The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.8


The following week was a busy one for Jennifer, although she and Tess still met every day at lunch.

Tess was still distressed over the inconsiderate actions of her ex-boyfriend though, and wasn’t much fun to be around.

On Wednesday, Jennifer stopped half way up one set of stairs. She had to get Tess out of this mood.

“Tess,” she said, “Are you still upset about that photo thing? You have to let it go.”

“I know, but those pictures,” she said with frustration in her voice. “What was I thinking?”

‘*Oh, those wonderful pictures*,’ Jennifer thought.

“Don’t worry,” Jennifer reassured her. “I have the perfect thing to cheer you up.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve been invited to a party this weekend and I want you to come with me.”

“Really?” Tess exclaimed. “That would be great!”

“See, you’re happier already.”

“Oh, wait. What kind of party is it? What am I going to wear?”

“Leave that to me.”

When Jennifer returned to her office, she called Will.

“I need your help,” she said when he answered his phone.

“Hello to you too,” he replied.


“That’s ok, what is it you need my help with?”

“I invited Tess to the party this weekend. When she asked what she should wear, I said ‘leave it up to me,’ like some big shot.”

“It’s okay, I can help. Are you going to be in your office the rest ofthe day?”

“Yes, why?”

“I’ll send someone over to see you.”

“Thanks Will,” she said.

Later that afternoon there was a knock on Jennifer’s door. She answered it to discover a tall, very well dressed man, probably in his early thirties carrying a black briefcase.

“Jennifer Stokes?” he inquired.


“My name is Anthony. Will Davis sent me. He said you needed some assistance.”

“Oh yes, please come in,” she said, showing him into her office. They sat down and he opened his case, taking out a tablet and a notepad. He asked her a few questions regarding what type of dresses she was looking for and made some suggestions.

He showed her some photos and they agreed on two, one for her and one for her date. With his expert advice, Jennifer also chose everything else she and Tess would need.

“I will need sizes for both you and your guest,” he said.

Jennifer gave him her information, then called Tess.

“Hi Tess, it’s Jennifer,” she said. “I need your dress and shoe size for Saturday please.”

She relayed the details to Anthony, who jotted them down in his notepad. With that, he had everything he needed and packed his things.

He assured her all would be ready for delivery Saturday afternoon. Jennifer thanked him and showed him out.

The remainder of the week proceeded normally. Friday, Jennifer called Tess to cancel their lunch date as she would be out of the office most of the day. She told her to expect a package to be delivered to her apartment sometime Saturday.


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