15 Years Later CH 18, 19, and 20. [M/F/F/F] [Mdom] [Fsub] [All characters 18+]

# Fucking Crazy Women (Kyle)

“Well, it’s something…” Kevin’s words die in his mouth as he checks his rearview mirror.

Without the two of us talking, a soft *smacking* sound and light moans permeate the car.

I whip my head around to see the women are all over each other. Kendra and Rachel have their tongues twisted in a knot while Laura is sucking Rachel’s neck, and her hand, while hidden behind Kendra’s purse, is going into my favorite place on Earth.

Turning back around, I grab the wheel and jerk the car back into our lane right as a fucking oncoming truck blares its horn in passing. I correct the wheel so I don’t smash into the car next to us and hold it steady.

“Get it to-fucking-gether, Kevin! Eyes on the road!” I turn back to the women once Kevin is focused. They’re all wide eyed and not nearly fucking. “And you three! Cut it the fuck out until we at least get home. Shit!”

I exhale and take a couple deep breaths to calm my spiked heartrate. *Fuck! We almost fucking died!* What are these three thinking? I glance back to them over my shoulder. They all straighten in their seats, fixing their dresses or hair.

Rachel reaches a hand to my shoulder. “Sorry, baby.”

I pat her hand to let her know I’m not mad.

Everyone talks about male privilege, and it’s true, men get away with a ton of shit, but this right here, is an example of female privilege. If the roles were reversed and Kevin and I made out in the back, she would break up with me in a heartbeat. But here she is, getting *super* hot and heavy with two other women, yet I’m not thinking of breaking up with her. If anything, I’m wondering where she thought that’s going to lead. There’s no way she wants to share me, and she wants to fuck real bad so she wasn’t going to miss getting more dick tonight. Maybe it’s just horny and alcohol mixing.

“Y-yeah. Sorry, Kyle,” Kendra says.

“Fine,” Laura grumbles. “Sorry, Kyle.”

*Well, at least she’s not calling me Kyleie-boy.*

“What about me?” Kevin asks. “I almost died, too.”

Laura kicks his seat. “Shut the fuck up. You’re the reason we almost fucking died! Eyes on the fucking road.”

“That was pretty quick of you, Kyle. How’d you do that?” Kendra asks.

Even with my heart still pounding, I can’t help the grin spread across my lips. “One of my friends passed out while driving once and their foot got stuck on the accelerator. I got us past a few cars, but we ended up in a ditch. After that though, I started asking others if they’d let me steer from the passenger seat. To them it was like a joke or just being silly, but for me it was training just in case that shit ever happened again.”

A collective sigh escapes the group and pride swells in my chest a bit, hero vibes flowing through me.

Rachel leans forward and kisses my cheek. The rest of the ride is quiet, with the girls on their phones and me watching Kevin watch the road. Thankfully, the ride is short.

When we get home, Laura doesn’t waste a second. “Go to your room, Kevin. We don’t want you down here.”

“I live here too, you know.” He walks in the door, but if he had a tail, it’d be tucked between his legs.

“Remember the contract you signed, Kevin.” Rachel reminds him. “You have no rights.” She walks up to him and pokes him in the chest. “You do as I say. Go to your room.”

“Better yet. Kiss her foot.” Laura sneers.

“What? N-no.” Rachel glances at me as I shut the garage door behind me. “Kyle wouldn’t… I don’t want anyone touching me other than Kyle.”

“Oh, come on.” Laura smiles. She moves over to Kevin and places her hands on his shoulders. “Down boy.” She pushes him to the ground. “It’s not sexual, Rach. It’s like a doggy licking your hand.”

Rachel looks to me again and then back to Kevin.

I walk up to and place an arm around her waist. “Do you want him to kiss your foot?”

“Y-you’re okay with it?” Her eyes grow wide while Laura’s flash with hunger.

“Answer me. Do you want him to kiss your foot? You’re being awfully kind not pressing charges and letting him live in our house. I’d say you’re well within your rights to make demands.”

“*Commands*.” Laura corrects. “She owns this little bitch.”

Rachel looks up at me, her big green eyes searching mine for something… Permission maybe.

“I…” She hugs me and whispers, “I want my body to belong to you, Kyle. You know what I like. You write it in your stories every week.”

*She wants what I write?* I gaze into those endless forest eyes. *Oh, woman. We are made for each other, are we not?*

I grab her by the waist and spin her around. Holding her in place with a hand on her belly, I lift the black dress up to expose her ass.

