My Wife Hired a Sex Therapist, Part 2 (genuinely good sex advice, MF, drama)

You don’t have to read Part 1 first to understand this one. If you like this, check out my 3-part Latvian Sister-in-Law series.

With his wife’s permission, Tyler has been having an affair with his brother’s ex-wife, Anna, for several years. Anna recently married Dave, a charming Don Juan lawyer from Costa Rica. Anna still wants an open marriage so she can occassionally be with Tyler, but Dave is so attractive that Tyler can’t compete for her affection. Even Cammie started sleeping with Dave. Now Tyler has been having sex less than ever.

In Part 1, Cammie offered to help by sending Tyler to a sex therapist named Jenny Waters. Apparently, Cammie didn’t know that Jenny likes to take a hands-on approach.

I’m sure that my wife, Cammie, noticed that I was acting strangely. It had been three days since my first session with Jenny. To say that the treatment had been unconventional would be a major understatement. She was a sexy, confident woman in her mid 20s that helped her male clients with their sex lives by actually having sex with them. She rocked my world by fucking me better than I had been fucked in months. She said it was just an ice breaker and the next session would be different.

Amazingly, Cammie seemed to think that this was talk therapy even though she was the one who made the arrangements. I felt guilty that I had taken advantage of the mistake, but I wanted to be with Jenny again so bad that I didn’t tell my wife.

The time for my appointment arrived. Cammie gave me a hug before I left. I was so nervous I started shaking.

“Are you okay, Tyler?” she asked.

“I guess.”

“It’s okay to be nervous,” said Cammie. “Just let yourself open up to the doctor and tell her how you honestly feel. That’s the only way you’ll improve.”

I didn’t say anything, but I did give her a big kiss before walking to the car.

At the appointment, I knocked on the office door of Jenny’s house. She unlocked the door and greeted me. She was wearing a beige suit jacket, a matching pencil skirt, with a dark blue, ruffled blouse. “It’s so good to see you! I’ve been looking forward to out appointment.” she said.

“So have I,” I said.

“I’ll bet you have!” she said with a grin. She locked the door and hugged me around my abdomen, rubbing her hands up and down my back. She was so much smaller than me that her head nestled into my lower chest. Her perfume smelled amazing.

I wanted to kiss her, but she pulled away and sat behind the desk. “The second appointment is always the hardest because this is the first time you’ll need to exert some effort.”

“Okay, I’m willing to do whatever you want.”

“That’s just how I thought you would react. It must mean that our last session must have been effective.” She couldn’t stop smiling. The thought came to me that she must really love her job.

She took a deep breath and said. “First, I’m going to ask you some questions that are meant to make you think. I’ll be surprised if you get the right answers the first time, but that’s okay because it’s just to help you think deeply and learn.”

“Okay,” I said. I was imagining myself taking off Jenny’s clothes, but, at the same time, I was curious about where this was headed.

Jenny crossed her arms and asked “What is the most satisfying aspect of sex?”

I paused to think of how to respond. Obviously, the answer was “having an orgasm”, but I suspected that this was a trick question, so I just responded, “I don’t know. It’s all enjoyable.”

“Good answer,” said Jenny. “Most men say ‘having an orgasm’, but that’s not right. Want to take a guess?”

I glanced at the floor and tried to think of what to say. “The foreplay?” I asked.

“No, it’s actually not about the sex at all. It’s the act of being desired by your sexual partner. Think about that for a moment.”

I pondered what she had just said. It was a good answer. I enjoyed it when Cammie and Anna were eager to have sex with me (which hadn’t happened in awhile), but I didn’t quite understand why Jenny thought it was the most important part of sex.

“I’m going to repeat it: the most satisfying aspect of sex is being desired by you partner. Let’s explore this more deeply. Biologically speaking, why does your body drive you to want to have sex?”

This was an easy question. “Because all living things on Earth are driven to reproduce,” I responded.

