Ricky or Rikki? [MF][Trans][Rom]

We grew up together, Rob, Keri, Ricky and me, close neighbors so we gravitated together, easily. Ricky and Keri were – are twins, so wherever Ricky went, Keri was always there. We were the Four Musketeers. Rob was Athos, analytical, a planner, always behind our mischief. Ricky was Aramis, really good looking guy, but always seemed at odds with himself, in a perpetual dilemma. Keri was D’Artangnan. Being a girl, she was the outsider always proving herself, not that she needed to, to us, but to others, they underestimated her all the time and she wasn’t prepared to put up with any of their bullshit. And me, Greg, I was Porthos, loyal to a fault sometimes, and like the original, didn’t always get conversations, mainly because I had a hearing problem which I didn’t know about until I was in my teens.

I think we always knew that Ricky was different, just how different didn’t occur to us until the early stages of puberty. We knew that Ricky liked to dress up in girls clothes, but that didn’t matter to us, it was just fun. We also knew that Keri would skin us alive if we got too butch on Ricky and we would gang up on anyone else who harassed or otherwise teased him. It became obvious that Ricky was gay, and while other boys were seriously aggressive to him at times, we protected him. As we grew up, also, it became more obvious that Ricky’s internal issues were causing him an ever increasing amount of grief.

The reasons for this were multiple. Rob’s dad was killed in an industrial accident and it was Ricky who helped Rob get through it more than anyone else. I got ill, burst appendix nearly killed me, Ricky helped me all through it. Rob and Keri helped too, but Ricky more than anyone else. He was that sort of kid, we call it compassionate now, but all we knew was he was our friend. When he was thirteen, Ricky became depressed, then seriously ill. At one point I thought we would be attending his funeral. Eventually he was diagnosed with stomach tumors, went to hospital, had then removed. Physically he got better, but he had a number of issues around depression for a while. We tried to help him, and I never felt we were really successful, but at least, he didn’t suicide, even though I knew he thought about it, a lot.

Later, it got more involved. Rob and I are not gay, but we’re not homophobic either. I spoke to my mom about it, Ricky being gay, and she basically told me that if I was to show any sign of homophobia, my ass would be raw for months. Ricky gave me my first head job, as he did for Rob. Keri was angry with him for that, she wanted to be first with Rob. Rob took Keri’s virginity, and even now, when they get together, both married to other partners, with kids, they really get together. Ricky wobbled occasionally, wavered between being “just okay” to being seriously depressed. Keri and I, no, never happened and really I didn’t feel left out- well okay, I would get jealous and go and spank the monkey but even though Ricky let me know he was willing, it didn’t happen again.

Through middle and high schools, we took on the world. Other friends would come and go, but we stuck together. Then graduation and they went to college. Ricky and Keri went south to USC, Rob went to our local college, me, I went to a traineeship, electrician. I could have gone to college, but I wasn’t interested in staying in school. Holidays were hard though, I was usually working, where they were doing other shit.

I hadn’t seen Ricky while he was in college, saw Rob and Keri occasionally, but not together, well, not very often. Ricky was, apparently, suffering from serious depression, Keri told me early. He didn’t come home, he went somewhere, I never knew where, and started receiving counseling. I know some treatment had begun and he was actually getting better, Keri told me. She also told me that he was undergoing a number of tests for everything from manic-depression to genetic analysis. I hadn’t heard much after that, working as I was. All I knew was that Ricky was working and studying, receiving treatment so really didn’t have time to come home. I never minded, but it would have been nice to see him. Probably living with some guy, or has a boyfriend and is just too busy to think of us. Oh well, we do move on, I expect.

Then, a week ago I got a call from Rob, inviting me to come up to this hotel he had booked in the hills, Friday afternoon to Sunday checkout. Keri and Ricky were coming and I was expected. And by the way, he hoped I didn’t mind sharing a room with Ricky.

I got that conversation, he and Keri would be in one room, Ricky and I in another. I hadn’t had a girlfriend for a while, so if Ricky offered, I would likely say yes. Hey, we’re not kids anymore and a blow job is a blow job, I was less caring about who’s mouth it was and Ricky was going to have to understand I wouldn’t repay the favor.

