Erotica/memoir of the story as our hypnosis journey unfolds

Follow our (mostly erotic) hypnosis journey


My Doctor and I have decided to bring hypnosis into our play. Not only has it been a fascinating start to an endeavor (we are a tad shy of one month in to playing with it) – it has been deeply connecting and enchanting already.

We have both felt an interest in hypnosis before now, had both read about it, and both felt a strong sense that it would be a good fit as individual people. As soon as it was brought up between us, we both lit up, started reading about it, and I doubt we will ever look back.

So, since we are both fairly suggestible and we make it a priority to practice nearly every day, we decided I would document the journey here. Not only posting new ideas when we think them up and/or try them but also updates as things unfold. We welcome questions, ideas, comments, etc. We could also consider posting pics/audio at some point if there is enough interest.

Fwiw in deciding if you want to share in our journey.

My intention is to post almost everyday. I obviously have a backlog of sessions I will share about, and then do my best to keep up as we continue to practice.

Also, we have chosen some broad topics to focus on (at least for now, though if I know the two of us as individuals not to mention is as a couple, I will say that it is *very* likely that list will grow and grow). Topics so far include:
– Sleep (helping me fall asleep faster and remember dreams more often; helping him sleep more soundly and experiment with lucid dreaming)
– Emotions (helping me stay more emotionally regulated more often, and both of us feeling more comfortable sharing fantasies)
– Sex (I could list soooo many things here, but we have started so far with orgasm control/denial, stretching/fisting, nipple play, and gender bending, among other things)
– Sensory processing (messing with the senses so that he can control my sensory perceptions. Initial steps will be taking away/enhancing the five senses. A further goal is that he will be able to fiddle with things like if a paddle hurts or feels pleasurable, etc. )

Prep work:

We began with reading. We both read at least a couple of books on hypnosis, he has also been listening to a boatload of podcasts. I’ve chatted with some folk,and watched some videos. By and large we knew that we would start with his being more “the Hypnotist”, and I “the subject”, so he has delved more into the specifics than I have. As it unfolds, we continue to discuss what we are each/both learning and have a running list of ideas where we comment on how interested (or not) we find the ideas. We continue to revisit the education and the list (as well as sharing many discussions of consent). I say all of this to say that, just like any other kink, we are taking things seriously and as I said above, if I know us at all we will likely take this fairly deep. I am so excited and I’m excited to have you all follow along/interact with the process with your questions/comments/ideas!


We are following R.A.C.K. (Yes, I am aware and consent to what some may consider unsafe/unreasonable amounts of submission. I want it on record – from the beginning -that I know and consent to these “extreme” things. I know us and I know some people have very different comfort zones than we do (as individuals and as a couple). Some may eventually say we we have taken it “too far”… some may say we are playing in brainwashing. And to that I say: we check in frequently from an equality based headspace. I trust past me in having done a good job in choosing a partner and a Dom. I trust his judgement and I trust my judgement in trusting him. I appreciate your concern; please know e we are being safe within *our* definition of safe.