Rachel’s hand slides from my chest to shoulder as she peers up at me, biting her bottom lip.

“Here’s your last chance to ever taste Rachel. Place your hands behind your back, and kiss her ass.”

“What?” Kevin sputters, even though his hands drift behind his back.

Laura’s eyes glow as her smile stretches from ear to ear. “Yes! That’s what I’m fucking talking about, Kyleie-boy.”

“Stop calling me Kyleie-boy. You’re about to be on your knees kissing my cock.”

Laura’s smile stays a moment too long before she turns it a light snarl. She wants it.

She shakes Kevin, gripping a shoulder and his hair. “Hurry up and kiss her ass, bitch!”

I smack Rachel’s butt from under her cheek, making her plump ass shake. “Last chance.”

Kevin’s wide eyes gaze at Rachel’s exposed ass. His eyes flick to me, then to Kendra who’s moved to stand on the opposite side Rachel, and then back to her ass.

Laura huffs. “Why would I expect anything from you?” She shoves him into my fiancé’s ass before tossing him back. “Go sit in the corner. No touching yourself.”

“Kevin.” I stare hard enough to pierce steel. “Get the fuck out of here.”

As Kevin scurries out of the room and up the stairs, Laura turns to me with a scowl. “Oh, so you’re just going to call the shots?”

I slap Rachel’s ass again, turning the pale cheek hot pink. She moans, grabbing my arm with both hands. I pull her dress back down then pull her into me, pressing her ass and back against me.

“That’s right,” I reply. “You’re going to continue what you started in the car, but before you do.” I apply pressure to Rachel’s shoulder, slowly pushing her to her knees. “All three of you are going to kiss my cock, to remind you of what you’re doing this for in the first place.”

I’ve never been so bold, and if it wasn’t for the cool New York weather, I’d be sweating bullets.

Rachel turns around on her knees and unbuckles my pants while Kendra lowers to her knees next to my fiancé.

Laura stands on the other side of Rachel. “I don’t bow for a man.”

“You don’t know what a man even is.” I place my hand on her shoulder and pull her forward. My hand slips to the back of her neck and squeeze, forcing her shoulders to tense up. “It’s about time you learned.” I force her down hard next to Rachel who pulls my manhood out.

It stands fully erect over their faces. I snap a picture with my phone as they all press their lips against my cock.

# A King on His Throne (Kyle)

I place the phone back in my pocket and then flick a finger towards the couch. “Go on. Get on the couch.”

“What about you, baby?” Rachel’s hands slide up and down my legs since I’m already tucking my cock away.

“Get on the couch and have fun with each other like you were before.” I pull a reading chair around to the opposite side of the coffee table. I pick up the table and set it to the side, then glance back at the women. “The first one on the couch gets dick.”

All three make a break for the couch, pulling at each other to gain a momentary advantage. Rachel yanks so hard on Laura that she pulls the woman off her feet. The momentary struggle allows Kendra to get a lead but my fiancé jumps on her back, tackling her to the floor before crawling over her and reaching the couch first with her hand. At the last second, Laura comes flying across the room, ass first, landing on the couch with a muted *thump*.

As the three women argue about fairness and who gets dick, I walk over to your chair and sit down. The back and arms are one piece, sloping higher in the back. Sitting in the chair, I feel like one of the Viking kings of old, watching his wives compete for his affections. All it needs is an animal pelt and some bone to complete the look.

I sit there just a couple feet away from the three women still squabbling over the competition. If I wanted to, I could reach out and grab them, but I hold back. My chest rattles with how much adrenaline courses through my veins. It takes everything I have to look so calm and reserved. Eventually, the three women realize I’m simply watching. They quiet and straighten up on the couch.

“Laura got there first,” I say. A smile bursts across her face but before she can gloat, I continue. “But I told you to continue what you were doing in the car. Last one to cum gets my cock first. Get to it.”

Laura’s smile turns devious and she grabs Rachel from behind like she did in the car, one hand squeezing a breast while the other quickly dives under the dress. Rachel grips the hand under her dress but Kendra is quick to reengage her lip lock with my fiancé, distracting her enough to allow Laura’s hand entrance.

Kendra pulls Rachel’s thong off and I snap my fingers at her before holding my hand out. Kendra smiles and hands me the balled-up panties. They’re damp, so much so, I think I might be able to wring the pussy juice out if I tried. I hold them up to my nose and just breathe. So fresh and full of Rachel’s juices, I don’t need to sniff. After a moment, I tuck them into my pants.

