Stranger in the bar part 2

I really don’t know what I was thinking when I walked back into that bar. Do I really think I would see him again, sitting along the wall, looking like a God? Who am I kidding, I don’t even know his name. I do remember everything else though. As I made my way to the tables he had been sitting at, my mind wanders back to the night, feeling something alive in me as he held a power over me. Even now, I am squeezing my legs together, feeling my breasts harder, my heart rate quickens as I daydream about seeing him walk naked out of the bathroom, demanding me to get naked. Being caught off guard, I am thrown back into the present. “Hey, wake up! Do you want a drink?” my coworker asks, laughing at the sight of me. “Just water, thanks.” As he walks away, I begin to look around. You can totally pick out the patrons that are here on business. Most still have slacks, crisp white shirts, and leather shoes. A few women here and there, but men outnumber us 10 to 1. I can see men doing their best to catch my eye, but something about being in this bar makes me refrain, there is only one man I am wanting. As my coworker returns, we make small talk about the training we have endured all day. Tomorrow I will be catching a flight back to Eugene, making my hopes of tasting your skin once more diminish. A few more colleagues join us, the bar is getting louder as the more business types file in. Must be a hot spot. My back is against the wall, giving me an advantage of seeing the door. I know the chances of winning all the lotteries in one night is better than seeing you again, but a girl can still dream. As I turn my attention back to my table, I hear another crowd come through the door. Looking up, I see your face. Instantly my stomach tightens. Holding my breath, I watch as you make your way to the bar itself. You are deep in conversation with your own colleagues as I watch you from afar. You are not a stalker, keeps going through my head. Who am I kidding, myself, I am. I picked the bar, I was hoping I would see him. I have used that night over and over as a wonderful tool for masturbation. I need to play it cool, I need to pretend he is not there, 15 feet from me, I need to fucking go rub my swollen clit! “Hey, are you ok?” I am asked, “Uh, yea, I am fine. What did you say?” in confusion. “I was wondering where your mind is right now.” I know exactly where my mind is, it is back in his hotel room, my mouth on his hard-throbbing cock. Looking up once more, I choke on the air as I see you leaning on the bar, staring at me. Holding your stare, I lean back against the wall, and let you stare. Not backing down, I begin to feel my body betraying me once more as I begin to feel my juices soak my panties, my lips throb at his stare. I break the stare as I hear, “Hey, we are heading back to the hotel. Do you want me to grab your jacket?” Snapping my head up to my coworker, I feel like a child being told that Disneyland is closed for the day. I must have looked like I was going to cry, because he said, “We can stay longer if you want?”. Clearing my throat, “No, you guys can head back, I can catch a cab.” Looking at me, I can see his concern, but I don’t give a fuck. I want another chance to taste his skin, maybe actually find out what his name is. As most of my group stands to leave, I can see Mr. Universe still leaning on the bar, still looking at me. Was he seeing if I was leaving? At this moment I am scared to even stand, I am so wet, I worry about having it run down my legs. Looking back over, you are gone. My stomach tightens again, wondering if you left. I am screaming profanity in my head as my eyes bounce around the crowd as I feel a body slide in next to me. Sucking in air, I turn and see you, staring at me, inches from my face. Leaning in, I feel your mouth next to my ear, I can smell your skin making my mouth water. “What do you want?” An uncontrollable moan escapes my mouth as even more juices flow out of me. “I can smell you, and if I remember right, I never did taste you.” Again, your voice of pure sex purring in my ear sending me over the edge. You put your left hand on my leg, while your right arm rests on the back wall, along my back. Feeling your hand slide up under my skirt, I begin to shake with anticipation. As you reach my very wet throbbing lips, I hear you moan into my ear. “What do you want?” asking me again as I try to move my hips forward, wanting his touch. Teasing me, you graze my pulsating panties. With more power, “Tell me what you want.” I can no longer hear or see anyone around us. I can only feel his body, hear his voice, feel his heat. “I want you.” Whimpering. As I say this, I feel your fingers go deep in me, gasping out in pleasure, I feel you lean in closer “I am going to make you wish you did not say that.” Pulling your fingers out, wet with my cum, you bring them to my mouth, looking at my lips as I open my mouth, staring into your eyes as you place your wet fingers in my mouth. Sucking off the juices a slight moan comes from your mouth. “I remember that mouth now.” Pulling hard, sucking every drop from your fingers, still staring at you, “I will make you wish you did not say that.” Grabbing my arm, pulling me with you through the crowd, I stand behind you, my wrist still in your hand as you talk to your colleagues. I do my best to hold myself together, as you turn and pull me out into the cold night. The rush of cold air hits my hot skin, feeling like a battle between good and evil was taking place on my body. Looking around, I feel like I am in one of my dreams. Is this really happening, if this is a dream, please do not wake up, keeps going through my head. Signaling a cab, I feel your hand pull me next to you. Letting go of my hand, reach over and open the door, placing your other hand on the small of my back, forcing me to step towards to darken seat. Sliding