Cassandra’s Candy [M21, F25] [gentle loving fdom] [ass eating] [a little bit of sweat] [pussy eating] [tickling] [forbidden love] [risky sex] [enemies to lovers vibes] [dirty talk]

Ever since Blake was six, his father, Derrick, had been close friends with his boss, Mr. Chapman. Mr. Chapman had been his father’s boss for decades, and he was extremely rich. Blake didn’t realize how rich until he’d gotten a little older, and started noticing that other people’s bosses didn’t have multiple vacation homes. Almost every summer, Blake and his brother Jackson accompanied their father to visit Mr. Chapman in one of his many places. The first time Blake went on one of these trips, back when he was six, was when he met Cassandra.

Cassandra was Mr. Chapman’s daughter, his only child, his pride and joy. When Blake first met her, she was ten, and she had toys that other kids could only dream of.

Now, Blake was twenty one. He stood in a hallway in one of Mr. Chapman’s vacation homes (the one just outside of Venice) clutching at the handle of the suitcase in front of him. He had hazel eyes and a lean swimmer’s build, and he’d chosen to wear his thick wavy brown hair a little longer this year. His normally likable face was twisted into a frown as he listened to the voices coming from the living room.

He could hear his mother and father, as well as the deep rumbling voice of Mr. Chapman. His brother Jackson was also still in the living room, but he was silent, as usual whenever Cassandra was around. Cassandra’s clear musical voice was the loudest, also as usual. She had just arrived; Blake had watched through the living room window as her sleek Mercedes glided up to the house over the cobblestoned street outside, and retreated into the nearest hallway as she entered the house. His frown deepened into a scowl as he heard Cassandra let out a rich, gorgeous laugh at something his mother said.

“Blake!” his father called out, poking his head into the hallway. “Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you’d gotten off to!”

Derrick headed down the hallway towards Blake, followed by Jackson. Jackson paused for a moment, looking towards the living room with what Blake thought was a suspiciously hopeful expression while Cassandra’s chatting voice continued to fill the air, before following his father, his hands in his pockets.

“Might as well show you boys your rooms for the summer,” his dad continued. He led Blake and Jackson down the hallway, passing door after door, and looked at Blake with a chuckle. “And don’t worry Blake, you won’t be anywhere near Cassandra this time!”

“Jeez, it’s not that big of a deal,” Blake sighed, looking away.

“No no, it’s serious!” his father replied. “We can’t have you and Cassandra fighting like last time! David’s my friend, but he’s still my boss, and to be honest, having my own son get into a yelling match with his daughter was… well, embarrassing.”

“Oh come on, she was-” Blake started.

“Hey, I get it, you can’t get along with everybody!” his father interrupted as they turned down another hallway, holding out his hands. “Let’s just do our best to avoid prickly situations in the future, alright? We all know Mr. Chapman can get a bit…” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “…*protective*… over his daughter, so… you don’t have to talk to her, but you do have to be nice to her.”

His father stopped and pointed at him.

“No yelling. Alright?”

“Got it,” Blake replied with a nod.

“Good. Jackson, your room is that door there, Blake, your room is all the way at the end of this hall. Take a moment to unpack your things, I have to talk to David about the meal plan for this week. See you boys in a bit!”

His father left the way they’d come. Jackson turned towards Blake.

“What’s the deal with you and Cassandra anyway?” his brother asked.

“She sucks,” Blake replied shortly.

“No she doesn’t,” Jackson said with a frown. “And I thought you two were friends, or something. Back when we were little, you two were always together, drawing pictures and playing tag!”

“Yeah, but we weren’t friends,” Blake shrugged. “What was I supposed to do, stare at Mr. Chapman’s sports cars all day?”

“Look, you know what I’m talking about. You two got along, and now you suddenly hate her. What did she do?”

“Nothing, she’s just kind of a bitch, that’s all.”

“Alright, fine, whatever,” Jackson said, shaking his head. Then he turned towards the direction of the living room and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Hey, you have to admit though… she got hot, right?”

Now Blake shook his head, clicking his tongue.