It doesn’t take long for the three to get very comfortable with each other, but it looks like the other two women have teamed up against Rachel, though she doesn’t complain. With Kendra’s head between her spread legs and Laura sucking one of her breasts, she suckles on Laura’s. One of the best things about cocktail dresses is that so many of them called for no bra, making access so easy. It’s not long before Rachel’s hips roll against Kendra’s face. She pushes Laura off and taps her thighs with needy moans.

Laura takes the hint and stands, letting Rachel’s head lay back on the couch. She slips out of her panties and I snap my fingers at her as well. She hands them over, her green eyes full of hate and lust. She keeps her eye contact as she pulls Rachel’s dress over her head, tossing it to the floor before mounting my love’s face, hiking her dress up to her voluptuous hips. “Oh, yeah, Rach. Just like that.” She slaps one of Rachel’s heavy breasts and then grips both, causing soft puffs of flesh to pop out between her fingers.

I watch with my fist knuckling my lips, letting the sweet scent of Laura’s wet panties waft up to my nose. My cock is crazy hard, but the tease is worth it. I’ve never been close to a situation like this. Three women, putting on a show for me. Competing for my cock. Dreams have a hard time coming up with stuff this good.

Rachel screams as she bucks her hips. Kendra pulls back and rubs Rachel’s clit until she squirts. Laura lifts her hips, and the three women look at me.

My eyes grab Rachel’s. I’ve never had to call upon my poker face more than this moment. Everything in me wants to smile like a fool and jump for joy, but I give away nothing. I crook I finger at her.

She’s a little slow to get up. She slides off the couch to her knees and sits between my thighs.

I glance back to the other two and nod for them to continue.

They stare at each other, both breathing heavily, Laura a little more so.

“Should we…” Kendra looks back to me with her brow in a worried knot. “Wrestle?”

“If you want to.” I shrug. “If you ask me, the civil thing to do would be to sixty-nine. Seems fair. But if you’d rather wrestle. I’ll allow it.”

The two women lock eyes as they size each other up.

Rachel gazes up to me with begging puppy dog eyes that flick to the thick lump in my pants. A quick glance back to the pair and she whispers something.

“What was that?” I pull her chin back toward me.

“I said, please don’t break anything.”

Her meekness puts a smile on my face. I gave them permission to wrestle, and she wasn’t willing to go against me.

“Eat each other out. Laura can choose who’s on top or bottom since she got to the couch first.”

Laura smiles and points to the spot beneath her for Kendra to lay.

Kendra slips off her panties and hands them to me with a determined smile. Both women take off their dresses before she lays on her back with her head between Laura’s legs. The two tear into each other and the smell of pussy fills the room along with their sultry moans, each woman trying her hardest to bring the other to climax first.

Their actions aren’t only affecting me, but Rachel well. She bounces up and down on her knees in front of me looking back at them. She faces me and pleads. “It wasn’t fair! They double teamed me.” Her hands rub my thighs and one slides up to my crotch but I catch her hand.

I lean forward to loom over her, nose to nose. “As far as this game is concerned, you have yet to earn this cock. I’m going to let you sit in my lap. Can you behave yourself?”

She nods vigorously. “Yes! Yes. I’ll be good.”

I reach under her arms and lift. It takes everything in me not to grunt. She’s not a heavy woman, but lifting a grown adult from that position is not easy.

She slides into my lap and I lay back in my throne, letting her head rest on my chest as she curls up against me.

Laura and Kendra keep going at each other. They’ve even resorted to fingering each other’s assholes, which reminds me…

I put two fingers in Rachel’s mouth. She sucks with her eyes closed as if they were my cock. I pull one of her hands up to my mouth and suck on her fingers. I pull her hand from my mouth and push it between her legs. She takes over and fingers herself. When I pull my fingers from her mouth, I let my hand slide down to her rear and press my wet digits into her third hole. As I slip in her, I feel the pressure from her fingers in her pussy.

She lays her head on my shoulder and kisses my jaw. “Oh, Kyle. It’s yours. All yours. I’ve never let a man in like this. You’ve always been my first. My first kiss. My firsthand job. My first tit job. First foot job.” She dives into my neck as we both increase our fingerings. “First head. First fuck. First in every position, Kyle.” She kisses my jaw with a sweet tenderness. “The first man I let fuck my best friends. I want you to treat them like you treat me. I want them to really know you. I want to talk to them about it and have them understand. As for my tight, virgin ass.” Her lips spread into a smile on your ear. “You said you want tonight to be sensual. I don’t think I can do sensual anal. I want my ass torn to shreds when you take it.”

