The Rope Bites [Mf] [bondage]

The rope doesn’t bite, not at first.

It feels slightly cool when he lays it on the back of her neck, the two red strands falling to the floor between her bare breasts. He grabs the strands and starts on the first knot, high on her chest. She closes her eyes. It is not the first time they have done this, but the thrill of the unfamiliar is still present. She tries to picture how they must look to an observer, as she is standing there in the living room, naked, her hands high on her head, while he continues to knot his way down her chest and abdomen, still fully dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. His hands brush her skin, her nipples, her thighs, sometimes unintentionally, other times with very clear intent. The sixth knot in the line down her body comes to rest just above her pussy, untouched so far tonight, but already smoldering after his initial kiss and his scrutiny as she shed her clothes. He pulls the strands through her legs; they fit snugly next to her labia and lift her buttocks before he loops them back to the front. She lets out a soft gasp when he tightens them. As the rope snakes its way up her body – front, under, back, twist, back to the front – her breathing slows, the pressure of the harness calming her as it forms against her skin. Even the two strands pressing her pussy together, her inner lips protruding from the tight fit, are as relaxing as they are arousing. He draws the last bit of rope through the loop on the back of her neck, easing the pressure there, before finishing with a bow high on her back, between her shoulder blades. She doesn’t move when he steps away, but keeps her pose, feet apart and hands together on her head. In the silence between her breaths, the butterflies in her stomach slowly come back to life. His plans for her have that effect, even when she doesn’t know them. Because he always has a plan.

His hands run along the ropes, tightening them in some places, moving them slightly in others, all with clear purpose. Her breasts feel the squeeze from the ropes running over and under them, her nipples hardening further. He also pulls on the two ropes that run alongside her labia, past her asshole to her butt, but seems content with them, as he doesn’t adjust them. He does run a finger lightly along her pussy, making her shiver, before he puts it to her lips, eyes locked on hers; his finger is drenched, she is drenched. Her mouth opens without any conscious thought, her lips and tongue know what is expected. By the time she feels him at the back of her throat, she is panting. Now, the rope does bite. With every heave, she can feel it tighten, dig into her flesh. And judging from his smile, he knows.

“How does that feel, girl?”

He is younger than her, quite a bit, even; and every time he calls her ‘girl’, she feels it in her clit.

“Very good, sir.”

“Good. Turn around. Hands against the wall.”

The first blow that lands on her ass makes her lurch forward, almost falling against her outstretched hands. She moans as her skin seems to ignite and presses her cheek against the cool wall. The second slap follows quickly after the first, then a third, and a fourth. She stops counting by the eight time his hand connects with her red flesh. A low, continuous moan reverberates through her chest and lips. It changes to a light ‘Ooh!’ when she feels the cool touch of his lips and tongue on her burning ass. He doesn’t leave an inch unkissed, alternating between her buttocks, but moving ever closer to her dripping center. She pushes her hips out, hoping to get him there faster. In response his fingers dig into her flesh and spread her ass, exposing her to him in all her arousal. When he licks her, slow and steady, from her clit all the way to her asshole, her knees buckle and she can’t help but give voice to the sparks radiating from his touch. Her pussy is throbbing and she desperately wants his tongue on it again. But his grip on her ass is unwavering, and his tongue is completely focussed on her little rosebud, swirling around it, pressing against it. She quickly acquiesces, knows that it is better to follow his lead than to try to steer the scene herself. Relaxing into him, his tongue snakes inside of her, soft and ridgid. She lets out another moan.

His touch suddenly leaves her. Panting against the wall, her eyes closed, she takes several deep breaths, her skin still simmering. Before her mind manages to grasp any of her flitting thoughts, something is pressed against her wet asshole. It is cold – lube, she assumes – but only for a moment. As the pressure increases, so too does the temperature. Her throat makes an involuntary sound as the warmth turns to heat. He doesn’t let up, pushing steadily deeper, stretching her little by little, until she could feel herself closing around the heated metal plug, a low, shuddering moan marking the fit.

“Good girl.”

He pulls on the rope. The wall, steady and cool, falls away; the strands rub her skin in so many places that the heat from her ass seems to light her aflame. She falls back into him, his cock between her cheeks, hot and hard, finally.

“You haven’t earned this yet.” His teeth nip at her ear. “This is for me.”

He almost lifts her from the floor and this time she feels the rope’s teeth. In a single thrust, he is completely inside of her. Their moans bounce off the walls, a chorus that just about drowns out the sounds of flesh on flesh as he takes her with abandon. Her arms flail about, but she is barely aware, suspended only by the rope, his erection, and the tips of her toes.

It doesn’t last long. She is both relieved and disappointed when he pulls her into him with a loud grunt and spills his seed deep inside. Letting her limp form fall gently to the floor, she vaguely notices his softening cock slip out of her. It takes a while for her to regain her senses. The first to come back is the burning bite of the rope on her flesh. She blinks.

“Good girl.”

A glass of water is held in front of her. He helps her to sit up with a kindness far removed from the ferocity several moments earlier.

“Drink up. The evening has barely begun.”

She obeys. A trickle of his seed drips down her legs.
