Cabin in the snow PT1 [26M] [Femdom] [Pegging] [Threesome]

*This is my first shot at writing erotica, I hope someone likes it.*

Drew shifted the heavy pack on his back, and looked up at the gray sky. It was getting close to evening, and he still had no idea where he was. He’d been out hiking for almost twelve hours, and had been lost for most of that time. The snowstorm had ruined everything.

Fortunately, the snow had slowed from a thick fog to a light haze, so he could at least see his surroundings now. Nothing was familiar though, under a foot of heavy snow.

Just as Drew was resigning himself to a cold, lonely night, he spotted a dim yellow light in a thick stand of trees, across an open field. He couldn’t see what was making the light, but whatever it was, it must be man made. Maybe there was shelter, or even other people. He started forward across the field with renewed confidence.

As he drew closer, he could see the source of the light now. It was a small log cabin, tucked into a stand of thick pine trees. The light came from inside. Drew smiled. There must be people here, or at least, shelter. Either way, he wouldn’t freeze tonight. He walked forward to the door, and knocked.

After a moment, the door opened a few inches, and a face peaked through. He couldn’t see much, but it was a girl, with blue eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. She studied him for a moment, then spoke cautiously.

“Hello, can I help you?”

Drew smiled and did his best to look non-threatening. “Hi, I’m Drew, I was hiking and got a little turned around. Do you know how far the nearest road is?”

The girl shook her head, opening the door a little wider. “The nearest road is about ten miles away, and even that one’s hardly ever used. We’re the only ones who live out here. How the hell did you get this far out?”

Drew shrugged, embarrassed. “I have no clue. I know the trails around here really well, I’ve been hiking here since I was a kid. The snowstorm got me confused though, at some point I lost the trail and couldn’t find it again. I ended up here eventually, and I have no idea where I came from.”

She thought for a moment, then grinned. “Well, like I said, there’s nobody else out here except me and my sister. It’s just us for ten miles, not so much as a tent. We don’t have a whole lot of space, but you can stay the night here, and tomorrow we’ll help you find your way out.”

Drew sighed, relieved. “Oh, thank you! That would be great, I really appreciate it.”

The girl smiled, and opened the door, beckoning him in. “You’re very welcome, we don’t mind. You said your name was Drew right? I’m Ivy.”

Drew stepped inside, and shook her hand. The cabin was small, but warm and cozy. The furniture was sparse, just a fireplace, a table and some chairs, a couch and a coffee table.

Ivy gestured at the room. “It’s pretty small, but it’s all we need. Make yourself comfortable, I’ll get my sister. She’s bringing in firewood.” She grabbed a coat and snowshoes from hooks by the door, then walked outside.

Drew took off his hiking gear, setting it on the floor by the couch. He then looked around the cabin, there really wasn’t much to it. There was one thing he didn’t notice at first though, a door tucked into a corner by the dining table. It was only about half closed, and inside he could see a bed covered in fur blankets, some dressers, and…

On a nightstand, a large strapon dildo.

“What the fuck?” He said to himself. Ivy said she lived here with her sister… He shook his head and walked back to the couch. It was weird and uncomfortable, but he would pretend he hadn’t seen it. As much as it made him gag, these were his hosts for the night, and they’d saved him from a night spent half frozen in the woods. He could ignore some discomfort for a night, then tomorrow he’d get out of here and never have to think about it again.

He sat on the couch for a moment, and looked around for something to distract him. He saw a mantle above the fireplace, with a single framed photo. He stood up, and walked over to pick it up. The photo depicted two girls standing outside this cabin- Ivy, and another girl about her age who must be her sister. Ivy was shorter, with dark black hair and deep blue eyes. She had a great figure, lots of curves. Her sister was a little taller, probably taller than Drew. Her hair was a dark red, but she has the same deep blue eyes as Ivy. She was slimmer, not very curvy, but her face was probably the most beautiful Drew had ever seen. On the back, he found a note.

*River and Ivy buy their cabin. 07/15.*

River must be the sister. They looked like sisters all right. He set the photo down, and walked back toward the couch, as the door opened. Ivy walked in, with River behind her. River really was tall- Drew wasn’t short himself, but River was at least half a head taller than him. He was a little intimidated, until she smiled at him warmly.

“Hi Drew! I’m River, Ivy tells me you’re staying with us tonight. Great to meet you!”

Drew smiled back, relieved. They were both perfectly friendly, so even despite their… unusual habits he was pretty comfortable already. “Yeah, I hope that’s not a problem. I got turned around in the storm and completely lost the trail.”

Ivy and River both shook their heads. Ivy grinned as River said; “it’s really not a problem, you’re welcome here. We could use some company.“

Drew smiled. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll take a quick nap for a few hours.” Ivy and River both nodded, then walked over to the kitchen. Drew lay down on the couch, and fell asleep almost immediately.

*A few hours later*

Drew woke up, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Through a window, he could see the sun had completely set, and it was snowing hard again. Drew sat on the couch for a few minutes watching the snow, then the girls pulled up two chairs and sat across from him. Ivy spoke first.

“Drew, while you were asleep, me and River talked about you staying here tonight. We’re more than happy to have you and we won’t turn you away, however, we do want something from you in return.”

Drew gulped. The two girls were sat across from him, arms crossed, looking almost stern. He wasn’t sure what to expect. “I’m happy to help, what do you need?”

Ivy nodded at River. River reached behind her chair, and pulled out the huge strapon dildo he’d seen. She set it on her lap, and wiggled it slightly. She grinned, almost menacingly, as Ivy spoke again. “We get lonely out here, Drew. It’s just the two of us, and we’re sisters. We haven’t been able to fuck anyone in… well, a long time. If you let us use you, you can stay as long as you want.”

River flicked the head of the dildo, making it shake. “I want to make it clear Drew, this is your choice. If you don’t want to do this, you can gather your stuff and leave. We’ll give you directions to the road, and call the local sheriff to tell them to pick you up. You’ll be fine. It’s pretty cold though, and the road is far away and easy to miss, so it’s not the safest option.”

Ivy nodded. “If you stay, we won’t do anything bad to you. It might hurt at first, but you’ll get used to it. It will only take a little while, and you might even enjoy it. Then you can get a good night’s sleep and leave tomorrow morning. Which is it? Brave the cold, or stay here with us?”

*Part 2 coming as soon as my lazy ass finishes editing it*
