Love Pill – Part 10 (2/2)


I knew it was Ava the moment she banged on my door.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

It was midnight, and I purposely stayed up late, hoping one of my sisters would visit me.

I had deduced that not only the love pill made my sisters constantly aroused, but it made them *addicted* to me. Whether it was my cock, cum, or just… me, I didn’t know.

But one thing was for certain. It changed them.

It made Ava, who had amazing self-control, to break. And it caused Lucia, who clearly didn’t want to commit the ultimate sin, to go on all fours and allow herself to get fucked raw.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

I hopped off my bed, my chest tightening and my heart racing. Fucking Lucia was still fresh in my mind—and my cock. If Ava wanted sex, then I could fuck both my sisters in one day.

A lifelong fantasy.

But it had to be on my terms. Would I have the willpower to deny sex with Ava again?

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

“I’m coming,” I muttered, crossing my room and swinging open the door.

I caught a blur of pink hair before my sister tackled my lips. I stumbled backwards, moaning, my tastebuds bursting with vanilla.

Automatically, my body shut down, responding to hers. The warm bliss of Ava’s tongue tangled with mine, and I moaned at how exotic she tasted and how fucking soft her lips were.

I went to her ass, and it took me a second before I realized I was palming bare skin. She was… naked.

Oh fuck, that made things even better.

We tumbled backwards into a wall. I tried to pull my sister in closer, clutching her lush pink hair, desperate to deepen the kiss and have more of her. I couldn’t get enough of her lips, her scent, her desperate whimpers….

Ava broke our connection and we both gasped for air. My heart was racing so loud, I couldn’t hear anything except for the thumping in my head and the screams from my cock to fuck my sister senseless and raw.

“Ava…” I looked at my beautiful sister, admiring how swollen and wet her lips looked.

Instead of replying, Ava pressed her sex against my thigh, rubbing the wet, hot thing up and down.

I hissed through clenched teeth as she coated my legs with her arousal.

No way. There was no way I could say no to sex now.

Her lips parted. “Is my pussy better, big bro?”

“W-What?” It was hard to concentrate with her teardrops pressing against my chest or when she was grinding her hot cunt against me.

I was powerless to resist when Ava grabbed my cock and angled it to her pussy. Seconds later, delirious heat pulsed around me, her inner walls flexing. I moaned, loud, entering her.

“Does. My. Pussy. Feel. Better?”

“Than whose?” I choked out.

Ava expertly rolled her hips back and forth and I met her hips with sways of my own, stretching her open. “You know who.”

“Fuck—Ava.” I squeezed my eyes shut. Pleasure was detonating inside me, ripping me apart. My sister let out soft moans of her own as she fucked me against the wall.

“Answer me, Aaron. Whose pussy is better?”

“Yours.” I gasped, burying deep into her, hitting a spot I knew she loved. Ava let out a cute whimper, and I rewarded her by thrusting into the same spot again. “Fucking yours.”

I didn’t see the slap coming until the sharp sound echoed through the room, my right cheek lighting up in pain.

I flinched, then stared down at Ava, who had stopped her delicious rhythm. “What the fuck?”

She glared back, anger in her blue eyes. I was still inside her, and I watched her as she drew a palm and sent it flying towards my face. I caught her wrist just before contact.

“Fuck you!” Ava spat out, drops of saliva landing on me. Tears welled up in her blue eyes. “Fuck you, Aaron!”

“Ava—please. Relax!” I struggled with her hand, and the movements caused me to slide out of her, my cock painfully cold, yearning to be back inside her heat. “Relax!”


Even though I didn’t have much strength, I managed to spin my sister around and against the wall, switching positions, pinning both her wrists at her sides. Ava was full on crying, tears dropping down her cheek.

I kept begging her to calm down, but she didn’t. She kept trying to escape my hold and deliver more hard blows, but I was firm, and finally, after minutes of struggle, she stopped her attempts, her face a mess of tears.

I let her go, and she buried her face in her hands, sobbing loudly.

“Hey, hey.” I felt like an absolute jerk. Just today, I reduced both my sisters into tears. It was my fault. “Ava.”

I touched her, and Ava slapped my wrist away, glaring at me with tear-stained eyes. “Fuck off, Aaron!”

I recognized the venom in her voice. I was very familiar with it, and it hurt to hear it from her again.

“Please don’t cry,” I told her. “Can we talk? Please?”

My room door was still open behind me, so I backtracked and closed it, hoping Lucia didn’t hear the commotion we made.

“Talk about what?” Ava glared at me. “About how you cheated on me? What did I do to deserve such punishment? Huh? Maybe we can talk about that!”

“Listen, please.” I held up a hand and slowly stepped towards her. But my sister was having none of it. She smacked my hand away before I could touch her. I sighed.

“You fucking admitted my pussy is better. You know sex with me is better, yet you fuck the other sister? What’s next, Aaron? Vanessa? Are you going to fuck that bitch just to hurt me?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

She laughed through her tears. “Sure. I guess you fucked Lucia just for fun. How stupid of me to think otherwise.”

