Erotic Poem: “Devoured”


I am an animal
outside your window,
a ravenous beast, lurking
in the shadows.
My wild eyes glow
in the moonlight
as I prowl
silently in the darkness. Snarling
and frothing at the mouth, I climb the front steps
and claw at your door. Leaving deep
scratches in the amber wood.

Without hesitation, you open
the latch and let me inside. You
are my willing prey – gentle and meek.
Your soft body
is no match for my pointed fangs.

I pounce from behind and bite
the nape of your neck. I tear at your skin,
digging into your meat.
You howl and show your teeth as you turn
to face me.

Passersby hear your high-pitch yelps and furrow their brows. But
are not a victim. These are not cries
for help.
You don’t want to be rescued.

At last, you cease pretending
and lay poised on your back,
exposed and vulnerable.
to be devoured, you whimper
and invite the slaughter.

Wild tones seep through your contorted lips
as I split you in half, splay you wide open,
and feast in between.

By morning, you are a limp corpse, spread weakly on the bed
amongst the carnage of stained sheets
and damp blankets
the soaked remnants
of the moonlit massacre.

I rise savagely from your comatose frame
and slink into the dawn, leaving with the taste of your insides
on my tongue, and your juices
on my lips.
