Coach and his sprinting girls [Part 1]

Hi I’m Kevin, I’m 35 years old, I’ve been sprinting competitively since I was about the age of 5 or 6. I think I first became interested in physio therapy when I was in my teenage years. Since sprinting is such an intense sport I had to learn to look after myself, especially since I was really starting to take my competitions more seriously. Whilst I was always good at sprinting I never made it far enough to make a career out of it, so in my twenties I decided to go to college to study sports science and then went on to get my degree for physio therapy.

Thats how I started off my interview for becoming the physio therapist for my local college’s varsity teams. However, due to my experience in sprinting after about 6 months of working as a physio they made me the women’s sprinting coach. They were struggling to find a new coach but they could find other physios pretty easily. I still did a certain amount of physio for the teams but really only when the other physio who was a women was very busy.

Being a male coach/physio for an all female team was awkward, I always had to be careful how I spoke about the team and what I did, and reduced the amount of private physio sessions with them as I could. I’d usually try and pass them onto the female physio where possible just to reduce the likley hood of getting any accusations. Whatever I was doing, or not doing as the case may be, worked as there was a couple of times some college staff would compliment me on how gentlemanly I was. One time some professor was dealing with accusations of perving on students and I heard another professor saying he could take a leaf out of Kevin’s book in regards to respecting women’s privacy. This good name I had for myself played into my favour very well as I wouldn’t be staying out of the teams privacy for much longer.

I was doing my usual coaching session with the team on a Wednesday evening. The training session went smoothly and everyone was having a good time. I had them do a 200 meter sprint to finish up the session but then one of the girls called Kate pulled her groin. I told everyone else apart from Anna who was helping to go on ahead home. Anna and I helped to carry Kate to my physio room. I usually would’ve brought her to the female physios room but she was currently on a few days leave. Anna helped me put Kate on my physio treatment table. I asked Anna to go get me an ice pack and I grebbed a some pain meds for Kate. I put the ice pack on her pulled groin and gave her the pain meds with some water. Anna then said she better go but she hopes Kate recovers quick. After a few minutes of awkward silence between me and Kate she said she’d like a massage for it, I agreed and started to massage the lower part of her groin over her shorts. After about a minute she said it wasn’t really helping and needed a proper massage with oil and stuff. I hesitated for a second but I did then grab some of my oils and brought them to the table. She was trying to pull off her shorts but was struggling and said she needed help getting them off so I obliged. The ice pack had been dripping on her shorts and soaked her through to her panties which were white and thin so you could very clearly see her pussy once her shorts were off. The second I saw that I automatically just said “aahh” and I put my head down and looked away. She looked down and noticed why and after a couple of seconds she said, “it’s ok you go ahead and start, I don’t mind”. I hesitantly took the oils and started to massage her groin. I started low down and after a couple of minutes when she notices I’m avoiding going near her pussy she grabs my wrist and guides me up her leg further. I was starting the realise something might happen. My heart was pounding as I thought of what might happen but also the potential consequences of what might happen. Not long after she guided my hand up towards her pussy I glanced at her panties and the patches that were dry were now wet despite the ice pack not being there anymore and the oil didn’t go any where near there. I said to her, “I can stop if you want now” but she replied “no no, it’s really helping, you can go further if you want” as she ever so slightly grinned at me. We locked eyes for what felt like a good 30 seconds. As I was caught up in her eyes I slowed down the massage and at one point I think I stopped. She then grabbed my chin between her thumb and finger and pulled me in and we kissed. It wasn’t much, it only lasted a few seconds but it sent shivers all over my body. She still had her finger and thumb on my chin and I started to rub her pussy with my fingers over her wet panties. She let out a sigh that was different to her other sighs from the pain. It was softer and longer. She closed her eyes and I kissed her again. During the kiss another shiver ran through my body as it hit me as to what I was actaully doing. Kate just seduced me, even with being in pain, she must have been waiting for a moment alone with me for a while. She pulled away from the kiss and she said “finger me Kevin”. I pulled her panties to the side and slide my middle finger into her hole whilst rubbing rubbing her clit with my thumb. She moaned when I put it in. After a few good strokes I put my other finger in and picked up the pace. She moaned again and I kissed her. It wasn’t long before I felt her pussy contracting around my fingers. She rocked back and forth in ecstasy as she orgasmed. Once she finished she said in a shaky voice “thank you Kevin, you’re the best coach”. I responded “You’re very welcome Kate, you know I’d do anything to help my girls” . I pushed her hair behind her ears and rested my palms on her face and said, “how about I go get you some clean shorts from the lost and found and see if I can get you a crutch for the time being.” She simply nodded and said thanks. I went and got her the shorts and a crutch and helped her as far as the door. Before we went outside I said, “I love that this happened but you can’t go telling anyone, I’ll lose my job.” She responded with “I know, I wont, plus then you wouldn’t be able to… help me out any more”. Then she winked at me and went over to her friend’s car.

To be continued.



  1. I just cummed all over Kate’s face. God she’s hot! I love coach and athlete stories!

  2. It was going well until the 3rd paragraph, which needs to be divided into at least a few paragraphs. Hard to follow if a person needs to pause, without a break in the action acting like a visual bookmark.

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