“No really,” Jackson insisted. “I forgot how hot she was! Have you seen her? She’s wearing these pants, and they’re really thin, and she’s clearly been working out because Jeeeeesus…”

Blake glanced in the direction of the living room too, and then quickly looked away.

“Don’t talk about her like that,” he muttered. “Dad was right, Mr. Chapman loves his daughter more than his sportscars, which, surprisingly, is saying something. She’s off limits, man. If he heard you he’d kill both of us.”

He started heading towards his room.

“I’m gonna unpack, I’ll see you later,” he said.

“Sure,” Jackson replied, distracted. He was still gazing in the direction of the living room.


Compared to the rest of the house, the guest room Blake was staying in was relatively small, but it was still more than big enough, with a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a window that looked out to a splendid view of green hills and distant mountains. Blake leaned over his bed, his open suitcase sitting on the mattress, sorting his clothes into piles.

There was a soft knock on his door behind him. He froze, listening. A few seconds passed in silence. Then she knocked again, soft and gentle. The sound was taunting to him. He finished taking his clothes out of his suitcase and closed the zipper as noisily as he could, so that she would know he was in the room and that he was ignoring her.

The door clicked open.

Blake continued ignoring her, folding the last of his t-shirts. He heard the faint rustle of her clothing as she stepped into the room.

“Are you hiding from me?”

There was a note of laughter in her voice. She always knew how to get under his skin. Blake turned with a sigh.

Her new haircut looked really good on her, and her dark lightly curled hair complimented her gorgeous fair skin as usual. And then there were her lovable dark eyes that smiled more than her mouth did, and her striking eyebrows, noble nose, strong cheekbones, and soft pink lips. A cute and thin dark red scarf was wrapped around her neck, and a pair of designer sunglasses rested on top of her head. Although her dark high waisted trousers covered some of her stomach, her gray crop top revealed a toned midriff, with just visible abs. Her pants were relatively loose and flowy, but Jackson was right: they looked incredibly thin, and Blake knew that the moment she turned around, he would see that stupidly incredible ass that-

*Stop thinking about that*, he told himself sternly.

“What do you want?” he asked her out loud.

Cassandra smiled one of her maddeningly adorable smiles, the type that caused her eyes to narrow in that cute way they did, and he knew that she was pleased by his annoyed tone. She closed the door behind her.

“I was wondering if you’re hiding from me,” she said. She took a step closer. “Also, I have something for you.”

She reached into a little purse that hung from her shoulder. When she took her hand back out, it was closed into a fist, hiding whatever she was holding.

“Don’t want it,” he snapped, turning back to his clothes.

“I think you do…”

He paused and rolled his eyes. Then he looked over his shoulder at her. She was grinning now, a wide, brilliant, toothy grin, and holding up a small piece of candy by its wrapper, teasingly wiggling it in the air.

“I don’t want to deal with your bullshit right now, Cassandra,” he said, turning away again.

“Oh, we’ll see about that,” she replied. She sauntered closer to the bed and looked at his clothes. “Who sorts their clothes *before* putting them away?”

He looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Hey, what kind of glasses are those?” he asked after a pause. “Are they the type of sunglasses you wear, or the type of sunglasses you put on top of your head to let everyone know how rich you are?”

Her smile shrunk somewhat, and she returned his narrow eyed glare. His manhood stirred in his shorts for completely unrelated reasons.

“How’s that band of yours going?” she said, her voice soft and deadly. “Have you guys signed any deals yet? Or are you still figuring out how to tune the drum set?”

Blake turned away and moved toward his desk, gazing out of his window, trying to look unconcerned.

“What are you getting your PhD in again?” he asked with a thoughtful voice. “Contemporary Eastern Art, or whatever? What’s the job market for Contemporary Eastern Art like?”

Cassandra crossed her arms over her chest and slowly moved towards him, casually looking around the room.

“What’s the job market for being a little boy who thinks he won’t have to finish college because he knows how to hold a guitar like?”

“Good one,” Blake said, trying not to think about how his shorts were slowly but steadily feeling tighter and tighter. “Clever. What’s the job market for a spoiled rich girl who throws her daddy’s money at a useless college degree so that she can feel smart like?”

