A Partnership, PT 1 [Solo] [Exhibition/Voyeur]

“This is close to graduating and you can’t stop your bullshit for a few more months!” My mother yelled, throwing her keys at me as we walked back into the house. “Expelled!? You’re a goddamn adult now, and you can’t even pretend to act like one!? Where the hell did I go wrong?”

I shrugged. “I’m sorry. Those fucks were just spoiled idiots. Someone had to tell them off.”

She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed. “You know they’ve been working with me on the tuition right? You know how hard I have to work just to keep you in a good school. I still owe them for the last two years. I convinced them to let you graduate without fully paying the tuition.” 

I knew very well I had fucked up. My mom did work hard to ensure the best possible future she could for me. “Again, Mom, I’m sorry.”

Another sigh. “We’ll deal with it later. I have to go back to work.” She began back toward the door. “No fucking games. Start looking for a job.” 

The door shut and she was gone. Despite having felt that I had done nothing wrong. I felt embarrassed. My friends wouldn’t even look at me when I tried to say goodbye. Fuck ’em. Them and their folks triple decker homes and trust funds. I didn’t really mean that. I dreaded the phone call I’d receive from dad. Four states away and he thinks his fucking opinion matters.

I spent the first few hours sitting at my computer looking for work. I had to at least show mom I was trying. A few confirmation emails stating that my applications had been received would be enough.

I sat back in my chair and did what any eighteen year old with a raging libido would do. I hit the porn sites. I was in the mood for something hard and dirty. I found one where the scenario involvef a sexually frustrated wife fucks off her husband’s debt on their bed. She was really taking it. 

It was great for a few minutes, but then it was boring. I was too distracted with everything that had happened that day. I don’t know. I knew that I was still young and that everything would pass and life would move on, but, when your whole life has barely been two decades, it feels far more significant. Your whole world stops, especially in the cliquey world of high school. Whatever, I was done with it for now. Either get a GED or do a whole nother year of it. Sounded like hell.

I heard a woman laugh coming from next door and went to the window to see what it was all about. The window looked out to the neighbor’s yard. They were a little better off than me and my mom. Two incomes really do make all the difference. They were even able to go ahead and install a pool, which really looked out of place in our neighborhood.

Suzy, the neighbor’s daughter, was out by the pool. She and I used to play together when we were kids. It was around the time that she had started developing that we stopped. She wanted to hang out with her friends and talk about boys. Eventually she stopped coming around and, with no siblings of my own, I was alone. 

I remember my mother talking to Suzy’s parents who said that she had graduated early from college, always a smart one. I didn’t know she was back home. We never really spoke much after, again, she started her journey into womanhood. Age differences between friends suck when you’re a kid.

The memories and the child in me wanted to run out and say hello. The horny teenager, however, wanted to stay at that window and watch her for a minute as she laid out by the pool in her bikini. It was blue and went well against her pale skin and light brown hair. She had her phone up, like she was on a video call with someone. Probably her boyfriend from college. That’s what happens right, you meet the love of your life there they say. They also say that you’ll meet true friends who will always stay in contact. 

I started to think about what could happen if I walked down there. I could walk over, maybe she’d be happy or surprised to see me. We’d chat for a moment. She’d smile. Then while I’m sitting there across from her, she’d slide a hand down to her snatch and slip her blue bikini bottoms to the side, grope her breast with the other hand and invite me to her.

The thought pulled my own hand to my dick, and I began to jerk it as I watched her chatting away. Her tits looked amazing and I wondered what they’d feel like in my hand as I pumped her full of my hard dick. I could hear her yell my name for all our neighbors to hear. How awesome it would be to be a high school senior banging the brains out of a twenty-one year old college grad.

I stopped my fantasizing as I realized she was holding the phone down to her crotch where her hand had begun rubbing. So, she was talking with her boyfriend, I thought to myself. It turned me on. How does it feel asshole, knowing someone is jerking off to your fucking girlfriend, probably fiance at this point. She was mine first. She played with me. She was my friend, not yours. 

