[C] My Invisible Gel [Invisibility] [Masturbation (F)]

[Features: invisibility, female masturbation, slimy.]

Obsession. Everyone has something or at least I hope that’s true. Something that someone is really into, that if they had to pick something that thing would be what they picked every single time. Maybe it’s a hobby you know you could never put down, maybe it’s knowing you could never stop masturbating even if you tried, maybe it’s a certain food you’d rather die than not be able to eat anymore.

For me, it was invisibility. I was obsessed with invisibility. The idea of turning invisible just, was perfect. It was never about the actions afterwards. Stealing or peeping or anything like that. No, it was the very core idea of *existing* and yet not being able to be seen or noticed in any way. No, it was better than that, really. There’d be sounds, impressions left, possibly even smells or other ways to detect but the vital sense of sight, would be useless. The idea alone filled me with a lust I could only describe as a man looking at porn and beating his meat till it begged for mercy. Not that I’d know about that, being female, but I think the point still stands.

And that horrible obsession is what led to me buying some gimmicky powder from ebay. “Invisible Gel! Leave your body unseen today!” Yes, I wasn’t stupid, I knew it was actually impossible to become invisible. Light refraction alone would render you blind but even before that, you’d have to completely bend light around a singular person and that was hard enough without moving and without whatever is causing the light to bend in the first place to be seen. The best modern science had gotten was *‘Nearly’* invisible. It gave me hope for the future but it just wasn’t the same. I’d never liked the invisibility cloak for example from those famous movies. It just wasn’t the *same.*

So yes, I had wasted money on probably a gimmicky toy product. It wouldn’t be the first, wouldn’t be the last, but it was fun. Fun to imagine my body going out of sight. For my fetish to suddenly and randomly come true. I sometimes chuckled to myself, imagining people with other similar impossible fetishes doing the same thing. Was there another person obsessed with invisibility buying this stuff? Someone into gender bender buying certain types of lingerie? Was there someone visiting crop circles hoping to get laid with some aliens? It always filled me with joy to think I wasn’t alone in this type of hobby.

This Gel though, I was expecting, well, Gel. No, instead I got a powder that needs water to turn into Gel. More than that, I was expecting like, a little tin can that could fit in your hand. Not a tub as big as my head. This was, well, honestly I was hoping it did something actually cool because I had a lot of it. I had bought a small tin can that made your body glow in the dark where it was rubbed and that had been pretty great for a little while. I don’t know how glowing in the dark was suppose to make you invisible but still, it was fun. A whole tub though, that was crazy. It had only been like 10 dollars.

With those thoughts running through my head, wondering what it would *actually* do, if anything, I took some powder out and mixed it with water. Hey, no reason to waste the entire tub right off the bat right? Who knows if this Gel stays good for long. I was in the bathroom, waiting for the time the instructions on the side had said, when finally it was done. I was currently in my own bathroom, in my own home, so I was naked. No reason to wear clothes if you don’t have to. I stuck my hand into the little pot I had prepared the Gel in and grimaced. I knew it was going to be Gel, but it felt so *slimy.* Like a frog or, I don’t know, it was by far the slimiest thing I had ever felt only my body. I hadn’t even hesitated, I had stuck my whole hand in and now it was all, gross.

“Ughh. Ewww.”

I pulled my hand out and looked at it. At least it wasn’t viscous like slime. My hand had come out of the pot easily but it was sticky. The slime was still covering my whole hand. It was, surprisingly clear actually. I could see my hand through the slime. That was kinda cool actually. Maybe not enough to keep it all but still, I could maybe see some sorta-

My hand. I was looking at my hand. The hand that is in front of me right now. So why, is my hand… why can I see through my hand?

As my eyes widened and my jaw dropped, reality continued to become asinine. My hand was disappearing. For real. Actually, really, disappearing before my eyes. I watched and gulped. No way, this couldn’t actually be happening right?

But the Gel didn’t care for my mental turmoil, it just kept doing it’s thing. Soon, my hand was-


My hand was gone. The slime was gone. I moved it, flexed, tried moving each individual finger. Gone. All gone. Not there anymore. But I could feel it, move it, somehow still feel the slime on me.


“Oh my god.”

I couldn’t believe it. My whole world was being torn apart and rebuilt. It wasn’t real. This couldn’t be real! And yet, who cares? Insanity induced daydream? Some kind of mental hallucination or poisoning from the Gel? I don’t care! I’m invisible!

I wanted to shout and leap for joy and, oh god. Oh god this changes everything!

