we think having two cute girls naked at all times is a pretty fun way to spend your vacation.”

Malissa and Lilly shared a look, but there was no arguing with it. They’d come knowing what would happen to them when they arrived, after all. It was no surprise, and if she was honest with herself, Malissa had been waiting for this moment.

She ran her tongue over her lips, suddenly feeling as if they were parched. Her throat was dry, and her pulse raced in her ears. Her heart beat a staccato rhythm as she reached for the hem of her shirt.

Malissa went first. Her face was hot with embarrassment, but below that, there was a shameful delight in the boys’ attention. She had never felt like this before, not once in her whole life. There were butterflies in her stomach as she kicked off her shoes and let her bag fall to the ground.

John watched with greedy eyes, drinking in the sight of her body layer by layer. First, she took off her top, peeling it away from her chest. Then her jeans went, her hands working at the buckle. Her skin prickled, it felt hot and tight, lighting her senses like a torch. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this. She couldn’t believe that this was real and not some horrible, wonderful dream.

When she was down to just her bra and her panties, she turned to the guys. She was mortified by the sight of their erections but knew that there was one step yet to go. She unclipped her bra and shrugged it off, and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties.

Here alone, she hesitated. It was as if this was the final step, the last chance to turn back. This was the point of no return. Tightness bloomed between her legs, the realisation that soon John and Sean would have seen every inch of her. Before she could let the doubts grow too strong, Malissa tugged down her underwear, letting it land in a pile beneath her.

She was naked now. Her skin was smooth, her legs were long. John and Sean gazed at her, as if not really sure until this very moment that things were going to go as they wanted. Malissa felt dampness between her legs, interspersed with the waves of tightness. She was breathing fast, her face a mask of red. Humiliation and shame and arousal filled her whole world.

“Damn, Malissa,” Sean said. “I didn’t think you’d be so into it.”

She put her hands on her hips, ignoring the blooming heat which spread through her. “Did you think I’d agree to a bet like this if I wasn’t at least a little okay with losing?”

“Well, no,” Sean said. “I suppose not. But still. I’m glad that we won. Otherwise, we never would have seen this sight.”

“What about you, Lilly?” John said. “You’re not naked yet. Are you backing out of the bet?”

“N-no,” Lilly said. “Of course not.”

Her disrobing was slower, more reluctant. As if she was clinging to every scrap of cloth, protecting her dignity for as long as she could. Malissa could not help but compare their bodies as more and more of Lilly was bared.

Lilly was smaller and more petite than her. Malissa was by no means overweight, but her body was naturally a bit larger and fuller. This even ran to her chest, and she could see that her friend was small enough that she probably would not have needed a bra strictly speaking. But where Lilly shone was her legs, which were long and tanned. She was a runner or at least went to the gym to take care of herself. Her whole body was fit as could be, with toned muscles and well-placed curves.

When she was naked, Lilly crossed her arms over her chest, covering her breasts and glared at the boys.

“Well? Are you happy with what you see?”

Sean and John shared a look.

“Absolutely,” they agreed.

“Can we go to bed now? I’m tired from the trip.”

From the tone of her voice, it was clear that Lilly did not expect them to agree.

“Soon,” John said. “You know, you don’t have to do this. If you really want to back out of the bet, you can. We’re not monsters and we’re not going to force you into a punishment if you don’t want to do it. We’ve known each other for how long? We’re friends. I wouldn’t want to make you miserable.”

Lilly said nothing for a moment. She cast her eyes down, towards the floor, then she looked up, towards where Malissa was standing.

“If I don’t, you’ll just bully Marrisa. There’s two of you and one of her. That wouldn’t be fair.”

Her voice did not match her words. She was making excuses and Malissa was not surprised. Of the four of them, Lilly was the most proper. Her friend felt the need to dress up her desire. It was hard for her to admit that some part of her was enjoying this too. That she enjoyed the idea of being used for a week.

They had talked about it before, just the two of them. Once they knew that they had lost the bet, they’d met up one night and talked over what to expect. Whether they wanted to go through with it. Lilly had been horrified, Malissa had been curious.

‘’It’s not like one half of us wouldn’t have had to do it either way,’’ Malissa had told her. ‘’Either the boys would be free-use or we would.’’

‘’I knew that!’’ Lilly had said. ‘’It’s just that when we made the bet, I didn’t think we would lose!’’