in, I try my best to fix myself. Pulling my skirt down as far as I can, using my hands to check my hair, running them on my face, really wishing I had a mirror. I hear you ordering the cab driver to take the long way to your hotel. My mind wonders why the long way, does he have someone there, waiting for him. Feeling the car pull out into traffic, the cab fills up with music. I am having a hard time looking in your direction as I stare forward. “Look at me.” My skin warms up instantly from those words, as I turn and see you glaring at me, intense eyes, I can feel you pull every dirty little secret out of me. Wrapping one arm around my waist, you pull me into the middle, feeling your body touching my side, I become weak with lust, my mouth begins to water once more. My stomach tightens, I feel like I have been starved of this feeling. I stare at his face, not noticing his other hand has pulled out his very large hard cock. I see a movement and look down seeing his slide his own hand up and down the long shaft. I begin the shake with anticipation as a whimper leaves my body. Taking your hand to my head, you push me down to your waiting cock, “remind my body of your mouth.” I move my body slightly to get the best angle, as I place my wet soft mouth on the very tip. Swirling my tongue around on the head, I can taste the precum already. Making sure my saliva is making him nice and wet, I slowly suck him into my mouth, controlling my speed, I draw my mouth as far as I can. My body trembles with the need to please this man. Pulling back off, I hear a moan from above, making me hungrier for him. Going back down again, I try my best to take more in, but still cannot feel the base. Wrapping my left hand around the base, I use it to bring more friction to my oral pleasing. Moving steadier, I begin to move my upper torso in rhythm to my hand. I can now feel your body moving as well, your hips push up as I take you into my mouth, meeting me in the middle every time, I swirl my tongue around the shaft with each stroke, sucking harder each time I pull off. I can hear your breathing quicken as you grab my head with both hands, taking fists full of my hair, your hips begin to pump upward faster. Your legs begin to shake as you thrust into my mouth, your hands grabbing my head. I can feel the veins beginning to move in my mouth as you erupt into my throat, filling, tasting so good, leaving me wanting more. Letting go of my head, I sit up, steady to look at his beautiful face. He is still staring at me, is he wondering if I will be lady like and ask for a tissue, will I spit it out, but I hold steady. After a few seconds, a grin comes to his lips as he knows I swallowed every drop. Feeling the cab pull over, I look around and we are back to the same hotel we met before. I slide back into my seat, wondering what now. Will he just get out, leaving me to take a long ride back to my hotel, needing to be touched. My thoughts running through my head, I see him get out but then close the car door. Well, ok. Still worth it as I see him walk around to the cab driver. Leaning back in my seat, a rush of cold hits me as my door opens. “Oh no, I am not done with you, get out.” Following orders, I step out into the night air once more feeling my hot skin getting slapped with the cold. Taking my wrist once more, pulling me into the lobby, memories of my first visit hit me like being splashed with water. As we make our way to the elevator, I can see people watching, maybe wondering if I am being kidnaped. Making me grin at the thought this God like man kidnapping someone like me. The ding of the elevator wipes the grin off my face as my body reacts to the memory of the last trip up to his room. Stepping in, I half anticipate the same, but you hold onto my wrist and press your floor. As the door closes, looking at my reflection, my skin is flushed with heat, even though the night is so cold. The doors open once more and feeling the pull again, you take me down the hall. Letting go I hear “Do not move.” Like a puppy I have the urge to move, wondering what he might do, but I obey. The door opens, and turning to me, “Come.” with a stern voice. I walk in, past his body that towers above me. Not knowing what he wants next, I stand, still facing away. The click of the door has now sealed my fate, as you walk by me casually taking your jacket off and draping it over the back of the chair. Moving around, I watch you put things away, plugging in your phone, normal activity as if I were not there. Still not daring to move, I stand. The anticipation of what is coming has my juices going down my legs. I close my eyes and try to slow my heartbeat, when I open them you are standing in front of me, no clothes on except your slacks. Studying me up and down, I cringe at you seeing my wet streak that is now all the way down my legs. Stepping forward as if you just read my mind, you stoop down, and run a finger up my leg, collecting as much juices as you can before standing up again just to bring them to your mouth, sucking on my juices. At this moment I am about fate at the longing I have for this man to be in me. “Take off your clothes.” Stepping back from me, I begin to remove my jacket. Sliding my hands behind me, I unzip the back of my skirt and let it fall to the ground. Moving my hands to my blouse, I unbutton each button, slowly as if I do not want to anger this man, also letting it fall to the ground. Stepping away from the pile of clothes, I unclasp my bra, and putting my arms forward I feel the straps fall through my arms. Still watching every move, I twist my fingers into the sides of my panties and begin pulling them down. Using my heels, I kick them away, leaving my completely naked except the black high heeled shoes. Standing before him, I begin to take my heels off when I hear “No, leave those on.” Standing up straight I now wait for him. You