The Friday came about, I finished work, went home, showered, grabbed my bag and headed off to the hotel. I was really looking forward to meeting up with the guys, for the first time in nearly three years actually. I got there, went to reception, registered, and was given a key for the room, then told the rest of my party were waiting for me in the hotel bar. I thanked the receptionist, who pointed me in the right direction, left my bag in the waiting area, went on to the bar.

I came through the door of the bar and saw Keri first. God, she is fucking gorgeous. I hadn’t forgotten she was good looking but now, as an adult I hadn’t seen for a while, she was beautiful. Rob stood when he saw me, a huge grin on his face, stepping toward me. There was a third person there, fair hair, long, a woman, I was expecting Ricky. Who is this? I though, but that was shoved aside for the moment as Rob strode up and hugged me, followed closely by Keri. Keri kissed my cheek and said, “Got a bit of a surprise for you.” Before I had a chance to say anything, she said, “Meet Rikki.”

I looked up, over her shoulder and there was this woman, this absolutely stunning woman standing in front of me. She was so familiar, yet so different. Ricky was Rikki? He stepped forward and hugged me. Then he kissed me. I mean he kissed me, on the lips.

I was shocked! Not just at being kissed, but at Ricky! In full drag? Tits? What the fuck was happening? Here I was, being kissed, full lip lock- tongue and all by a kid I grew up with. I gotta tell you, all, he was lucky I was so stunned or I might have just laid back and punched his lights out!

We broke apart, and I was feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. At one level I was so aroused, but an another I was so horrified. I had nowhere to go!

“I’ve loved you for a long time, Greg,” Ricky said in a seriously husky and sexy voice, “Until now, I just couldn’t tell you.”


“Yep, Rikki!”

“Wha- wha-,” I stumbled.

“It’s simple Greg,” Ricky said, “You remember I got seriously ill when I was a kid?” I nodded. “I found out so much, but I learned why I was like I was.”

Ricky drew me back to the table, sat me down, made sure I had a drink and said, “Being ill was a real eye opener,” he said.

I shook my head, just to clear it, and said, “I know you were very ill, didn’t they remove a tumor or something?”

“They did, but it wasn’t a tumor,” Ricky said. “You ever wonder why I didn’t play sport?” I shook my head. “Well, simple really, I had a really tiny dick, not a micro-penis, but very small. I didn’t want to get laughed at by other boys, that’s why I never went skinny dipping when we were kids, never got naked in front of anyone. Then after puberty, my pecs were a little over developed, remember that.”

I remembered, I had always thought that he was just a prude, but yeah, I can see why he wouldn’t want to. There was another kid who had a dick like a horse, even before junior high and he got teased a lot, until high school, then he got laid a lot. So Ricky was the opposite. Made sense. Always thought he had a weird chest.

“Those ‘tumors’ removed were not tumors, at all. One analyzed out as a malformed ovary and the other was a very small and dead uterus. That’s when I had a complete genome analysis done.”

I had heard of this before, but never really knew what the reason for doing one was. Ricky went on, “When that came back, it was found that I had a variation of Klinefelter’s Syndrome. I was a triple-XY.”

“Nah, you lost me, what is a triple-XY? I don’t think I’ve heard of Klienfelts Syndrome.”

“You may not have. It’s Klinefelter’s Syndrome,” Ricky said, “But that’s okay, I don’t think it ever came up in any of our conversations when we were kids.” He smiled this truly lovely smile, and went on. “You remember basic genetics from high school Biology?” I nodded, well, I did recall some of it, but not a lot, I was more interested in Shop than I was biology, unless it was directly connected to sex, copulation, preferably.

“You know we have 23 pairs of chromosomes?” I nodded, remembering that much. “Well, you remember how chromosomes split then split again to make sperm and ova?” I was recalling that, yes, so I nodded. “In most cases, like with Keri, she got one X chromosome from mom and an X chromosome from dad, right?” Yeah, determines our sex, XY for male or XX for female, I recalled. “With me, something went wrong. All my other chromosomes were okay but the twenty-third pair, I got two X chromosomes from mom and both an X and a Y chromosome from dad. So I got three X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. The result was a tiny dick with one ball, a malformed ovary and a dead uterus.”

“So this means, you’re totally gay?”

“No, it means I’m really a woman in a partly male, partly female body. I even started to grow tits, these tits actually.” He waved his tits at me.

