Mali’s descent into depravity Part Four [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [stretching] [tpe]

With a week to go before the first session Mali was already theirs, ‘a thing’, ‘an object’ that for at least the next six months they now effectively owned. The scale of responsibility was both unsettling and exciting – not least with Mali’s last ‘ask’ for her pussy “to be gloriously ruined… broken”. Initially it had troubled Freya, who as a mother knew what it was like to have herself physically ‘rearranged’ by giving birth – why would someone choose to deliberately, permanently and brutally change that part of themselves without the resulting gift of a child? Freya was all too aware of the changes her body had undergone – not least the struggle to control her bladder when exercising hard and the need to be a little less wanton when having sex.

Lying in bed after Mali had left, Freya and Seth had talked it through. They’d given their word and commitment to proceed with the breaking of their friend and as they explored the possibilities further Freya found herself increasingly turned on by the idea of ensuring Mali got everything she craved and needed. Reaching between her legs Freya found herself already wet at the thought of violating Mali’s most intimate space. “I want to be able to bury my hands in her” Freya murmured to Seth as they lay gently playing with themselves and each other “I want her pussy to be so open that you can see right inside whenever she spreads her legs. I’ve never even seen another woman’s pussy, far less done anything like this… it feels so dirty, so filthy but so exciting” she whispered to her husband as she brought herself to a shuddering orgasm.

The next six days were tortuous for all concerned. Seth could barely concentrate at work, constantly thinking of scenarios to suggest to Freya for the sessions ahead and nervously wondering if Freya and Mali would get cold feet and change their minds. Freya herself kept finding her mind wandering to what Mali had pleaded to them for, but the moments of doubt and nerves were quickly overcome by the way her body responded to the idea, her cheeks flushing and a growing ache between her legs. Freya too had always loved art and reconciled the conflicts within herself by thinking of Mali as the ultimate art project – a block of malleable, soft, human clay to mould and shape however she saw fit.

Mali meanwhile followed her orders to become that block of clay, a rough, blank canvas of a middle-aged woman for her friends to work on… she cancelled the appointment to get her haircut and dyed, she wore the most shapeless, unappealing clothing she could find in her wardrobe and binned the razor. Following her break-up she’d already stop shaving her legs, armpits and top lip.. “What’s the point” she’d thought, and as for a bikini line – well that had long since been breached. Previously Mali hadn’t ever envisioned that Freya and Seth might want her in the most natural state of appearance, either when she’d first thought of the proposal or over the weeks where it had taken shape and finally been accepted. But now she realised their demand, no, it was an order, made total sense. They understood that she needed to be stripped back to the raw her, humiliated, to be made to visibly flout the societal norms for women, and feel embarrassed and ashamed in front of them.

And that was exactly how Mali was feeling as she bent over clutching the bed rail, displaying all of herself to Freya and Seth for the very first time… degraded, emotional and yet craving more. “Spread them wider” Freya instructed her sternly. Mali complied and felt her sticky labia start to ease themselves apart as she did so. Freya took a deep breath and settled herself – for this next part was going to cross another line, a change from directing voyeur to active participant –and then walked over to stand side-on next to her prostrate friend. She’d already donned a pair of black latex medical gloves, Seth and her deciding that Mali was not to be rewarded with any skin on skin contact. The gloves also somehow upheld the sanctity of their faithfulness to each other, the thin material enough to signify that what was happening was separate to what they had and who they were as a couple.

Facing Seth, Freya reached across Mali’s flattened lower back before grabbing a fleshy buttock in each hand and pulling them apart. This last act finally exposed Mali’s fleshy, dusky pink pussy from its nest of pubic hair for them to both see and inspect. Freya couldn’t help but be fascinated, immediately bending forwards over Mali’s spread cheeks to get a better look. Mali’s outer labia were plump, reminding Freya somewhat strangely of a doughy brioche bun, while her inner lips were long and hung a good inch or so from between them. Above it Mali’s other hole visibly puckered tighter with the realisation that her friends were fully committed and that she was now utterly theirs.

“Time to see what we’ve got to work with” suggested Seth from his seat in the corner of the room, encouraging his wife to inspect further, before adding with a smile “Looking at her though, I don’t think you’re going to need that lube she brought.” Mali felt herself redden with the shame of her body betraying her primal needs. Still holding her cheeks apart Freya eased the index finger from each hand into Mali’s pussy, realising that she was clenching her own thighs together as she did so, her own body too responding to the situation. “She’s surprisingly tight” volunteered Freya “For someone who has had so many failed relationships I sort of assumed she’d feel… well, well-used I guess.” Mali reddened further, not so much embarrassed by tightness of her pussy but the humiliation of Freya’s comment about her inability, at the age of nearly 50, to have found a partner. “See how many fingers you can get in” Seth asked his wife as Freya worked her middle fingers in too and then added “see if you can pull your hands apart a little?” Freya tried to follow his instruction but there was little give in Mali’s pussy. “Maybe it’s nerves but she’s going to need a lot of work” Freya remarked, embracing the depraved challenge ahead and her role as twisted sculptress by callously adding with a laugh “When I’m done with this useless, overweight, hairy, wreck of a thing no-one will want to go near this pussy for fear of falling in.”

Mali felt tears pool at the corner of her eyes, shame tinged with the pain of four fingers pushing into her. This though was what she needed – the physical abuse married with emotional dismantling. If she’d had her doubts about whether Freya and Seth were the right people to help her they now evaporated.  

Part five… coming next week. Parts 1 to 3 already posted.