Had I been in my normal headspace and not horned out to the max, I probably would have been terrified at the thoughts that had conjured up in that moment. But, I couldn’t help it, the thought was so hot. The idea that I was enjoying what he felt was only his. Damn. 

I moved my hand out to support myself as the tugging was finally getting the results I had sought after. I could feel my dick heat up in my hand and start to throb as I inched closer to the edge. However, I missed the window’s edge and my hand hit the window itself, which gave off a loud sound. Shit.

Her attention went from her phone and up to the sound, the window where I stood. She had caught me. She caught me literally with my pants down, snooping like a perverted creep. I panicked and ran from the window, pulling my pants up as I did. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I spent the next few moments waiting, sitting on my bed, away from the light of the window. How could I have been so fucking careless, I thought. This was a terrible day. All reputation out the door. No more friends, no more school, and definitely can’t show myself in the neighborhood. I guess, I could go live with my dad, but fuck that. I’d never have any space for myself.

The doorbell rang. The hairs on my neck stood up and I thought I felt my soul leave my body. I waited, whoever it was would probably go away in a bit. The doorbell rang again. Fuck it. I got up from the bed and went to the door, enduring another press of the chime. 

“Coming,” I said. I peeked through the peephole and felt my heart stop at the sight of Suzy standing there. She had put on a large pink t-shirt that girls sometimes try to pull off like a dress. Her arms were loose by her side, her phone in one hand. She didn’t look pissed. I opened the door.

“Hi,” she said with a smile. Her teeth were so white and borderline perfectly straight. “Been a minute. Shouldn’t you be in school?”

I sighed. “Not anymore,” I said.

She looked excited, “did you graduate already? I thought you were a senior this year.”

“I was,” I said, not really wanting to go into all the details.

“I get it,” she said with one hand raised. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s cool. I won’t pry.” She crossed her arms and threw her weight over onto one hip. “Well, you’ve definitely grown up!” She giggled. “Bet you’re a real ladykiller.”

I rolled my eyes at the very thought of that phrase. That’s what parents and relatives say when they see you and want to try and bolster your confidence. A hollow compliment at the very least.

“Can I come in for a bit?” She asked. “It’d be great to catch up and I’m not really doing anything for the rest of the day.”

“Sure,” I said as I stepped aside to let her in.

“Thanks.” She stepped past the threshold and into my home. I can’t remember the last time she was over. “I’m curious to find out what kind of man you’ve turned out to be.”

A disgusting one, I thought to myself.

“Um, do you want something to drink?” I asked as I walked over to the fridge. “We have coke, ginger ale, lemonade, and sparkling water.”

She leaned against the counter beside the fridge, looking in. Her ass in the blue bikini bottoms was peeking out from where her shirt had begun to ride up. She definitely didn’t skip leg day. Was this beautiful woman really the same girl who used to play with me as a kid?

“Those Sam Adams’ up for grabs,” she asked.

“Oh,” I said. “Um, sure.” I grabbed one of the glass bottles of beer, pressed the edge of the cap against the wooden cutting block, and smacked my hand down. The cap popped off and I handed her the beer.

“Wow,” she said, with what looked like genuine admiration. “You’ve done that before.” She took the beer from my hand and took a sip. “You’re not going to have one with me?”

I laughed a little at her question. “I’m already going to have enough trouble to explain to my mom why the one is missing.”

Suzy rolled her eyes. “Just tell her I drank the beers, and I’ll buy her a new case. Not very gentlemanly to let a girl drink by herself. Come on. We haven’t seen each other in years. It’s only right to have one with me.”

“OK.” I grabbed one of the beers and opened it the same way I had for Suzy. 

“Cheers,” she said. I began to take my swig. “So, were you going to say hi after you were done jerking off to me or no?” The beer spewed from my mouth all over the front of the fridge. She laughed and took a sip of her own beer. She walked past me and toward my room. “Let’s see the vantage point.”

