The Bath Fuck [Roommates with chemistry] [Rough to gentle] [Banter] [Partly true]

When Carlo got home, the kitchen was destroyed and Bri’s homework littered the kitchen table. This didn’t happen often, but Carlo’s appetite got the better of him. He was easily hangered. A beer and piece of summer sausage would have to do.

He could hear music coming from the bathroom above him the entire time. Was she taking a bath? This made him only more irate, as he started to handwash the pots and pants, munching on a piece of sliced cheese.

“Bullshit.”, he muttered to himself, tossing down the sponge and steering towards the stairs. He ascended, his footsteps heavy. He wasn’t no string bean. The new day job has put a couple pounds of fat on him, but he still had the build of a college athlete. Carlo tried the door on the bathroom. It opened.

The lights were off and red candles adorned the tub’s perimeter. Carlo aggressively flipped them on. Bri was indeed taking a bath. Her head had been laid back, but she looked up puzzled. “Can I help you?”, she asked flatly raising one eyebrow.

“Kitchen’s trashed.”, Carlo returned. He was still intent on acting through the whims of his pissy mood, but like any young active guy, the sight of Bri’s wet soft neck and arm draped over the sight of the tub caught the corner of his eye. He did not look, for that would absolutely improve his attitude. He wanted justice for the state of their shared kitchen.

“I.. I’ll clean it!”, Bri protested. She was not one easily scared by the sight of angry men. She was a tall girl with monstrous soccer playing legs. Her father had been a spy for the infantry. She had knew when someone was an actual threat. Besides, she knew Carlo, and that he was for the most part, totally harmless.

“I can see that!”

“I will! I made fajita mix and it was delicious. Then I was doing my homework and eating it and watching Fear Street and I got a headache!”

“Oh that’s great. So what am I just supposed to work around your disaster and..”

“Oh my god Carlo, order takeout!”, Bri sat upright in the bath and tuned to Carlo in an exasperated manner. Her D cups were soapy and bounced as she jolted upright.

Carlo’s mouth dropped, but no words came out. He was looking Bri in the eyes, his jaw unquivering, but blood rushed to his face. Bri could see his pupils flood his hazel eyes.

She smiled. She was a natural born Chaotic Neutral. She loved fucking with people. Made her feel powerful. She Persephone was her idol but Loki was her spirit animal. “Yes? Go feed yourself. Cranky ass? Ahha!”

Carlo still didn’t say anything. He could feel his cheeks blushing and was perfectly aware of the actively pitching tent pushing outwards against his jeans. His rage was being stifled by a wave of horny, and the pit in his stomach did not agree. He closed his mouth and tried to look like the copious side boob this woman could sport did not inspire him to the most heinous ideas. She had beautiful small nipples that he was trying very hard to not look directly at.

Bri smiled wider. A toothy grin. She was thrilled at the control and torture she was putting her roommate through. She may or may have not flexed her ass cheeks to give her boobs another solid anime like giggle.

Carlo stepped in and closed the door.

Bri’s smile closed into a wide grin. Now her eyes were dilatated. “Oh? You’re not leaving? I thought the poor boy was hungry?” She said this much quieter.

Carlo took slow steps towards her. “Oh. I’m fuckin’ starving. But there’s whore who pisses me off.” The rage had emptied his face, now there was just a fascination with the feminine. His nostrils flared. Bri could smell him from across the room and but she was more skilled at suppressing her own blush.

He was now maybe two feet from the tub. Bri’s face was at the level of his groin. He continued to inch forward. Bri’s smile dissipated. Then she took her hand from the water and shoved him away at the hip, leaving a soapy handprint on the denim, but he grabbed her by the wrist. Her arm went limp as his hairy tan forearm seized with grip of a carpenter’s son.

He held her in place as he came right to the tub’s edge and used his other hand to press her face into his bulge. She closed her eyes and let out a telling whimper. His smell was distinct against the lavender purity of the rest of the bathroom.

“No.”, Bri protested in a coo and she pushed away with her free hand, but he grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Her neck was almost totally immobile. Then instead of pushing, she took his other wrist and pulled him towards her. She actually was an inch taller than Carlo and weighed twenty pounds more on the merit of the wingspan of her hips alone, but she had shoulders as well! Carlo was dragged towards the tub!

He landed on one knee between her legs. He gasped almost disgusted as water soaked his pants. It was a slimy feeling. He looked up at shock of her audacity. First with the downstairs, now with his clothes. She was smiling wide, eyes like dinner plates. She giggled. “Ooops.”

“Fuckin’ bitch.”, Carlo grabbed her neck and squeezed the sides with his fingers and thumb. His teeth were now barred in a smile of thrill. I loved her attitude and mischief.

