Family is where the home is: 21+ [M36/F32] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Ghost Story]

“Glad we could finally get this done,” Denise said as she walked around the house with me.

I had come to the house to look around and start the moving process. My girlfriend and soon-to-be wife Rebecca hated the old house, but I thought it had charm, and with a bit of touch-up here and there, it could be our summer home.

Rebecca and I lived together in a high-rise condo in the city. We thought it would be nice to buy a quiet house in the middle of nowhere so we could escape all the noise.

“Well, I will leave you to it,” Denise said as she walked away.

I loved watching Denise walk away; she always wore pencil skirts that fit her figure like a glove. She was also bustier than Rebecca, something I didn’t think I would ever be interested in as I had always liked more petite framed women, but seeing Denise’s curvy figure, with full-sized breasts, made things stir in me that I didn’t know possible.

Throughout the search for a new house, I had snuck many peeks at her ample cleavage and watched her curvy hips and lovely ass as they swayed back and forth under the skirts. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but there had been plenty of nights where I made myself cum to thoughts of fucking her.

Denise stopped before she left the house. “I hope you will like it, and if you have any questions or need anything don’t hesitate to call me,” she smiled. “For anything.”

I smiled back at her as she closed the door. “If you only knew,” I shook my head.

It wasn’t that sex with Rebecca was boring. It was just that I had spent a lot of time with Denise, and I found her more alluring than I should, maybe now that the search was over. I could focus more on my relationship with Rebecca.

The moving truck came and dropped some furniture Rebecca had picked out. I got the guys to move it all inside and put them where I thought Rebecca would like them.

One of the movers came back from the bathroom and stared back inside as if he saw something, he said something in Spanish to the others, and they all laughed at him.

“He says he saw a ghost,” the guy in charge said.

“No ghosts,” I said, shaking my head. “Just an old house,” I smiled.

I paid them well and went out to grab something to eat.

Rebecca wouldn’t be here until the weekend, and I wanted to get things going, so I decided to eat quickly and get started on a few things I could do myself.

I fixed the creaky ledge on the stairs and replaced one of the old windows that had a draft, I had plans to go down to the basement to clean up so that the old musty smell would go away, but it was getting late.

I headed upstairs to my room and booted up the computer. I worked as an accountant and helped many people take hold of their finances.

“How is it?” Rebecca asked as we video called each other.

“It’s beautiful,” I said.

“Old, you mean,” Rebecca said, shaking her head.

“You said you would give it a chance,” I replied. Rebecca said she had always lived in the city and had come used to city life.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Rebecca said as she stared back at me. “I just thought it would be bigger, more alive, and definitely more modern.”

“We have that in the condo, as well as the beach house, don’t you want one to be a bit rustic?” I smiled.

“Rusty,” Rebecca said.

I sighed; this was the thing about Rebecca. I didn’t particularly appreciate that she could sometimes be a bit uptight.

“Don’t do that,” Rebecca said. “I will come and see your rustic house, and I will try my best to like it, for you.”

“That’s all I ask,” I nodded.

I had grown up in a small town just like this one, and I always liked the old houses tucked away and forgotten, just like this one. It was always my dream to own one, fix it, and make it mine.

“I thought you said all the movers were gone?” Rebecca asked.

“They are,” I nodded.

“So, who is that?” Rebecca pointed at the screen.

I turned around to see no one behind me. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Nathan, there was someone in the doorway, staring at you,” Rebecca nodded.

“Sweetie, there is no one around for miles,” I smiled.

“Nathan, I saw someone,” Rebecca nodded. “Right there in the doorway.”

I sighed again and nodded. “I will go check,” I said.

I got up and went to the doorway. No one was there, not down the hall or at the stairway. I walked forward and looked downstairs into the living room. No one.

“Sweetie, I told you….” I said as I turned to go back into my room.

There it was, a figure standing in my room. It was standing in front of my computer.

I stood still in pure fear. No one had passed me. To get into my room, they would have had to pass me.

I couldn’t see a face, just a silhouette of a man.

“Nathan, who is that?” I heard Rebecca say from my computer.

“Call the police!” I yelled as I ran for the stairway.

“Nathan!” I heard Rebecca yell as I ran down the stairs.

I stopped as the figure was now in front of me. I could see its face now. It was a man; his neck was bruised, and his face beaten. His eyes were dark black as he stared at me.

I fell to the floor as I had tried to stop myself too quickly. The night sky outside made it difficult to see inside my dark house.

He stared down at me with those dark black eyes. Then he looked up.

“Shit!” I shouted.

There was another figure upstairs. This silhouette looked like a woman; she was slowly coming down the stairs. Not walking but as if floating.

I took the open opportunity of him staring at the woman to make a run for the door. The cold air slammed into my face as I got outside.

I reached into my pocket to get my cellphone, but I remembered it was upstairs, next to my monitor. There was no way I was going back in there to get it.

