Family reunion at the beach // MF / BJ / Girl on top.

Beachy Bungalow

By: Max Logan

“Jason!” Saddie yelled from across the open expanse of the beach rental common room. He hadn’t even made it inside the double door entrance before she was on him. Consuming him in a soulful hug.

“Hey Saddie! It’s been a long time!” He tried to hide his extreme excitement. “How’s life?” His question hung as he enjoyed the warmth of her body against his.

“Been a long time?” She scoffed with a hearty laugh as she released her bear hug and took a step back. Her glance shot down and back up to study him quickly. “It’s been more than ten years bro! My god you’ve grown up!” She exclaimed.

His eyes dropped to her perfect painted toenails then slowly rose to capture a systematic survey of her magnificent body. “You’ve grown up too.” His statement rolled with a calculated vibrato. “C’mon, let me show you your room.” She said with a coy smile.

Jason’s head snapped back as Saddie pulled him down the hall. The beach bungalow was lightly painted with pastel creams and various shades of blue. The common room had a sweeping view of the white sandy beach which was only broken up by small dense pockets of palm trees. The backside of the common room was capped by a wide galley style kitchen with a massive white marble island that stretched the full width of the room.

“Our rooms are down this hall.” Saddie’s voice still carried a hint of childlike glee as she strutted down the tight hallway and turned into her room. Jason’s attention was solely focused on her tight bubble of a butt popping with each stride. Exactly as he remembered it.

“Where is everyone else?” He questioned as he approached her. “Mom and Dad went to the beach and Uncle John went to the store to grab a few things. It’s just me and you right now!” Saddie explained with a warm smile as she turned the knob and tossed the door open.

“Wow!” Jason exhaled as he stepped through the threshold. “This room is massive!” He noted as he took in the two separate queen sized beds. “Wait until you see the bathroom and private patio!” She boasted as she continued the tour.

Jason stopped for a moment to drop his bag near the entryway before continuing to follow her. He glanced into the bathroom which was equally as impressive as the rest of the property. Dual vanity sinks, a soaking tub and a stone shower enclosed in murky blueish green glass commanded the attention at the center of the room.

“Here is the best part!” Her tone tipped with more enthusiasm than Jason thought possible. Saddie pulled hard on the sliding glass door and exposed a private balcony with waist high bamboo fencing and a medium sized hot tub. “Get in your trunks!” She ordered as she tossed her long brunette hair into a messy bun.

“Show me my room and I will get changed.” he offered as he started to walk towards his bag. “Sure thing! Your room is next door.” She turned on her heel and strode past him. Quickly turning to the next door down she threw it open. “Oh my, this room is tiny.”

Jason turned to see the shoe box sized room which was smaller than the on-suite bathroom Saddie’s room had. He studied the tiny bed for a moment before trying to squeeze past her.

“You know what?” Saddie questioned with a hint of sympathy. “How about I use this room for my luggage and you take the second bed in my room?”

“You want to sleep together?” He asked cautiously. Internally he was loving the idea. They used to have sleepovers all the time growing up. A lot of fun came out of games of truth or dare and he wanted so badly to revisit some fantasies.

“Relax dude.” She laughed heavily as her smile filled her face. “Are you at least going to buy me dinner first?” She joked as her warm dark brown eyes glistened. They joined in genuine laughter after a short, tense moment “Sorry. I meant bunk together” He finally offered as his attention locked onto her eyes.

“Let’s clear my stuff from the other bed and get into the hot tub.” Her tone was flat as she turned back into her room. Her face was still adorned with her smirk and Jason couldn’t help but notice her booty through her leggings. She was strutting a little harder in an attempt to make it bounce more than before. “Was that intentional?” He pondered.

A few moments pass as the two work the room quickly. Now rearranged, more family members arrive and they overhear the common room commotion. Recognizable voices bellow loudly as distant relatives embrace on the far side of the rental. “Let’s get in the tub before we are sucked into mindless conversation for the next few hours.” She ordered as she moved towards the balcony. “Let me get changed and I’ll be right there.” He offered as she slid out of view.