“Hmmmm,” Cassandra hummed, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “I wonder who would have more success, a smart, accomplished woman with a PhD, or a lazy, stupid little boy who can’t figure out how to attend his classes?”

As she spoke, she turned slowly on the spot, mirroring his unconcerned expression as she casually looked around his room. *Don’t look at her butt, don’t look at her butt, don’t look at her butt, don’t look at her butt…*

Cassandra’s high waisted pants were very stylish, but her round muscled ass made them look practically useless. The shapes of her buttcheeks were extremely evident, and they seemed to shift and flex under the fabric of her pants with every little movement she made, defying the loose flowy look of her outfit with an arrogance that almost made Blake’s knees tremble with desire. In all his life, he had never seen an ass like hers. It was so prominent, so beautifully round, a physical representation of peak human performance. He felt drawn to it like a magnet, it sucked the interest out of anything else in any room that she was in, a testament to human beauty and power-

*Stop it!* he scolded himself, blinking as he quickly looked away. But it was too late. The sight of the hindquarters that had plagued his dreams for years upon years, the reminder that they were real, that she was real, had done its work on his mind and his body, and his cock strained against his shorts, fully erect and throbbing.

“It’s very nice that you think you’ll ever be smart or accomplished,” he said, tugging at his shirt to hide his erection. By hunching over a bit, he managed to hide his boner from view, but Cassandra’s dark eyes followed the movement of his hand, and she did a double take, looking at his shorts. Too late, he realized he was being way too obvious.

She looked up at him, and the involuntary grin that lit up her face was breathtaking. But she hastily rearranged her face back into an unconcerned expression, and sauntered up to him, pretending that her attention was taken up by the window.

“Tell me,” she said, “do you meet a lot of cute girls while hanging out in your friend’s garage playing rock band? How’s your love life going?”

“Better than yours, probably,” he scoffed, his cheeks hot. “I bet you give parents and friends the ‘I’m too busy with my PhD for a boyfriend’ excuse all the time.”

“I’m sure you’re a real hit with the ladies,” Cassandra murmured, stepping closer to him, her face right in front of his. “Is that why you’re hiding from me in here instead of saying hi in the living room, like a normal person?”

She was so close to him. He picked up on a whiff of what was probably some kind of expensive perfume, a peach scent mixed with something else. He hated how good it smelled.

“I wasn’t hiding from you,” he breathed back, looking into her dark smiling eyes. “You’re just unbearable to be around.”

She made a show of glancing down at his shorts, grinning wickedly.

“You know I can see it through your shirt, right?” she whispered.

He automatically tugged at the hem of his shirt, but her hand went to his arm, her fingertips resting on his wrist.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, her eyes glowing with laughter. “I missed you too.”

Her hand gently pressed against his wrist, and then slowly traveled up his arm. Blake could feel himself growing weak.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he exhaled.

“Mmm-hmm,” Cassandra replied, nodding. Her eyes remained fixed on his. Her hand paused at his elbow, and her thumb lovingly stroked his upper arm. Her soft pink lips were so fascinating…

“This is wrong,” Blake continued, finding it a little harder to breathe than usual. “We need to stop doing this.”

“I agree,” Cassandra breathed back. She was smirking playfully as her other hand caressed his shoulder, watching him react with clear enjoyment.

“Your father… would-would kill me,” he stammered.

“He would obliterate you,” she whispered with delight, her smirk growing wider. Her hand fell to his waist, and gave the waistband of his shorts the gentlest tug. “We can stop doing this whenever you want. It’s your call.”

She watched him as arousal surged through him, her face glowing with laughter.

“Or we could kiss,” she continued, with gleefully narrowed eyes. “I know you want to… we both know you want to…”

Blake had known this was inevitable. He’d spent the nights leading up to the trip with his cock stiff under his pajamas, and spent the days reliving memories from the last trip, especially memories of what she’d done to him after he’d yelled at her. But he’d forgotten what it was like to be near her, how intense it was.

