stalking you [NC]

you were the first victim that had been this easy. Maybe it was a cumulation of all the practice, maybe it was a different town. Or maybe you were just oblivious.

It all started after I sold my last conquest; she had gotten too complacent, too used to it. She wouldn’t even scream when I took her asshole. And to think she had been a virgin a couple of weeks ago…

But then there was you, in the same position as the last girl. New to the city, full of hopes, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt you were destined for great things.

Also like the last girl, you were struggling. That’s the thing they don’t really tell people, that those who make it are an anomaly. The rest either leave, find some sad supporting job, or break. And I was here to make sure you took the third route.

That’s how I found myself at your restaurant. I made sure to avoid you as my server so I could just observe. You can learn a lot from just observing pet. For instance, that you had been trapped here for almost 7 years. that you still hadn’t broken. That you were funded by an extreme amount of debt.

I also learned where your bus stop was. That made it extremely easy to follow you. In less than a month I knew your schedule. I knew how long you were at work, how long the bus took.

I also knew where you lived. that no one really came in and out of that apartment complex except for work. I knew you didn’t really have visitors; you didn’t really have time or energy like so many others in your position.

In a word, I knew everything I needed.

For awhile, you were too tired to know what was happening. The open door barely phased you; you had nothing to steal after all. sure, the second and third time were scary, but it wasn’t the worst thing that had happened that day even.

sure, the feeling that someone was watching you got worse and worse, but you never saw me. Even when I watched you sleep, even when I set up cameras in your house.

I needed to record what was about to happen after all.

The last straw was when you found all your personal identification missing when you woke up one day. That was the one thing you couldn’t live without, that you couldn’t apply to better jobs without.

you were stuck home that day, desperately searching for them. It wasn’t until 4 am when you collapsed. You were exhausted, but thankfully tomorrow you weren’t busy. You would retrace your steps, take as much time as you needed to find everything. Even get the police involved if need be.

Unfortunately, they’d never come. You wake up not 45 minutes later with a light shining directly in your eyes. You scream, just like all the toys before you. Judging from what I had heard in your complex, however, I was completely safe.

I make sure to let you know that, that you’re allowed to fight as much as you want. Even as I wrap a cloth over your mouth, even as I use my knife you peel your clothes off of you.

It was refreshing, having someone who would fight. It made each and every thrust so much hotter. It made that first orgasm of yours mean something.

most importantly, it told me exactly how devastating getting you pregnant would be. You almost put up a decent fight when my cock was pulsating inside you. but it would never matter.

When I had finished, I got up and left you there. I didn’t need to tie you down, or to keep you. No one would help you, no matter what you said. You’d still be there the next day, and the next. And you couldn’t leave, I had any form of ID that you had.

you were stuck, you were my prey, and I was going to take my time with you…