I stared at the door and saw the two figures inside. They stared back at me. Then the door slammed close.

The little light upstairs from my room, no doubt from my monitor still being on, slowly faded away.

It took a few minutes, but the bright lights of a cop car came down my dirt path toward the house. I was so happy to see them.

Two police officers got out of the car.

“Nathan Coswell?” one of the officers asked.

“Yes, sir,” I nodded.

“Your girlfriend called about a break in,” the other said.

“Yes, two people,” I nodded. “One male, one female,” I said, pointing to the house.

“Are they still in there?” the first one asked as he looked at my house.

“I think so,” I nodded. “I ran out in a hurry; I saw them close the door.”

“Okay, wait here,” the second said as he walked towards the house. He took out his gun and entered the house.

The other went around the back of the house. It took what seemed like forever for them to search the house. I saw their flashlights go all over the place.

Then the two came back and shook their heads. “No one is in there sir, are you sure they were inside the house?” the first asked.

“Positive,” I nodded. “Did you search the basement? They could be hiding in there.”

“We searched the basement and the attic,” the second said. “No one is in….” he stopped as he looked back at the house.

A figure was staring down at us from the upstairs window. The other cop saw it too, they both rushed for the open door, but it quickly slammed close.

“I told you!” I said as I stepped back towards the car.

Now there were more than two figures at the windows. It looked like at least five were staring down at us.

“Call it in,” the first officer said.

“Sir, do you have somewhere to go?” the other asked.

“Yes,” I said as I rushed for my car.

The cops tried to get into the house but couldn’t open the door. Luckily, I kept a spare key hidden inside my car. The last thing I saw as I sped out of the driveway was the figures staring out the window.

“Ghosts?” Rebecca said as I called her from the hotel room.

“Yes,” I said.

I couldn’t believe it, but it was the only logical thing. For so many to appear at once, it had to be ghosts.

“You bought a haunted house!” Rebecca yelled at me.

“How was I to know?” I yelled back at her.

“That bitch sold you a haunted house,” Rebecca said.

I looked out the hotel window expecting the cops to return to tell me anything, but it had been hours now.

“I am going to call the cops, hopefully they can tell me something,” I said.

“I am not living in a haunted house,” Rebecca said.

“Let me deal with this, please,” I replied.

I quickly hung up and called the local police department. The news wasn’t good. Four of the officers that went to my house were not calling back. They were sending reinforcements.

They told me to come to the station, so I quickly started heading for the door.

“Where are you going?” Denise said as I opened my door.

“What, how?” I asked as she pushed me back inside.

“You didn’t like my family?” Denise said as she slammed the door shut.

“Your family?” I asked.

I tried to push past her, but she was surprisingly stronger than me. “We have been looking for someone like you,” Denise said as she forced me onto the bed.

“Me?” I asked as she straddled me. Her large chest squeezed onto my chest as she lay on top of me.

I tried not to feel aroused by them or her green eyes staring at me.

“You liked our house, and I can tell you liked me,” Denise said as she stared down at me. No doubt feeling my arousal. “I told them you would be the one to help fix it, and make it presentable again, they were so happy.”

“Your family are ghosts!” I said as I strained to push her off.

“That’s rude!” Denise said. “I prefer to say, not among the living.”

I finally got her off me. And ran for the door.

“Where are you going to go?” Denise smiled. “Their blood is on your hands now.”

I got in my car and raced to the police station. Immediately they handcuffed me. When I said who I was, they told me they found their police officers murdered inside my house.

I tried to tell them it was the ghosts inside my house, but they thought I was crazy or that I had set them up and had people inside working with me.

I sat quietly in my cell. Rebecca refused to answer my one phone call.

“Told you,” Denise said.

“How?” I said, looking around.

I heard no door open or saw any way she could get in. “You’re dead too?” I asked.

“Not quite,” Denise said from outside my cell. “In between.”

“You set me up!” I said.

“Now, how did I do that?” Denise asked. She smiled at me from outside my cell, walking back and forth as she looked at me.

“I don’t know, but you did,” I said. Trying not to look at her.

“It’s not good to talk to yourself,” Denise said as she pointed at the cameras. “They are going to think you are some crazy, psycho cop killer.”

“Good, they can see you,” I smiled.

“I’m sorry, I am not really photogenic,” Denise shrugged. “Now this is what’s going to happen, you can rot in here, and then go to jail for the murder of four police officers, or I can get you out, and you will fix our house.”

“There is no evidence,” I shook my head. “I didn’t do anything!”

“You called cops to your house,” Denise said, holding up a finger. “Those cops called two more,” she said, holding up a second finger. “You fled the scene of a crime,” she said, holding the third finger. “Two more cops were killed, very brutally I may add,” she smiled. “My grandfather is a very mean man.”