She gasps when I spread my fingers. Her sphincter tightens for a moment but then relaxes.

“I’m going to do as I please with you.” I take her lips with my own and she nods while caught in my embrace. When I relax from the kiss, she holds onto it, her need for me pouring through. I peek behind the mask when she lets go to make sure she knows she’s safe. “You trust me,” I whisper. “I know you do. I won’t betray that trust. I’ll make sure of that.”

A couple tears fall on her cheeks and down to my chest as her glassy green eyes take me in. Fast as a viper, her lips strike back out to latch onto mine. I’m not sure how long the kiss goes on for as I fall into its warm, loving embrace. It might have gone on forever if not for Laura moaning her orgasm.

“*Ugh! Uoooh!* Fuck! No, no! Fuck me! Yes!”

She sits up and rolls her hips on Kendra’s face. A bubbling jet of liquid splashes out over Kendra’s chin as Laura laughs and reaches under her ass to grip the other woman’s hair and pull her deeper into her cunt.

“Fucking damn it!” Laura pulls back and stands up. “You really know how to eat pussy.”

Kendra shrugged. “I’m too tall for most men, but not for most women.”

Laura smiles and then looks over at me. Her face drops as she catches her breath. “So now what?”

# Kendra (Kyle)

“The winner gets her prize.” I give Rachel’s ass a soft smack and she slides off my lap down to her knees as I rise to stand. “The two of you can get cozy in my chair.”

As Rachel and Laura take their place in my chair, bundling up together, their fingers and lips moving over each other, their eyes never leave me.

I shrug off my jacket and Kendra comes to me, her blue eyes sparkling with delight as she unbuttons my shirt and waistcoat. Thankfully, she’s taken her heels off and my shoes add an extra inch, giving me just enough of a height difference for me to feel it.

When she pulls my shirt over my shoulders, her eyes watch as my tattoos are slowly revealed. I never thought of them as being overtly sexy, but the women have been enthralled by them tonight.

“I’ve never been with a guy who has tattoos,” she says.

I hold my mask in place so I don’t laugh. *What? Like tattoos are going to change how I fuck?*

I almost say that I’ve never been with a blonde, but that wouldn’t be true. Rachel bleached her hair one day in preparation for a new color and we fucked while it was still blonde.

I pull her in for a kiss, one hand going to her jaw, the other going to her ass. She’s toned. Not much give to that tush, which means she’s going to be the sorest out of the three tomorrow since the other two have some jiggle to their plump asses. *Tomorrow. Fuck. What’s going to happen—*

Can’t think about that. That’s a one-way ticket to limp city.

“Bend over.” I turn her to the chair with the other women and go to my knees behind her.

If Rachel wants me to give them a fuck they’ll remember, then I need to give them the whole package. I’m not some magic cocked sex god like in my stories. Yeah, I have a nice sized cock, but I know I’ve always had better sex when emotions are involved. I just need to find my emotional in with each woman.

Kendra likes me. I saw that in her eyes when she watched how I comforted Rachel earlier in the evening. She wants a man taller than her, and while I do technically hit that, being tall is less important compared to what she wants out of a taller guy. She wants a man that makes her feel like a woman. Women are naturally smaller, weaker, submissive. But she doesn’t want rough submission like Rachel. Rachel sees herself as a tiger that needs to be subdued and wants to give herself to a man who *could* take it from her. Laura… well, I’ll cross that crazy bridge when I get to it. For now, Kendra needs a firm but delicate hand.

I grip her ass like a massage before leaning in to taste her. She moans for my efforts and both women in the chair sit straighter to kiss her.

“Stop,” I command. “She’s mine.”

Rachel and Laura sit back in the chair as Kendra’s body tenses.

I go back to her pussy. Given what she’s said, I guess that she hasn’t been with many men since she’s really set on getting one taller than her. I focus on making my strokes and movements as masculine as possible. Wide, strong, powerful movements that really use my jaw muscle. I want her heavily aware that she’s with a man.

After only a couple minutes she stiffens in your hands as she squeaks a shrill moan. “*Aaah!* Fuck!” She was probably put close to the edge thanks to her little competition with Laura.

