The Kissing Booth (schoolgirls, blowjobs)

*Every character in this story is 18+.*

*Also please be aware that there is brief, accidental Dd incest on ‘Day 4’ (feel free to skip it).*

Repeating to herself ‘you are beautiful; you can do this,’ over and over had gotten her out of bed, into her prettiest red floral dress, and had helped her set up a booth in the school’s busiest hallway. Now that it was time to step into the booth and humiliate herself, ‘this was a bad idea’ was the new mantra she repeated through the teeth of her big fake smile.

As much as Eve cared about the chess club and sending their only qualifying member, herself, to Prague for the Challengers tournament, there was no way they were this desperate yet. A kissing booth…? Was this an 80s teen comedy? The vote was 6 to 1 and, being the only girl on the team and the one most invested in Prague, the vote to make her the booth attendant was 6 to 1, as well.

The way to Prague was gated by 5000$ of expenses. Her poor parents gave a thousand to the cause. Eve emptied her bank account for an additional two thousand, and the rest of the chess team had contributed… this dumb idea.

2000$, 5 days, 200 kisses per day, 2$ each. That was the plan. That was if a single student was willing to pay to kiss the school’s nerdiest girl.

The Truth was Eve was downright adorable. In a school without an entire cheerleading squad parading their big, braless tits around all day, she might have gotten the attention she deserved. But still, the reason she was standing in a kissing booth, smiling like an idiot, was because the chess club boys were hoping it would lead to kissing practice sessions from their teammate who they described behind her back as a young Alicia Vinkander look-alike. Obviously, no such sessions had materialized outside of their lecherous imaginations.

Oh! Her first customer was dragging his feet towards her booth, looking at his phone. She knew his name was Dylan. He was a notorious pothead.

“Hi! It’s just two dollars,” Eve said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster without gagging.

“Oh yeah?” Dylan put his phone away and unzipped his pants.

“What are you doing?! I’m talking about a kiss. How could you even think… What is wrong with you!?”

“Yo, chill.” His dong still poking out, Dylan grabbed his phone again, moved it around like a compass and seemed to realize his mistake. He left and turned the corner without bothering to tuck his worm back in his pants. A lot of people were doing a similar dance of turning into her hallway, looking at their phones and backtracking. Eve’s inquisitive mind compelled her to abandon her post. Not that there was anything to steal other than an empty jar.

Of course, who else but Kinsley Proud-to-be-a-dumb-slut-and-setting-back-feminism-50-years Parnas and her giant boobs could have the predatory instinct to set up her own kissing booth around the corner on the same day. Walking by Kinsley and her mean-girl squad usually meant looking at the floor, hoping they were not in the mood to ruin your school year, but Eve’s resentment had grown exponentially since the news of the cheerleading team raising their championship money in one weekend. The perks of rich parents she supposed. So, what was she doing here today other than flaunting her popularity? Did her slut squad need to buy shorter skirts to win regionals?

*You have no idea who I am, Kinsley, but you’re about to find out…* Her anger had time to grow while she waited in line after being shamed by a dozen guys for trying to cut ahead. She had rehearsed this declaration in her mind for weeks and her face was so red, it was only missing cartoony steam out of the ears to truly reflect how she felt.

Kinsley was wiping her mouth of some stringy spit and was briefly confused by the appearance of her next customer.

“Hi, Eve. What brings you here? I’ve never done a girl before, but I can try if you want.”

Eve couldn’t believe it. She had been disarmed before the battle even started. How many moves ahead did this succubus think of? “How do you know my name?”

“You’re in my science class. You probably never noticed me there, but everyone knows you, duh. You always ask these super interesting questions and we’re like… how did she think of that?”

Eve’s sarcasm meter had trouble getting an accurate reading. In any case, flattery would get Kinsley

nowhere: “I’m doing a kissing booth around the corner and you’re stealing my business.”

“Oh! For the chess tournament, right? I can’t believe you are going to Prague. I don’t know much about chess, but you must be amazing at it to compete on the world stage. We’re taking a 40-minute bus ride to Moosefart or something for Cheer Spirit, it’s pathetic. But yeah, I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were around the corner. I’ll just turn off my app and they’ll all switch to yours.”

The line behind Eve expressed their discontent and scattered as soon as Kinsley tapped her phone.

“What’s that?” Eve asked.

“I thought that’s what you were using too. It’s the BlowMe app. I’m using it to make a few extra bucks between classes to help with my mom’s bills since her accident.”