I shook my head. “They told me to leave!”

“Any witnesses?” Denise asked.

I shook my head again.

“You know what they do to cop killers inside?” Denise smiled as she moved her hands against the bars.

I was screwed. There was no way these small-town cops would believe a word I said. I couldn’t believe it, and I witnessed it.

“Tick tock,” Denise said.

I couldn’t believe the following words that came out of my mouth. “Please,” I said. It was mostly fear that gripped me.

“Good boy!” Denise smiled. “Sit tight,” she said as she walked away.

Again, I heard no door open or anyone let her out.

I waited for hours but then slowly fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“You’re free to go,” an officer said, waking me up in the morning.

“What?” I asked.

“You heard me,” he said.

I got up and walked through the station. Other cops stared at me as I walked.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Two more murders, down the street from your house, happened the same way,” the cop said.

“It wasn’t me,” I said.

“We know, seems we have a serial killer,” the officer said. “Don’t leave, we might call you back for questions.”

The officer rudely pushed me out the door and then closed it.

“You’re free,” Denise smiled as she stood beside her car. She was wearing the same clothes from yesterday and was staring at me.

“How?” I said as I walked toward her.

“My brother,” Denise nodded. “Quite the adventurer, none of us know why he is the only one like them that can leave the property, but he can.”

“I have to call Rebecca,” I said.

“Nope,” Denise said, pushing me towards the car. “The basement sprung a leak, have to fix it.”

I got in the car, and she drove to the house. I reached out and touched her. “I can touch you,” I said.

“Not dead,” Denise smiled. “In between remember,” she shook her head.

“How?” I asked.

“You will see,” Denise said with a grin that made me uncomfortable. She drove towards the house.

I slowly entered and saw more figures standing around the house, all staring at me. “Now, now,” Denise said as she looked at them. “He’s here to fix things.”

They all backed away.

I started with the basement. Then it was the kitchen. The house was falling apart, I had plans to get someone to help me, but it was evident they only wanted me.

Denise watched over me as I repaired things.

“Nathan?” a voice said from the living room.

“Rebecca!” I yelled as I went to greet her.

Rebecca stood in the living room staring at me. “You called me?” she asked.

I hadn’t called her since I was inside.

I turned to face Denise, who was smiling back at me.

“You bitch!” Rebecca said as she rushed toward Denise.

I stopped her, knowing that one of the others would attack my girlfriend.

“You’re defending her?” Rebecca asked in shock.

“I am saving you,” I said.

“Only one way you can do that,” Denise said. She gave me a long knife.

“No,” I said, shaking my head as we were surrounded.

“What’s happening?” Rebecca asked as she saw the figures all around her.

“You do it, or we will,” Denise said. “And you know how brutal we can be.”

They were all smiling and staring at Rebecca. “Nathan?” she said, scared.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I rushed toward her.

I felt the blade enter her, and then I dropped it.

Rebecca slowly fell to the floor. I looked at her. “I’m sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay,” Rebecca said with a smile on her face.

I looked down at her as she lay on the floor.

“Thank you, Nathan,” Denise said.

“What?” I asked as I stared at them standing over Rebecca.

“You brought my sister home,” Denise smiled.

Slowly Rebecca stood up. She looked different. Her hair, which always looked vibrant and full of life, was dull. She walked toward me and picked up the knife.

“It’s been in our family for generations,” Rebecca said. “It’s how we become who we are meant to be.”

I couldn’t understand.

“Now when I die, I will return here,” Rebecca said.

She gave the knife back to Denise.

“See you again, Nathan,” Rebecca smiled as she walked through the others. Rebecca walked out the door.

“Now, there is one more thing you need to do,” Denise said.

“I am not doing….” I started to say. I looked down at the knife in my stomach.

“We can’t have you dying on us,” Denise smiled.

I looked up at them as I fell to the floor.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It’s a great house, with recent additions added on and modern appliances put into the kitchen and bathrooms,” I said as I walked a couple through the house.

“It looks a little outdated,” the man said as he looked at the stairs. “Rebecca our consultant said it was rustic but I didn’t think it would be so old.”

“We kept the old style feel while making other things modern,” Denise said while holding our one-year-old son in her arms.

“And you’re selling because?” the lady asked.

“Our family is growing larger, and we bought another house, just down the road,” I nodded.

“Large family?” the man asked.

“Growing by the year,” Denise nodded. “This is our third.” Denise said, looking at our son.

“With plans of having more,” I smiled as I hugged my wife, pulling her close to me.

“Can’t have too much,” Denise smiled as she wrapped her arm around me. “Plus, he can’t keep his hands off me.”

The two couples looked at each other, smiling. “We will take it,” they nodded.

“It will be a great home for you and your family,” I said as I looked down at her pregnant stomach. “Family is everything to us.”

***Author’s Note: This story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
