My priest and I experienced mass together: chapter 4 part 1

Like I mentioned before, I detest church. Maybe it’s the whole submissiveness of religion, waiting for marriage to have sex, then making sure you procreate every single year after that. Like cattle. And I Definitely don’t understand abstinence from sex forever that is enforce on the fathers and nuns of the Catholic Church.

Nonetheless I did start going to church again especially after reading the taboo stories of Lot’s daughters. They purposely got their father drunk until he thought they were whore he could fuck all night long. Those two are the queens of naughtiness. I played with myself thinking of them sucking his cock. I laid on my belly and gyrated on my hand. I pictured my priest being my father fucking me hard in a cave near a fire. Me on all four, him in ass and a nun on his face.

the story of Judas sleeping with his daughter in law. That’s another that had me desiring my priest. Get this, because she had a veil over her head it “prevented” him from knowing it wasn’t his daughter in law! He thought he was fucking a harlot.

I imagined it was after a party and they both were drinking. She thinks she’s with her husband and he thinks I’m scoring tonight. At what point when you realize who is who do you stop? But they didn’t, they kept on enjoying each other. Kept on fucking until the sun came up.

So you must understand when my priest asked me to go to Saturday evening mass, because he had a Bible verse for me to hear, I was expecting a naughty story of which I would be listening to while enjoying my vibrating under my clothes.

I’m going to stare at him, envisioning his words wrapping my body with lust. I will thirst for his tongue as it moves in his mouth. Oh I wish I could sit on his face right now. He will use that magical tongue on my clit Licking my pussy hole up and down until I cum all over his face.

I brace myself as I enter. I do a double take on the beautiful stained glass doors, making sure no one can see I’m walking with a vibrator between my legs. I’m wearing a pastel mustard yellow maxi dress. Tight enough to be sexy but completely elegant after I throw on a blue shawl.

Apparently I’m late and mass has already begun.
I walked to the center of the church where he asked me to sit. As promised he left me a pink and yellow rose on my seat. He looked at me and we locked eyes. Smiling without smiling.

”Someone asked me earlier this week. How do I know if what I am doing is wrong? And I stood for a moment not knowing what to say. So I asked, “ Does it feel wrong in your heart?”

I was baffled by this because we had this conversation a few days earlier during our weekly museum trips, which always ended up with me on my knees in the garden. If anyone ever noticed, I always just start praying a Hail Mary.

I stared up at him from my seat. Smelling the roses watching give his sermon.

“And today during my morning prayer, God showed me a Bible verse which I believe will answer that question.

If you could please go to 2 Corinthians 1 and the word says.”

As everyone searched for the verse I went into my vibrator app and turned it on to a low setting.

“God himself comforts us.”

“3 We thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, because he is so good to us. As our Father, he is very kind to us. He is our God who comforts us in every way.”

As he spoke I stared at him, holding on to the stem of the beautiful roses a little too tight, listening to every word he said like silk weaving me into his web. I pricked my finger bleed making me place my finger tip in my mouth discreetly sucking on it until he had to look away.

“4 Whenever we have trouble, he comforts us. Because of that, we ourselves can comfort other people. When they have any kind of trouble, we can comfort them, in the same way that God has comforted us.”

He is staring directly at me. Again the people are now holding hands giving me a chance to turn up my settings just enough to make me quiver ever so gently,

“You see my flock,”

omg how long is this church service. I want him in me now.

“whenever you are troubled…” he continues for another 15mins of torture.

“our Father will take care of you and give you exactly what you need. He doesn’t care if you strayed away from the path. Hey, he says go help the needy, the lost flock, go feed the poor. He doesn’t say judge thy neighbor. He says “care for them, comfort them, as I bring comfort to you.”

He closed with a prayer and I waited for everyone to leave. Still sitting there with the vibrator between my legs wetter than ever. Worried if I stood up it would slip out.

*to be continued*