‘’But you were okay with them being under your control? Don’t try to tell me that you were going to be pure and chaste if you had won.’’

‘’No, I suppose not,’’ Lilly had admitted. ‘’Are you seriously okay with doing what they want for a whole week? You know the sort of things they have planned!’’

‘’I’m looking forward to it a little,” Malissa admitted. ‘’Have you ever submitted to someone else? Let them control your body? Do whatever they want with you?’’


‘’Then you should try it now. This is the perfect chance. We’re all friends, right? You trust John and Sean?”

Lilly had looked off into the distance for some moments, piecing her thoughts together. Malissa waited in silence, knowing that her friend needed time.

‘’I suppose I do,’’ she admitted. ‘’It’s just hard, you know? I mean, I’ve never even gone that far with my boyfriends before. Now you expect me to surrender to who knows what?’’

‘’It’s okay,” Malissa said. ‘’I’ll be there with you. And you can quit any time if you really don’t want to do it.’’

Now it was happening. Now they were in a foreign country, so far away from everything they knew that it may as well have been a whole new world. And they were standing naked in front of their best friends.

Malissa felt a delicious tingle working its way up her body. Reluctance, shame, and arousal. They were the same for her now. She could sense a similar situation with Lilly. The other woman struggled more with it, she wasn’t as used to it. But part of her wanted to be here or she wouldn’t have been at all.

John moved first. His hand was already pushing down his pants to allow his cock to spring forward. It was long, engorged by the sight of their naked bodies. The air caught in her lungs.

When John told her to kneel, Marrisa’s legs obeyed almost on their own. They folded under her, bringing her down to just the right height to gaze at his shaft. He moved forward, his body language was clumsy but eager. Anticipation burned in his eyes.

“Suck my cock,” John told her. “You’re free-use now, so you’ll be doing that a lot. Better get used to it.”

His words. They were like a hot blade against her soul, a shudder spiked through her, and she reached forward. Her hands closed around his member and she guided it towards her mouth. Her tongue lapped out, touching the head of his shaft. She could taste him now, and as she took him into her mouth, that taste grew stronger.

Her friend’s cock was in her mouth and she was sucking him off. Never in a thousand years had she expected to be in this situation. She should have felt ashamed, but she didn’t. Eagerness roared through her, filling her with lust and attraction. She sucked on him, bobbing her head back and forth. Using her tongue to tease and play with his shaft. Her other hand moved up, fingers tracing his balls and the lower half of his cock.

John moaned, throwing his head back at her ministrations. Beside her, Lilly looked shocked but aroused. Sean moved towards her, holding a hand out and asking her to tell him how she liked to be touched. With a faltering voice, Lilly described how she liked to masturbate, her fantasies and how she touched herself at night.

Marrisa’s pussy throbbed. John was moving back and forward now, grinding his cock against her lips and mouth. His motions were becoming faster, his breathing was getting harder. Malissa saw his muscles tense, and then he came for the first time! His seed spilled into her mouth and she spluttered, feeling it washing down her throat.

John pulled free, a shiver ran through his body.

“Holy shit, Malissa,” he said. “Did you practise that? How many guys have you sucked off?”

She frowned at that.

“That was a rude question, John.”

He laughed a bit.

“Maybe it was, but you’re freeuse for the week, right? You should answer. How many guys have you practised with to get that good?”

“Not that many,” Malissa admitted reluctantly. She felt ashamed as if this was information that no one else should know. “One of my old boyfriends liked it, so I tried to get good, but he said that I was just naturally talented.”

“Really?” John raised an eyebrow. “Well, we’ll just have to see if that natural talent extends to other things, won’t we?”

Beside them, Lilly gave a deep groan. She was sitting on the floor with her legs splayed, her pussy was exposed and engorged. Sean had told her to rub herself, using her fingers to pleasure her womanhood while he watched and lazily stroked his cock. The rise and fall of her chest was almost mesmeric, and her nipples were stiff and hard.

Malissa forced herself to focus on John, the sound of her friend’s pleasure striking her like sweet music.

“Is that the best line you can come up with?” She asked. “Bit generic, don’t you think?”

“Maybe it is,” John told her. “But I don’t need to talk when actions will say a whole lot more. Let’s see where the two of you will be sleeping, shall we?”

He took her hand and helped her to stand on trembling legs. Malissa shot one last look back towards Lilly as John led her from the room.

