Holy Scholarship (NonCon/Dubcon/Reluctance)

***This is a fictional erotic story written by me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18. This is my fantasy, not yours. You are not being forced to read this, so if you choose to then be nice and enjoy. ☺️***

I think it’s time for you to go to lunch. I locked my phone again, not responding. I returned my attention to the screens in front of me, trying to get some work done. A few minutes later another ding rang through my headphone as the next text message lights up my phone. Five. What does that have to do with anything? I thought to myself. A short break later, four. What the fuck is he talking about? I tried to rack my brain. That’s when I looked down at the clock on my computer at the precise second that the computers minute went from 12:11 to 12:12. Ding. Three. Oh fuck he’s counting down minutes. I had three minutes to get “to lunch.” I ran outside, down the street. Booking it towards the church. Two. I was almost there, I ran into the parking lot, my converse gripping the black tar below me. One. I reached the door of the church, pulling the handle and walking inside.

“I’m here” I shouted into the nave. My voice echoed, “here… ere… e…” He walked onto the sanctuary, his knees hitting the front of the white cassock as he did. He took a seat, crossing his legs and rested his interlaced hands on his abdomen. “Why is it that you make me treat you like a child?” He asked. “I don’t MAKE you do anything. If anything, it’s very much the other way around.” I snapped back. He may have been raping me for the past three months, but I wasn’t afraid of him. I could see the annoyance forming on his face. His eyes squinted and brows furrowed as he said “I don’t make you do anything. You could always just drop out of college & we could give your scholarship to someone who needs it. You are much better at this than you would be trying to make it out in the world anyway.”

I just rolled my eyes remaining at the entrance. I hated him. I only had to get through college and then I was free. Though we were only months in and his appetite seemed to be quite larger than expected. I was getting tired, it didn’t feel like it was ever going to end. “You know I think it’s kind of cute when you roll those big hazel eyes of yours.” I gritted my teeth. Great, now I can’t do that either. I was angry that he was finding a way to ruin my rebuttals too. I didn’t want to be cute for him. I wanted him to find my attitude and overall rejection to him to be insulting. “Okay, you’ve had your fun. Lock the door and come here.” He demanded, no longer willing to argue over semantics. My stomach dropped.

I turned around, locking the double doors. When I returned towards the sanctuary, he was standing at the cross prop on the stage. All I could think was Jesus fucking Christ do people really believe this shit? He seemed to be attaching rope to the sides. I reached where he was standing, waiting. “Take off your clothes.” I stood there. I always hated this part. He glared at me, I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to deal with me today. Not that I cared but I would like to be able to walk back to work after “lunch.”

I kneeled down, unlacing my converse one at a time and removing them. I then removed my socks, placing them in the shoes. I stood up, unbuttoning the double button jeans and then slid them down. They landed on the floor below me so I leaned over to grab them so I could fold them. Taking off my clothes still needed to be tidy, as he would remind me first few times. He watched me, his eyes tracing down to my legs. I could feel my face flush. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up and over my head. I never wore a bra, never had a lot to hold up. I stood there with only my underwear on, holding my arms over my chest. He grabbed at my arms, dragging them down and away. My nipples hardened upon being exposed to the cool air. He grabbed my underwear, tearing them. “What the fuck, I have to go back to work! What is wrong with you?” I yelled at him. Jeans and no underwear weren’t a fun mix and I didn’t have anything to change into. I need to remember this for the future. He ignored my protests, finishing the ripping and then pushed them into my mouth.

He grabbed a piece of rope and wrapped it around my face, in between my lips and tied it in the back. Once it was tight and to his liking, he grabbed my jaw wiggling my head back and forth twice and then releasing. He didn’t need to talk, he simply did & I knew exactly what he was saying. Clearly he was saying “ahhh much better, no more filthy words form the filthy whore.” He held my upper arm, leading me to be flush with the cross, wrapping the rope all the way down my arms. He stopped right before my shoulders and right before my hand. I could barley move my upper body. He stepped away, returning after a few minutes.

I couldn’t turn to look at him or what he was doing but I tried. I rocked my head back and forth, trying to turn to see but my arms preventing the movement. I hated not knowing. I groaned through the gag at him, growing angrier. He walked up behind me, a plastic bag coming down over my face. He held it there, watching me struggle and then pulling it off. I choked and coughed, trying to take a deep breath through my nose. As soon as I felt like I was returning to the present, the bag was back on my head. I couldn’t breathe, as the plastic pressed against my face and my arms begin to throb from the constant attempts to help myself. He liked to do things like this because it didn’t leave marks, though I’m sure he would prefer to choke me with his own hands. The bag came off. I breathed fast and hard, finally catching my breath as my very quickened heart beat continued to thump against the wood.

I begged through the gag, not wanting it to happen again. I couldn’t see anything behind me though so I wasn’t sure if the bag would return over my head or what. Silence fell and then his hands were on my hips. His palms rested on the side, his four fingers wrapped around the front on my pelvis. His thumbs laid directly above my ass cheeks. He slowly moved my hips around, left and right and then pulling them back as far as they could go. Sliding his hands down my cheeks, down the back of my thighs and back up. SLAP. His hand landed on my ass and then again before I could respond to the first. “Mphffff” I moaned in pain. He hit me in the same spot twice more and my ass was stinging.

His hands were no longer on me, but I heard rustling. He must have been getting naked. His footsteps came closer, when I felt his dick on my ass cheeks, pushing through the crack and into my anus. “MMMFFFFFFFFG” I scream-cried out. I could barely breathe again but this time it was was from the shock. Tears streamed down my face as I felt his cock slide deeper and deeper. He moaned, bathing in my pain. “Hm hm hmmmm” I cried. He grabbed my hips, gripping so hard, I knew there would be bruises later. He continued to fuck my ass. Pulling me into him as he met me halfway pushing back. He thrusted in a final time, grunting and clawing into my sore hips.

We stood there, him in me & me on the cross. He regained his composure, pulling out “do not let my cum drop out of you” he told me. I stood there, my arms too weak to fight or hold me up. I tightened my asshole as much as I could, waiting. Coldness filled me as he pushed what must have been a plug into me. He casually moved on from this, untying my arms. I fell limp to the ground, my arms aching and laced with rope markings. He kneeled down, unwrapping the rope from my face and pulling the panties from my mouth. He placed them in his pocket and walked away, leaving me there.

After I took a second to recover, I stood up to get dressed. I grabbed my jeans, sliding my legs into each side noticing the bruising I had expected forming on my pelvis and hips. I pulled them up, knowing that the plug would be expected to remain there until I got home. He loved me sitting in his cum all day. I pulled my shirt over my head, and slid it down onto me barely able to keep my hands above my head long enough to do so. I put my socks and shoes on, walking down the aisle and unlocking the door.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wysiib/holy_scholarship_noncondubconreluctance

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