“Blow me? Do you give people…” somehow she only dared whisper that word “…blowjobs?” Eve was just now realizing Kinsley’s booth had little curtains on the bottom half.

“I know, it’s not the most respectable part-time job but if I leave it on all day, I can easily make 500. It’s easy to corner the market because there’s 1 girl for every 10,000 guys who use the app. For the price of a Netflix subscription, they see who’s in the area and just come to you, hence the booth. I built it myself last night. Got sick of using the boy’s bathroom; it’s gross in there.”

Eve’s chances of success with the kissing booth had gone from 0% to ‘error.’ She was trying to sell kisses when getting a blowjob was as easy as catching a Pokémon.

500$ a day… she couldn’t get that number out of her head. Even if she didn’t get as many clients as

Kinsley, Prague suddenly looked attainable. 5 days. 5 horrible days, then Prague.

“If you decide to try the app, make sure to swallow. It’s in the terms of service.”

**Day 1**

Eve sat down next to Kinsley in science class. She looked like she hadn’t slept a wink and was on the verge of throwing up.

“So? How was your first night of BlowMe?” the well-rested future prom-queen asked her.

“I…” Eve threw up in her mouth a little bit and swallowed the slime back down. “People just kept lining up; I never had a break. I wouldn’t be surprised if I already had the money for Prague.”

“That’s amazing. I’m really proud of you, Eve. I know this is not your scene but trust me, no one is gonna judge you for how you got that money. At the regionals next week, we’re going to be cheering for you to win the tournament.”

Eve smiled at her. She felt like shit for judging Kinsley all these years. Also, because she had a hundred loads of cum sloshing around in her stomach.

“When does the balance adjust in the ‘money earned’ page? Is it like every 24 hours?” Eve asked.

“It’s pretty much in real-time,” Kinsley said.

“What? Mine still says zero.” Eve showed Kinsley her phone.

“Eve, did you not register?”

“Yes, I made an account!” A few heads turned at Eve’s classroom outburst.

Kinsley tried to soothe Eve as she hyperventilated: “Even with an account, you still need to register on the website before you can earn money. It’s still good practice, though. The higher your rating, the higher the cut. There’s plenty of time to get the money, right?”

**Day 2**

Eve came to see Kinsley at lunch. She was sitting with the slut squad who all seemed genuinely concerned and anxious for news of her progress. Eve was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and the neck of her t-shirt was covered in dried white flakes. Her hair was an absolute mess.

Eve was in a hurry to talk but still had to wait a good 10 seconds for the contents of her stomach to settle. She handed over her phone and opened her mouth. An unladylike burp came out instead. No one laughed. One of Kinsley’s friends, a stranger to her, even put her hand on top of hers and encouraged her to go on. “Kinsley, I registered. I know I did. This morning it still said zero and I used it all night again. I’m freaking out.”

Kinsley returned a smile that was meant to be compassionate, but she couldn’t hide the pity that came with it. “Eve, I’m sorry. Your rating is 2.4 stars. It takes a 3-star rating or higher to become what they call a ‘partner’. You’re just starting out so don’t be discouraged by a few bad reviews. It took me months to get to 4.8 stars.” Kinsley’s friends nodded to the shared experience.

Seeing her new friend’s face sink like her Prague chances, Kinsley got up and grabbed Eve’s arm. On their way out of the cafeteria, she also grabbed a random boy: a confused but compliant Dylan. Once in the boy’s bathroom, Kinsley dropped to her knees and forced Eve to do the same. “I want to give you tips; let’s see your form.”

Eve pretended it was just another cock in the lineup. You put it in your mouth and you suck until it squirts, what more could she have to learn? She already had over 400 blowjobs under her belt; that made her an expert in her book.

“First note: enthusiasm. From the moment you first see his dick, you have to pretend it’s the biggest, most beautiful thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Right now, it looks like you’re doing them a favor, but they should be thinking they’re doing *you* a favor. His dick stinks, right?”

“It’s fucking rancid,” Eve said, grimacing.

“Wrong, it smells like your favorite dessert and the only thing you like more than the taste of his sweaty shaft in your mouth is the taste of his cum. That is absolutely key because your face as you swallow is the last thing they see before rating you. When you feel that load oozing on your tongue, act amazed, then try to communicate with your eyes that one: there’s *so much* of it. That two: the taste is practically giving you an orgasm. And three: that you can’t wait for him to come back after brewing you another batch.”