The rented house was small. ‘’Compact’’ was the official wording. Perhaps even ‘’cosy’’. But ‘’small’’ was the truth of it. There were only a few rooms. A living area, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Each bedroom had two beds, and it had been agreed that one side would belong to the girls and one to the guys.

The rooms themselves were not the most impressive, they mirrored the house in that there was room only for two beds and a desk, plus a wardrobe. But even as she saw this, John was making some choice changes to the beds themselves. He’d brought rope, and he was busy tying it around the wooden frame of the bed. As Malissa watched, he pulled it taut, checking his knots and making sure they were tight and good.

When he was done, he’d strung ropes from the top and bottom of the bed. They could be looped around someone’s limbs and pulled tight, forcing them to lay spread out and helpless.

Malissa’s heart sped up.

“We’ll get them replaced later,” John told her. “I wanted them to be chains, but, well, good luck getting those through airport security. Tomorrow, we’ll do better. For tonight, this is the way you’ll sleep. Both of you.”

He pushed her down on the bed – not hard enough to hurt – and she turned to face him. The mattress groaned under her weight, and she saw that his cock was hard again. Lust danced in his eyes.

“Spread your legs,” he told her.

Malissa did. Her heart beat harder and harder. She felt naughty, bad, and not totally in a sexy way. She’d been raised with the idea that this was not a thing that good girls were supposed to do. Every inch she exposed made her writhe, but it felt good too. A way to cut loose. A way to be someone she never could be back home. . John watched, waiting until she’d pulled her legs as far apart as she could. Wet arousal glinted across the folds of her labia.

The bed rocked, John crawled onto it. His cock was ready, and he knelt between her legs. Malissa threw her head back, the touch of his fingers made her skin burn. Stabbing blades of want slashing through her self-restraint.

Before she knew it, he’d pressed the tip of his shaft against her sex. Her labia spread eagerly, making space for his cock. The air was tense, and for a moment it was as though neither of them quite knew what to say.

“You ready?” John asked, she nodded hungrily. All her reluctance had vanished, evaporated in the fires of her desire.

“Do it,” She said. “Please.”

“Please what?”

“Please fuck me like a whore, John.”

Her words powered him forward, and soon he was doing exactly that. The bed shook, John’ thrusts powered through her mind, jolting her with crashing bolts of pleasure that leapt and danced from her toes to the roots of her hair.

The pleasure made her moan. Her nipples were pressing into his chest, and he was groping her. The motion of the bed filled her world and fogged her mind with desire. Her toes curled, and her fists balled. She threw her head back, ecstasy swept through her like it never had before. John was on top of her, thrusting with all of his strength. The powerful surging stole her words.

John moved faster, enjoying the feeling of penetration. She trembled, and he gloried in his power. He moved like a piston, his cock hard and engorged with desire. Pleasure filled her body, crackling between her nerves like a storm.

Soon, he was on the verge of climax. Tiny little bubbles of pleasure rippled through Malissa’s body. She wondered if John would cum inside of her. She realised now that since they had never placed any limits on the bet, he had the right to. Panic followed that thought, but he pulled out, and Malissa felt his seed splash across her face. The cum struck her face and upper chest. Leaving her sticky and embarrassed as John stood back.

Satisfied, John stood up again, looming over the bed and the gasping woman who still lay in it.

“That was good, Malissa. It was fun. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, but now’s the time to tuck you in for the night.”

He told her to lie back, and tied each rope to an ankle or to a wrist. Malissa – utterly spent – could do nothing as she was confined. Wariness entered her eyes, and a whole new level of helplessness made itself felt. John was good. He left her enough room to move around and be comfortable, but the ropes were tight enough that she could always feel them. A reminder of her new place.

“You’ll sleep naked, of course,” he told her. “You can use blankets, but we have the right to remove them at any time, for any reason.”

“You’re loving this freeuse thing, aren’t you?” She asked him with a grimace, but he merely laughed.

“Don’t pretend that you aren’t,” he said to her. “Do you think I would have proposed it if I thought you’d find it awful? I swear, I’ve never seen you quite so submissive.”

She had no reply to that, and he finished tying her up before leaving the room.

It was only a few moments before Lilly was marched in as well, and confined to her bed in the same way.

“Tomorrow,” John promised, “the real free-use vacation will begin.”

The lights went out, leaving them in total darkness.


The next day, Malissa and Lilly were untied from the beds as the sun rose. It was a relief too, the ropes had started to bite into her arms, and the first thing she did when she was allowed to sit up was to start to rub some life back into them.

