Masturbation Between Friends, pt. 2 [F18/F18] [College] [First Time]

*So here it is, the second part of this story which I first posted on Literotica in full a couple of days ago (and which can be viewed here:* [**](


I made a couple more tries in the next few days, but my heart wasn’t really in it. I had enough work to be getting on without allowing masturbation to become a chore as well. But I felt a twinge of indignation every time I looked at my bank balance, or when I opened my top drawer and saw the little gold tapered cylinder sitting there-

“Hey, you okay?”

It was Katie. We were sitting together on her bed in our pyjamas, her laptop at our feet with another show playing. It was one of those rainy Saturday afternoons where neither of us felt like doing much and Sunday seemed like plenty of time for our pre-seminar readings. “Sorry,” I said with a shrug, enjoying the way our shoulders brushed together. “Daydream.”

“Ooh, about what?”

“Don’t you try and analyse me,” I warned, though I couldn’t help but smile exasperatedly.

“You just looked far away, was all!” She shrugged again in acquiescence. “You don’t have to tell me.”

As had often been the case in the early days of our friendship, I both wanted to and didn’t want to. I hesitated. The words embarrassed me even to think, and yet I was sure she wouldn’t judge me. We’d probably even laugh about it. Was that it? Was I so used to being sexually repressed that not being judged and having the freedom to say all these things scared me a little? “It’s something really dumb,” I ventured.

“So, not a big deal, then,” Katie countered.

I smiled again in spite of myself. “Do you promise not to laugh?”

“I’ll do my best.” She returned my smile. “If it’s properly hilarious, though, I can’t be held accountable for my actions.”

I steeled myself and went on. “Okay. A little while ago I ordered one of those… y’know, the kind of sucking vibrator things, and I can’t really get it to work.”

Katie covered her mouth, and I could see she was making a valiant effort not to giggle, but it slipped out regardless and I turned away as my face went bright red. “Sorry!” She reached out and brushed my arm reassuringly. “Okay, I’m sorry, I just- that’s just not what I was expecting. Right.”

I turned back to her in exasperation, though I was beginning to laugh myself, still embarrassed but once again relieved that it was now out there. “Is it the same as the one I have?” she asked.

I nodded. “I think so? Look, I’d just never been able to buy anything like that before! I’d have been terrified of my parents going snooping in my room and finding it-”

“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Katie smiled sympathetically. “You don’t have to justify it to me.” We exchanged slightly sheepish but fond looks, and a moment passed, the tail end of our show still playing in the background.

“So, what’s going wrong with it, then?” Katie asked softly.

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “I mean it *works*, but it feels- I mean, it’s not terrible, but it doesn’t do much for me.”

I was certainly still a little flushed, but not as much as I would have been even a couple of weeks ago. This wasn’t quite my usual comfort zone. But that was something I liked about Katie. She made leaving my comfort zone feel less daunting. More like an adventure.

Then she spoke again, in a quite matter-of-fact voice. “Do you want me to show you?”

It took a moment for me to really process the question. “Show me?” I repeated. “Like how to do it?”

“Sure, if it’d help.”

I looked at her, wondering if she was about to grin at me for falling for a joke, but her eyes were entirely serious and calm. “I…” Even for two very open friends, this was surely a bit much. This wasn’t what normal friends did, was it?

But I’d been fretting about being normal all my life, and I was sick of it. I remembered what we’d said before about judgments, and then my own words, about being kind in our assessment of ourselves. “Okay,” I nodded. “Show me.”

My heart was skipping along inside my chest, but I sat up to let Katie out, and she moved her laptop to her desk before going to her own drawer. “Do you want to go get yours too?” she suggested. “So we know they’re definitely the same.”

“Sure.” I made my way a little too quickly back through our shared bathroom and into my bedroom, grabbing the little gold toy of my own. We even kept it in the same drawer and everything.