He placed his hands on her exposed waist, feeling her toned midriff, her warm and soft skin. His brain fizzled out of commission as she moved in, her arms on his shoulders.

It was like he was a starved man diving face first into a hot savory feast. Cassandra’s soft lips attacked his, reflecting his own intense need back at him, and her hand moved through his hair on the back of his head, clutching him possessively while the other clawed at his back. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her incredible body against his, and she purred happily as she kissed him. He groaned, and she purred again, her lips moving into a smile even as they continued moving against his mouth.

She tasted so good, and felt just as good too. Her body brushed against his erection as she kissed him, her hands rubbing and grabbing him in his favorite places. He tried to return the favor, rubbing her between her shoulder blades in the way he knew she liked while grabbing a handful of her heavy, firm ass. He pushed her up against the desk, and she wrapped her leg around him. Her tongue, warm and playful, found its way into his mouth, and he sighed as his tongue caressed hers, getting drunk on the taste of her. His hand explored up under her crop top, and found one of her relatively small but shapely breasts, his palm sliding over her firm erect nipple.

It was delusional to ever think he could resist her, that this time would be different. He knew Cassandra was completely off limits; the last thing Blake wanted was to incite Mr. Chapman’s anger, and threaten his father’s position. But he couldn’t resist her, he couldn’t stop himself.

And Cassandra knew it. Their parents had gotten used to seeing them together; they had been friends for so many years. This meant that Cassandra could get away with tormenting him undetected. A touch here, a rub there, a lip bite here, a smile there. She could tease him in front of everyone with no consequences, and as the tension grew he inevitably would bicker and fight with her, until they found themselves alone together again and she would reap her reward. Perhaps she couldn’t stop herself either.

Her heavenly lips left his as he pulled away.

“Christ,” he puffed, which was all he could manage at the moment.

She nodded silently, and her fingers started digging into his sides, tickling him in all of the spots she knew he liked. He sank into her, holding back giggles. She held him as he squirmed under her dancing fingertips, and showered the left side of his face with kisses. He halfheartedly tried to pull away, which he knew she would take as an invitation to double her assault, and sure enough, she pulled him in and held his head while mercilessly tickling his other side, giggling at him as he twisted and squirmed in her arms.

Her leg rubbed against his while she peppered the other side of his face with teasing kisses. He knew that she knew that the rapid fire kisses on the side of his face was the fastest way to turn him into a flustered horny mess, and he knew that she loved seeing how quickly she could break him down. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh, blushing as he rested his forehead against her shoulder. She purred happily, nibbling on his ear, her fingers finally growing still as she held him.

“You’re an evil woman,” he muttered.

She pushed against his chest, moving him back just enough to look into his eyes. She gave him a pout of fake disapproval.

“Someone’s being a little rude,” she said.

“Oh, I’m the rude one?” he said, raising his eyebrows.

“Yep,” she nodded, unfazed. “And you know what happens to rude little boys, don’t you?”

He could continue fighting back. And as he looked at her smug face, he really wanted to. But he wanted to find out what happens to rude little boys even more.

“What happens to rude little boys?” he asked breathlessly, his cock twitching in his shorts.

“I’ll tell you,” she said, looking insufferably satisfied. She pushed him back a little more so that she could turn herself around.

“Rude little boys,” she said quietly, and her round butt pushed against Blakes erection, causing a wave of excitement to flutter through his body, “need to make up for their bad behavior.”

Blake made an unintelligible noise as his boner pressed into her firm warm buttcheeks. The feeling of her rear was equally torturous and heavenly at the same time. Cassandra watched him over her shoulder, bending forwards over the desk, a smug smile tugging gently at the corner of her mouth.

“So, rude little boys,” she continued, slowly shifting her ass from side to side against his cock, “need to get on their knees, and get to work.”

Blake looked down at her butt, and exhaled like his breath was ripped out of him. Then, with one final look into her gorgeous dark eyes, he dropped to his knees.