“You should get a shower,” John told her. “When you’re done, we’re going out. Sean and I have found just the place to start our vacation.”

His words haunted her, but she did her best not to show it. The water of the shower was warm and welcome, but John and Sean insisted that the girls shower together. To ‘’save water’’ they’d said. She knew they just wanted to imagine the two of them naked and wet.

Well, whatever. They were the ones who got to call the shot for this week. Lilly and Malissa talked a little, but there wasn’t much to say and besides, she was sure if they didn’t finish fast, they’d be punished in some way. When they left the bathroom, they saw that the boys had prepared clothes for them. That was a relief – part of Malissa had been worried that they intended to walk them through the city naked!

Of course, neither Sean nor John had bothered to include underwear. For Malissa, that was fine. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a top. But Lilly was not so lucky. She’d been given the same short skirt as she’d arrived in, but now without panties, she was constantly in danger of flashing the room if she wasn’t careful. Her face burned red, and she found herself constantly tugging on the hem of the skirt.

John and Sean decided to use public transportation instead of the van. Surrounded by other people. The air was tense, and Malissa tried not to catch anyone’s eye. Though no one could see her lack of underwear, she felt it keenly. The tips of her nipples pressed into the fabric of her shirt, and whenever her pussy rubbed against her jeans, it sent little bolts of static electricity rushing through her skin.

Lilly was worse. Her face was red, and she was constantly stopped to tug on her skirt. Every time someone passed her, she would freeze up, wondering if this was the time they would look back at just the right moment. The skirt was short, and even a single misstep threatened to reveal her humiliating secret. She was breathing heavily before they even got to the train station.

Meanwhile, Sean and John enjoyed the trip. There was a hidden layer of eroticism to everything they did. To the world, it seemed like four friends on just another trip. The crowd pressed around them, Parisian natives and fellow tourists both.

No one knew the truth. No one knew just how close they were to being exposed. Poor Lilly was having the worst of it, but Malissa too felt a certain tingle between her legs.

During the trip, Malissa wondered where exactly Sean and John would have considered the perfect place to start their vacation, but soon enough they arrived.

It was a sex shop. She shared a look with Lilly as the two boys led them inside. Both of them were eager and grinning, but she didn’t have a very good feeling about it at all.

Within, the walls were lined with clothes and toys. There were aisles of lingerie and sexy nightwear. But that was only towards the front of the store. Moving deeper into it, you started to get into the real meat of the place. Sex toys of all kinds were proudly on display. It was enough to make your head spin. There were vibrators and clamps, whips of at least three sorts! There were crops, handcuffs, chains and straps.

Malissa stood in the centre of it all. Shun and John excitedly discussed what they wanted to buy and what use they would soon be put to. With each new toy they proposed, she imagined what it would feel like when they used it on her. There were spreader-bars, that were meant to hold your legs and arms apart. There was a clit-teaser, a small plastic device that was made to enclose a woman’s clitoris and stimulate. It could be programmed to drive her into a climax or simply hold her forever on the very edge of one.

There were dildos of course and vibrators. There were even smaller, more powerful vibrators which could be controlled via mobile and worn under the clothes so you could be teased without anyone else being the wiser.

Sean and John bought them all. Malissa wondered how long they’d been saving up for this. She felt stunned. Last night was like a dream, but she still remembered the feeling of John close, his cock inside of her had been stiff and hard. Her arousal had surged, and she had felt unchained from her prior persona. She’d done things and said things she never would have before. Now he was buying toys so that they could go even further.

It was like a whole new world. A world where she was freeuse, a world where any of her owners could do anything they wanted to her. For someone like Malissa, who had been proud and driven by her ambition most of her life, it was strange and somewhat alien.

It should have been terrifying. To part of her, it was. But there was another part too. John had been right, the whole idea appealed to her. Depending on your point of view, the trip was a nightmare or a fantasy come to life.

As soon as they were clear of the building, John flagged them into an alley and told her to spread her legs. She looked horrified, absolutely humiliated as John knelt between her thighs. He took hold of one of the plastic toys – an egg vibrator which could be controlled via phone – and pressed it between her lower lips. Lilly bit her tongue to remain silent, the subtle vibrations teasing her already wet pussy. It must have felt intense, Malissa thought.

The buzzing was soft, but just audible if you knew to listen for it. Lilly staggered out of the alley, doing her desperate best to look normal. Now she was managing not just the short hem of her skirt but also the pulsing throb of the machine between her legs.