“Hey, hold on.” 

She was already in my room, standing at the window looking out toward her house. “Yup, this is some prime seating,” she joked. She had a sincere smile as she looked back at me. “I’m flattered.”

“I’m glad you find this funny,” I said.

“What? He doesn’t even deny it or try to think up an excuse? You are full of surprises. Most guys your age in this situation usually start tripping over their own words in some desperate attempt to save face. But you, you’re more grown up than I gave you initial credit for.”

I tried hard not to blush, even though I wasn’t sure it was a compliment. Her eyes turned to my computer and I realized that I hadn’t closed out of the porn video I was watching. 

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed. “You mean to tell me, that you chose me over that?” She walked over to the desk and sat down.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“I’m getting to know you,” she said as she pressed play. “And there is no better way than this.”

The video was playing and she had unplugged my headphones. The sounds of sloppy smacking, moanings and the woman shouting shit like, “so much better than my useless husband,” or “keep him in debt and fuck me.” Suzy’s eyes were big with excitement and glee as she watched. She stopped the video and went to the site’s search history.

“Oh, this one should be good,” she said, clicking on one of the recommended videos. “You use this site a lot don’t you. It’s practically tailored for you.”

The video she selected was a staged scenario of a burglar breaking in, but while he’s going through the house the couple comes home fighting. After they separate, the wife ends up fucking the massive cock of the thief while the husband comically is oblivious while walking around the house.

Suzy continued to watch with glee. She would sip on her beer and I noticed that her breathing had slowed from a normal pace. I had enough of the embarrassment. She had succeeded in her punishment for my snooping.

“OK,” I said. “That’s enough.” I reached down, stopped the video and did a hard shutdown of the PC. Something I might regret later, but I wasn’t too worried at that moment. Wasn’t like I had any unsaved file opened.

She looked up to me with a face of discontent. “Come on, it was just getting good. I was genuinely wondering if the husband was going to catch them and stuff her face. Then maybe he and the thief would develop a bond as they rail her holes together.”

“What?” I was taken back by her words. Normally, in my experience, especially with my ex-girlfriend, girls were usually disgusted at the thought of a man watching porn.

“Well,” she said as she stood up from the chair. “Either way, I think I have a good idea about you now. At least about what gets you there.” She walked over and fell onto my bed where she laid with her legs off the edge, and propped up by one of her arms. “You like taking what others have, or at least you really like the idea of it.” She giggled and for a moment I was distracted by the thought that this beautiful smiling woman was laying out so comfortably on my bed.

“I guess,” I said as I sat down on the chair. My eyes took a quick travel along the length of her legs as I took a swig from the beer that I had been neglecting. “Yeah.”

She squinted as if she was thinking. “So, when you were jerking off to me, was it my body, the fact that we were childhood friends, or because you thought I was having video sex with my boyfriend?”

I shook my head, overwhelmed with how direct she was. I sighed, “all of the above?”

Her smile widened and she did a great job at hiding her blush. “Wow, I’m flattered. Thank you.” She finished off her beer, making me look like a bitch will still most of mine left. “I think I’ll have another.” She got up and walked off into the kitchen. “Grab you one too?” 

“Uh, sure,” I said. I quickly began to chug what was left of my beer. It wasn’t the first time I had had to make alcohol disappear fast.

She walked back in. I don’t know what it was with the way she did it. But the way she walked in holding the two beers, one in each hand, and her pale, smooth, and toned legs made my dick throb. Good thing I was sitting. I could spare myself any more embarrassment. 

She handed me one of the Sams. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” She anchored the edge of the bottle cap on the corner of my desk and popped off the top. She giggled. “I’m familiar with the techniques.” She sat back down on the bed, this time leaning back. If her legs had been spread a little, I would have had a clear shot of her crotch. “Well, some clarity on the situation. I’d hate to disappoint that fantasy of yours. But, there is no boyfriend.”

