Ghost in the Darkness – part 1

The version with added playlist is available here [](

She was a day late. I wasn’t worried. That’s what I was telling myself. Just a little concerned, mixed in with feelings of curiosity. There was no need to check my records, which I keep meticulously and have done for over twelve years. I knew she was overdue because Tabitha is an enigma. She stands out to me more than any other client in my career. She got my attention from the start.

I have had my fair share of the unusual alongside the stereotypical. The clients who need a plus one for an important event. The ones that want to experience their first orgasm. More than a few want to make their exes who dumped them for a younger model jealous by being seen out and about with the likes of me. That process is greatly assisted by the fact I resemble Travis Fimmel of the Viking TV series fame. I actually enjoy those gigs a lot. Watching the look on their lousy exes faces is priceless. Sometimes for good measure I’ll make a show of letting him see me grab her ass or whisper something dirty in her ear, like how I’m going to fuck her six ways till Sunday when I get her home; which I often do, for extra of course. The effect of that is usually plain for all to see – the client usually practically orgasms on the spot.

Yep. My job is amazing.

But yeah…back to the unusual ones. I’ve had a few lesbian couples ask me to join them. Only to watch usually. Nothing else. Can’t complain about that. It’s the stuff many guys dream of isn’t it? Then there was that woman who asked me to fuck her at work after hours – she worked in an observatory. Apparently we caused serious damage to a very expensive telescope. It actually made national news.


Meat woman was a bit of a problem. She didn’t want full sex. Not all of them do. What was going on with her I’ve no idea. She was a strict middle aged vegan who got off on me covering her naked body in various meats or sushi. She would then lie there while I ate her pussy till she came repeatedly, feeding me meat from her bare skin every time as a reward. The issue with that was the sheer volume of food I consumed. I train my body and monitor my nutrition religiously and her request somewhat fucked that up. But it was worth the money in the end. No question.

Tabitha is something else though. I recall the first day we met – July 9th 2004. That was a bit of an eye opener. I already knew before I got there that she must be absolutely minted. I’d driven past the house many times. Palace would be a more fitting word. In the email (she only consented to communicate via email), she stipulated two things. I must not speak to her. Silence at all times. And that she required pampering – specifically a foot massage and pedicure. I didn’t find this too strange that she wanted the pedicure and massage but the silence thing was a sign of things to come…

When I arrived at the house, the weather was vile. Lashing rain that felt like knives attacked every bit of exposed flesh as I ran from my car carrying my pampering kit to the colossal front door. A bland little maid with mousy coloured braids let me in and led me to a vast room, sparsely furnished and dimly lit. The most shocking thing of all though was the ghost standing in the centre of the room arms held wide as if in greeting or preparation for crucifixion.

It wasn’t really a ghost of course. After almost forgetting my orders to be silent, I realised it must be Tabitha underneath the pure white bed sheet draped from her head to her toes. As she slowly took a seat on the elegant yet comfortable looking couch behind her, the maid looked at me with slightly fearful eyes and raised a finger to her lips before scurrying away, leaving me to it.

My shoulders flinched as the door slammed shut. A little dust rose from the couch. The floor was hardwood, so I gingerly took a cushion from beside her and placed it at her feet. A few delicately scented candles took the desolation of the room away once lit. These were an essential part of my kit. Whether or not she could see their glow through the sheet, I don’t know, but as I started to cleanse and then massage her feet, I thought I sensed a reduction in the rigidity of her posture.

I spent two hours in all, never a word passing between us but I felt fully assured I’d done an excellent job. Her feet looked beautiful. This was confirmed by an email I received the next day.

***Thank you very much for your services yesterday Mr Khan. You did an excellent job. Payment has been completed. If you could forward a receipt I would be grateful.***


And that was that. Until the same time the following year. Once again I was summoned on July the 9th but the orders were different this time. This time she wanted bathed, washed and soaped on every part of her body except her head and face. In the dark. In silence.

This request actually made me uneasy. Since the last time I’d seen her, I’d done some ill-advised poking about online and had come across some probably baseless but still unsettling rumours; that people had supposedly gone to the house over the last few years to deliver things and had simply vanished, that there was a coven of witches living there and that there was a dynasty of vampires who had lived at the property and maybe their descendants still did.

Ridiculous right? I hoped so.

The sum of $4000 made me dismiss these tall tales though and I arrived as usual and did my thing as expected in rather awkward silence. Finding things in the dark was a nightmare. I’d organised my kit as best I could to assist the process but still the darkness made things difficult. I was terrified of touching her face by accident. On a few occasions when cleaning her silky shoulders, I felt a few tendrils of hair brush my hands which both electrified me and unnerved me. Still she made no sound. I wasn’t even convinced she was breathing. She definitely wasn’t a ghost though. I’m no expert but I don’t think ghosts have hot slippery throbbing pussies and she certainly had as I discovered to my delight when tenderly washing her bare vagina.

As before, an email arrived the next day commending me for my work and confirming payment. Every year was the same. Always different tasks. But always silence and always concealing her identity.

Except this year. Maybe she had tired of me. I suppose it’s possible. I had felt that year by year she was building up to something. Each year was a little more intimate than the last. More exciting. I guess I’d been looking forward to it.

Then, as I was driving home from seeing a very tedious and whiny client, my phone sitting in the dash holder pinged and lit up with an email. It was Tabitha.

My heart jolted slightly and I pulled in at the first opportunity so I could read it.

***Dear Mr Khan. Your services are required on July 10th. As usual, you will be silent – as much as possible at any rate. Full intercourse is required for two hours, inclusive of foreplay on this occasion. If you would be so kind as to confirm at your earliest convenience, stating your fee.***


Shit, I thought. She wants sex. I’m not sure how I feel about that…

Then I looked down at the massive bulge in my Gucci jeans and sighed.

Who was I kidding? I was elated.
