She always wears dresses to work….

**reposted to the right subreddit, reformated**** Hey all. this is my first erotic writing post on Reddit. It is LONG, and it is N.S.F.W. please let me know if you enjoy it. Feris

I look up from the back desk and I see her opening our office doors. Maggie. Shy, cute, quiet, Maggie. I smile and wave, and she reciprocates with a sly smirk. This is when its starts. Time slows, and the back drought from the door swooshes her brown, curly hair to one side. The ruffles on the bottom of what looks like purple skirt, flow upward just enough to reveal a morsel of thigh, just above the knee. Her white cardigan, shawl thingy hugs her bosom and waist perfectly….. Fuck… instant chubby! "Get a hold of yourself man!!!" , I hear as I mentally scold myself! " you are a proud half brit!!! You were raised with morals and character! Do not succumb to the base desires….." "Good morning!" Maggie sings, which brings me back from the clouds. "Morning, doll face. How was your evening?" My suit jacket is buttoned down all the way at this point. "Pretty good." She replies. " Pretty low key. I hung around the house, sat on my back deck with a drink, watched a show and went to bed early. You?" "Same for me. No drink though. Just a movie and my pajamas." Play it cool. I tell myself this when I around her. "Pajamas eh?", she says quizzing. " I thought you slept naked? That is why you didn't use the ones the girls at the office got you for Christmas,Dr." "Oh yes…. you got that right!, I was wrapped in a sheet on the couch." Play. It. Cool. Man. " Well," she paused, blushed and spoke again. " when I'm home alone, I'm naked too. I live in the booneys right? Privacy all the time. Why didn't you come over?", she winked. Time slows further….. I am fighting the many urges to tell her what exactly I would have done if ever I found myself alone with her naked with alcohol. THINK! RESIST!…the voice in my head booms louder. "Well as you know, my car is in the shop and your place is a 2 hour hike from my house…" "Your loss!" She teases and struts to the bathroom to freshen up for her shift. Oh my sweet Jesus! HELP! I told myself i was not going to flirt with her anymore. She doesn't say much and i don't know if this border-line harassment. But. But. But then she starts it! There is a vibe here, i know it. Does she want me? Is she even attracted to me? FUCK. I was then pulled back from the clouds by a light touch on my shoulder, causing me turn around. "Excuse meeeee!" She whispers. I realize that I am standing in the middle of the break room corridor and move out of the way. I walk behind her on the way up to the front counter and cant help but notice the swing in her hips, and the slight silhouette of her ass in the dress. "Drip -drop!" My phone chimes and I stop to check it. I look up just in time to see her disrobe of her cardigan, to reveal that she is wearing a thin strapped wrap dress which shows off her elegant shoulders and long, graceful neck. My lips should be on that neck……I pulse a little in my pants. "STOP IT. STOP IT NOW!" I tell myself this as i fight down another semi-erection. She turns around and says ," Shall we start the day started Dr.?" She is shorter than me by a lot. I cant help but notice just enough of her cleavage, and the light outline of the white trim of her bra. If i could have cock punched myself right then and there just to stop the throbbing in my pants, I would have. " lets get it started!" I sang, referencing The Black eye peas song. She giggled as she put on her lab coat, I pulsed again, and we started our day. As the day went on, and it got busier, our humor kicked in. The back and forth banter of off, sexual remarks made our 12 hour day go quickly. This didn't make my fight to stay flaccid any easier however. She is hard not to notice. Her very behavior makes me want to burst in my trousers. Lunch hour was unbearable. We got back into the break room and she plopped down an a chair as i fixed us a salad and chicken. I bring a lot of food to work, but she is a nibbler. We often joke as to how much I try to feed her. Truth is, its not just food that i want to feed her…… ANYHOW….. I tried to ignore her when we eat lunch. If