“They’re real?” I asked, like a real dick would.

Ricky grimaced, “Yeah, they are now, not implants, real tits!” He- well she, pulled back a bit, “Soon as I started hormone therapy they started growing, now they’re stable.”

“Wow, look this is all a bit overwhelming, let me soak it up for a bit.”

Keri and Rick- Rikki exchanged a look and Keri nodded, “Okay, drinks all round. This is supposed to be a happy hour, so let’s get happy.”

After a couple of drinks, other, not-so-serious conversation, I asked, “So getting sick then helped you work it all out?”

“Oh yeah,” Rikki said, I was coming around to thinking of her as she, “Dad wasn’t happy I was gay, and there was a huge relief when it all came out, a lot of the tension between us- well, it just died. We talked to a lot of doctors, and essentially, they said, wait, plenty of time to make a decision. So mom, dad and I talked for a year or more, then decided that if I wanted to, at eighteen, I could transition. Dad knew it was genetic, nothing he or I could do would help, so we waited.”

“I didn’t know,” I said, “I never knew.”

“No, you wouldn’t have,” Keri put in, “You didn’t live with us and dad was insistent this stays strictly in the family. Both he and mom are resigned to Rikki never having her own children, but they understand why. Initially, they had a hard time forgiving themselves, but over time, they’ve come good. Well, mom has, dad, he has a bit of catching up to do, but he’ll get there.”

“You knew?” I asked Keri.

“I was there, remember?” Keri replied, “And this was something the family, mom and dad that is, thought best to keep quiet about. Especially now, with all the fucking nonsense surrounding trannies right now. I doubt that is going to go away any time soon, fucking morons.”

Keri doesn’t swear often, and when she does, pay attention.

“No, you miss my point, you knew and you told Rob, but didn’t tell me?” I said. At this point, being left out actually hurt me, more than I thought.

“No, I didn’t know until the day I called you,” Rob said.

“The only people to know were mom, dad and Keri,” Rikki said, “Outside the medical people of course. Besides, I really didn’t want to involve anyone else in my bullshit.”

“For fuck sake,” I said, “We’ve been friends forever, and you couldn’t trust me?”

Rikki stopped and was wearing the shock on her face that I felt. She shook her head, “No, it’s not-”

“That’s what it feels like!” I wasn’t going to make it easy for her.

“Greg-,” Keri started.

“No,” Rikki interrupted, “He’s right. I let my fears dictate my actions. Dad did too.” She stopped and I glared at her. She looked at me, a real look of remorse on her face, “I’m so sorry, Greg, I should have known, should have trusted you.” She stood, came to me and hugged me as I sat like a stone statue. I felt her body shake, a sob, “I’m so sorry, Greg.” she said into my shoulder, “So sorry, can you ever forgive me?” She shook as she sobbed.

I moved, I stood and turned, held her, held her close, feeling every bit of her shaking body pressed against mine. “It’s going to be a while before that happens,” I said gently, “There’s an awful lot of hurt going on here.” I leaned back and with one hand, eased her face upward, I leaned down and kissed her, softly, “Then you’re just going to have to find ways to make it up.”

A look of real delight wiped across her face, as she kissed me again, “I can think of a number of ways that I can make that happen.” She hugged me tight, “I’ve got a room here, you think we can get started? Like now?”

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the key, “And I got a key.” At that moment there was no-one else in the bar, just Rikki and me. Rob or Keri may have said something, but they would never have been heard. I took her hand and I think I was a little short of dragging her out of the bar and up to our room, but not a lot. As I took her hand, I felt the enormity of what she said earlier, “I’ve loved you for a long time.” I knew that deep down, in that same place we store all our deepest, darkest secrets, the ones we never share, even with ourselves, that I had always loved Ricky, now Rikki.

Okay, I admit, this was a little odd, but for me, right now, Ricky was gone and it was Rikki I was practically dragging up to a hotel room.

As we passed the reception desk, the young lady clerk attracted my attention and reminded me of my bag. I got it, hoping that the rapid movement taking the bag, then grabbing Rikki, hauling ass to the lift, wasn’t too much of a giveaway. Fortunately, I couldn’t see the eye of the receptionist, but I suspect there would have been a knowing snigger in there. Rikki had held my waist as we entered the lift, kissed me as we went up.

