Scotty & His Mom – A Cruise Like No Other – Part 5 [m/s inc]


This story was written at the request of a fellow Redditor who rewards me with pics of his smokin hot mom. I know he’ll enjoy it. I hope you do too! See my profile for previous parts.

Key characters:
Scotty – the son; 25yo; 6 ft; 190 lb; athletic build; blonde hair; hazel eyes; 8-inch cock

Renee – Scotty’s hot curvy, MILF mom; 49yo; 5′ 4”; 160 lb; 36DD-24-38; blonde hair; hazel eyes

Ray – swinger Renee & Scotty meet on cruise. 5′ 10”; 170 lb; dark hair & eyes; 7-inch cock; wealthy.

Stephanie – Ray’s swinger partner and hot THICC MILF; 5′ 3”; 166 lbs; 34DD-24-44; dirty blonde; blue eyes


While Renee languished in post-orgasmic bliss on her cabin room’s balcony, her son was experiencing the frustration to which his mother had hinted…

“You seem distraught,” The beautiful, black woman behind the Tiki bar said to Scotty. She was topless and her breasts were huge with dark, almost black, wide, flat nipples. Scotty couldn’t take his eyes off of them or her. Her Caribbean accent only added to her allure.

Scotty had panicked and exited the nightclub after watching a couple fucking near him and finding courage to masturbate along with them. But he wasn’t sure of the rules so stopped short of shooting his load and ran out, frustrated. He found the sparsely populated Tiki bar and took a seat at the end of the 6-stool bar, as the bartender smiled at him, striking up a conversation while fixing him a drink. They had introduced themselves. The bartender’s name was Vea, and she was from Trinidad. After making some small talk, Scotty got the nerve to tell her what had just happened in the nightclub before asking his question. He leaned in and lowered his voice.

“Am I allowed to….,” he started to ask but wasn’t sure of how to say it. The beautiful bartender raised an eyebrow as her smile widened, waiting. “To…you know…,” Scotty asked, motioning with his hand to indicate jacking off.

“Masturbate? Of course, Sir,” the bartender replied. “You are welcome to do anything you wish, by yourself or with a consenting partner.”

“In public, around others?” He asked confirming.

“Yes, of course,” She answered. Scotty still didn’t have his answer. He looked around nervously.

“But,” he began again. “It can create…a mess. Especially if it’s just me.” He asked. “Do I clean it up? Does the staff? Does it just….soak into the carpet?” He asked, making a face and eliciting a chuckle from Vea. Now, she understood his question.

“Look around you, Mr. Scott.” She said, using his first name, which was common in the swinger lifestyle. Scotty looked around. The bartender pointed across the surface of her bar, where two tissue boxes and packages of wipes sat. She pointed at other tissue boxes and wipes peppered everywhere. Scotty looked around as if noticing them for the first time. They were absolutely everywhere seemingly every few feet! He nodded in understanding.

“So I use those to clean everything up?” He asked.

“If you wish, Sir,” the bartender said. “But the staff is obsessed with cleanliness. Look around. There is always staff cleaning up these…messes.” She said with no pretense. “Perhaps, stay away from the jacuzzi at 4AM.” She added, winking at Scotty. He laughed. “But otherwise, Sir. You have nothing to worry about. Everything is constantly cleaned, sheets constantly washed. We clean rooms three times a day if allowed in – more if you call us. The staff cleans my bar half a dozen times a day at least.” She finally added.

“So, just to be clear, Vea,” Scotty said, “Back in the nightclub. I could have orgasmed and just spilled onto the sofa and it would have been immediately cleaned?”

“Yes, Mr. Scott,” the bartender said. Scotty nodded in understanding as the beautiful woman eyed him with curiosity. “Is this you and your partner’s first lifestyle cruise?” The bartender asked. Since Scotty was male, she assumed he was with a partner as single men were not allowed on swinger activities. Scott thought about her question and the fact that his… “partner” was his mom aroused him.

“Yes,” he said, adding, “she’s even more nervous than me.” He said. The bartender smiled.

“It’s normal to be nervous the first time,” she said. “you and your partner will relax eventually.” She added. Then, shocking Scotty, she continued. “In not time, you two will be fucking in front of me…in front of all of us.” She said, waving her hand around to point to the crowd. Scotty felt his cock rise, as his eyes lowered to see the bartender’s nipples hardening. He glanced at her, and she smiled. “You are a handsome man, Mr. Scott. I have no doubt your partner is beautiful, too. You and your partner should look for me when I am off work.” She said, smiling. “I am always around enjoying the… benefits.” She said, winking. Scotty smiled and winked back.

