Hidden Pleasures – ch.8

The next morning Jennifer woke in her bed at the hotel. She slowly opened her eyes, shading them from the sun, streaming through the windows. She yawned and stretched, snuggling into the blanket, still drowsy.

Jennifer suddenly sat straight up, wide awake, looking around the room. Confused at first, she started to remember the events of the previous evening. The dress, the masks. She remembered Eve and Ivy. And Will.

Her confusion grew when she couldn’t find the dress, or any of the rest of the outfit. How had she gotten back here? She now stood in the middle of the room, turning in slow circles trying to piece it together. Wandering into the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and slowly went over the whole night in her mind.

Okay, the tub she remembered. And the wine.

Back in the bedroom she spotted the hairbrush on the nightstand. She remembered that too, but there was no evidence that she had left this room and gone to any party. No dress, no shoes, no nothing. Had she dreamt the entire thing in a post orgasm, sleep deprived state?

Jennifer was starting to question her sanity when someone knocked on her door.

Wrapping the housecoat around herself, she quickly answered. A woman in a maids uniform, that looked very similar to the one that she thought had delivered the dress last night stood in the hall.

“Mademoiselle Stokes?” she inquired.

“Yes,” Jennifer replied.

“I have a package for you.”

“Again?” she asked.

“Again? I’m sorry I don’t understand,” said the maid.

“It’s okay, never mind,” she apologized. “You mentioned a package?”

The woman handed her a small white box tied with a red cord.

Jennifer looked from the box to the woman and back to the box.

“Are you feeling all right?” the woman asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you,” she said, closing the door.

Jennifer returned to the bed, sat down and stared at the box for a long time before she tentatively pulled the string free and opened the lid. Nestled inside the little white box was her jewel.

Clutching the box to her chest she fell back on the soft white sheets closing her eyes, a blissful smile on her face.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

What’s in store for Jennifer next? Stay tuned for her next exciting adventure.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xjnvdj/hidden_pleasures_ch8


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