The trip back to the house must have seemed an eternity to her. Her shoulders rose and fell, and her limbs trembled all through the bus ride. At one point, Malissa saw a spasm rock her form and realised that her friend had probably just cum in public. It wasn’t the last time either. Now she knew what to look for, Marrisa clocked several more orgasms from Lilly.

It made her wet as well. She tried to ignore it, to pretend that she wasn’t as turned on as she knew she was. But her body couldn’t lie, and the sight of Lilly’s shaking, trembling form as the vibrator overwhelmed her and forced her to cum again and again, made Malissa broil with barely suppressed feeling.

Once they were back at the house, it was time for dinner. John and Sean prepared it while Lilly and Malissa waited at the table. They’d been stripped again – the rule was that they were not allowed to wear clothes in the house. Lilly was embarrassed by how wet she was after the journey and tried to keep her legs crossed to prevent Malissa from seeing it.

The food came but John had another surprise in store. He put the plate down on the table and told Lilly to jerk him off over it. Malissa could only stare at him blankly for a moment – did he really intend them to eat food covered with his cum?

He did.

Lilly reluctantly reached over, her fingers curled around the shaft of his member. John made a sound of pleasure, and her hand started to pump back and forth. Malissa could only sit and watch, waiting for him to blow his load across the food that they were then expected to eat.

When the food was passed to her, Malissa wrinkled her nose. John’ cum covered the plate, and she was reluctant to eat any of it, to say the least. But she knew that if she refused this, there would be no more food until tomorrow and she was hungry after a day of travelling. So she did her best to swallow it down, making a face as she tasted his seed.

When they were done eating, Malissa expected John and Sean to chain them to the beds again – they had gotten cuffs in the shop so that they wouldn’t have to reuse the ropes. Instead, they were taken out to the van.

“We’ve got a reservation,” John said. “Sean and I spent a lot of money on it. I think we’re all going to enjoy it.”

The way he spoke, there was little doubt what he meant by enjoying it. As the van drove off, Malissa reflected that the last two days had been some of the most sexual of her life. The vibrations of the engine rose through her body, shaking her seat and rattling her bones. She gazed out, watching the passing traffic and buildings. Lilly sat beside her, and in the front, the two boys.

She had not expected things to be like this when they had first lost the bet. She’d known it was going to get sexual, but there was a difference between knowing it and living it. And now she was living it, a freeuse toy in a world where anyone could do anything to her, so long as that person was one of her owners.

In the last two days, she’d felt helpless, repulsed, used, humiliated and aroused. She’d been fucked by one of her best friends and eaten his cum. She’d been taken to a sex shop and watched one of her other best friends climax over and over on the way back.

Now, the question which sat heavy in her mind was this: if she had known that all of those things would happen to her, would she still agree to the bet? If she could go back in time, would she do it again?

She still didn’t have an answer to that as the van made its way deeper into the heart of the city. Though late at night, Paris was still Paris, and the streets were packed with tourists. The reason for that became clear soon enough, as the looming form of a great tower began to grow in the distance.

The Eiffel Tower! It was strung with lights, a blazing torch in the darkness. Malissa had seen pictures of it, of course, but they didn’t compare to the real thing. It was big. A metal monument of struts and floors that rose up above the buildings around it. The crowds flocked to its base, and there was a single elevator and a single stairway that allowed you to climb it.

“John?” She turned to her friend,” Are we going to the tower?”

“Maybe,” he said.

“But we can’t do anything there,” she said, a thrill of terror pulsing through her, “There are far too many people. We’d be seen!”

He only grinned.

The Eiffel Tower was one of the premier sights of Paris. Tourists were everywhere, and the security was tight as well. Guards patrolled the edges of the base, and the line to even get near it was so long it would take hours. Why had John brought them here?

They pulled over, the car gently gliding to a stop. Malissa’s heart was beating fast, but not as fast as it would be in a minute.

“Take off your shirt,” John told her.

“Seriously?” She turned to him. “You know I’m not wearing anything under it.”

“I know,” he said. “But look at the crowd – everyone is too busy with their own stuff. No one will notice, and if they do then so what? You’re just some stranger. This goes for you too, Lilly. Both of you will be topless for this.”

Electricity seemed to crackle through her veins as Malissa pulled off her top. She felt intoxicated, almost drunk. A heady mixture of terror and anticipation swamped her mind.