i cant, i make sure she doesn't know that i am studying her body. Sometimes, from the corner of my eye, I catch her looking at me. I slowly turn to face her, but by the time I have completed my rotation, our gaze will lock for a millisecond before she looks down at her food. She eats so slowly, but even her chewing is just so…. ARGHHH! i pinch my thigh. SNAP. OUT. OF IT! I tell myself. "Reggie?" I teleport back from la-la land and turn around. She is sitting on a high-backed computer chair, slouching, with her legs open JUST enough for me to marvel at her thighs…. I stayed strong and looked her right in the eyes. A pair of fiercely penetrative blue eyes stared back at me and she said," would you like a muffin?" " oh no thank you Maggie. I'm full from my lunch." I said as i turned away. " so you don't want to eat my muffin?" She asks. I look back at her but her face is now tomato red. " well that depends what muffin we are talking about now doesn't it?" I chuckle and slap my knee. I looked at her intensely and I didn't think she could get any redder. "Yuh blew it! You fucked up! You just couldn't resist throwing the sexual jab in the could you!! Barbaric heathen! Go home and repent!!" As I was busy chastising myself, but she had already slipped away to the washroom. Thank God. I was fully erect at this point. I thought about every desirable thing I would have like to do to her for the 3 minutes and 49 seconds while she was in the washroom. The door swung open and She whizzed by with her plate and cutlery in hand.Turning back to take mine, she went to the sink. I thanked her and went back to my office to see my next patient. Fast forward to the end of the day. It was about 8:30 pm. The office was closing, and we were finishing up a few things before the cleaners came to tidy up. As per usuall, I walked the other staff members to their cars, and headed back inside to delegate some filling duties to Maggie, because she always stayed later with me. Maggie was no where to be seen. She was probably in my office filling already. Good girl. Takes initiative, I like that. I walked up to the front fax machine to look for paper work to sign when my phone went off again. It was Maggie. Her message read,"Doc, can you please help me with your stupid,old,broken, ugly filing cabinet!!!! I cant find the key!" I laughed out loud. I have the key. She knew that right? It on my key-chain dangling dangerously close to my penis…Also, I don't know why she didn't just yell from down the hall. Its not like office is THAT big, and we were alone anyhow. But still she insists on texting. Anyway, my filing cabinet was all of those things. All you had to do was firmly grasp the handle of the drawer and jiggle the lock….. grasp… jiggle…. hue hue hue hue. I let myself have that one. It was a long day and I gave up on fighting my urges at this point. I passed Maggie's petite lab coat draped over a chair. Great… i thought. My dick was sore from going up and down all day like i was doing curls with it, and now I have to not look at her boobs…tough life! I pushed through the crack in the door to reveal that Maggie was sitting on my desk, with one high-healed leg on my chair. I stopped DEAD in my tracks. Heart rate, skyrocketed. Armpits, swampy. Throat, dried out. Eyes, wide like saucers. My jaw, on the floor. "Dr, I've lost my panties", she says while slowing pulling her dress up her thighs. My first reaction was to spin quickly close the door, because her cute, but plumb pussy was about to we exposed to the hallway. When I grabbed the door handle to lock it, i felt the familiar touch of lace. " here they are!" I squealed, like a prepubescent boy with a dry throat. I dropped her panties on then floor and took a step forward but stopped. She had stopped sliding her dress up too at this point. " so…. would you like to eat some of my muffin Now!?" I nodded my head, "uh-huh", daring not to try to speak. She lifted her skirt all the way with one hand to reveal her muffin. There it was. Perfect. Plump lips, a little hood that hid her clit, well shaven with a small grass patch on top. Before i knew it i was on the chair in front of her, and her hand was on the top of my head, playing with my hair.