I couldn’t wait, I had to take a hold of those tits, feel for myself. Okay, she was still dressed but the felt like every other tit I had managed to caress, few that it may be. The lift stopped while we were in a close embrace so we started to get out, not realizing the was a mom and two children waiting to get in to go up to the rooftop pool. I felt terrible for them, my cock was as hard as a rock and Rikki was all flushed. Mom blinked, I’m sure she saw the rather large protrusion when we sprang apart, but the two kids just ignored us. Two more floors and we go out, laughing at being busted by a family.

We got into the room, I threw my bag onto the bench just inside the door. Rikki and I just molded into each other, hugging, kissing, touching, hands flying over each other, clothes flying off. We fell onto the bed, my erection protruding, her bra off and I was able, at last, to get a really good look at her tits. Not large, a 34B but shapely, firm. Nipples a darker color, not overly large, small, much like a man’s nipples, but a little bigger. The areola too were small, more like a man’s than a woman’s areola, but that didn’t matter, they were standing up, and I had to suckle them. I did, and was rewarded with the sigh of a woman who’s man had just done the absolute best thing for that moment.

Rikki still had panties on, but that didn’t stop me from exploring her pussy, first through her panties then I eased my fingers under the elastic. I had already felt there was no dick there, running my hand over the smooth silk, and feeling the soft, albeit wiry, short, likely trimmed pubic hair covering her pussy. I must admit to a perverse curiosity, just what did a dickless, constructed, man-made pussy look like? I kissed my way down, over her ribs, across the flat stomach, down onto the hips.

I eased her panties down, feeling my way over her body with my tongue. I pushed her legs apart and started lapping across her- do I call it mons? Doesn’t matter, I felt the ridges of her pussy, smooth and puffy, not exactly the same as a woman, but close enough as to understanding that if you didn’t know Rikki, you would easily mistake it for a true-born pussy.

(Shit, I gotta stop thinking like this. Sure, there are differences, but unless you knew, you would likely not pick it.)

I didn’t know what to expect to see, but the differences between the two are minuscule. There was a clit, labia, vaginal canal complete with a small, puckered asshole, all in the right positions. The clit was swollen and it struck me then, a clit has the name “penis minora” as opposed to a guy’s *”penis majora”*, so why wouldn’t the smaller dick of a trannie be used to provide a clit? I have no idea how this would work, I’m a fucking electrician, not a surgeon, so all I can say is that it was a nice looking pussy. My tongue explored it, and it seemed to work the same way as a pussy, so who gives a fuck?

Rikki’s hands held the back of my head and she began to pump her hips up to my face, forcing my tongue to squash her clit. She panted, moaned and struggled in my grip of her hips, I didn’t let her go and she came! She orgasmed! I know, I know, but I had no idea of what to expect. How could she cum? Well duh! Again, I’m no doctor but I am not entirely dumb. Obviously she has a vagina, and a clit, so she has to be able to cum then, right? She didn’t taste to bad, well, I’ve not sucked a dick before, but she tasted like Rikki, okay?

She fell back with an almighty moan, breathing, gasping sucking air all at the same time. I heard a long, drawn out “Fu-u-u-u-ck!” I kissed my way back up her body, over the stomach, between her breasts and then onto her neck, over her chin and finally kissing her lips. Her lips, well, they were different. A woman’s lips are soft, but a man’s lips are much harder, Rikki’s lips were somewhere in between. Not the truly soft lips of a woman but neither the harsh, strongly muscled rather, lips of a guy. There was no incipient stubble either, no sign of it, no burr or scrape, nothing.

“Oh please, be gentle with me,” she said, which, I must admit was a bit of a surprise. “I am, after all, technically a virgin.”

“What? A virgin?”

“Yes, this is the first time I’m having sex since I transitioned. The very first time.”

“With me.”

“With any man.”

“Yes, but with me. I’m first?”

“Yes,” Rikki said, then more quietly added, “It was never going to be anyone else, Greg.” There was a serious tone, a tenderness in her voice that I have never heard before. “When I first decided that I was going to do it, to transition, after I was done in the hospital, when I didn’t have to worry medically any more, healed up and everything, it was going to be you, no-one else.”