I tried to calm my adrenaline and rapidly beating heart but that sure wasn’t going to happen. I was practically giddy with energy. First thing was first, I reached out with my other hand, and grabbed my hand. It was still there. Still invisible and… weirdly not slimy? That was so odd. My hand certainly *felt* slimy but it seemed like the slime was just, gone. So I covered my whole body… well that was a small price to pay. Actually, no, I would probably started associating the feeling of being slimy with being invisible. Already I was getting so fucking turned on and only my hand was invisible!

Jesus christ. ‘Only my hand was invisible.’. I felt like I needed to sit down, that thought nearly knocked me to the ground. The world was just going by too fast but I was too excited to do something silly like that! Immediately, I used the rest of the slime I had made and started coating my hand and arms. Like magic I watched as my whole entire *arms* just, ceased to be below my elbows. I wanted to stop everything right there and rub and finger myself into oblivion but I resisted. Horny I was but I couldn’t stop until I was done!

I nearly dumped the whole thing into the tub before collecting myself. Who knew if this would last? Was it temporary? Permanent? Would it only last for a few minutes or a few hours? I didn’t know. And who knew if the next batch, if I could even find the person I had bought from, would also be able to turn me invisible? No, I can’t ruin my life because of excitement. I eyeballed how much powder I thought I’d need for my whole body, about half the container or so, and waited, painstakingly, for it to turn into the Gel.

Finally, finally it was done and I rushed to it. Grabbing the Gel in my invisible hands was so bizarre. It was just, floating there, in mid air, in the shape of my hands. You could see it bending over my fingers, telling you my fingers were there, yet there was just empty air. It was, fascinating. I felt my other hand start to reach lower.

No, no, bad Jessica, invisible first, masturbation second. I started rubbing it against my upper arms next, coating them. Rubbing underneath my armpits was especially odd. I was over the feeling of being slimy now that it caused me to turn *invisible.* But still, slimy pits was weird.

Next was my neckline and torso. I couldn’t help it. Rubbing that Gel on my breasts, I was probably a bit *too* thorough. But feeling the Gel on me, *watching my breasts disappear,* feeling my invisible hands gripping my invisible breasts, god I wanted to fuck myself so bad right now. I was wet as fuck.

That made me learn something new though. The Gel couldn’t be overapplied. More Gel on my breasts had just led to it staying there, on me, until I rubbed it down across my midsection and stomach. I had to stop though and quickly coat my back and sides. Seeing through to the front? Of your back was just too weird, even for me.

Eventually, I looked in the mirror and saw only a floating head. Well, I still needed to get the other half of my body as well but that wasn’t in the mirror. I had a slight issue though. I knew, in my heart of hearts, that if I tried to coat my vagina I’d just end up masturbating because *fuck.* My willpower was already slipping. I didn’t want to wait a second more and lost control. I grabbed the whole pot, stepped into the shower, and let it pour over my whole body. I felt slimy and even as the Gel dried, that feeling didn’t go away. But it *was* now over my whole entire body. I felt slippery but wasn’t. Was this what a frog feels like?

All of those thoughts banished from my body as I looked down, and my body was gone. All gone. I had turned completely, fully, totally invisible. I couldn’t stop myself and immediately slammed my fingers down and up, penetrating myself, masturbating fiercely. I was invisible, I was fucking invisible, I was- *Oh my God, Yes.*

I rubbed myself till I felt like I was raw and couldn’t settle for just this anymore. I ran back to my room, my footsteps leaving impressions down on my carpet, my fingers leaving wet smudges on my drawer, as I grabbed a vibrator.

I laid down on my bed, watching in awe and arousal as I saw my body leave an invisible imprint on my sheets. I laid back and eased the vibrator into myself. I was *more* than wet enough for it. My mind nearly exploded, as I looked down, and saw a floating vibrator in the air. Everything after *that* was just a blur of one hand pumping the hard silicone in and out of me, massaging my invisible insides, rubbing my breasts with my other hand, moaning like a whore, and finally cumming and watching my bedsheets get wet from seemingly nothing at all.

And then I did it again.

And again.

When you become your fetish, your obsession, you really underestimate just how high your libido becomes. I only stopped because of dehydration and because it had been at *least* a whole day and night.

I finally stopped, looking back at my now soaked sheets, and resisted the urge for round…15? I had lost count. I’d have to learn to control myself at least a little.

Standing in front of a mirror, drinking a bottle of water, watching it flow down through the air seemingly through something, before finally disappearing once hitting my stomach, I knew that was going to be way, way harder than I thought.

My last thought before succumbing to my lust once again was that, I still had half a tub of lewd. Enough for one more person.

“I am going to fuck some invisible person’s brains out.”

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions Open.]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xarao9/c_my_invisible_gel_invisibility_masturbation_f