I returned to find Katie with the blinds drawn, and with her own black model in one hand and a clear bottle with a white nozzle in the other. Sure enough, both hers and mine were identical except for colour. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll show you what I usually do, anyway.”

She made her way back to the bed and sat down, setting the black toy and the bottle beside her. I watched, feeling a hot flush around my collar but not even remotely tempted to avert my eyes, as she shimmied out of her pyjama shorts and then her panties. I suppose Katie may have been more comfortable with undressing in front of other people by now with her sporting background, but *this* was surely something else entirely. “So to start with,” she said, “I like to add a little bit of lube, just because it helps create a kind of seal. It still sometimes takes a little fiddling around to get the top part to go, but it’s supposed to like, *totally* cover your clitoris…”

She looked up from what she was doing. “Come on, come over so you can see.”

I had been almost spellbound where I was standing, but I moved forward and took a seat on the bed, right next to Katie, and she adjusted her position so I could see exactly what was going on. She squirted a dash of the clear gel-like substance from the nozzled bottle onto her fingers and massaged it carefully through the folds right around her clitoris. I watched, feeling my mouth go dry. It was surreal to be watching something that ought to have been so private, and for it to be my friend. We’d been sitting watching Netflix all of ten minutes ago, and now we were here.

“Okay.” Katie was done with her prep. “And now I put it on, like this, and pretty much just hold it exactly there. Don’t move it around, just keep it there. You’ll feel it when it’s properly in place.”

She spread her lips fully, and adjusted the device until it was directly in place, just as she’d said. “And now,” she said, “I usually start on about a 2 or a 3 out of 10, power-wise- I’ve never gone above, like, 7- and I usually like this pattern here-”

I heard a faint buzz, and the toy whirred into life. Katie caught her breath. “Yeah,” she said. “Some of the other patterns are nice, but this is the one I use most of the time…”

She kept a firm grip on the main body of the toy, keeping the head with its opening right flush against her. I watched with bated breath. I had never shared anything this lewd with anyone. There was something hypnotic about it, watching the rise and fall of her chest under her pyjama top and the slight movements of her body as the toy buzzed away…

“That’s-” There was a little hitch in Katie’s voice. “That’s basically it. Just make sure it’s in place like this and let it do its thing.”

She looked up at me. Her eyes were dark, the pupils huge and inky black, and there was something different in the look that passed between us. “Do you want to try?” she asked breathily.

I felt my heart skip a beat. “On myself?” I said. “Or- or on you?”

The same long, charged look passed between us, and then almost on autopilot, I found myself reaching towards the black handle. My fingers closed round it, and Katie let her own hand slip away, nodding slowly. “You can press pretty hard,” she said. “Just don’t- don’t move it.”

I nodded in agreement. My free hand moved from the bedspread to rest on her leg, and it twitched under my touch. “Okay?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She nodded hastily. “Yeah, that’s okay.”

I held the thing against her and watched. Watched the faint tension around the strip of toned midriff visible as the hem of her top rode up, and in her hands now resting on the bed. I tightened my grip on the toy, and I felt a fingertip brush one of the control buttons. A thought occurred to me.

“So you usually start on like a 3,” I found myself saying. “Then what?”

Katie was watching me now with undisguised anticipation. “I go a little higher.”

I met her eyes again, and turned the control up to 5.

Even without the increase in volume, I could have gauged the extra potency from Katie’s reaction. Her whole body jumped, and I had to react quickly to keep the device in position. “Oh my God-” She sat up straighter, the set of her shoulders suddenly taut. “Is it too much?” I asked worriedly.

“No, it’s perfect!” A flustered, beaming smile crossed her face before she caught her breath once more, and she nodded forcefully at me. “Keep going!”