There was nothing, nothing, like Cassandra’s butt. Blake stared at the way it defied the high waisted pants she was wearing just like it defied all clothing she wore, boldly making its shape known to all. Her ass was thick with fat, which provided the perfect jiggle when she moved, but it was also firm with muscle, powerful, undeniable. It was an ass that was impossible to hide or ignore.

And although he knew that he should, that he should leave the room and never let Cassandra do this to him again, Blake couldn’t ignore it. He pressed his hands against her buttcheeks, letting them fill up his palms, almost spilling over his fingers, feeling their weight and their warmth through her thin pants. He squeezed, trying to grab as much as he could. How was it so big?

Cassandra made a sound of delight, grinning at him over her shoulder. His hands started kneading, and her eyes narrowed as her grin grew wider.

“Missed you,” he said, looking up at her.

“Kiss it,” she replied.

He was going to anyway. He moved his hands so that they held mostly the sides of her hindquarters, and then moved in, planting a kiss on her left buttcheek. His heart fluttered in his chest, and his cock strained against his shorts. He could faintly smell her perfume, along with a hint of her natural musk. He squeezed her butt again, fascinated by how it felt both soft and hard at the same time.

“You missed my ass?” she purred.

“Yes,” he exhaled, squeezing once more.

“My fat naughty ass?”

“Yes,” he replied hungrily, squeezing her buttcheeks upwards, watching them bulge against her pants.

“It’s sad,” she said in a voice of manufactured pity that he knew was expressly designed to titillate him. “You can’t resist my ass for two seconds. Imagine if anyone saw you doing this. Imagine if anyone knew how much you worship my ass.”

“It keeps me up at night,” he said distractedly, watching her butt with fascination as he kneaded her buttcheeks from side to side.

“I bet it does,” Cassandra replied softly. “You little butt lover. Now…” her fingers touched his wrist, and she gently pulled it away from her butt, “…how about you show me…” her other hand gently pulled his other wrist away from her butt, “…how much you love it.”

She yanked his wrists forward, hard. Her round butt rippled as Blake’s face collided against it with the softest of thuds.

He groaned quietly, his voice muffled by the hindquarters pressed against his face. He couldn’t get enough, and he pushed himself against her, burying his face into her rear as much as he could, feeling the softness and the firmness of her butt smother him. Cassandra grunted with pleasure and let go of his wrists. He ran his hands over her shapely thighs, sniffing as he pressed his face against her warm pillowy backside. His nose was filled with the stench of her B.O., a bit of her perfume, the savory yet creamy scent of her arousal, and a hint of something a little more filthy. It was intoxicating, and he sniffed madly, holding on to her thighs as his nose rubbed against the warm fabric of her thin pants, his heart dancing in his chest.

Cassandra reached back and stroked the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair. She purred as she tauntingly swayed her hips from side to side, rubbing her round butt against his face, her plump buttcheeks squishing his nose and cheeks around.

“What is Blake going to be doing this vacation, I wonder?” she murmured while he planted deep long kisses against her crack and her buttcheeks while they rubbed themselves against him. “Is he going to be looking at my butt all summer?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Blake replied, nodding frantically against the ass smothering him.

“Is he going to be thinking about my butt every night?” she continued. He could hear the smile in her voice. “Is he going to be kissing my butt every day?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” he breathed, and he gave her some more kisses, reveling in the way her ass pushed his head around as her hips swayed from side to side, the way he could feel the muscles of her ass and thighs flexing and shifting with her movements.

Cassandra let out a happy growl and rewarded him with a quick playful wiggle of her hips. He smacked her ass, feeling the vibrations dissipate through the buttcheek pressed against his face as he breathed in her scent.

“That’s good,” she murmured. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and straightened up, holding his head in place while her butt lifted off of his face. “But not good enough.”

He blinked, his face feeling cool, staring at the ass in front of his nose. Cassandra released his hair and started unbuttoning her trousers. He watched, fascinated, as she shifted her weight to her left, her buttcheeks moving alluringly under her pants.

“I told you that rude little boys need to get to work,” she continued.

Her loosened pants sagged around her hips, revealing the top of her underwear. He gulped. She watched him over her shoulder and smiled one of those smug smiles that narrowed her adorable brown eyes, lighting up her entire face, as she pushed her pants and underwear over her ass.