Jason pulled his bag into the bathroom and quickly changed into his trunks. “This could end up being a great week after all?” He thought for a moment before Saddie’s voice flowed through the open door. “C’mon Jason! The water is great and the view is incredible!”

“On my way.” He called back as he turned to leave. He stopped as something behind the opened bathroom door caught his attention. A pair of Saddie’s black laced panties were wadded up in the corner. Fighting back a flood of memories from high school. Jason paused at the sight. Finally, he whispered “Fuck it.” under his breath as he leaned over to pick them up as he snuck them into the side pocket of his duffle bag.

Making his way outside he was met with heughs of pink and a slight violet sunset descended over the ocean. Turning his attention to the deep blue of the hot tub Saddie sat in a center seat with her arms spread wide in both directions. The jets pulsed rhythmically and the hot water sloshed up her copper colored chest like the beating of the oceans tide.

Saddie’s smirk twisted into a full grin as Jason lowered himself into the rolling hot water. He paused for a moment to allow his body to adjust to the temperature before fully lowering himself down.

“See. Isn’t this nice?” Saddie exhaled deeply as her head stretched from side to side before falling back. The posture change pulled her perky chest out of the water. Her tiny teal top was so close to revealing. Feelings from years past flooded his mind as his core swelled with desire.

Saddie’s head snapped back as her dark eyes locked onto his. “What’s the matter Jason? You’ve hardly said anything since you got here.” Her expression shifted towards concern.

“I want to fuck you and I don’t know how to manage that.” He thought. Taking a deep breath and rubbing his eyes he finally spoke. “Just tired from the trip is all.”

Her look of concern shifted towards sympathy. “Of course, you probably need some rest.” She offered flatly as she lifted herself out of the water. “Where are you going?” he questioned.

“I’m going to go check in with the family to see who all has arrived. You get some rest and I will see you in a couple of hours” She said as she tossed her legs over the side of the tub. She paused for a moment to adjust her top to ensure proper modesty as she glanced back at him. “Let me know when you are ready to hang out.” She toyed as her finger slid a wedgie out of her cheeks. A quick flick of her hand and the spandex snapped back into position.

“Holy shit, she’s legitimately flirting with me.” Jason thought as he lowered into the water. “We did fool around with each other a bit while we were younger. I always took it seriously when we flirted but I thought she went along with it like a game.” He struggled in solemn thought for a long moment. “Does she want me too?”

A few reserved minutes of deep concentration and self discovery took place before he returned to the room.

He fell hard on the bed as he stared aimlessly at the ceiling. A billion questions and scenarios now play in his mind as he wonders what the night may bring. His gaze shifts from the driftwood ceiling fan spinning slowly to the open door of the bathroom when he remembers the spoils he collected earlier. Rushing out of the bed he took a few long strides to collect his duffle bag and returned to the bedside.

“I need this so badly. I can’t think properly with blue balls.” he whispered to himself as he pulled the panties from his luggage.

The panties were soft and smooth between his thumb and forefinger as he brought them to his mouth for a gentle kiss. The sweet scent of wildflowers and tea leaves flooded his nose as the visions of Saddie exploded in his mind. Her soft tan skin. Her warm dark eyes. Her perky chest. He pulled himself from his trunks as he began to stroke.

“Are you awake in here?” Saddie called quietly as she slid into the room. Jason was too preoccupied to notice the handle of the door turning. “Fuck! I forgot to lock the door!” He internally was screaming in terror. “Yep, I’m up.” He frantically moved to hide her panties from view as he failed to pull his trunks over his hard cock.

“Erm? What are you doing?” She demanded as her hip popped and her hand landed on her side with sass.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Jason declared as he continued to struggle with his trunks.

“Really?” Her hips snapped in the opposite direction as she twisted a long lock of brunette hair. “Because it looks like my panties are in one hand and your dick is in the other.” A long tense moment chilled the room.

“Okay, I guess it’s exactly what it looks like.” He sighed as his attention dropped to the floor in shame. Internally a thousand voices were all assaulting him simultaneously but they were quickly silenced by a soft hand on his shoulder.