I shook my head, then her words came back to me again, “I’ve always loved you.” I held her closely, kissed her again. What could I say to that? Rikki reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a tube. “Lube,” she said, “Just in case.” I thought she was sufficiently wet, but, well I don’t know, maybe for a tongue but not a dick. She wiped her fingers over her pussy and made sure there was plenty of lube there.

“Now, come on, you gotta fuck me now!” Rikki held me and rolled onto her back, pulling me on top of her. Her legs were spread under me, my cock was hard and squashed between my pelvis and her pussy. I pushed back a bit, lifting my hips off her and dipped my ass a bit. I felt my dick graze over her labia, he soft moans letting me know I was in the right area.

I tried to engage and felt my cock grab something, then slid out, I tried again and the same thing.

“Damnit,” Rikki said, “I did get told that the first time, I was going to be tight.”

“Wanna swap, you get on top?” I asked.

“Might have to, but not yet, we gotta try, traditional, dumb virgin,” Rikki replied, “I’m gunna be a plank so let’s keep going.”

I lifted my ass again, then slowly aimed, and slid over it. Rikki reached down, took hold of my tool and waved it over her pussy lips. When near the right spot, she lifted her hips a little, then said, “Now push, gently!” I did as told and felt her newly minted hole give way, not easily, and she moaned, in some pain, I stopped. “No! Keep going!” she urged me. Deeper I went, I slid into her, her soft cries were pain, I knew but every time I stopped she kept telling me to keep going. Soon, I was completely inside her. I couldn’t go any deeper.

Now, I’m not that well built, like twelve inches or anything like that, but I do have a large enough dick that I know is above average. I know, as I’ve bottomed out on the cervix of a woman before, which hurt her, but not Rikki. Duh! What a dumb ass, I thought, she wouldn’t have a cervix. I rested for a few moments, not moving, having that wonderful feel of a dick that is completely wrapped in pussy. She was right, she was really tight.

I eased back a little, then slowly pushed into her again. She moaned, a mix of pleasure and pain. She didn’t push me off, so I repeated the action, pulled back, then eased in again. There it was again, that noise, a mixture of pleasure and pain. I took it slowly for quite a number of strokes, her pussy completely enveloping my cock.

“Ooohhh yes, that’s really nice!” she cooed, “Keep fucking me!” Always willing to oblige such requests, I did, kept going in and out, slowly then steadily increasing the tempo. Her moans became more of pleasure, as Rikki started pushing back, keeping her timing with mine. My cock slid in and out so easily, courtesy of the lube I suppose. It wasn’t until later that I even considered the question of whether she would be able to lube herself naturally or not. I was just too busy fucking.

Her pussy rubbed on the knob of my dick, her skin rubbing mine, kissing, holding, moaning together, that’s what it was all about, taking pleasure from each other, giving pleasure to each other. Her hand grabbed my ass, pulled me as deep as i could go into her. She lifted her knees, wrapped her legs around me helping the rhythm of our timeless and endless dance. She cried her pleasure and quietly said, “Cum in me, cum in my mouth, cum all over me, but cum! I want your juices! Cum!”

At this point, I was only too happy to oblige. The feeling of her pussy around my manhood was so intense, so warm, comforting, I felt a whole new level of emotion that I just couldn’t, still can’t, describe. I felt my entire cock being massaged by every bit of her love canal, feeling a little grab every now and again as the muscles around her pelvic floor squeezed, giving me an extra thrill.

I was building to a massive shoot and I knew it. I squeezed hard to stop myself, to edge myself, and it worked. The strength of the pleasure I was getting was huge, as I felt all the nerve endings in my dick just tingle with growing excitement. I pushed in and pulled out until I could no longer keep my cum inside me. I felt a wave of sexual release wash outward from my dick, into my ball sack as my balls jumped and pumped a load of cum up and out of me into her already wet fuck tunnel.

“I can feel that!” She cried, “Ooooooooo!” She wrapped her arms around me, kissing me as deeply as anyone has ever kissed me. A second surge, the muscles in my ass and pelvic floor combined to push my thrill to greater heights and shoot another load of my juices into her. Her moan was of pure pleasure, adding to the intensity of her kiss crept through me and I know I shot a third time, I could feel it as my cock spasmed inside her. Rikki held me, kissing me, soothing my beating heart. I went to roll off her but she stopped me, “I like the feel of you on top of me. It make me feel whole, complete.” She pulled my face to hers and kissed me again.

