Erotic Poem: “Plundered”


I am a pirate for your innocence.
Once aboard
your moonlit vessel
I will tie you to the mast
and lay waste to your purity.

In the throws of the storm, amidst the squalls, the swells,
and the cracks of thunder,
with your body drenched, and your wrists bound,
I will pillage your breath
and raid your chambers.

I will drink of your sweet spirits
and feast on your soft flesh
until your weary frame
limply against the ropes.

This is the thievery you longed for
In the shadow of your propriety, lays a secret desire:
to be ravaged,
wrecked, and ruined.

Behind your veil of modesty,
lurks a forbidden craving:
to be chained and pierced —
to feel the full thrust of the cutlass
up to the hilt.

your prayers to the devil have been answered.
I am your sacred demon,
a benevolent bandit,
sent to rob you of your inhibitions.

This is my twisted gift:
Through bondage, liberation;
freedom, in shackles.
If you trade the binds of your shame for the braids of my rope
I will bring you to bliss.

I will captain your being into dark waters
where tied and impaled, empty and bare,
you will find solace in the steady sway of the sea
and taste the rapture
of surrender.