I wouldn’t have dreamed of stopping. Katie was rocking against the pressure now, and little gasps were escaping her lips. “Oh!” I was mesmerised. My friend’s face was flushed, her eyes wide; it was all new to me, seeing somebody else so visibly aroused, all at once excited and wrought by unbridled, physical pleasure…

Then the tension seemed to peak, and suddenly she was shuddering; her legs pressed shut around my hand as her whole body shook with what looked like an incredible orgasm. Her own hand shot up to cover her mouth, smothering whatever sound was threatening to escape, and we looked at each other and laughed half-hysterically as she continued to shake with the force of her climax, wild and frenetic and straining under the toy that was still vibrating in my hand-

Finally she reached down, fingers scrabbling at mine, and I felt her shut the thing off. “That’s enough.” Her voice was barely even a gasp. “That…” She breathed deeply, still rocking back and forth, and gave another tremulous laugh as she looked at me. “Okay, I think you’ve got the hang of it.”

I moved the toy carefully back, feeling it part company with her labia, and set it down to one side. I had just watched another person orgasm for the first time in my life. I had just *made* another person orgasm for the first time in my life. I realised my own hands were shaking a little. Something had awoken within me. A hot, hungry feeling that I had never felt before. I looked again at my friend. “Don’t I get a turn?” I asked pointedly.

Katie looked at me as if hardly daring to believe what I’d said. We were kneeling on the bed facing each other, her still naked from the waist down. She looked at my mouth, and I’d never felt more coveted.

We both leaned in, and our lips crashed together. I’d made out before- never with another girl, of course, but that now seemed like the most trifling difference. I had never had a kiss like this. It was hot, intoxicating and frantic. Katie’s tongue slipped between my lips and brushed against mine, and we found another moment to giggle together before she reached round, clutching my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling me in closer to her. Our hands were all over each other, fondling, squeezing, exploring one another’s bodies. It was all so new, and I almost wanted to slow down, so I could appreciate each mini-milestone that was being ticked off. Almost.

Katie drew back from me just a little, enough for us to exchange a look, and her left hand toyed with the waistband of my pyjama bottoms. I didn’t even have to think before nodding, and she grinned at me as I scooted back against the pillows, stretching my legs out and letting her drag them off. I paused for thought just long enough to appreciate that this really was a serious milestone coming before her fingers slipped under the hem of my panties, nails gently grazing my skin, and eased them off as well. The first time someone had ever seen me naked. Well- sort of. I was still wearing my faded *P!ATD* t-shirt.

“Can we take our tops off?” I suggested.

Katie raised her eyebrows. “Uh, *yeah*?”

I did so hastily. There. Milestone accomplished.

Katie shrugged hers off more slowly. I watched. Her whole body was sleek and defined, and for a moment I felt a familiar pang of self-consciousness. Until she looked at me, eyes wide, and the smile that formed on her lips cut through all my doubts. “You look amazing,” she said simply.

I don’t think I’d ever blushed as much, or smiled as broadly. And I would have told her the same, had she not chosen that moment to kiss me again. This time a little slower, her fingers softly brushing my cheek and fading into my hair as our newly naked bodies pressed easily, thrillingly together, and I hope she could have guessed from the way my hands traced over her lusciously bare skin what I would have said if she’d let me.

When she pulled back this time, her eyes were full of mischief. “So do you remember how this works?” she asks softly.

I sensed where we were going, and raised my eyebrows playfully. “Sort of, but I was a little distracted when you showed me the first time.”

Katie smirked. “Then I guess I’d better show you again.”

She picked up my gold toy from where I’d discarded it when I’d taken control of hers. “First comes the seal…”

She squirted the lubricant onto her fingers, and I felt a thrill go through my whole body as she reached between my legs. Her touch couldn’t have been more tender, massaging the stickiness through my folds and right over my clitoris. Nobody had ever touched me like this. I became acutely aware for the first time of my own wetness, and the thought sent another jolt through me. “Okay?” Katie asked me gently.

“Yeah,” I grinned.

She returned it with a smile of her own, then picked up the toy again. With her thumb and index finger she spread my labia with her free hand, and pressed the toy carefully but firmly against my clit. “Same setting as before,” she murmured.

She pressed the buttons.