Even though I felt I had shot an awful lot of my semen into her, my cock was still flying at half mast. Maybe it was that I hadn’t been laid for several weeks, but somehow, I didn’t think so. I got my breath back, my heart calmed down, as did my dick and it fell out of her. She moaned and kissed me again, “That was wonderful. Better than I thought it would be.”

“I’m glad you liked it, and you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

“The surgeon told me that it might be uncomfortable, but the nurse told me later it was going to hurt. I’m glad you were being so gentle. Sure, it was a little uncomfortable, but it didn’t hurt too much at all,” Rikki said, as she eased me off her. Without any prompting from me, Rikki pushed my shoulder so that I was laying on my back. Without any hesitation, she kissed my neck, then shoulder. She kissed my pecs, then suckled my nipples a little. Rikki kissed my chest, then just slid down taking my sperm covered dick into her mouth.

She lapped it, she swallowed while I was deep inside her mouth and I felt a different sensation altogether. I wasn’t fully erect, but the effect of that swallow was strong enough to give me a real surge of sexual pleasure. There was no way she was deep throating me, but she sure knew how to suck a dick, even though I wasn’t erect. It felt great.

When she had enough, she lifted off me, kissed my balls, lapped the ball sack and, holding my cock, made her way back up to my neck. “Yuummm” she whispered, “Tasty. Just like I remembered.”

“Sheeesh, that was years ago,” I said.

“Yep, and I’ve never forgotten the first real blow job I ever gave a boy,” she said, “And I was really glad you let me do it.”

“We were playing, I had no idea what it was supposed to be like,” I replied, “Don’t forget, I was pretty naive. I liked it, really, but when I found out that it was supposed to be with a girl, not a boy, well, that rattled me.”

“Oh? And that’s why it never happened again?”

“Yeah,” I said, not sure if I should be telling her this, thinking it might be a threat to our new relationship now.

“I knew you weren’t gay, so I never held it against you. But I would really loved to have done it again.”

“And I realized later I wanted you to, but never had the courage to face it.”

She turned her face up and moved, kissing me gently, then with a growing intensity. We slowly parted and she said, “I loved you long before that. I loved you after that, knowing that it would likely never happen, we would never get together, but then when I had that operation, and I first learned about Klinefelter’s I wanted to tell you, to be with you, but-” She stopped.

“Why did you never say anything?”

“I couldn’t. I didn’t know what I wanted at first.” She told me what the doctor’s were saying, what her parents were saying, and in the end, she had to wait until she was eighteen. She could make the decision for herself. That was the first thing that she and her parents agreed to, it was always going to be her decision. Although she had assumed she would make the transition, she wanted to wait, to see if it was the right choice. After she left for USC, she was living as a woman, having grown her hair the previous year, began wearing women’s clothes. As time went on, she was more and more certain it was the right choice. She didn’t want anyone to see her until it was all finished. Going to Southern California was enough of an excuse to stay away, finding work while studying, staying employed part-time while transitioning, that wasn’t always easy.

She had a number of guys hit on her, for which I felt an unreasonable stab of jealousy, but she wasn’t ready for dating for a while. When she did date, if the guy got serious, she would either delay until he got pissed then dump her, or if he was patient and understanding, she would masturbate him or provide oral. That was why she was actually good at it, i thought.

“I thought you were great that time you blew me,” I said.

“I tried, then later, with Rob,” which I knew about, “but then there were a number of others.”

“Others? Who?”

“Oh, I’m not going to blow then tell.”

“Oh come on, we were barely teenagers.”

She hesitated, and said, “Promise you’re not going to go and beat them up?”

I laughed, “Why would I do that? We were kids.” I saw she was serious, “Okay, I promise.”

“Tom Searle,” that surprised me, “Billy Smart,” that one too, “Wil Karton.”

“What Wil? Really? He was such a stud!” That shocked me, footballer, baseballer, swimmer, all-round jock.

“He was, but occasionally liked a side step too.” We laughed about that, and the last I saw of Wil he was heading for 300lbs, none of which would have been muscle.

