Blood in the Rain (M/f, Nonhuman – vampire)

Elizabeth swung the heavy brass knocker as she shivered. Soaked by rain, she only had to wait a few moments before the solid wooden door swung open. She was greeted by a well-dressed servant.

“Good evening sir.” She began, “I apologize for the late hour, but I have come to ask a boon of the master of the estate. My carriage crashed and my driver was injured just a short ride away. I was hoping he might be willing to grant us asylum through the storm.” She was mortified to be seen in such a state, but a desperate situation called for the shelving of propriety.

With a nod, the servant led her inside the door. “Please madam, warm yourself here. I shall fetch my lord.” He said, before giving a swift bow and turning from the room. Elizabeth contented herself to wait, examining the foyer she had been left in. The furniture was exquisite, she dared not sit upon it in her current state, instead standing near the marble fireplace. As the fire drove away the bone deep chill of her frantic ride for help, she marveled at the wealth on display.

She was deeply examining a painting hung on the wall when a voice behind her made her jump. “It is quite beautiful is it not? I acquired it on a trip through the countryside of France.” She turned to see the master of the estate. He was dressed simply but moved with an otherworldly grace as he entered the room. “Do not worry madam, my Major Domo Reginald has informed me of your situation. I have sent my men to retrieve your driver and carriage, and of course you may shelter the night here.”

Relief flooded through her for a moment before she remembered her proper manners. She bowed deeply “Thank you milord. Your generosity is well appreciated. I am Elizabeth Baumont, forgive me but I do not know your name to thank you properly.”

Her reaction was met with a chuckle. “I am known as the Lord Nikolas Vanikov, but you may simply call me Nikolas. I have never been one to stand on ceremony when not required. Come, let us get you into something dry and fitting of a young woman of your beauty.” He turned and she felt a flush rise to her face. He spoke with the confidence of one used to being obeyed, and she found herself moving to follow after him.

He led her down a hallway, stopping to give context on art or decoration he noticed catch her eye. Finally they arrived at an oaken door. “I had my house keeper find you something that should fit. Please make use of what you’d like, this room shall be yours for the night. I shall meet you when you’ve changed.”

His guest room shared the luxury of the rest of the estate. On the bed she found the clothes that had been laid out for her. The dress was simple, but in its simplicity was an elegant charm. A deep crimson, nearly the color of fresh blood, accented in silver. Taking a few minutes to comb her hair she felt her appearance sufficiently salvaged to meet him back in the hallway. The flush returned to her cheeks as he blatantly admired her. “That color suits you perfectly.”

He led her on a tour of the house, regaling her with stories of his travels. His business had taken him a great many places and he was happy to answer her multitude of questions. Truly he was unlike any man she had met previously. At every turn he seemed to flaunt the conventions of proper decorum, yet never seemed disrespectful.

After a time he realized the hour had grown late “Where are my manners, prattling on when you must be exhausted from your ordeal. Let me no longer keep you from your rest. We can talk more over breakfast, provided I have not driven you away with my boring stories”

She giggled, “Far from it, Nikolas, truly you are an interesting man.” She allowed him to lead her back to the guest room. “Once again I must thank you milord, if there is any way to repay your generosity you must simply ask.” With a final bow she retired.

Perhaps an hour later, Elizabeth found herself unable to rest. She donned the borrowed dress once again and set out through the house. She was unknowingly drawn to the library he had shown her earlier, its shelves stocked with manuals from across the world. As she entered she saw him lounging on a sofa, candlelight illuminating him as he read.

Her regards for proper behavior had been brushed aside. Hips swaying as she walked, she announced her presence as she approached him. “Surely there must be a way I can repay you milord.” He began to respond but the words stopped as she dropped to her knees before him, her hand coming to rest on his knee.

Taking his hesitation as acceptance, she continued. Enraptured, she undid his pants, drawing out his hardening dick. She leaned forward, taking the tip in her mouth slowly. Swirling her tongue across the head, she teased him until he was fully hard before sliding her lips down further. He groaned as she pulled back and plunged forward again. She gazed up at him, locking eyes, his commanding presence taking hold. A few minutes of her mouth and he moaned out for more.

She pulled off him one final time before standing. Hiking the dress up around her waist, she straddled him. She gasped and shivered as the head of his dick pressed firmly against her glistening pussy. She felt his hands on her hips a second before he drove into her. She screamed as he stretched her open with that one quick thrust. Her hands landing on his shoulder, she held him tight as she began to ride him. Rising up until just the head teased her lips before slamming back down.

A few strokes in she found her rhythm, her hips moving in concert with his hands, slamming down as he pulled her close. The pain of him hitting deep within her gave way to a warm throb of pleasure. Gradually she increased her speed, moaning and panting as she rode him harder. Clenching around him, she felt him stiffen as he groaned below her. As she raced towards her own peak, she leaned her head down to his neck. His hands pulled her down one last time as he unloaded deep inside her. The flood of warmth pushed her towards the peak.

He screamed below her as fangs sank into his neck before falling silent. The warmth in her core and the warmth of his blood in her mouth mixed and pleasure crashed through her. She rode the wave of her orgasm as she drained energy from this foolish young lord. The huntress sighed as the last of the pleasure dissipated.

She looked at the unconscious man below her. She had been careful not to take too much, she didn’t want a body to dispose of. Arranging him as if he had simply fallen asleep reading, she left him to return to her room. Come morning he would remember none of this.


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