I tried not to seem excited. “Oh?”

She shook her head and brought the edge of the head of the bottle to her lips. She eased back a swig and rested the bottle down between her thighs. “No,” she said. “Did that ruin the experience for you?”

I popped off the cap of my own beer. “Um,” I started but unsure of how to finish the thought, “I guess not.”

“You guess not?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Where is that guy who had no shame in his honesty just a few minutes ago? He was more fun, bring him back. I like talking to him. I’m not into boys. Grew out of that a while ago.” She gave a sigh as if to say she had grown bored. “So? Aren’t you curious?” 


She shook her head in a i-can’t-believe-you’re-this-dense manner. “What I was doing with my phone while playing with myself at my parents’ pool?”

“Ok, what were you doing?”

She unlocked her phone and I watched the light from the screen shift shades and illuminate her face in different lights. She bit her lip and grinned, then passed the phone to me. “Have a look.”

When I looked down at her phone, it was on a profile page of a website that read SuzyFuntime. Beside the name was a picture of Suzy in some designer lingerie with her pussy fully revealed, followed by a bio. The header was a photo of her bent over, her ass a perfect peach. My heart was racing and breaths had grown shallow.

“Holy shit! You’re an Onlyfans girl?

“Yup,” she said as she snatched the phone away from me. “I started a couple years ago.”

“What made you start?”

She laughed. “You think I’m going to work so hard to look like this and not take advantage of it?” She winked at me and laughed. “No need to answer, you already showed me your opinion. Plus, how many other people you know were able to pay off their student loans shortly after graduating?” She looked at me, clearly enjoying herself. Was she aware of how she was tormenting me? She had to have been.“So,” she continued, “are you playing hooky from school because you thought you’d get an eyeful of the neighbor girl?”

“No,” I said. “I was expelled.”

“Expelled? From that preppy little hippie school your parents sent you to?”

I nodded. “Yup.”

“Wow,” she said. “What on earth did you do to get the boot from there?” She looked around the room. “Hardcore porn, Nine Inch Nails poster, novels and philosophy books, playstation and a shit ton of blu-rays of a really weird combo of genres. I get the feeling you have some strong opinions, you’re judgmental of others and maybe, even if you don’t think it, like to alienate yourself with the belief that it makes you unique and special.”

Her analysis felt like a gunshot to the heart. Bullseye. “Damn,” I said. “You got all that from just one look around my room?”

“I have skills,” she said, looking down and circling her thumb around the rim of the bottle. “In more ways than one.” She peeked up with her eyes and met mine. For a second that felt like a minute my heart raced and my crotch throbbed. She sighed as she shook  her hair from her shoulder and down her back, revealing her neck. “So I guess you’re looking for a job until you start over again?”

“Yeah. How’d you know? Another educated guess?”

She pointed to the computer. “You had the job search site up as a tab in the browser.” She gave a soft laugh with a playful smile and took another sip of the beer. “Get a quick little summer job working for nine dollars an hour for fifteen hours a week until the school year starts up again, right? What is that like…$135.00 a week, for roughly eight weeks of work? So, $1,080.00 total for two months of your life. Congrats, you could pay one months rent for two months of your time in a one-room studio apartment.”

I shrugged. “At least it’d be something to do. You know? It’s a start.”

“Until your mom starts charging you to live here.”

I sighed at the thought. My mom had been alluding to starting to charge rent in her rant to me after picking me up from the school. What was I going to do? She wasn’t going to go easy on me either. She’d probably take every check. I owed my mom, and I understand helping out. But how was I going to get cash for me?

“Cheer up, buttercup,” Suzy said as she sat up. “I can’t stand to see a good looking guy so down. Especially when he’s been so honest with me. What if I told you, I could pay you to help me out?”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xbn0jg/a_partnership_pt_1_solo_exhibitionvoyeur