We talked and laughed, made love again, slept and I woke with her sucking my dick. Morning came all too soon, we woke, laughed and loved. That was how the rest of the weekend went. I didn’t want to part on Sunday, but I had to go to work the next day and Rikki had to go back to California.

As we were laying in bed Sunday morning, Rikki kissed me, “I know I’ve told you, but I really do want you to know that I have always loved you. There was never going to be anyone else for me. Even if I didn’t transition, you were always my one and only love.”

I really didn’t know what to say to that. I looked her in the eye and said, as honestly as I could, “My head is ignoring my childhood friend, but my heart is telling me that I’ve loved you too for as long. I don’t think I would ever have admitted that before meeting you here. Right now, my heart is over-ruling my head but my head is not fighting too hard. I think I loved you too then, but now, I don’t care, I think I love you too.” She kissed me and it was almost impossible see the Ricky that was, now I can only see the Rikki that is.

“You know, you’ve taken my mouth virginity,” she smiled, “Now my pussy virginity.” I nodded with a large smile, “I want you at some time, take my ass virginity too.”

I was surprised! “You mean you never-”

She shook her head. “I sucked some cocks, well okay, a few, but I never fucked a guy nor let them fuck me, oral only.”

I shook my head, the very thought shocking me. I would have thought the Ricky would have had his dick in someone or someone’s dick in him. “No,” she said, “Never did, none of them were you. If you wanted to fuck me in the ass, I would have let you.”

“But I never did.” I shook my head.

“And now I want to do it all with you,” she said, “I want to be as perverted as I can for you. Whatever you want, I will do.”

“Jeez, Rikki, that’s a pretty bit commitment!”

“I know,” she said, seriously, “Whenever you want a blow job, to fuck me, any time. You want to watch me fuck another woman, another guy, a dozen guys, I will, for you.”

This also send my mind reeling. The power she had just given me was totally unwanted. “Babe, no, I want for you to be your own person first, so we better set some boundaries at some point. No I don’t want you to be fucking a dozen guys, not now, not fucking ever!” I knew that to be true, “I don’t know, maybe a third person at some point, but it is going to be in love, for a bit of forbidden fun maybe. Maybe I’ll suck a dick for you, who knows. But you have to be your own person.”

She blinked, she hugged me and said, “I will, for you.”

“No, not for me, for yourself,” I kissed her, and said, “Right now, you have seriously fucked me out, so on your back, open wide please, I want some breakfast!” She laughed and opened herself to me without any hesitation. Horny for her, I might be, but I really do think I love her.

We held each other and kissed, relaxing in the warmth of our feeling for each other.

“Do you think we would have another person in our bed?” She asked.

“If you want to.”

“Man or woman?”

“Would it make a difference?”

“I’ve never had sex with a woman,” she replied.

“Oh,” I thought for a moment, “Perhaps then we should think about it, talk it through. But then, I’m going to be here and you’re going back to USC. It’s going to be a long distance relationship. Anything can happen.”

“Not for me, all I want is here, in bed with me, right now.”

“Okay.” I smiled but really, what the fuck do you say to something like that? I held her and we snuggled into the bed, together.

Later, as we showered, she said, “Next time, you can fuck my ass.”

“Yep, and you’ll know it.” I held her under the shower water, kissed her again and again, letting the water run over us. I washed her and she washed me, her hands carefully caressing my cock and lathering my balls. I felt a finger slide around and slip into my puckered hole. Fuck! I didn’t stop her and my cock grew again. Rikki got on her knees and took my recently cleaned dick into her mouth sucking me. She was really getting into it when the fucking water went cold on us.

It’s a fucking hotel for shit’s sake. Why did we run out of hot water? Needless to say, lot of enthusiasm went down the drain at that point, faster than my dick drooped. Oh well. Rob and Keri knocked on the door, as we had just finished packing, time to go.

We made plans to meet again, next break for her, but I’ve already been thinking about it. I don’t think I want to wait.

My traineeship is finished, I’ve located a company near where Rikki is living and they are looking for another employee. They accepted me. I told Rikki and she was over the moon. She’s living off campus with Keri and a girl friend of theirs, but another income to help pay the rent would help them considerably.

I am about to pack my laptop away, get in my car and head south for the rest of my life. Ricky was my friend, Rikki is my lover. It just feels right.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wytx1y/ricky_or_rikki_mftransrom