Sarah and Sasha (camping p1) an adoptive daughter adds a new personality to be exactly what daddy wants.

The campfire crackled pleasantly. Daniel had always enjoyed the sound of an open fire, the sound of the subtle earthy crackle and pops of the logs as they gave into the fires hunger. The warmth of it on chilled dark nights and the light that flickered and gave way to dancing shadows. 

He leaned back in his cheap foldable chair, that he very proudly could say he got for half off at academy, and heard the aluminum creek and  the dark maroon canvas shift under him. 

He was happy, happy to be off in the middle of no where in the crest of night, with no responsibilities looming on his mind. No important project due, no meetings important or unimportant, no curfew placed on him by the nessatation of adulthood, and best of all….no ex wife.

His life had taken a turn of the exaparasational stressful the day he and Amy called it quits. Dealing with dividing the house, and the cars and the debts was hard enough, but then there was Sarah. Sarah was thier adopted daughter, a perfect little athlete who played every sport she was allowed admittance too. Softball, soccer, track, you name it, if it had a practice meet she was involved. That made alot of back and forth for Daniel. He was happy to do it of course, but as with almost everything involved with adulthood, it came bittersweet. 

Sarah had petitioned to stay with Daniel during the break up, much to Amy’s dismay, and he had basked in her loss. It was unbecoming of course, but it was the truth. 

As Sarah lived alongside her father he became more and more aware of certain peculiarities that seemed to only happen in private. 

They were small at first, in their medium sized apartment on Camden Avenue , he noticed her door would be left open, which in itself is not all that interesting, however, when they lived in the old house, she would keep her door closed anytime she was home, which both Amy and Daniel thought it best to allow, so she could keep her privacy, but now it would seem she wasn’t all that invested in it. 

Then she started walking around the house checking in on him more often. Again before the break up, Sarah was a shy girl, who tended to keep to herself. But now, she seemed almost a little needy. Constantly walking to into his office to ask what he was doing, or if he needed anything.

Daniel, under the assumption that she was in need of attention and comforting through what may be a difficult time, decided to try to have a movie night every Friday night, to which Sarah was happy to oblige. 

In the begining things seemed normal, but as time went on he would notice things. She wouldn’t wear her normal pj’s, instead she opted for small blue ( his favorite color) boy shorts and a white cotton shirt weighted down by the fresh dampness that comes after a hot shower. 

Daniel tried to not notice, but iver time he literally couldn’t help but steal looks at her obviously budding anatomy. One night, towards the end of the third act of some cheesy horror movie that refused to end tidely, the  cotton clung so delicately to the swell of her breasts, that her soft puffy nipples pressed proudly into the fabric. He could almost make out the cold shade of pink they must be under the white of her shirt, and had to catch himself from carrying his gaze carelessly. Even still however, when he got up and wished her a good night, he could swear he saw the feverish shade of succulent peach spread from cheek to cheek and dripping down her neck. “Could she have noticed my….” But before he was able to finish the thought she yipped “good night” at him like a frightened puppy and scurried out of the room and down the hall to her room in a fervor. 

That night was the first time, he found her….

    He tossed in his pillow willing his eyes to stay closed… but it was of no use, there was a calling in his boxers that refused to quiet. He opined his eyes, and for a split second he saw the pale pink of his adopted daughters nipple straining the damp white fabric of a cotton shirt, before blinking it away and replacing it with the dark of an empty room. He felt a twinge of shame as he got out of bed and stumbled off to the bathroom to get his thoughts untangled in his head so he might be able to get a good night’s sleep.

    He was three steps into the dark of the night before he realized, or rather remembered. He had given Sarah the master room of the apartment….meaning he would have to walk down the hall to the “guest bathroom” if he wanted to do the deed.  Down the hall past Sarah’s room…..

    An annoyance but she was asleep by now….surely. Besides their apartment was shaped kind of like the letter “U” With his room on the left side a short hallway with the guest bathroom, which then turned into the living room and kitchen, then a closet, another short hall and then Sarah room.

 Slowly walked over to his door, and he felt his need bob dumbly up and down in his shorts with each step. He grasped the cool brass knob, and turned in with silent intent, and pulled the door open with the same intent.  He lurched forward and carful to distribute his weight fully and flatly before shifting his weight again to make sure there were no sharp creeks of the floor, he was nearly at the guest bathroom door when he noticed that the apartment wasn’t exactly shrouded in the complete darkness that it should be. Well his “half” of the apartment was, but the back wall of the living room was saturated by….a shade of blue? It was hard to tell…
Interested, he decided to save his trip to the bathroom for a few more minutes and investigate.

    Maybe he forgot to turn the TV off? No, its not bright enough for that…. He turned the corner and saw that the light was coming from Sarah’s half of the apartment. As he walked through the Living room, approaching her hallway, he could hear a sort… sort of whispering, or chanting. It was rhythmic but in waves. Like it was being spoken under your breath. He walked over to her hallway , losing the care he had in each step he had at the beginning.