Blakes lips parted as he gazed upon the pale soft skin of her nude buttcheeks. How was it so plump?

“Now, I did a pretty intense leg workout earlier today,” Cassandra continued, “and my leggings and underwear were soaked in sweat afterwards, it was so gross. But when I took my shower, I think I forgot to wash my ass! So, Blake, you’re on cleaning duty, and I need you to get deep in there because I was on the stationary bike for almost an hour and you will not believe how much sweat got trapped in my-”

Blake didn’t let her finish. He hooked his thumbs under her buttcheeks, feeling them fill his palms again, and pulled them apart, revealing her deep shaved buttcrack and her taut wrinkled asshole. With a shaky exhale, he dived in.

Her warm, bare buttcheeks pressed against the lower half of his face as his tongue slammed against her asshole. The skin of her buttcrack was hot and faintly damp, and the flavor of stale sweat and musky bitterness exploded through his mouth. She squeaked with surprise and pleasure as he slid his tongue over her clenching asshole, squeezing her ass with his hands, reveling in tasting the filthiest and most private part of her.

“Fuck, someone’s hungry,” Cassandra chuckled, her voice quivering with pleasure. She bent forwards, leaning against the desk and thrusting her ass out behind her, and Blake almost lost his balance. But he held on to her hips, panting through his nose as he lapped at her warm damp asshole, feeling it twitch against his tongue, his face buried between her plump pale buttcheeks. His cock danced in his shorts, throbbing and jumping. He was fascinated by the way the wrinkles of her tight asshole felt against his tongue as he thrust his tongue against it again and again, the insides of her buttcheeks growing slick with his saliva.

“You’re a pervy little animal, aren’t you?” Cassandra purred, her ass shifting against his face as she squirmed, her asshole firmly clenched as it withstood the assault of his tongue. “I bet you were… mmmmm… salivating all summer, thinking about attaching your mouth to my dirty ass… fuck…”

Blake lowered his face, and his nose pushed against her asshole as his tongue slid over her soaked pussy. The desk thudded against the wall as Cassandra jolted. His heart hammered and jumped against his ribcage as his tongue greedily explored her hot, wet, and heavenly soft pussy lips, his nose smushed against her asshole, still hungrily sniffing her scent as her round beautiful ass pushed back against his face.

“Oh yes…” Cassandra panted, a desperate whine audible in her voice. “Fucking taste it, you nasty little boy, I bet your fat cock was all thick and hard for me the whole way here, you’re a little slut for my ass and pussy…”

His hands squeezed her buttcheeks as he ate her out. He made sure to give her clit extra attention, lovingly massaging her there with the tip of his tongue, and sliding his tongue against the insides of her pussy lips with the swirling motion he knew she liked. She made alluring noises of pleasure, her moans muffled by her hand, while the desk shook and thumped against the wall as she squirmed against his face. His spit and her arousal oozed down his chin, and her pale buttcheeks shifted and rubbed against his face. Whenever he took a break from her pussy to fiercely attack her asshole with his tongue, she would react with a jolt and a lustful giggle, before whimpering greedily as he started lapping at her warm soft pussy again.

Soon enough, her moans were getting huskier, and her breathing was getting heavier. Her pussy quivered against his tongue, and he felt the toned muscles in her thighs and ass flex and tremble.

“Yeah, right there, right there you fucking dirty little *gremlin*,” she whispered, a desperate quaver in her breathy voice, “eat it, eat it, lick it, fuck, fuck, oh *fuck*…”

A few more swirling rubs with his tongue, and Cassandra was cumming furiously. The desk practically rattled against the wall as she shook with her orgasm, her cries and sobs of pleasure muffled by her forearm. Liquid was suddenly spraying against Blake’s face, filling his mouth and splattering against his shirt, as her ass bucked against him, thrusting his head this way and that. But he dutifully kept his tongue against her gushing pussy, pleasuring her as her muffled noises became shrill, lapping up her juices as her wet hindquarters ground against his face.