“Exactly!” she said. “And, our human pyschology has evolved to match our biology. Our subconscious minds want us to reproduce. And, when someone wants us to reproduce with them, it’s the most satisfying feeling we can ever experience.”

I was stunned. I knew she was right because I had experienced that with Cammie and Anna, but I had never put it into words like Jenny had.

“And, because humans are the most social animals on Earth, we value our sexual partners affection more than any other possession–even more than money. Why do you think that people watch porn?”

I almost responded that it was an easy way to get off, but then I thought of the answer that I thought she was looking for. “Because it makes your brain think that you have several romantic partners that desire you, which makes you feel more important.”

“Perfect! Only a few of my clients get that answer so easily.”

Without explaination, Jenny took off her suit jacket and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. Her cleavage was showing and I felt myself get turned on a bit.

“Keeping in mind that ‘being desired’ is the most important aspect of sex, how can you use that to improve your sex life?” she asked.

After pondering, I responded, “I can’t think of how to answer that without taking a wild guess. I suppose I’m not as good at sex as I thought.”

Jenny unbuttoned the third button. Now I could see all the way down into the middle of her torso. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her blouse still covered up her nipples.

“It’s good that your humble. That means you’ll learn quickly. Okay, so let’s look at this from your wife’s perspective. Does she want to be desired?”

“Well, yes, of course.”

“Does she know that you desire her?”

“Yes…I think so.”

“Who initiates the sex?”

I paused, not knowing what to say. “I’m sure that I initiate sex at least half the time, right?”

“When was the last time you had sex with her?”

“Three weeks ago.”

“Oh, God, I’m glad you’re coming in for help. We’ve got to fix this.”

Jenny stood up and sat on the couch next to me. She put her arm around me and used her other hand to touch my knee. This was very similar to what Jenny did last time I was here when she seduced me.

“When you and your wife did it three weeks ago, how did it start?”

I tried to remember. “My wife put our kid to bed. I was was watching TV in the bedroom. She came downstairs and watched it with me. When the show was over, we turned out the lights and…she turned over and started whispering in my ear and rubbing my chest.”

“Ah, just as I thought. You were not thinking about sex at all, then she had to get the ball rolling.”

“I guess I didn’t notice before, but it’s been that way for a while.”

Jenny turned to face me a little more. When she twisted her body, her blouse opened up a bit and I could see her fully exposed breast.

“Let’s do a roleplay exercise. Pretend that I’m your wife. I want you to show me how much you want me, but only by using words. You can’t touch me.”

I could feel my cock get rock hard in my pants. My heart was beating.

I looked at Jenny in the eyes and said “Babe…”

“…Use her name,” Jenny interrupted.

“Cammie, I think you look really sexy tonight.”

“Really? What about me looks sexy?”

“The way you’re dressed. I’ll bet the other men were staring at you at the office.”

“I don’t think so. I’m just dressed like anyone would.”

“But you fill it so well,” I glanced at Jenny’s breast. She grinned. “And your hair looks so nice.”

“My hair? It only takes a second to put it in a bun.” She reached up both hands to pull the out of her hair. Her blouse untucked from her skirt and it opened up all the way, exposing her entire torso for a moment. Her long black hair fell to her shoulders in silky, wavy locks.

I started at her. “Jen…I mean Cammie, you’re turning me on so much.”

“I’m getting turned on, too.” She knelt on the couch with both knees, but did not lean in.

I paused for a moment. Jenny broke the silence. “That was good. Now, for the next part, I want you to make love to me. Not fuck me, make love to me. And, you’re going to have to make all the moves. I’ll follow your…”

I leaned in and kissed her, holding the sides of her face delicately in my hands. She grabbed my waist. Light kissing led to a full-on make out.

She leaned back on the couch. I leaned with her, straddling my knees around her small waist and kept kissing her lips. I slowly migrated my kisses from her cheek to her neck, to her collar bone, then her breasts. Very tenderly, I kissed her nipple with very wet lips. I noticed the nipple contract and harden. She exhaled deeply, clearly enjoying it.