I looked at it for a second. Just to appreciate it. I took a breath and went down. Instinctively, she slouched back against the wall and opened her legs wider. She was warm, and she was wet. I didn't dive in at first. OOOOOOH NO. I took my time. Kissing the sides of her thighs, rubbing my lips and my tongue on the sides of her lips, making sure to not touch her opening. Her lips were getting red, and i started to suck them, softly at first, then with enough pressure that when i pulled my head back, they would boomerang back to her. She shuddered and let out a small sigh as i looked up at her smiled. She bit her lip and gave me a look that made my mouth water before pushing my head into her great divide. I guess she was ready. And she was. My tongue parted her curtains and reached her clit, which made her juices run down my chin. She was drenched, and she tasted so sweet. I slurped and licked it all up, as i didn't want to waste any it. The sensation of something wet on my tie suggested that i pull back and loosen it off of my neck. As i pulled back to do so, she grabbed my tie and yanked me back into her! I went to work this time. My whole mouth over her mound. Sucking, licking, flicking my tongue up and down, rolling it slowly and purposefully. I heard her gasp and her breathing started to hasten. She likes it. Now i will drive her crazy. My tongue pierced her and drove inward, curling as i pushed it in and out. The moaning intensified. That must have gotten her attention. Maybe this will be better. I rolled the tip of my tongue out and made figure 8s on her clit., all the while sucking her lips into my warm, wet mouth. Her back arched. Yeah… that did it… "Faster….." she whispered, and i obeyed flicking my tongue up and down. My hand were already wet from holding her ass , and so i prepped my secret weapon. Using just my pointer finger, i assesed the situation, swirling it slowly, as it made its way inside her. She bucked her mound into my face. Yes! Gotcha! I continued to do this all while still working her clit and lips with my tongue. " Oh fuck… Reggie… Ummmmm" she moaned in a high pitched voice. I literally heard "ping!" as my pulsating cock hit my zipper. Hearing my name in such a cute, mini tone drove me absolutely WILD. "FOCUS MAN!" the voice in my head roared out. Fuck you bud…i thought to myself although he was right…." Yeah, she is loving this", he said, " you know what do!" I sure did. Now i went for the kill. I retract my pointer finger and looked up at her. Her grip on my tie loosened and allowed my neck to move freely. I smirked, licked my finger and pushed forward, but this time, i slid two in. The middle and pointer finger were enough to make her cover her mouth, and let out a muffled cry of pleasure. I went to work immediately, circling her clit with my tongue, while making my patented-long-stroking-come-here motion with both my fingers. Her breathing intensified, and so did my techniques. More pressure, faster circles, deeper finger penetration….She grabbed her hair and moaned long and slow. Another turn on for me. More pulsing from the rifle down below, but I was on a mission. She bucked against me one final time and time slowed again. I was concentrating so hard on her contractions around my fingers, that her muffled moans became drowned our by the sound of her juices gushing through my fingers. In that brief moment of silence I heard her heart beat.."thump thump thump thump!" "OH FUCK!!!" More high pitched moaning. She shook, her back arched, she grabbed onto the side of the desk while letting out some muffled screams. The exodus of my drenched fingers caused her to collapse heavily on the desk, breathing hard. We both start giggling. " i cant believe you just did that," she says breathlessly. " i can believe YOU called me in here!" I teased. As i sat in my chair, she laid on my desk, hand in hand with me as we both giggled. After while, I helped upright and began walking to her panties were. Before i knew it, she had already grabbed my hand and began ushering me back my chair. She pushed me back onto it and knelt in-front of me. Oh my god… i thought to myself, is this really happening?… " Not so fast Doctor…. i think its your turn, no?" " i don't have a muffin for you to eat," i said, trying to be a smart-ass. " i think ill find something else in here, better than a muffin…". She bit her lip and slowly stroked my cock, now rock hard, which was trying to burst free of my pants. Our gazes met as she slowly unzipped my zipper. My manhood busted out of the hole in my boxers and through the zipper opening. OMG ! YES, ITS ABOUT TO…. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" THAT is the sound of the front door… "Clunk clunk clunk…" "Dr, your first patient is here. Clunk clunk…. Dr? I came to and Maggie was looking at me, quite puzzled. FUCK….. i did it again…. "Whats wrong?" She said through the glass window. "Oh nothing. I was just deep in thought." "Must have been important. You were out 5 whole minutes this time." she jested. "No no, just daydreaming. Can you please prep my patient please? "Sure thing!" she said and walked away. I didn't even look as she walked away. Why do i let myself get like this…..FUUUUUUUCK! i let out a big sigh of relief as my lab coat was covering the tent that was once my pants. A quick tuck up and i was ready for the day.

8:30pm. End of the day. Time to go home and ice my balls. It was so busy that Maggie and i didn't really get to say much to each other, and I was hurting badly as my morning mind fuck of a daydream left me horny and edgy all day. "Another day another dollar" i said as I walked up to the front fax machine to collect my paper work. "drip drop!". My phoned chimed. Digging into my lab coat pocket , i pulled out my phone to see that Maggie had texted me. "Dr… your filling cabinet is stuck again!! Please come help me!" I bit my lip. It hurt. This was not a dream… Everyone had gone home so i locked the door and looked down the hallway at my office door. FUCK……



  1. First time looking at this sub, and I know I’ll be coming back. :)

  2. Marvelous! I’ve read some good erotica but you have managed to capture the humor that is sometimes missing when people write these hot little narratives. Your story was both human and casually relatable; not to mention very hot. 10/10 would read more

  3. Thank you so much guys for the feedback!! I am.brewing up some more stuff. Since it is based loosely around my lifes shinanagens…. you may have to wait roflol

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