A Purposeful Collision, Part 2 [femdom] [bdsm] [real] [chastity] [at work] [new] [F36/m44]

That night could not have felt any longer. He was checking his phone what seemed like every ten seconds, but nothing. Every so often, he’s text himself just to make sure his phone was working at all. When he finally woke up to get ready for the day, after what couldn’t have been more than one solid hour of sleep, he checked again and still nothing – the only thing that assured him it wasn’t a dream was the fact the emoji from the previous day was still at the top of his messages.

He went ahead with his routine as normal; showering, getting dressed, preparing for an in-office work day. He was still habitually checking his phone, even as he got in his car and headed to the station. When he pulled into the parking lot, he pulled into stop 77 once again, as he’d already prepaid for two days – he noticed the same Toyota mini van in the same spot it was the day before. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he exited his car and grabbed his bag.

As he approached the platform, he saw her standing there; she was dressed very similar to how she was the day before, but this time, her all-black attire consisted of a pair of hot pants with a low cut black t-shirt with a black blazer over it. He was fixated on her standing there, only to be interrupted by a message on his phone. It was the same 🤫 emoji, but the immediate three dots that followed let him know there was more coming.

‘Stand near me, do not speak to me, do not look at me. When we board the train, you board behind me and take the seat immediately in front of mine.’

Her instructions could not have been any more clear. He stood next to her on the platform with his eyes focused on the ground. He couldn’t help the fact that his stare was often diverted to her black ankle boots. It caught her attention too, so much so, he received a text with the words, ‘👀 on your own feet.”

As the train pulled into the station, he took his place behind her. He couldn’t help but to inhale deeply taking in the scent of her perfume mixed with the familiar smell of leather intensified by her body heat. For a few minutes, he simply stared at the seat in front of him – the train was fairly empty for the first three stops. Finally, there was the familiar vibration that accompanied a new message.

‘Hold your phone so it can be easily seen, and accept each Air Drop message as they arrive. You will leave it open until the next one arrives, and then you will open that one.’

After reading the message, he laid his phone on his left thigh. Shortly after, he received a message telling him to move from the window seat to the aisle, but that the placement of his phone on his leg was acceptable.

As the train started to fill up, they pulled into the first station that was typically very crowded. He received an AirDrop request from “Kelly’s iPhone.” He pressed accept. What showed up was a full-screen video of a man on his knees willfully simulating oral sex on what looked like an Asian Domme wearing a large black strap-on. At the end of the clip, she slapped him across the face with it before bending down and spitting in his mouth. When the clip ended, it started over from the beginning. As people passed in the aisle, they glanced at it, looked at him and then looked away. After seeing some familiar faces coming towards him, he flipped it over, hiding the display.

‘Turn it over, and don’t do that again,’ a new message on his phone read. It was immediately followed by one that said, ‘That mistake will not go unpunished.’

He swallowed hard and flipped it back for all to see, and almost immediately, he received a new AirDrop request. He accepted the message again, this time it was the same two people but she was now penetrating the man as he was bent over an office desk. Again it was a short clip, but this time there was sound. Some slapping, some moaning and the Domme at the end saying the words ‘take my cock bitch!’

The first time through, everyone within three rows, not wearing headphones turned and looked. Since his phone was on his leg, there was no hiding from where the sound was coming. His face felt like it was on fire, but he fought every urge to flip the phone over, instead leaving it face up, and sound on as the train filled up more. If there was any doubt that people were noticing the video, the fact that every seat in the car was filled except the one next to him put it to rest.

‘Well done whore,’ the message on his screen read, and it was immediately followed by a third AirDrop request. He accepted an it opened. This time the message started with a view of the same man positioned under the pussy of what he assumed was the same woman. The video continued as she began to cover his face with her urine, the majority ending up in his mouth. As the video went on, he noticed it was a little longer than the others, it slowly panned up from the man to the woman who was relieving herself. She clearly said the words, “that’s it whore, drink my piss. You’re nothing more than a couple of fuckholes and a toilet to me.”

There was an audible gasp in the train car, and as the video started again. He had his breath taken away as well, noticing the woman in the video was clearly the woman sitting behind him, who he assumed was named Kelly. He felt some shuffling behind his seat and then saw her standing right next to him in the aisle.

“Shut off that fucking filth,” she snapped, clear enough for most within the car to hear. “Watch that shit at home when you stroke your little prick – not on the fucking train.”

There were at least two people who let out a cheer as she briefly berated him. She strategically placed her large black purse on her right leg and his left, blocking anything that happened behind it from view. She reached down over his dress pants, grabbed his balls and squeezed. He was in extreme pain, but also in shock. She tightened her grip and leaned closer.

With her left hand, she reached in her bag and removed a curved, steel cock cage. She pushed her bag forward, still hiding her grip, but also putting the shiny steel device on display.

“Take this, walk up two cars, go into the bathroom and put this on,” she spoke clearly, in a way that he knew she was only going to say it once. “As you walk through the cars, hood it in front of you, do not hide it. Go now.”

He walked through the cars with the device in his hand and on display. It wasn’t as humiliating as he assumed because people did not necessarily know what it was he was carrying. However there were a few women who openly chuckled as he walked through with the cage.

He went into the bathroom, pulled down his pants and put on the device. While he was gone, she was transferring some of the contents of her bag into his backpack. As he opened the door from the bathroom, he noticed that his dress pants were completely unforgiving when it came to hiding his new attachment.

As he approached the seat, she held out her hand for the key. He placed it in her palm and she put it on a silver chain around her neck, fingering it and didn’t say a single word.

He received the exact same message as the day before. Short, simple and to the point: 🤫

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xfbep2/a_purposeful_collision_part_2_femdom_bdsm_real