Stepping out of the car was one of the hardest things she’d done yet. The cold air of the outside jolted her, raising goosebumps across her skin. The crowd was everywhere. No matter where she looked, there was nowhere to hide. Her legs felt weak. Any moment, she expected a shout, someone to point. She was naked from the waist up, her breasts were on full display.

Why did she feel so aroused by all of this? Heat churned inside of her as John and Sean led them towards the crowd. A sense of helplessness bubbled up within her body, her nipples were hard. She told herself it was the cold air, but knew that it was anything but. Beside her, Lilly was in a similar situation, she had one arm wrapped around her chest, trying to shield her body from prying eyes.

Why wasn’t Malissa doing that? She knew she should, it would provide some small dignity. But she didn’t. She just walked straight on, her chest exposed. People were seeing her. Even if most didn’t, there were always a few who did. She spotted a man staring, a woman turned to look as they passed. She felt like curling up into a ball, but her hands still didn’t even try to cover her chest.

Her pussy was tight. Heat and arousal spread across her skin. Being seen by so many people, and being around them, it was intoxicating and erotic. Exactly the sort of thing she never would have been able to do at home.

They mingled with the crowd, moving through a sea of humanity. Most of whom were too busy, too distracted, too occupied to know what they were doing. But each time someone did, it was like a knife in the heart. A bolt of lightning which surged through her being. Malissa felt hotter and hotter, more aroused and mortified by the moment. Part of her could not believe what she was doing, part of her never wanted to stop.

“Now take off your pants,” John said. His words hammered through her mind, and her fingers began to pull at the belt of her jeans before she even knew what he had said.

“Malissa, no.” Lilly hissed. “We’re in public, people will see you.”

“What does it matter?” John said. “No one knows who you are. You’re just another tourist in the crowd. I bet you we’re not even the only ones doing something like this tonight. Go on, do it.”

Malissa bit her lower lip, torn by indecision. She knew that Lilly was right. This was unlike her, but she was so turned on. She was drunk on lust and desire, and John was also right. No one here knew her or could do anything to her.

Why not?

Why not do what she really wanted, just once?

Breathing fast, she kicked off her trousers and her shoes. Her pussy was soaking, arousal stained her inner thighs. She felt her skin tingle, pins and needles skittering across her as she stood up.

The only one naked in all of the crowd. More people were turning now. In the chaos, it was easy to miss a girl without a top. But a woman without any clothes at all? That was different! Her face was flushed, humiliated and mortified by her own arousal.

John took hold of her shoulder and steered her further into the crowd. If they moved fast enough, most people wouldn’t notice. They left her clothes behind, and Malissa felt as if she was walking the walk of the condemned. Now no matter what happened, she would be naked until they got back.

Heat boiled between her legs. Her pussy throbbed with tightness, and waves of desire traced a path across her being. John’ hand brushed her pussy, sending a bolt of lightning rushing through her. Her legs shook, and he had to support her with his shoulder.

“Are you enjoying this?” He asked her. “I didn’t think you would be so into the whole idea, Malissa. But I am not complaining.”

She made a soft sound, somewhat between a moan and a cry. His fingers moved across her mound, stroking her in a lingering pattern that made her toes curl. There were tears in the corners of her eyes. Shame or desire, she didn’t know. John’ hands made her senses sing. She tried to gather herself, but there were so many people all around them and she felt so good. How could they not all be seeing it? How could John be making her do this?

The answer was that he wasn’t. It was her doing it. She could have refused at any point. At any time. John’ touch sent fire coursing through her, pleasure and delight danced through her body. Her clit throbbed, and her pussy grew hot and tight. Luca’s fingers were moving faster now, penetrating her. Each step was hard, she was moaning. How could everyone not see this?

Malissa threw back her head, and a wave of pleasure eclipsed everything in a brief instant of climax. Now she was shaking all over. Tension, nerves and desire all mixed to become something she had never experienced in her life.

“This is only the second day,” John told her.

He was rubbing her more urgently now. His fingers moved fast. The pressure of his touch sent sparks flying through her body. She was going to cum again! He leaned in, whispering his next words into her ear.

“We’re going to do much, much more before the week is done.”

As she climaxed for a second time, supported by John and watched by Lilly and Sean – as well as who knew how many strangers – Malissa finally had the answer to her question.

Would she have taken the bet if she knew it was going to end like this?



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