I gasped. The toy certainly felt more snugly in place than it ever had before, and it had utterly transformed the sensations from it. Where before I’d merely felt a vague, disconnected vibration, now I could feel it all: the opening vibrating around and sucking- yes, *sucking-* directly on my clit. My whole lower body twitched at the sudden wave of new feelings, and Katie grinned at me, a proud, knowing grin as if she’d been waiting for just this reaction. “Good, isn’t it?”

I merely nodded. Katie rested her free hand on my leg, just as I had with her, and eased it a little wider, her fingers teasing up the inside of my thigh. I was struggling to stay still and let the thing work its irresistible magic. The direct pressure on my clit was more intense than anything I’d ever managed by myself, and I breathed deeply, my fingers digging into the bedspread around me. “Well, it definitely works,” I managed.

Katie smiled slyly. “Want to go a little stronger?”

“I…” The unfortunate memory of my first experience with the thing came back to me. But I knew that Katie knew what she was doing, and the excitement brewing inside me matched that on her face. “Yeah,” I said.

Katie turned up the power.

Oh my God. The jump was just as strong as I remembered it, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable. It was… fuck. I don’t know if it was the extra layer of lubricant taking some of the edge off, or Katie’s gentle, steady touch, or the fact that I was more aroused than I’d ever been in my life. I didn’t know and I didn’t care. It was incredible. The constant, dizzying pressure as my clit was stroked and sucked and pleasured was almost too much; I was squirming, my leg shaking in Katie’s grasp, and she looked at me for a moment in concern, but I nodded again almost desperately at her. “Don’t stop.” Now I was practically tearing at the sheets for support. “Don’t-”

My voice cracked, and I doubt even if it had held up I could have found words for how good it all felt. Fortunately, I didn’t need to. Katie moved up the bed towards me; her right leg slipped round mine as she lay partially on top me, and her lips found mine again, warm and soft. I moaned a little against her mouth. We felt so close; the weight of her body pressing against me, her leg keeping my thighs apart as they threatened to close, and I squirmed beneath her with something more than just pleasure…

It may have been minutes, or just another few seconds; I could barely have told. I felt the tension inside me. It built, it filled every inch of my body. And then it broke over. I came, quivering, my hips bucking as if desperate to drain every last drop of this feeling that was coursing through me. Nothing could have prepared me for it. The intensity. The intimacy. And the gentleness of my friend beside me throughout, reminding me of who I was sharing it with. It wasn’t just the release. It was a rite of passage.

It faded, finally, and Katie shut the device off, half-moving off of me and easing it out from between my legs to set it to one side. I sat up a little straighter, the occasional residual spasm of pleasure still making me twitch. “I guess you’re not half a virgin anymore, then,” I said weakly.

Katie smiled bashfully. “I guess not. I don’t think you are, either.”

She turned back to me, and the next kiss was the most tender yet. Whether because we’d got something that had been building up out of our systems, or just in slight awe and appreciation at what we’d just done, I don’t know. The softness of her lips against mine and her skin under my fingertips were reason enough.

Gradually, we seemed to wind up back in our old Netflix position, albeit now intertwined a little more intimately and still a little giddy at the novelty of being naked together. I lay and looked across at her, her hair tickling my forehead, her arm around me with her hand resting on my hip, and it felt right.

“How long have you wanted to do that for?” Katie asked me.

“Longer than I probably realised,” I admitted.

Katie smiled gently. “Me too.”

I reached for her free hand on the bed next to mine. “So, what now?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Y’know…” I gestured expressively. “What are we? What was this?”

Katie looked thoughtful. “I wouldn’t rush to put a label on it,” she eventually replied. “Not right away. At least… definitely not until we’ve had sex without using anything that requires batteries.”

I laughed, and raised my head to look at her square-on. “So, we will be having sex again, then?”

Another more mischievous smirk played around her lips. “Well, I fucking hope so.”

I kissed her first this time, feeling lighter than air. “Me too.”