begin to walk around me, touching my skin every so gently in different areas. My collar bones, my stomach, my arm, turn after turn my body begins to shake more in want. Coming back around me, a whimper escapes my mouth, and I feel the hot sting of your hand and it makes contact with my ass. A wave of desire rolls through me once more, making me want more. Taking me by my shoulders, I feel you guide me to the bed. Coming around, you sit down and pull me across your lap. As if I am a child getting punished, my ass is sticking up with my arms dangling over your legs touching the floor. I feel you right hand rubbing my ass where you made contact, making sure I feel the sensation. Moving your hands around, I feel you begin to rub my very swollen lips of my very wet throbbing pussy. I begin to moan when I feel another sting of your hand, on the same spot. Crying out in pleasure, I hear you say “Control yourself, I don’t want to hear one sound out of you.” Again moving back to my wetness, you begin to move your hand up and down between the flesh. I feel my body wanting to moan, so I bite down on my lip, hard enough to hopefully prevent me from disobeying. Moving your hand a little faster, I bite down harder, but I can not control myself when I feel your fingers dive deep in me. A moan of pure ecstasy flows from my body, just before I feel the sting of your hand once more. Biting down once more, I feel you drive your fingers back into me, but also feel pressure on my ass.  Please don’t, keep going through my head, I want to beg him to stop, but I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. Is he challenging me right now, seeing how much I can take? Feeling both holes fill sends me over the edge as I bit down harder. My body begins to buck, feeling the build up down in my groin, an overpowering orgasm rushes through my body, my fluids cascading all over your lap, down my legs. Exhaling, I feel dizzy and light headed. I can feel your hand resting on my ass now, making me wonder if I screamed out as I climaxed, but your hand just rubs softly. “That is what I like. I want you to lay in the middle of the bed.” Standing me up, I can still feel my warm cum coming out of me, I am embarrassed as I look and see the after effects of my orgasm. Grabbing my face, you pull me close to yours, “Get on the bed.” Just as another slap hits my ass cheek. I move forward and lay in the middle with my head on the pillows. You begin to walk around, removing your slacks, making my body squirm to see you were naked under them. I continue watching you when suddenly you know I am watching you closely. Standing at my feet, I watch you as you move your very hard cock in your hands, and with each stroke I feel my body moving too, as if I am trying to lure you to me. Grabbing my feet, you pull my ass to the edge of the bed with my legs above me. Staring into my eyes, you move my legs to bending front, then pushing higher so my feet are by my head. My wet, wanting pussy is open, as I feel the head if your cock teasing me, rubbing the head around on my swollen clit, along my harder lips, teasing me by putting the head in and out. Forcing yourself deep in me with one hard thrust, I feel a sting of pain, I can feel you all the way inside. Pulling out again, you plunge back into me even harder, a gasp at the feeling of you all the way in me, and again I feel the bite of your hand once more. Biting my lip again, you begin to pump me harder, and harder. My arms reach out for anything to give me support, a life line. Leaning in over my legs, you push me down into the bed as you use your hips to drive yourself in me. Still staring into my eyes, almost challenging me to make a sound. Grabbing the edge of the bed, by my ass, I pull hard as I feeling my body cumming again, this time all over you hard cock moving in me. Pulling out, my legs fall to the ground, “Sit back.” I crawl back onto the bed as you follow me up, coming up over my torso, I feel you rub your hard cock on my chest. I use my hands to push my breasts together, giving you more friction. Standing above me, your hands lay by your sides as you move your hardness between my breasts. Watching your face drives me crazy with desire and I can see you can not stop watching your head of your cock push through my breasts. Opening your mouth, a single drop of your saliva falls onto the base of your cock giving you more slickness. I can see you are enjoying this, when you pull out quickly. “Roll over.” As you back down my body. I roll over onto my stomach, and feeling you pull my upper body up I am now on my knees. Taking my hands, you push them to the headboard, leaning into my ear, you whisper “Do not let go.” Holding my position, I feel you adjust your body behind mine. Feeling your hands between my legs, you move my juices to my ass. My eyes close as I feel you enter me, one hard thrust. Crying out in pain and pleasure, I instantly fear your hand, but want it. Instead I feel your hand wrap around my mouth. Leaning in as you begin to move harder, I hear you say “What do you want?” your words come out staggered. Removing your hand, I beg, “your cum.” Like a switch our body begins to go wild as we both lose control. Your hands on my hips now, pulling me harder into you, I am using my arms to push you into me more. I can no longer control my sounds as I scream out “Fuck me!” just as another orgasm rolls through me, I can hear you gasping out as you empty inside me. You remain to move inside me, as you continue to cum in me, feeling your cock pulsating in me. Putting your arms around me you pull me to the side as we fall onto the bed. Our bodies are wet with sweat and sex. I can feel your breathing slowing as I begin to control mine. Laying there, I am dazed, unsure if I could even stand on my own. From behind me I hear you say, “After another session like that, I might give you my name.”