She took ahold of his wrist with both hands, her creamy white Nordic skin contrasted against his course and worked Brazilian glow. “I’m not a bitch you cuck.”, she protested in a rasp. She smiled and stared deep into his eyes. She had the ‘Fuck me’ look. Eyes half shut. Breathing slowed. The smell of her screamed for babies.

Carlo moved in to lock lips with her. Like a cat, she reached out and rapped him across the cheek, leaving a sting and another wet soapy handprint on his scruff. He looked at her in shock. His hangry flared a little, but slowly his mouth closed. “Yes. You’re a bitch. And apparently a stupid one.”

Bri’s mouth gaped, her brow furrowed, absolutely insulted, but before she had time to get words out, Carlo locked his arms under her armpits and pulled her close to his chest. Her soapy boobs wrung out unto his flannel. He lifted her straight out of the tub. She gasped in shock and giggled more. “Fuck you dickhead! You can’t just grab me!”

“Then why’s it so easy?” Carlo wheezed, clearly strained as hauled her from the tub and lowered her onto the bathmat. He pinned her arms above her head with one arm. Sitting on her hips, he looked her up and down, finally feasting his eyes on her image. The beautiful milky curves, her broad Amazonian shoulders, just the right amount of pudge on her to make her soft like a pillow.

Bri tried to free her wrists. It was no contest. Carlo had her in upper body every which way, even with the one arm holding down both of hers. “Close your mouth creep.” She teased still with a wide white smile, even as she grunted struggling to free herself.

Carlo grinned, the bad mood finally dispelled and a delightful horniness settling in. He leaned in. Grabbing a generous handful of boob in his free bear paw of a hand, he pushed his face into her other, and lapped gently. Bri exhaled as if she were already coming. She loved everything to do with sex possibly more than Carlo, and her nipples were sensitive like a hair trigger.

Carlo teased her, with tongue, teeth and lips, groping her other boob roughly. Bri was fine with this until Carlo covered her mouth with the hand holding her down. Her wrists free, she used both to push him away. Carlo acted like he didn’t care, happily feasting on her left tit.

Bri bucked him off hips and spread her legs around his core. Carlo was fine with this. His bulge could feel her bare pussy begging for insertion. Then she squeezed. She wrapped her legs around him and flexed like a South American snake. Carlo immediately groaned. He squinted and panted for breath.

Bri had a sadistic grin as she marveled her work. “What’s the matter darling? Weren’t you going to fuck me?” She playfully unbuttoned his red and navy plad. His barrel chest took her breath away. She was glad he was in pain so as to not notice her staring.

Carlo opened his eyes again and furrowed his brow, he looked at her in competitive determination. The look made Bri’s pussy quiver in excitement. He couldn’t push her legs off him, so he wormed his legs beneath his body, and stood. Bri’s anaconda hold remained firm, even as she was suspended into the air. Only her back remained on the floor. She hugged her smooth gargantuan thighs around him harder, determined to show her power was comparable.

Carlo could work with this. “Angelface. You’ve fucked up.”, he promised. He crossed one leg over hers and twisted his whole body back towards the bathtub. Bri moaned now as she was rotated onto her stomach. Carlo held onto both her ankles, keeping her feet close to his chest. He sat on her back, pulling her legs further back. She moaned, clearly uncomfortable, but she was as much a masochist as she liked to inflict pain.

“Ahh. This is better. I’ve been wanting to see you like this all night.”, Carlo giggled to himself. He pulled her legs back to hear her sing. “How’s that Bri? Are you gunna clean the kitchen now?”

“Ahha! Excuse me mother fucker? Is this supposed to convince me? Ow. Ow. Ow!!”, Carlo pulled her legs closer to him, bending her further the wrong way. He looked down and admired the ass on this girl beneath him. It was massive, perfectly smooth, and almost totally muscle. How he wished he had brought some Kevlar or rope to tie up this wild animal of a person, so he could take his time with her.

“You dick. Is this always how your first dates go?”, Bri taunted.

“No. I usually buy a woman flowers first.”, Carlo retorted. “But you decided to be *difficult*.” He sighed and sat, looking around the room as if he had the most comfortable chair on the planet, which wasn’t too far from the truth. He looked down on Bri, still grunting, now very much in pain. He was close to bending her ninety degrees. He wondered to himself if she’s actually give before he really hurt her. This worried him slightly, and he really was ready to fuck her brains out. “How about now, wench? You ready to go back to your woman’s place?”

Bri, now out of breath and trying very very hard to stay strong, only grunted some amalgam of insults. Carlo let go of one of Bri’s legs, and relaxed his grip on the other. She panted and smiled as she finally allowed to relax. Her juices was dripping from her pussy onto the bathmat. Carlo however, had reached forward and taken up one of the larger red candles. “Last chance!”, He warned her.

“What?”, Bri asked, semi concerned. She was just about to formulate a plan for a counter attack, when Carlo let down trickles of melted red wax onto her left ass cheek. She yelped in pain! “Fuck! Fuck!!! Asshole! Fuccckk ow ow ow!”

Now Carlo had the toothy grin. The sight of the was rolling off her ass into beads before cooling into a shell reminded him of the handprints he could be leaving on her right now.


“Fine? What was that woman?”, Carlo returned calmly.

“Fine! I’ll clean my mess! I’ll clean, ow! Stop you dickbiscuit!”

Carlo held the candle upright. “Excuse me cunt? You mean fine. I’ll clean the kitchen. What?”

Bri, panting and disheveled beneath him, only let out, “Go to hell asshole.”

Carlo let down another poor of hot wax onto the unmarred asscheek.


“Clean the kitchen what??”, Carlo demanded sternly, but again ceased the pouring of wax.

Bri was hesitant before quietly allowing, “I’ll clean the kitchen… sir.”

Carlo smiled wide. He gently peeled the solid wax chunks off Bri’s butt, and tossed them aside. Bri, still breathing very heavily, was limp. Carlo rolled her gently over again, and stood on his knees as he removed his shirt, very slowly. Bri watched him, trying not to look like she was having fun, as he each sleeve taken away revealed forearms that explained how he’d been able to lift her so competently. His abs, though not as defined as a year ago, were still visible, and massive.

He bent towards her, and planted several very tender kisses. She put a hand on his cheek and kissed back, passionately. Her legs curled and spread. Their tongues danced and nipped at each other’s lips. Carlo kissed her, all the way down her body. As he came to her hips, the scent of her vagina filled his nostrils, and the animal in the Brazilian took over. He ate her out like he would have devoured that take out suggested earlier. Lapping and inserting his tongue inside her.

Bri’s legs quivered. She planted a hand in his scalp and another on her breast, caressing both softly. They both moaned away the stress of school and work and miscellaneous bullshit like headaches and messy kitchens. “Fuck.”, Bri cooed. Carlo moaned like he was coming in response. His pants were loaded with precum. It showed even through the jeans.

He rose, grinning like a fool. Bri blushed and hid her own face. “I knew there was something I liked about you.”

Carlo nodded, “You’re stunning.”, he declared as if it were his magnum opus. He looked her deep in the eyes from behind the hand she half hid behind. Her smile told all. Carlo undid his jeans. He stood to pull them down. He didn’t have his cum gutters any more, but there was a half swollen six in cock and it was getting excited again. Bri’s eyes grew wide as she admired Carlo’s thighs and hips. She quaked at the sight of the member.

Carlo killed the bathroom lights, leaving only orange, dancing, candle glow. He came down onto all fours on top of her, and looked softly into her eyes again. She looked back. “What?”, she asked shyly.

Carlo didn’t say anything in return, just enjoyed the shape of her face. He had a gentle grin. His cock head teased Bri’s clit. Up and down, slowly. She closed her eyes and her brow furrowed. As he slid inside her, his dick gradually become even more erect. Bri could feel him inside her, growing. He slid back and forth, closing his own eyes and exhaling. “Oh fuck you feel so good.”

She cooed and moaned, both hands on her breasts. Carlo thrust deeper. Bri whimpered as his cock came close to her cervix. She was so wet. Propping himself on his knees, and lifting up one of Bri’s legs, he Carlo started to aggressively rail her. They both moaned loudly now, drowning out Bri’s lofi. Carlo’s cockhead prodded Bri’s cervix. She looked at him in unbelievable ecstasy and wrapped her hands around the back of Carlo’s head. She slapped him twice. “Fuck you asshole. Fuck you! I want you to cum in me!”

Carlo dropped his head and closed his eyes. Bri squealed and tilted her head back as Carlo dumped copious loads of cum into her fertile womb. She pulled him close and ground her hips against his. His orgasm lasted upwards to fifteen, maybe twenty seconds, all the while pumping out white liquid into her. She gasped as she was filled, almost beyond the belief of what was happened.

Carlo, drained and sweaty, collapsed on top of her. “Holy fuck.”, escaped him. “Holy fuck you’re incredible.” He kissed her neck, softly again. She giggled and embraced him, rubbing her hands up and down his back.

Carlo stood, handed Bri her bathrobe and tea, smiling to himself while she sat on the floor and smiled back. Carlo got dressed, then went downstairs and cleaned their kitchen.


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