“My partner is beautiful.” Scotty answered, stressing the word ‘is’. “And we might just do that, Vea. If… I can convince her to leave the room,” he said, honestly. The bartender smiled, as Scotty rose to leave.

“Good luck, Mr. Scott.” She said, as Scotty waved goodbye.

* * *

“You look…relaxed,” Scotty said to his mom. He had entered their room to find her relaxing on the bed, reading a magazine. She looked radiant in a 2-piece bikini with a sheer wrap also tied around her bottom. Scotty had slipped his shorts and underwear back on soon after leaving the Tiki bar.

“I am relaxed, sweetheart,” Renee answered her son. “I had 3 margaritas and those, along with the sound of the waves, is making mommy feel very relaxed.” She added. Renee conveniently left out the glorious orgasm she had experienced masturbating while listening to another couple having sex on the balcony next door. “How was your…sightseeing tour?” She asked, winking. Scotty had forgotten their joke and now tried to think of a witty comeback.

“Frustrating,” he simply said, hoping that would generate discussion. His mother laughed.

“Toldja.” Renee quipped, chuckling still. Her son laughed with her.

“Yeah, well, it wasn’t from….lack of courage or bashfulness.” He said, wanting his mom to know he was down for playing along with the community. “I just…didn’t know the rules.” He added. His mother looked at him curiously.

“To get naked?” She asked. “What’s there to think about. You just shed your clothes.” She said.

“Not just that,” Scotty said, liking where this was going. “I mean..everything else. Like, what are the rules for..idunno…engaging, ending….um, cleaning up.” He shot out. His mother held up her hand to signal him to stop.

“Okay, I think I get it,” Renee said. Then, she looked at her son with a bit of wonder. “Are you seriously considering joining in?” She asked.

Scotty thought about telling his mom about the couple fucking, his masturbating and the bartender’s offer. But he held back. He simply shrugged, letting his mother know he was not sure…maybe yes, maybe no. His mother shook her head slightly in disbelief.

“I never would have guessed my son would have the courage to…,” she said; her voice dropping an octave. Scotty noticed his mother’s nipples hardening under her sangria-colored bikini top.

“I think there might be a lot of things you don’t know about me, mom,” Scotty said. He couldn’t be sure if his mother’s gaze at hearing those words were intrigue or disgust. Regardless, he pressed on. “Honestly, mom, the more I walked around, the more I saw, the more it occurred to me that we are in the middle of nowhere, far away from familiarity and we know absolutely no one. No one! And no one knows us.” He said.

“I think that’s the point with these cruises,” his mother quipped.

Scotty could see his mom’s mind churning, thinking about what he was saying. He hoped he was slowly convincing her to consider joining in, too. After a minute of letting her digest his comments, he changed the subject as he grabbed a bottled water from the min-fridge.

“What are you thinking for dinner?” He asked.

“Order in.” His mom quickly shot back. Scotty gave her an annoyed look.

“Mom, really,” he began. “People have to eat. It’s not like they are constantly having sex twenty-four hours a day while people next to them are trying to dine.” He added. His mother chuckled at the image.

“I know, honey, I know,” his mother responded. Then, kiddingly adding, “not that there’s anything wrong with that… sex 24 hours a day that is.” She added. Scotty chuckled but felt his cock unfurl at, again, hearing her subtle teasing.

“There’s a restaurant on the first floor next to the bookstore, I think.” Scotty said. “I passed it on the way back and the menu looks incredible.” He said. “Ribs.” He added in a suggestive tone, knowing they were one of his mom’s favorite foods. She moaned at the suggestion.

“Hard to pass up ribs. Okay, you convinced me.” Renee said to her son.

“Oh, and I think the bookstore sells swimwear,” he said.

“Oh?” She said, intrigued.”Maybe we can swing in there after we eat.”

“And sex toys,” he added, smiling. “They sell sex toys too.” His mother gave him a jokingly annoyed look.

“Oh Jesus H. Christ!” Renee said, gasping, as Scotty chuckled. At least, he got her to leave the room, and that was a start.


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