Supernatural therapy, and everything that comes with it. (Chapter one: the first session)

The first session

Here I was, waiting for my therapist to call me into the room to talk about my problems, yet again. I’ve had way too many terrible experiences with these people trained with resolving deep psychological problems. If this one would not be able to help me resolve mine, than it would also be the last one to try so. Fumbling with my thumbs I was looking at a weirdly beautiful painting hanging on the wall right in front of me. The painting was an old Victorian portrait of a gorgeous young woman staring right into the eyes of the perceiver, which now happened to be me. After being lost in her bright blue eyes for more than a short moment the door of my therapist opens, and out she walks, calling my name. I froze, not out of fright, but out of astonishment. The girl who opened the door and said my name so gently, she can’t be my therapist, she is way too beautiful to be! How could anyone even try to focus on what she would be telling them in their sessions, let alone me.

She looked at me, since I was the only one in the entire waiting room, and that’s when it hit me, I had been staring at her for at least a full ten seconds without saying a single word. “Do you want to come on in?” She asked with the most soft-spoken voice in the entire universe. No wonder she is a therapist, I would say everything and anything to feel those vibrations hitting my eardrums just one more time. I guess that that is what makes her a good therapist.

I nod to her question, and as I do so she takes one step back and holds the door open for me to entree into her domain. As I go from one room to another and pass this extraordinary young woman, I can smell her tremendous body odor flowing through my nose. It smells too good and natural to be a perfume but also too alien to be self-made. But as I take a few steps more into the room her sent leaves my nostrils to then make me want to smell it just one more time. She continues to sit on the big red leather chair in front of the one that’s meant for me. She points her gentle open hand towards the lounge chair that I, a few seconds after, would be sitting upon.

Her full golden locks of hair float around and on her chest with a beautiful spread, hiding that which I want to see so vigorously. ‘So tell me, what is it that makes you want to come to see me.’ She asks with an almost dominant undertone, not that I mind. “Well, uhm, I uuh have a few problems that affect my everyday life so much that it feels like if I did not fix them they would be in the way of me doing what everyday life asks me to do.” “Tell me about those ‘problems’ you perceive to have.” What a weird way to approach a therapy session. I have been to a good amount of these kinds of conversations before but non like this. Most of the time they do not confront the one on the chair this straight on. This… dominantly. The contrast of her elegant voice, her young body, and the vibe with which she tells me to give her what she wants is like nothing I have had before. “Tell me.” She says whilst piercing into my soul with her weirdly familiar bright blue eyes.

But weirdly enough I do not feel too overwhelmed to open myself up for her. It’s like she has me in some sort of trance. Is this why she can be so unorthodox in her way of giving therapy? Lost in my train of thought I get snapped back into reality by the sound of her finger slapping against the thick palm of her elegant hand. “Do not feel afraid to tell me, I am only here to help you help yourself. Which I can only do if you let me take a peak into your soul” What an incredibly weird way to approach something like this, but I feel the urge deep within myself to tell her more about me more quickly than I have ever done to any therapist before her. So before I get lost inside my head yet again I utter the word that are chained within me. “I have the incredible urge to have sexual relationships with everyone I see around me, all the time.”

I freeze with my eyes wide open, as a deer staring into the headlights of a car fast approaching. Did I really just say that out loud… I don’t understand… how is this possible? The woman smirks. “I see, so it is what I thought.” “What do you mean?” I say back to her almost instantly, trying to figure out how this woman is able to almost hypnotize me like that. “A good therapist never reveals their tricks to their patients.” she laughs, but the vibrations of her magical voice do not leave the outside of her full thick lips this time.

“Is this what you do to everyone?” “Don’t ask so many questions!” she demands. “I am the one that is supposed to do so, do you understand?” I nod, flabbergasted by how she is able to almost manipulate me to do so. “good!” “This only works if you let me.” What is this woman? Now I know with absolute certainty, that this is not normal! There is something, weirdly off about this whole ‘thing’ that we are doing. “I know what you are thinking.” “you want me to fuck, don’t you!” My heart skips a beat. “You want me to fuck your brains out and treat you like the filthy dog you are!” I can feel the blood pumping into my lower body. She takes a glance down. “humpfh” “That’s what I thought.”

“Well, I am sorry to say to you that ‘that’ is not going to happen anytime soon.” She says with the most playful and dominant tone I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. But I feel like she is choosing her words very carefully. “But…” The only word I can utter at this moment in time. I seem like a complete idiot when I say that, ‘her’ idiot. I do not know what she is doing here and it definitely does not seem to be resolving anything that I came here to resolve. “Huh, you are a special little puppy aren’t you?” “Your sex drive is beyond anything I have ever had the pleasure to see before.” She definitely is right about that! I have been thinking of fucking her since the moment I first laid my eyes on her. I have been thinking about ripping her clothes off of her silky smooth body and vigorously fucking her from behind for this entire session, and something within me feels that she wants to do that as well.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha” with an open mouth she softly laughs at me. “Ooh, you are something aren’t you.” “you know what.” “I will give a little something, but don’t get too attached, I don’t like that stuff.” And before I know it, or agree at all, I can feel and see myself having sex with her. But not at all in a way I usually imagine, nothing like the way I just did. This feels real! She has me tight down to her lounge chair while she rubs her fat pussy all over my dick. I can feel her fluid dripping down my shaft entering in between my but cheeks whilst she slowly pushes my dick inside of her tight pussy. She looks straight into my eyes and yells to me whilst she has her hand tightly bound around my neck. She squeezes hard whilst simultaneously making me have the best ejaculation my body has ever had the pleasure of experiencing! And just when I would hit the climax of my ejaculation I snap back into reality. “What did you just do to me!” I am back where I was before. The only thing that has changed is my pants are now completely soaked. I look at her and she smirks to me with her magical face. I look down at her pants and I can see hints of darkened fabric. ‘Did we just have telekinetic sex?’ Is what I am thinking. And as if I spoke to her directly, she answers me. “yes, yes we did.”

Link to other chapters in the future:
