Chapter 36. How I met my boyfriend. [MF][nonfiction]

Parking was difficult to find as I circled the small lot to the restaurant. I was already a few minutes late to the dinner and I felt flustered as I hate knowing people are waiting on me. A car finally came out from a spot and I sighed in relief that I wouldn’t have to park down the road and walk in my heels. I quickly pulled into the open spot and ran my fingers through my hair in the mirror as one last effort to look less frazzled than I felt for arriving late. A girlfriend of mine had invited me out to a small dinner with some of her work colleagues and friends, several of whom I knew quite well. It was at a nicer restaurant downtown so I wanted to look fresh and collected walking in.

I saw the group near the back at a large table. Drinks were already being ordered as I said quick hellos and slipped into the last vacant seat at the end. A new face smiled at me warmly as I introduced myself. He was handsome. His name was Michael and his smile flashed as he spoke, drawing you in to listen. He was younger than me by quite a few years, but as our conversation began to flow, I quickly surmised that he was educated and well spoken. Easily able to navigate his way through the night with the slightly older crowd.

I asked him about the connection to this particular group and he explained that he knew one of the girls, Rebecca. A thought flitted through my mind that I tried to suppress. Rebecca was married, but had a fairly open relationship, which wasn’t much of a secret. I wondered whether Michael was truly just a platonic friend or more than that. As the night progressed and drinks flowed, my curiosity was piqued. Particularly by the feeling I got that Rebecca seemed almost a bit jealous of the conversation between Michael and me. She tried to insert herself on several occasions that felt less than natural. But Michael didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were fixed on me throughout the meal. I didn’t mind. Rather, I found myself a bit excited by our banter. Mostly cultured. Slightly flirty.

As the dinner finished, the group decided to walk a few restaurants down to a bar that had a rooftop area. I walked arm in arm with my girlfriend, but I could feel Michael’s eyes on me from behind. I smiled inwardly, knowing that the dress I wore didn’t hide much from the back side. Gathering at the bar, we all ordered our drinks and let the cool evening air wash over us as we chatted away. Before long, Michael had made his way over to my area and we once again found ourselves in conversation.

I couldn’t tell you what we chatted over. His eyes drew me in and I couldn’t help but soak in the visual pleasure that was his body. He wasn’t overly tall, but he was broad and muscular. A former athlete who still took time to care for his body. The ease with which we spoke told me that this may not be the last time we conversed.

As the night came to a close, Michael asked if we could exchange information to stay in touch. He was parked near me, so he offered to walk me to my car. The night had gotten a bit chilly by this point and my nipples were starting to peek through the fabric of my dress. I got the distinct feeling that Michael was trying his best not to look as we walked. It made me feel extra naughty in the most exciting way. Pulling my keys out of my purse, Michael and I thanked each other for the fun evening and promised to keep in touch. Ever the gentleman, he leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he turned and went to his car.

I called my husband the moment I started to drive home. I couldn’t wait to share how sexy I felt tonight and the way I had flirted with someone new. He was excited for me, as he loves when I feel desired by someone else. He was waiting up for me when I got home. We went straight into the bedroom and he took my bag and shoes and placed them by my nightstand, leaving me in just my dress. He began to kiss me as he asked me about this new guy. Did I enjoy the way Michael had looked at me? Yes. Did I find him attractive as well? Yes. Was I excited about the possibility of flirting with him more? Yes.

My husband began slipping the straps from my dress off my shoulders. He kissed my neck and traced down to my clavicle as his hands pulled at the zipper. He let my dress slide down and pool around my ankles before leading me to the bed in my bra and panties. I sat on the edge and helped him out of his clothes, smiling at his growing cock in front of me. Taking him in my mouth, I teased him as I sucked. I wanted to edge him a bit and bring him to the brink with me until neither of us could last one moment longer.

His hands plunged into my bra and began to play with my nipples under the lacy fabric as I sucked him. He knows how much I like to be teased. His cock was thick in my mouth as I moaned onto him. I tasted his precum just as he pulled out and slipped his hands under my knees, laying me back on the bed with my legs spread wide around him. I held my legs up for him as he traced his cock around my panties. I knew he could feel my wetness through them.

As he reached down and pulled my panties to the side, my phone buzzed. It was Michael. He was just texting to say how nice it was meeting me tonight. My husband leaned over and kissed me. “Text him back,” he whispered. I bit my lip in a twinge of excitement. I began to craft a reply just as my husband plunged his cock into me. I gasped and he told me to concentrate on my messages. Or at least try as best as I could. The grin on his face as he slowly began to fuck me ignited a fire deep within.

Michael and I bantered back and forth a bit with the usual “that dress looked amazing on you,” and, “you must really spend some good time in the gym.” But the sexual undertones were strong. We both knew what we were after. Finally, he took the reigns and asked whether I was in an open marriage. I inquired what would cause him to ask that. He apologized, thinking that he overstepped, and explained that since our friend Rebecca was in a relationship of that nature, he wondered if that was the case for me. As I read his messages to my husband, his cock became more rigid in me. “Tell him the truth,” he said.

My message back to Michael was simple. No, my marriage wasn’t necessarily an open one. We liked to have fun, and if that led somewhere, then great. But I wasn’t the type to just sleep around or go looking for an opportunity. Michael respected that. By this time, my husband had brought me to the edge. My pussy was swollen and aching to cum. My mind struggled to flip back and forth from Michael’s messages to my husband’s hands on me.

I felt myself tighten as my husband thrust deep within and I came, pouring out my wetness onto the sheets. Not finished with me yet, my husband grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my hands and knees. He pulled my panties to the side and smoothly slipped his hardness into me. I was soaking around him as he squeezed my ass and spread me apart for him. My breasts were barely contained in my bra as they bounced from the hard rhythm behind me. I could tell he was close. I was right there with him.

My phone buzzed again. Michael asked if I’d be interested in getting drinks sometime. I felt a hand slap my ass. “Be a good girl and go for me. You know you want to have some fun.” I smiled as I replied. We agreed to firm up plans later and said goodnight for the time being. As I put my phone away, my husband pressed down on me, letting my body slide fully onto the bed with all his weight on me. His breath in my ear was ragged and hot. “You’re such a good girl,” he whispered. My pussy tightened at that. I love knowing I’ve turned on my husband. I felt empowered and erotic in that moment. My breathing quickened as I felt my core get warm. “I’m going to cum,” I told my husband. He grabbed my wrists and held them above my head on the sheets as he thrust into me. Swift. Deep. Completely in control of my body. I moaned as I began to cum, feeling my release drip between my legs. He followed right behind, letting his load fill my tight little box.

He laid on me for a minute while we caught our breaths. He kissed my neck and back, brushing my hair out of his way. As we cleaned up and began to drift off to sleep, we enjoyed a moment of shared excitement. The sexy banter with Michael had given a thrill to the night. Who knew whether it would go further, but for the moment, we were both ready to see where the ride would lead.


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