Her body shook fiercely and she whimpered and gasped against her arm as the peak of her orgasm passed. He covered her ass and pussy with long deep kisses, his nose and mouth full of the scent and taste of her sex. She panted as he gave her left ass cheek one final kiss and sat back on his heels, looking at the sight in front of him.

Her hindquarters were a slick, wet mess. The insides of her thick round buttcheeks glistened with moisture, and a gooey mixture of her arousal and his saliva covered and hung from her plump soft pussy lips, which were still twitching weakly, and coated the insides of her shapely thighs. She was resting her chest and her head against the table, wearing a lazy smile on her parted pink lips, with a faint redness in her pale face, her dark adorable eyes bright with pleasure. Her sunglasses had fallen off of her short slightly curly hair, resting on the table a foot away. Her gray long sleeve crop top was disheveled, revealing most of her back, and her stylish trousers were wrapped around her knees, along with her soaked underwear. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

His cock ached with need, straining desperately against his shorts. He got to his feet, his gaze traveling over her plump, toned, pale buttcheeks, and her soft, unbearingly enticing pussy lips, before landing on her striking dark brown eyes.

“You know,” Cassandra murmured, and a cruel smile lit up every corner of her face as she gave her round ass a wiggle, causing a string of arousal hanging from her pussy to wobble between her thighs, “I haven’t been *fucked* in a while.”

Blake groaned, captivated, and pressed his hand against the bulge in his shorts, causing pleasure to sizzle through his body.

“I’m not saying *you* should fuck me,” she clarified evilly, “I’m just saying it’s been a while since my hot wet pussy has had a thick naughty cock in it, that’s all. Just an observation.”

He swallowed, unbuttoning his shorts and pulling down the zipper. Cassandra pushed herself up from the table, leaning on her elbows as she watched him.

“You’re not *allowed* to fuck me, Blake,” she said, mercilessly. “You’re not allowed to cum for me. I know you want to, need to, because I own you. My pussy owns you. But you shouldn’t.” She shook her hips, causing her buttcheeks to wobble tauntingly. “You know you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t give yourself over to me, you shouldn’t let me milk you, you definitely shouldn’t use the condom I have in my bag…”

Blake looked around for her bag, and spotted it next to her feet. Cassandra giggled eagerly as he picked up her bag and fished around inside it, finding the condom. Her ass wiggled in front of him again as he pulled his stiff, aching cock out from his shorts and fumbled with the condom, while his penis twitched and jumped in the air, pointing at her round ass. He finally managed to pull the condom out of the package and slide it onto his cock.

“You’re the worst,” he sighed as he looked at Cassandra bent over in front of him. He moved forwards, and pressed the tip of his cock against her warm wet pussy lips.

“You’re the worst, you’re the worst, you’re the worst, you’re the worst,” he chanted under his breath as he moved his tip up and down, sliding it against her petals, gradually pushing them apart.

“You don’t have to do this, you know,” she whispered, her titillatingly adorable eyes locked on to his. “You can walk away. You can stop whenever you want. Are you really gonna fuck your dad’s boss’s daughter? Are you really this much of a pervy sex-brained little shit? Does your cock really need my pussy this much? Are you really this much of a dirty, naughty, ass eating, pussy loving little-”

She interrupted herself with the tiniest gasp of pleasure, her eyelids lowering over her eyes and her perfect pink lips parting, as he pushed his cock inside her. The heat and tightness of her pussy enveloped his aching erection, and he slid into her wet vagina easily. Her buttcheeks gave the faintest little jiggle as they contacted his hips. Even through the condom, she felt unreal. Her pussy clamped and trembled around him, tightly holding his cock like it was made for him, and he felt her arousal trickle down his balls.

“Christ,” he puffed. She moaned faintly.