Her room was illuminated but flashing, like static maybe but pulsing in intensity. As he approached he could see her computer monitor was what was making the light. It sat on a cheap ikea desk on the left wall of her room, but from this angle it just looked like video being played in fast forward.  

“Sasha is….. good….”

“Sasha loves……” 

” Sasha ……a….”

Daniel could make out the whispering a little clearer now, but they came not just under breathe, but also exacerbated, sort of panting.

When he made it to her door, more perplexed than careful, he felt a genuine shock. His fingers went ice cold, and the strong feeling to turn around, walk back to his room and go to bed and pretend nothing had happened veiled his every sense , but he didn’t. 

Whether it be the sheer absurdity of the situation misaligned with his internal model of reality, or some darker ambition pushing its way through the void of his sense of self. He stood and stared all the same, his eyes betraying his idealistic sense of morality, as they drank in every inch. 

Sarah was naked…… but more than that. She was laying on her bed, her legs spread invitingly toward the open door, one hand in-between them, fingers vigorously lapping at her well glazed womanhood. A wet stain on her sheets under her, seemingly reaching towards where Daniel stood , the feverish color that had overtaken her labia and inner thighs testified to the time she had been putting in to fill her need.

The delicate curves of her hips and the tightness of her stomach were easily visible as they worked in tandem to buck her hips into her own waiting greedy fingers beneath them.

    Daniel’s heart was moving at a frightening pace. His cock twitched, reminding him of his need. He felt it grow in his boxers. He needed to leave, he needed to get back to his room, close the door and…. But the strobing of the light in the room from the monitor made the image of Sarah pulse blaringly, seemingly burning through his vision. He could feel the beating of his heart radiate throughout his body, forcing a tremble in his hands, however despite his higher functions warning him of oncoming danger, he inched into the room, towards the bed.. 

As he got closer he realized how she hadn’t noticed him yet, and why she wouldn’t regretfully be able to break the current spell that had him enraptured. The virtual Reality headset he had gotten her on her birthday earlier this year was strapped tightly over her eyes, and a pair of headphones were nestled on each ear, she was cut off from reality and instead immersed in her own fantasies. 

He looked towards the strobing monitor on the screen, but it blinked so ferociously that it was impossible to fully make out. Seemed to be some mix of frames of porn, and large white words on black screen, and slow intertwining black shapes on a white screen, or….  But Daniel had to drop his gaze, the screen honestly hurt to look at for  long.   

    Sarah’s chest, beaded wet with sweat, heaved with her labor,  and two peach sized mounds tipped with the exact marshmallow shaped nipples that had driven him mad earlier that night, now bounced with a gleeful tease that recaptured Daniels gaze, easing his focus back to her. 

His cock stood completely erect in front of him. It was so hard and heavy, it felt like it pulled him forward. He needs to unburden himself. The smell of her sex was thick in the air, and partnered with the visuals made his head swim. He was at her bedside, and his hand slipped under his boxers and gripped his cock, it would be so easy to reach out and feel that young athletic body, to savor the fruits of all those track meets, all those volleyball games, all the soft ball games he had taken her to.

    And then he felt a twinge of guilt, he really shouldn’t be here. He was slowly slipping back to the surface, back to the real world and realizing the situation, and right before reality slipped in fully, he heard his daughter coo in the sweetest way he had ever heard, followed by the most indecent thick slapping sounds as she pushed her freshly glazed fingers back into herself in opposition to her inner walls pushing them out. 

“Sasha is a good girl for daddy”

“Sasha loves being a good girl ”

    He looked down at her face, her forehead plastered with sweat and her brow furrowed. It was the whispers he had heard earlier…. She was saying them shakily and through exhale, like a mantra. As her lips parted again to utter the words that no proper daughter should say, a stream of drool rose and slowly ran down her cheek.

” Good girls are sluts” 

” Sasha is a slut for dahhhhdy” 

Her words bit into him, took hold, and dragged him all the way back down. He could give her the attention she craved so desperately…that he now craved. He could share in her needs and in so doing satiate his own. That was it. He needed this. She wanted this. She deserved it.  It needed to happen. He squatted down, and felt the need to press his lips tightly against hers and savor her need right from the source ,but instead he let instinct take over. He reached down with a trembling hand, not in fear any longer, but in anticipation, and gently pushed one ear cuff of her head phones aside, and gently but firmly said ” good girl, daddy is so proud of you” hunger tinged his words, but he no longer cared as it had completely overtaken him.



  1. Please give me the push to finish this. Part 2 from sarahs viewpoint is like 5 pages in, I just want to make sure people are interested.

  2. Very nice I like the atmosphere your create very tense but also very suitable for a narrative like this

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