“Listen.” How was I going to explain myself? “I… I want both of you. I love both of you. I—”

“Don’t fucking talk about love.” Ava stepped forward and shoved me. I was ready for it, so I didn’t stagger. “Don’t fucking say that word!”

“It’s true. It’s true.” I extended both palms in front of me, in case she was going to shove me or slap me again. “I want both of you. I know it’s hard to understand but—”

“Let me understand your logic. You have me. Had me. You admit sex with me is better, yet you want to fuck other girls? Is that it, Aaron? Is that what’s going on in your fucked up brain?”

“It’s difficult to have sex with you, Ava. You—”

“What do you mean, it’s difficult?” She shook her head. “All you need to do is to be a normal boyfriend and not fuck other women. That’s it! Is that so fucking difficult? Huh?”

“You’re too possessive,” I argued. “You’re way too controlling.”

“Because you cheat on me!” She spat out. “You fuck other women when my back is turned! How the fuck can I not be paranoid? What the fuck, Aaron?”

“I only want you and Lucia,” I said, knowing I was digging myself a deeper grave. But I *had* to have them both. I was well aware of how greedy I was. Ava alone was way more than enough, but I had to have both. I had to. “I just want to love both of you. I won’t have sex with any other woman. Just you and her. That’s it.”

“But why?” My sister shook her head. “Why the fuck would you cheat on me?”

“It’s not—” I sighed. “I want a relationship with both of you. That’s all I want. I admit sex with you is much better, and I love you more—”

“Just listen,” I said quickly when Ava opened her mouth at the mention of ‘love.’ “I do. I love you. But I also love Lucia. I want you both, okay? Is that so hard to understand? It doesn’t matter that you give me greater pleasure. I still want both of you.”

“You’re fucking out of your mind, you know that? You’re insane. Sick. Delusional.”

“I know.” I sighed. “Please, can you accept that?”

“You’re insane if you think I would willingly allow you to cheat. What more do you want, Aaron? Do you want a fucking medal, too?”

“Just you and her,” I swore. “I also want to…” How should I phrase it? “I want control, Ava. I am done with you pushing me around.”

“Control?” She laughed. “You really lost it. If I gave you control, you’d ruin me. I would be more of a mess than what I am now.” Ava nodded to the bed. “Get on the bed. I’ll show you fucking control.”

I stood my ground. I had leverage. Yeah, I desperately wanted my little sister, but thanks to the pill, I had confirmation that she needed me too.

“Those are my conditions, Ava,” I told her. “You need to be okay with me having a relationship with both of you, and you need to give me control. That’s it. Then you can have me all day, every day, for the rest of your life. I swear.”

“Fuck you and your conditions.” She flipped me the bird. “You’re doing this just to hurt me. Just admit it. Just admit you hate me.”

I sighed. “I don’t hate you, Ava. Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you.”

“Sure. If you love me, you’d definitely want to include other women in our relationship. Sure, Aaron. I definitely believe you’re madly in love with me.”

“I am. I am.” I insisted, tentatively stepping towards my sister again in another attempt to touch her. Miraculously, she didn’t swat me away, and I brushed against her tear-stained cheeks. I leaned closer and closer. “I love you, Ava.”

I expected a slap at any moment, but I didn’t care. I moved in, aiming for her lips. She accepted it and I didn’t waste a second, licking past her lips and moaning when she greeted me. We spared for a while, licking and sucking passionately.

When I was satisfied, I pulled back, gazing at her blues, now with hints of red in them. “I love you, Ava.”

A tear leaked out from her right eye. “Don’t fucking say that if you don’t mean it.”

“I mean it. I love you.”

She looked away. “Are we going to fuck or not?”

“Only if you give me control. I’m sorry, Ava, but I-I just can’t with how possessive you are. I need control, Ava. I need it.”

She wasn’t making eye contact. “If I give you control, you’d ruin me. I can’t.”

“I need you to trust me. Just this once.”

She shook her head. “After what you did? No way.”

I sighed.

My sister wiped a tear away. “Are we going to fuck or not?”

I shook my head, my heart in a million pieces.

My sister moved away, shuffling towards my door, her delicious scent leaving me. I was almost in tears myself as I watched her go, my chest hurting like hell.

For once, I was truthful with her. The only thing I was hiding was the love pill she accidentally took, but I was going to drag that secret to my grave.

Ava opened my door, took a step out. Stopped.

She paused in my doorway for a long, long time, staring out, and I couldn’t help but gaze dreamily at her naked back and ass. She was so fit and sexy, it was hard not to admire her, no matter the situation.

Finally, after long, excruciating minutes, my sister turned around, giving me sight of her beautiful tear-stained face. She closed the door and regarded me with her piercing blues.

“One night,” she told me, closing the door and sealing our fate. “I’ll surrender for one night. In return, you’ll show me the truth. You’ll show me how much you truly love me.”



Author’s note:

Read chapter [11](, [12](, [13](

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