I kissed her other nipple tenderly, then I started softly licking and sucking on it. She moaned slightly.

After a minute of giving breasts the attention they deserved, I moved to her skirt. It was elastic and slid off easily. She wasn’t wearing panties and her pussy was completely shaved.

I moved my head between her thighs. She lifted her legs and placed them over my shoulders. Very softly at first, I kissed her clitoris with my wet lips. She inhaled sharply. I kissed it again with small pecks for a while longer, waiting for her to get warmed up a bit more.

She grabbed my head and pressed me more firmly into hwr crouch. She was getting tired on the teasing. I opened my mouth and started licking and sucking her clit more firmly. She let out a loud moan.

I we held hands and pulled her up into a half sit-up. Her abdominal muscles were flexing, which heightened the sensation of me making out with her pussy.

I started sucking and rubbing my tongue at a more rapid rhythm. Jenny turned a bit and moaned loudly, “Oh my God, this feels so good! Oh my….ooooh!” Her thighs squeezed my head when she climaxed, her legs kicking involuntarily a little.

I let her relax for a minute, then I asked. “What would you like now?”

“I want to see if you know what I want.”

I removed all of my clothes, climbed up between her legs, and pressed my cock against her pussy without pushing it in, like a hotdog in a bun. I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her on the lips while I gently rocked my dick against her pussy. It was so open and wet, but I didn’t penetrate.

We kissed for a minute, then she wrapped her legs around me and pulled my body closer. My cock slid into her wet pussy. It was smooth, but just tight enough to stretch her a bit.

“Aaahh! She moaned. I couldn’t help but moan a bit myself.

She put her hands on my chest and felt my pecks flexing as I held my body in a plank position. I started thrusting her with a very slow rhythm. She held her hands and feet on my ass and pulled me in tighter with every beat. My cock went in a deep as possible with every stroke.

After a minute, I could feel my cock start to warm up like I was going to ejaculate. I tried to pull out, but she held me tight. “Faster!” She said with a half moan.

“But, then…”

“Fucking do it faster!” she screamed.

I increased the rhythm and felt my cock swell up. “Oh, my God!” I yelled. My whole body felt warm and electrified.

My cock erupted with cum and she pulled me in deep. I could feel the tip expand and press against her cervix while it throbbed up and down, ejaculating streams of sticky semen deep inside of her. Her pussy tightened up slightly as if it was trying to hold it in.

“Oh, God! Tyler that was so good.” My heart fluttered. It made me feel so good that a beautiful young woman was so attracted to me.

Jenny pulled out some wet wipes and we both cleaned ourselves up and put our clothes back on. Jenny was smiling.

“You’re doing great,” she said. “Now, I’ve got some homework for you. You need to make a list of ten reasons you are attracted to your wife, then tell them to her.”

“Okay,” I said.

“And, I’m going to follow up with her about it. If you don’t do your homework before next week, then we won’t be able to do…hands-on-practice…at the next session.”

I stopped and considered what she just said. By the look on her face, I could tell she was serious.

“It’s not meant to be easy,” she said. “You need to stretch yourself. And you can’t enjoy the…reward…if you don’t get a good grade.”

I nodded in agreement. I was afraid at the thought of Jenny talking to Cammie, but I thought that Jenny was savvy enough not to expose our secret.

When I came home, Cammie asked me how it went.

“It was, frankly, amazing!” I smiled uncontrollably.

“Wow, what did you learn?”

“I’ll tell you later, but, for now let me just say that I love it so much when I hear you moan when I lick your pussy.”

Cammie straightened up and looked surprised. “That was hot! What did you and Dr. Waters talk about?”

I stopped myself before I gave away the secret. “How about I just show you?” I held her by the hand and led her to the bedroom.

To be continued in Part 3.



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