“I need you to be honest with me.” She commanded as she stood with her diamond pierced belly button at eye level. “This isn’t the first time you’ve done this, is it?” Again the room was cold and incredibly tense.

Jason drew in a long breath to brace himself for the onslaught of hatred that was sure to come his way. “No, it’s not the first time Saddie.”

“I knew it!” She laughed as her fist playfully collided with this shoulder. Completely shocked, his attention spun to her face and was met with a wide smile of brilliant white teeth. “You’re not mad?” his question hung with absolute disbelief.

“Mad?! HA! . . . No way!” She chuckled as she took a gentle bite at her tongue. Her nose pursed and wrinkled as her grin extended so wide it forced her eyes nearly closed. “I thought you were fucking with me when we were younger with all the flirting and Accidental touches.”

“Accidental touches?” He was genuinely confused.

“Remember? You would fall or trip near me whenever no one else was around and your hand magically always landed on either my boobs or my butt.” her chuckles rolled into full laughter as she leaned in close to his face forcing him to lay back slightly. “I thought it was cute! You wanted me so badly but didn’t have the guts to ask.”

“You don’t think this is weird?” he asked cautiously as his elbows hit the bed.

“Not weird at all. You and I were always super close and do you remember the truth or dare game at uncle John’s?” Her eyes were radiating with even more excitement than before as she continued to close the distance. Jason paused for a moment before stealing his resolve and responding with a collected confidence now embolden by her acceptance. “How could I forget my first kiss?”

Her smile exploded as her eyes were forced nearly shut again as she took another soft bite at her tongue. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Why not?” He answered as he shifted.

Her nose twitched as her smile receded slightly. Her eyes morphed from genuine delight to a smoky sultry look of intensity. Her demeanor completely changed in an instant as she opened her mouth. “I found my cum soaked panties that night and wore them.”

Her words penetrated his deepest desires as immense bolts of lightning volleyed from his core and out to every limb. The sensation of static charged his skin as her finger lightly landed on his chest and began to drag downward.

“What are you doing?” He called as his heart raced and a defined pressure started to build in his trunks once more.

“I want to cut out the middle man.” She claimed as her finger drifted to the top of his trunks. She split the difference as her index and middle fingers straddled his swollen cock. Her long toned leg swept over his as she adorned the same posture as her fingers.

“Kiss me.” She ordered as she leaned in close.

“Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?” A million other questions simultaneously ran through Jason’s mind. They were suddenly silenced by her soft lips landing on his.

His hands rushed down to push his trucks out of the way. The soft hints of mint and vanilla radiated over his taste buds as he pressed forward and their tongues danced with expert rhythm. His blissful state was interrupted by the sensation of her hand tugging at his. Following orders she directed his fingers past her bikini bottoms as the sense of hot and wet enveloped the tips of his fingers.

His hand was forced upward by hers as he slowly slid deep into her for the first time. The tightness of her pussy was incredible as she rolled her hips to allow an easier path. She only broke their frantic kissing for short moments of soft moans. He pulled back for a moment to view her tight body bending and breaking to his will.

“Are you sure you are good with this? In a few seconds there will be no going back?” He questioned as he watched her core swallow his fingers with a calculated cadence.

“Shut up.” She toyed as her hand lowered to pull his swollen cock upward. A soft bite at her lower lip drove him mad as the heat of her landed on his head.

Electricity shot from the tip of his dick down to his core as he lost all inhibitions and thrusted towards her. His advancement stunted for a moment at the girth of his head. Her hands guided him into the crevasse of skin between upper thigh and hips, then she pushed down gently.

Following her lead Jason pulled her down slowly until all of him had disappeared. Her shaven pussy had devoured him whole as she began to bounce. His eyes shot up and without a word she followed his lead, removing her bikini top. Her small nipples were hard and showcased beautifully within a tight band of lighter skin from the tan lines of her top.

“Oh . . . Fuck.” She moaned as her pace quickened. With masterful precision his thrusts timed perfectly with her descent. Their skin clashed as she welcomed him, harder and harder as the time flowed on.