I stand up, pulling her up to press her back against my chest. I turn her around for a kiss since this will be the last time I’ll have my shoes on and I want to take advantage of the small height disparity before it disappears completely.

I imagine she’s Rachel. No matter how much I’d like to give other women the same experience as I do Rachel, half of the juice for that kind of passion comes from how much I absolutely adore that woman.

When I pull back, she gazes at me with disbelief etched in her eyes. I guide her hand to my cock. “Get me wet.”

She’s quick to her knees and takes a moment looking at my meat. She puts it in her mouth but can’t get more than half of it. When it gets to the back of her throat, she gags. So, very little experience with men then.

I give her a couple light thrusts just to make sure she knows what she’s up against before I pull out and lift her back up. I kiss her one more time and then turn her around and bend her over again. I step out of my shoes and pants before lining up and press into her incredibly tight pussy.

“I… Shit.” She curses softly. “Go easy, please. I’m a virgin.”

Rachel’s and Laura’s jaws drop as their eyes go wide.

Okay, so zero experience with men. I rub her back considering if I want to do this. Was she pulled into this by the others? Virginity is no game. I do this, and she is forever attached to me.

“Please don’t stop. I still want it.” She stares over her shoulder at me.

She’s not a young, doe eyed girl. She’s a full-grown woman. How she made it to… fuck, thirty… as a virgin, I’ll never know. Even being super choosy, it seems like she should have found at least one partner by now. *I guess I’m it.*

I press into her, my cockhead squeezing past her lips. She gives a sultry moan and wiggles her ass. I press deeper, bouncing up against her hymen. It’s a strip and I pull back, dip low before going forward again and press under it. It stretches but doesn’t snap. *Thank God.*

With a hand on one hip and the other grabbing hold of her ribs just above the waist, I start a slow build. It’s good for both of us since the best climaxes come from a good build, but also because I’m about to bust and anything fast is going to see me shoot a load in half a second.

After a few minutes, I’ve got nearly all my cock in and she’s moaning and groaning like crazy. Since she’s loving it, and I’m about to nut, I shove it all the way in and hold to give my guy a moment to step back from the edge while sending a jolt to her brain that she’s taking my full dick now. When I’m satisfied that I’m not going to cum, I start driving balls deep over and over. Her painful groans fade until only moans of pleasure and satisfaction remain. Her legs quake as she climaxes and she nearly pitches forward, but I’m quick to catch her around the waist.

“She’s done,” Laura says. “Right? It’s my turn now.”

“You’ll get yours.” I grunt and hump Kendra like an animal.

I’ve found that the best trick to really give a woman the best sex of her life is by letting her ride her orgasm out and then fuck her like crazy to work her back into the sex quickly. Now, I’ve only really ever successfully done this with Rachel and the latina from the cruise, but the woman, whose name I sadly can’t remember, did say it was the best sex of her life. And given what happened last night, I have a strong feeling that I’m the best Rachel has ever had as well.

Kendra’s moan back to life starts out as a weak thing, lost in her throat but after a second it ramps up until she has to be waking the neighbors across the street. “Yes! This is what I’ve always wanted!”

*Fuck. Is she crying?*

I can’t see from this angle but given the way she sounds, she has to be.

“Please! More,” she shouts.

Hearing a woman beg for more has always been a button for me but I can’t come now. Step two of best sex is slowing down slightly after the quick ramp back up and then riding her into a smooth, relaxing orgasm that puts her at ease.

Her tight pussy grips my cock in a wonderfully wet embrace. I change the position a little by lifting one of her legs up and sliding mine under her to get my foot on the seat of the chair. Hands greet my foot, but I don’t stop the transition. I get under her more until her lifted leg is over my shoulder and I’m able to stand, putting her into the splits. Her toned figure made me assume she’s likely in yoga or some other type of stretching class. Looks like I’m right. Just like Rachel, she has no problem in the splits, she could probably go into something of a U if she needed to with as flexible she feels in my arms. *God, I fucking love women!*

I feel my dick edging, so I look to the side to distract myself, but I find Rachel and Laura peering up at me, their gazes flick to Kendra’s blissful face a couple times, but mostly they can’t take their eyes off me. Their chests press together, fighting for space but neither edging the other out with their bodies mirroring each other’s. Both of them have fingers in the other’s pussy as they look up at you with longing eyes.

*Fuck!* I gotta find something else, fast!