The little control he had left seeped away, along with thoughts of how wrong this was, of how much trouble he could get into. He started fucking her against the desk. If anyone else was near, they might hear the desk bumping against the wall, or his grunts, or her shallow breathy moans, or maybe even the slick wet noises her pussy made as he fucked it. But he couldn’t care. The undeniable perfection that was her round toned ass shuddered and wobbled as it slammed against him again and again, and his hands grabbed her waist and her hips as his firm aching erection plunged into her tight, warm, dripping depths over and over, sending shockwaves of pleasure through his nervous system. He couldn’t stop. The only thought his mind could entertain was to go faster, to go harder. Overwhelming tingles of pleasure washed over him like waves as his hips thrust faster, crashing against Cassandra’s backside with lewd slapping noises, his cock soaked with her juices as it thrust between her swollen pink pussy lips. The walls of her pussy clamped, rubbed, and squeezed his cock in all the right ways, and before he knew it his orgasm was blossoming inside of him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it, not with her wobbling round ass colliding at him like that, not when she was looking back at him with that teasingly loving smile on her face, her eyes telling him to give in, to let go…

Blakes eyes rolled upwards as he fell apart. He thrust his pelvis against her backside with everything he had, burying himself as deep inside of her as he could, and his orgasm seized hold of his body and his mind. His mouth dropped open, releasing a strangled moan, and his feet scrambled against the ground, his hands grabbing her waist, her ass, her legs, as his cock burst. Aching pleasure exploded through him, causing him to tremble and shake, her ass bouncing against his waist. Cassandra cooed with adoration as he came, her pussy clenching triumphantly around his erupting cock.

He slumped against her as his penis squirted his seed into the condom, his hands pawing at her back before grabbing her shoulder and her arm, smelling her hair as his cock weakly puslated inside of her.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he panted, his voice a whimper. “Oh Cassandra…”

She chuckled happily, reaching up to caress the side of his head.

“I know,” she murmured. She gave her hips one last wiggle, and the walls of her pussy shifted against his sensitive, twitching cock. “Does it feel good? That’s okay, let it out for me… every last drop…”

He did. Pleasurable aftershocks rolled over him as his cock twitched and pulsated inside of her perfect pussy, and then a tingling wave of bliss spread over his body, causing his limbs to feel heavy and his mind to feel slow. He pulled his deflating cock out of her, and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a squeeze. She sighed happily, holding his wrist.

After a few moments, he pulled away, and moved across the small bedroom to sit on his bed.

“Fuck,” he sighed. He looked around at the walls. Had anybody heard? “Fuck, Cassandra, you should get out, before somebody-”

“Hold on, I haven’t given you your candy,” she interrupted. She was still standing by the desk, pulling her pants over her hips. After buttoning her pants, she reached into her purse and then walked over to him.

“Fine, give it here,” he said, holding out his hand, his cheeks growing warm.

“Ah ah ah, you know the drill,” Cassandra said. She pulled the piece of candy free from the wrapper and then got on her knees in front of him. Smirking, she popped it into her mouth, and then made a big show of moving it around with her tongue. “Come here.”

Blushing, he sighed and leaned towards her. She placed her hand on his arm and pressed her lips against his, giving him a deep kiss. Despite himself, his eyes slowly closed as her soft lips explored his, and his heart shivered in his chest. Then her lips parted, and her tongue pushed the candy into his mouth.

The sweetness spread over his tongue, as well as the taste of her mouth. A thin strand of saliva hung between their lips as she pulled away.

“A good boy deserves a reward, no?” she whispered smugly. She stood up as he sucked on his candy, and looked down at him. “There’s more candy for later, if you’re nice.”

“No,” he said as firmly as he could. “No, no more candy. We can’t keep doing this, Cass, we have to stop-”

“Hey, hey, hey, hey,” Cassandra interrupted softly. “I told you, we can stop whenever you want!” She gave him a wide mocking grin. “It’s entirely up to you!”

He looked away, and she laughed. Then she touched the side of his face.

“Don’t worry, Blake,” she murmured, her expression gentler. “Maybe you’ll be able to resist me next time, huh?”

With that, she tapped the tip of his nose with her finger, and then turned around and sauntered away. He gave her a scowl as she glanced over her shoulder one final time, and she stuck her tongue out at him with a playful grin. As she walked out of his bedroom door, he was sure she was wiggling her hips more than was strictly necessary, but he found that he didn’t really mind.

~The End~


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