Feeling the pressure build within he warned “I’m going to cum soon.”

Her body rolled forward as he sat up and the two locked in each other’s arms. His face buried between her perky tits as his tongue attacked back and forth, delivering tiny bites at each pass. Her breath and moans intensified with each drop onto him. Her back arched and her attention drifted from the ceiling to his eyes to her chest. Reading her body like a book he set his hooks in and began to drive as hard as he could up with a slightly slower pace.

The harsh slapping emanated throughout the room as her moans transformed to sharp yelps of pleasure. Trying to maintain their secret he reached up to her mouth with a free hand.

“Shhhh, we’re going to get caught if you keep that up.” His muffled warning echoed from her chest as he halted his drives at her. Trying to quiet her down was a challenge that he had to win. As if trying to force evolution to make hearing advancements that very moment he desperately listened for any indication that they had been discovered.

“I can’t stop.” She panted as she started to deliver herself downward as hard as she could.

His worst fears were realized as he heard the sharp clacking of feet pacing in their direction on the hardwood floors.

“Saddie, stop. Seriously, we are going to get caught if you don’t stop right now!” He whispered with intensity and determination.

“I don’t care.” She exhaled as she dropped herself at a faster pace, as if trying to get off before someone busted into the door.

At the last possible second Jason reached forward and pushed her off as she quickly turned and bolted into the bathroom turning on the shower. Jason rolled away from the door, tossing a blanket over his midsection and pretended to be asleep as the door knob giggled. Luckily Saddie was smart enough to lock that fucking thing.

A few short, sharp knocks at the door and the shower cut off. Jason did his best to remain perfectly still as Saddie emerged back from the bathroom and strode to the door. Her body was tightly wrapped in a towel as she unlocked it and cracked it open.

“Everything alright here?” Her dad’s voice softly filled the room. “Everything is fine?” Saddie responded with an inquisitive tone.

“What are you guys up to?” He asked again, prying for information. “Jason’s taking a nap and I’m taking a shower after using the hot tub. Why?” Jason didn’t need to see her face to know she was showcasing her big doe eyes and playing innocence.

“We just heard some banging sounds, wanted to check on you.” His tone sharpened. “Oh! That was the sliding glass door. It must have come off the track when I went to the hot tub. Total nightmare to get back aligned.” She lied with such conviction that even Jason started to wonder what realigning a sliding glass door would sound like.

“Okay sweetheart, let me know if you need anything.” Her fathers tone lightened in acceptance of her explanation. “Will do daddy, love you.” She offered as Jason heard the door close and the lock on the handle clicked once more.

He laid perfectly still until he felt her hand at his thigh. “Jesus, that was too close.” Jason whispered as he rolled over to meet her eyes.

She tossed the blanket to the side exposing his still naked core and in one swift move she swallowed his cock, still dripping with her desire. “Oh, fuck.” He gasped as he finished rolling to his back.

“I am not done with you yet.” She barked sharply between deep dives at him.

The feeling of her tongue diving at the back of his full length over and over reignited the pressure within his core. Again he warned that his time was coming to an end.

The wet slops paced quicker as she worked his cock like a seasoned professional. Her tongue gently caressed the side of his head with a flick before her mouth opened wide and his head was forced down her throat over and again.

The pressure built to the absolute breaking point as he reached down to pull her free. She was no damsel and did not need saving. She bucked his attempt and drove her nose tight to his pelvis.

“Fuck! Oh . . . Shit!” His hips rolled as his hands involuntarily lowered to grasp full hands of walnut colored locks of hair. With a sharp tug he pulled her tight and thrusted a final time forward.

Saddie moaned and her hips twisted with pleasure as Jason shot ropes of white hot lust into her mouth. Lightning pulsed from his core as he felt himself drain into her. She accepted every last drop of his offering without a flinch before she pulled herself free.

He completely collapsed and his mind drifted as he worked to catch his breath. Her tongue continued to roll around him as she cleaned him to a pristine shine.

“Now you owe me.” She stood with a devilish grin and smeared mascara. “God this is going to be a fun week!”
