18+ My Girl Gift

One night after being out with some old friends and I’m not half way home and I stumble across an older couple, on or about the same age as my parents who were being robbed. Luckily the rubber didn’t see me, but the wife did and I used hand jestures to get her know that I was behind the robber and before he was aware of my presence, I use a quick karate chop to the side of his neck & shoulder and he just dropped like a ton of bricks. I quickly relieved him of his ‘weapon’ he dropped, a cheap ‘Saturday nite special’, old cheap chrome automatic pistol and the couple was so very thankful! I got some rope the husband had in trunk of his car to tie up the robber, probably some crack or meth fiend addict. They help me to drag him to some out of the way spot.

The couple wanted to know if I was police? I said that I wasn’t. They wanted to know if I was going to call the police? I said I wouldn’t if you don’t want me to? They didn’t want police, because they are foreigners and they didn’t want any trouble with police or retaliation from the robber. He was tied up tight and was gagged with and old scarf of the wife so he will be ‘indisposed for a good while.’ They were so happy that were saved from the robber and wanted to give me the money the robber was going to take, I didn’t want their money even though they looked like they were doing alright in that department. But they wanted to give me something for my ‘heroism.’ They asked me if my wife would want something as a gift from them. And I told them that I wasn’t married. They looked alittle shocked and quickly looked at each other and the husband said, ‘You have no girlfriend, no woman?’ I just shook my head no but the idea came to me. And I just blurted out that “But I’d like one though,” I gave them a ‘wink, wink’ of an eye and the husband nodded his head slowly.

He tells his wife something in some foreign language, it could have been a Southern eastern European language, not Greek or Spanish or Italian but almost like some weird Polish or Russian or Czech extract, variation? The husband says “So you want woman, yes? A woman who will be by your side, and provide you with ‘comforts’.” as he makes the fucking jesture with his fingers from both hands. I say ” ‘Yes’ but not some typical prostitute or easy girl for the nite or the weekend. I wanted a ‘special kind’ of girl. I wanted a ‘slave girl’.” “Oh, you want such girl? Why, why you seem like such nice man, why you want such creature?” I tell him my last relationships didn’t fair that well and I have been cheated on the the past & stolen from so I thought it would be nice to have a woman who would be ‘more giving’ and ‘more passive & receptive’ to me and not lie, cheat, steal or run off. The old man nodded his head and said more stuff in his native tongue to his wife and she nodded her head as he spoke to her. He said he could make phone call to cousin as he pulls out his phone and uses the saved number speed dial and he speaks more in his foreign language. I first I thought it might be a joke but he was serious in his speech to I guess was his cousin?

“You have any special requirements for girl?” Caught alittle off guard, I just say, “average height, average weight or slightly smaller, but with nice curves using my hands to have him see what I mean as he tells his cousin on the phone in native tongue. I say that she should be young, fair, and maybe light eyes and hair the color of honey & be in hood health, have classic features and be pretty.” He nodds his head while talking into the phone. His wife just smiles without showing her teeth. His says it will take time, girl will have to come from ‘old country.’ I figured as much.

While talking to the husband and wife is still smiling, a car somes out of nowhere and a big intimidating guy comes out of the passenger’s side. I guess, this is the ‘cousin’ and the husband and wife all hug and kiss on both cheeks as I guess they tell him what happened and what I wanted in a reward for my heroism and he shakes my hand with a very firm grip and thanks me for saving his cousins and tells me he will personally see to my reward. He hands me a older basic cell phone & charger and tells me to keep phone on me always and not to use the phone for any other reason and not to tell a soul as he snaps his fingers to someone who was driving to collect the ‘robber’ with some other guy from the back seat of the car and I guess that guy will never see the light of day ever again and with that, I just thank him and say “I won’t tell a soul” as the other guys load the still unconscious robber into the truck of their car as he just huggs & kisses again on both cheeks saying more stuff in their language whatever it was and he leaves.

Knowing my cue, I do the same and we just all leave. Not knowing if this was to really going to happen or not, I just make my way back home, my mind in all different directions at once! ‘Am I really gonna have my own slave girl?’ I think to myself. Can this be true? I get home & put it all out of my mind for awhile.

End of part I

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wutxsx/18_my_girl_gift

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