“I don’t think I’m that good of an actress. I’m just doing this for Prague; it’s all so disgusting.”

“Focus on pretending and you might eventually fool your brain. I mean, maybe not yours, but it works for dumb cheerleaders.”

“Listen to me, Kinsley…” Eve had picked a bad time to take Dylan’s spit-covered dick out of her mouth. The splash of his ejaculation hit her on the cheek and in the eye. She was having a moment, though, and just ignored it. “You’re not dumb. Not even remotely. When this is over, I’m going to return the favor and help you pass science. Studying is just like a blowjob: you pretend you like it until you do.”

Kinsley smiled. “You’ve got a little cum on you.”

“Oh yeah, here?” The left side of Eve’s face was dripping with jizz, she was pretending not to know where to find it. “Oh, is it here?”

“Here, let me help”. Kinsley gave Eve’s face a big friendly lick.

After watching his crush lick his cum off of a cute nerd’s face, Dylan was pretty much ready to go again.

“Alright, let’s try again. You need to throat a bit more. Doesn’t have to be all the way, but they need to feel you’re going beyond your comfort zone. Makes them feel special. I’ll help give you that extra push.”

**Day 3**

The two blowjob queens had science together again.

“Your tips worked, I had so many 5 stars last night,” Eve proudly told her new best friend.

“Alright, girl! Are you rolling in cash?” Kinsley asked.

“Not yet but I’m at 2.9. If I average 4 stars in my next 38 blowjobs, I’ll start making bank this evening.” Eve had calculated all this in her head while sucking cocks. “Then, if I skip school tomorrow and don’t sleep for the next two days, I might still have a chance to make it.”

“Oh, babe…” Kinsley had that dreaded compassionate look again. That couldn’t be good. “Why didn’t you just start a new account so you wouldn’t have to fight against your past reviews?”

“Start a new account…” Eve smacked her own forehead. The smartest girl in school, ladies and gentlemen.

**Day 4**

Two parents were walking the school corridors for a parent-teacher meeting. Schools had a different atmosphere in the evening when it was mostly middle-aged folks walking around.

“She’s been working hard preparing for Prague; I’ve barely seen her all week.”

“I’m sure her teachers will say she managed to stay a model student as usual.”

The dad’s phone beeped as they passed the intersection where Kinsley’s old booth had been set up. “Aw, crap, work is calling. I need to take this. Go ahead, honey, I’ll catch up.”

This BlowMe girl was a busy bee. He had five men in front and three more had already gotten in line behind him. He didn’t dare unzip his pants until the last minute. He wondered if the girl was a student; the anticipation was already getting him hard but he selected the two-way anonymous blowjob option just in case this ended up being one of his daughter’s friends.

Eve’s masterful mouth blindly got to work. She gargled the balls and ran her tongue slowly up the length before plunging in. She sucked him like a hoover while amusing every inch of shaft with her tongue. The man didn’t last two minutes and the BlowMe girl made sure to fully drain his urethra of any left-over seminal fluid before releasing her oral embrace.

Eve’s dad gave the girl 1 star. He always got a rush from making these dirty sluts feel like they were never good enough for him.

**Day 5**

Kinsley could not contain her smile of guilty pleasure seeing Eve’s dot on her BlowMe map that morning, an hour before the deadline. She was secretly hoping Eve would fail to get the money she needed and couldn’t wait to see the look on her face for the big reveal.

“Hey Eve, how’s Prague looking?”

Eve took the cock out of her mouth for a second, just enough to say: “Fuck Prague.”

“Don’t say that, I have a feeling you’re going to make it after all,” Kinsley said.

“No, I mean I don’t care anymore. I made 400 bucks last night. If I go full-time, I can make twice what my parents make *combined*. There’s no career for me in chess.

“Oh… OK, well that’s good I guess.” Kinsley decided not to disclose the envelope behind her back. Inside was a 2000$ check from the cheer team’s ‘Send Eve to Prague’ topless carwash.

**Day 263**

Eve pressed the button to cash in the 130000$ she had earned so far. She hadn’t needed the money until now but the luxurious condo she wanted to buy downtown required a 20% down payment.

Her pulse first started racing when the confirmation dialog spoke of rubles. With shaky hands, Eve googled the conversation rate from this Russian app’s currency into American dollars. Her phone fell out of her hands, then her knees joined the pieces on the floor.

The ultimate irony was that almost exactly 2000$ USD was transferred to her bank account. She finally got her Prague money long after the tournament ended.
