
Some days, I carry around sexual feelings like a secret wound. A hot, burning secret that seeps its way into my every thought, my every moment. The tightness in my groin, the adrenaline in my tummy, the dryness in my mouth. The thoughts in my head.

Sitting on a train. Looking at the older guy opposite. Does he fuck his wife? Is he filthy? What would it be like to 69 him? Is he horny right now? When did he last orgasm? What would it be like to ride him, my tits pressed against his chest?

The guy around my age in shorts. Nice legs. Bet he has a girlfriend. What’s he reading? What would he look like naked? Does he talk dirty? What is his face like when he cums?

What about last night when my husband and I lay together, rubbing each other, talking dirty? He fingered me to a climax then he fucked me from behind. I felt dirty and wanted and horny and I am still filthy horny now. I can feel my clit swelling, I can feel myself getting wet at the memory.

That girl in the low cut top. What would it be like to suck her tits? Masturbate her? Why have I never had sex with a woman? When did she last masturbate? What did she think about?

On and on. The young good looking guy at the station. The girls laughing at some wild joke. The work colleague who is always so polite – bet he is not so polite when he rips off his wife’s knickers and licks her cunt.

On some days these thoughts just intrude everywhere. Here I am sitting innocently on the underground, on the bus, at my desk. Looking at my phone. Throbbing inside.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xkyv2m/horny


  1. I am this way too. More often than not, and I never show it, although I have to be careful standing up sometimes.

    The woman in front of me at the store. Her pants are clinging, her heels are modest, but she’s almost flexing her ass in front of me. Are her legs shaved? She’s not fidgeting exactly, but she doesn’t stay still. I keep looking at her legs. How do they feel? Are they strong? Sensitive?

    I watch another woman at the counter looking through her bag. Her hands are beautiful, I wonder what they would feel like on my skin. I pretend to be bored, but in my mind I’m kissing and licking her fingers, staring in her eyes. I look at the way she wraps her fingers around her wallet and I can feel myself twitch.

    And like you, it just goes on. Over and over. A woman on the street looks at me for just half a second longer than I expect, and I’m kissing her. I end up standing next to her at the curb and I’m holding her down, slowly grinding against her as she looks up at me.

    It’s torture, sweet torture. Some days I feel like I can’t fucking think.

  2. This is great! I love the idea of hearing someone’s thoughts like that. (but I feel mine would be dissappointingly boring in comparison!)

  3. Erm I should just add I wrote this to try to describe a feeling I sometimes get and I’m thrilled people like it. I didn’t write it in search of cyber sex! (Nobody from the thread has tried that but others have. Appreciate lots of people are horny and not offended, just being clear!)

  4. Wow. Who knows the thoughts that might be going through people’s heads?

    I have carried around being horny as a kind of burden some days too. This describes the feeling so well.

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