I look over to the picture collection and try to find one of Kevin but they’re too small to see. My head turns to the stairs and there the little fucker is, peeking around the banister landing like a kid on Christmas Eve. I grin as seeing him gives me the momentary reprieve I need to keep going.

Kendra reaches out to my arm as she shakes again. I take the moment to switch her foot to my other shoulder, getting her ready for the last position. One of close intimacy, face to face, sucking each other’s air, tasting each other’s sweat. Her orgasm lets me rest as well, adding a few minutes to my inevitable bust timer.

I let her leg on my shoulder fall to my arm as she reaches up for me. Her arms slide around my neck as she plants a kiss on me that’s half cock drunk, half lust and all pleasure. I continue to fuck her while standing but I need to put her on the couch soon. Part of the last stage is forcing her to be in my face. She could droop her head back in this position to get air, and while that might feel nice in the moment, I know what she needs. She craves intimacy, so I have to give it to her.

Her standing leg gives out, but I hold her up. Still, her sudden weight shift turns me to the chair rather than the couch, and despite my initial reservation of letting the others touch too much, I think it might work. They were more focused on me before anyway. It’s still a bit risky since the extra contact on me might make me cum too soon.

What’s life without a little risk?

I fall forward into the chair, pressing the two women apart with Kendra’s body. My head is over Kendra’s left shoulder, putting me face to face with Laura. She grabs my face with her fingertips on my chin and jaw. I could get away if I want, but I don’t. She licks my lips, a rough and aggressive move, before releasing me. I give her a cocky grin and then turn to Kendra to make out.

Just as I planned, the air thins as the two of us huff in the confined space. Our hot breaths create a miniature sauna, eliciting sweat that we both lap up as we continue to kiss.

Hands run over me, and I count them to help stave off my climax. Both of Kendra’s cradle the base of my skull, pulling me into her lips. One of Rachel’s is on my arm and the other caresses my back. One of Laura’s squeezes my arm, feeling the muscle, the other is missing. I don’t really care, but I need keep this orgasm at bay and I told her to not touch Kendra.

I find her hand is in Kendra’s hair, so I remove it, forcefully throwing it away. I don’t stop kissing Kendra but I give Laura a stern eye. The hunger in Laura’s eyes along with her challenging smile make her hands running up my arm and then slowly clawing back down all the better. A smile spreads across my face when she bites her bottom lip like Rachel does.

Kendra’s body starts to shake as she hits her third major orgasm. Small tremors throughout that Rachel and I considered lesser orgasms aren’t counted in my three-to-one ratio. Her gift contracts around me and she explodes as her juices splash out in a torrent.

With all my distractions, I’m not exactly ready to cum, so I take in my surroundings to help force my orgasm to coincide. I have three beautiful women naked on a chair that feels like a throne when I sit in it. My first love and now fiancé wants me to give her friends the best sex of their lives. I’m fucking all three of them raw like nature intended, and at thirty-five, I just took a woman’s virginity. Good luck to whoever comes after me. I just molded her pussy to my cock.

The orgasm washes over me and my cock pulses, thickens, and convulses inside Kendra’s tight virgin pussy. I tell myself I hope she gets pregnant just to make the orgasm hit better but I only want babies with Rachel. Still, if she does get pregnant, seeing as fucking raw dog is Baby Making 101, I settle my mind around that possibility.

Laura gasps. “You— Did you—” She can’t even finish the question.

I look over to her with heavy lust. She’s next and she knows it, and now she knows what she’s in for. Jesus, that competition couldn’t have gone any better. The virgin got to go in blind so she wouldn’t get scared off and the dominatrix got to see what’s going to happen to her and be powerless to stop it.

“You’re not— You wouldn’t— to me…”

I don’t drop eye contact as my hand releases Kendra’s leg to grab her by the back of her lolling head. Showing some flexibility of my own, I step one leg all the way to the back of the chair to get my cum covered cock right in front of Kendra’s face. I pull her forward and she takes my limp dick into her mouth, cleaning me off.

A moan from Rachel reaches me and the echo from Kendra preceding her hands cupping my thigh and balls tells me that she just found a taste for the same fetish.

Laura’s big green eyes and slightly ajar mouth burn into my vision. I let such an innocent, scared, and yearning look help get me hard, but damn, I need a drink.

“Kevin, get me a water.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wttobr/15_years_later_ch_18_19_and_20_mfff_mdom_fsub_all