The Afterparty: Around the Pool, Part 2 (Game of Dares, Slow Burn to Group Sex)

*Part 1 can be found [HERE](*

*Six friends hanging around after a college party end up in a game of Dares, and things quickly escalate. This story was originally written in smaller chapters, with chapters 7-8 presented here. Expect an escalating tease, eventually devolving into debauched chaos*

**Chapter 6**

“Nicole,” you said. “Vengeance is mine.”

“Oh, fuck,” she groaned.

Options flew through your head. Embarrassing stories you could get her to tell. Silly things you could get her to do. Sexy things you could get her to do.

That mouth…

Sitting down, you tapped your lips as you thought carefully. This game was harder than you thought. It made things confusing. Nicole had been your person, your best friend, since you were toddlers. She wasn’t like a sister, she was closer to you than most siblings you had even seen in your life. Now you were thinking of her as- well, as a chick.

But she was still your person. But also a chick. Confusing. And thinking of daring her to do something like Miranda had been dared with you made you feel… not great. Jealous? You didn’t want Matt going near her, let alone Tom.

*Ew, Tom…*

Wait. Tom…

“Well?” Nicole asked. She’d pulled her legs up and was hugging them to her, looking at you from between her knees. She’d pulled her hood up like she was trying to disappear.

“I dare you to stand in front of Tom, look him dead in the eye and tell him exactly which body part of his you think is the sexiest.”

“What?” Tom guffawed. “That’s it?”

“Eugh,” Nicole groaned, then made a couple of fake barfing noises. “What if I think he’s a disgusting cretin?”

“Hey now,” Sarah said. “That’s not nice, don’t be a bitch.”

Tom muttered something under his breath.

You shrugged, “I guess you can forfeit and risk a skinny dip if another one comes around.”

Nicole rolled her eyes, “Agh, fine.”

She got up and for the first time you watched her move. She was lithe, and when she stopped one leg was locked straight and the other tilted at the knee slightly, making her little butt pop a bit in her skinny jeans.

This time you physically shook your head slightly to try and clear it.

“Alright, Tom. You know that you and I haven’t seen… eye to eye since freshman year. Out of everything, I think you’ve got a good looking nose. It’s not too big, it’s not too small. It fits your face.”

“That was so lame,” Sarah said.

“Yeah,” Miranda agreed. “Come on, Nicole. This was your idea, play along.”

Nicole looked to the dark sky and clenched her jaw a few times. She reached up and tousled her hair, then looked back at Tom.

“Fine. Tom, I think you look pretty good with your shirt off. I think it’s douchey to take your shirt off and be flexing in the mirrors at the University gym, but you’ve worked hard on your abs and they’re… hot,” she maintained eye contact with Tom, who was sneering his approval, and then looked at Sarah. “Better?”

“Wait, you mean these abs?” Tom asked, lifting his shirt and showing them off. He had a four-pack, which was still better than you and Matt, and he rolled his stomach a little.

“Ugh,” Nicole said, spinning and grabbing a name from the bowl before stomping over to her seat. She gave you a glare on the way for good measure.

“I gotta admit,” Tom said as she sat down. “Seeing you admit that to me, Nicole? It almost makes up for the stick up your ass. Maybe we’ll see if we can get that out for you if I get a chance to dare you.”

Nicole muttered under her breath while she was opening the paper.

“Matt,” she said, tossing the paper back in the bowl.

**Chapter 7**

“Aw man,” Sarah groaned, pulling her feet away from Matt. “I was enjoying that. Plus me and Tom haven’t even gone yet.”

“That’s the way it goes,” Nicole shrugged. “Now Matt, what to do with you?”

“Oh, you know,” Matt replied, rubbing his thumbs into his palms to work out the kinks from so much time massaging. “Just sitting here, minding my own business.”

“Sure, bud,” Nicole chuckled. Her eyes went around the circle, obviously trying to decide who he was going to do something with. Looking for inspiration. She stopped on you, the closest to her, and then her eyes slid back to Miranda next to you.

Uh oh. You knew that look. That sneaky ‘I’ve got a Plan’ look.

“Matt, I dare you to give Miranda a lap dance, and strip down to your boxers while you do it.”

“Fuck,” he said.

“Woo!” Sarah crowed, slapping Matt on the back. He looked a little more chagrined than before after that. A little Sarah-encouragement went a long way with him.

“Come on over, Matty,” Miranda said. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.”

Matt hung his head for a long second, and then stood up. “Fine,” he groaned.

“Waitwaitwait,” Nicole said, then pulled out her phone. “This needs music.”

“One song,” Matt said.

“Fine,” Nicole sighed, and then she picked a song. It was hard, it was rock. It was Buck Cherry’s *Crazy Bitch*. Good song to shout along with in the car.

Not a song you wanted to have your best guy friend do a lap dance to on your crush right next to you. On a swing bench.

He started by awkwardly swaying his hips, then turned around and swayed his butt.

“This is just wow,” you said.

“Boo,” Tom said. “Boring.”

“Shut up,” Sarah said, slapping Tom’s arm lightly. She was leaning into the arm of the bench they were on again, not on him. “He’s just getting started.”

Matt backed up, bopping away to the beat of the song. Bouncing his butt in Miranda’s general direction. She reached out and slapped his butt.

“Hey now, no touching the merchandise,” Matt said, standing back up and turning around. The girls laughed, and then cheered as he started bobbing his hips again and unbuttoned his shirt awkwardly. It took… longer than necessary. Finally stripping the shirt off, revealing his sparsely haired chest and the top of a treasure trail just under his belly button, he danced a bit and then started working on his belt.

At this point you rolled your eyes and looked around rather than watch him struggle to take off his pants. Miranda was grinning like mad, giggling and moving with the music as well, while Nicole on your other side was smirking like a fiend and snorting lightly as she chuckled. Sarah, across from her, was grinning and eyeing up Matt from behind.

Tom was on his phone, not paying attention.

Matt had gotten down to his briefs, which were blue and red striped, and you had to do a double take at the bulge he was sporting. It was… well, it was big. Judging by the happenstance peeks you’d had in the gym of other random guys, you were maybe on the large side of average. You’d never seen Matt naked though, or in such tight briefs, and his dick…

You had to feel a little self conscious.

His white pants were still attached to him by one leg, and as the song was ending he turned around and sat on Miranda’s lap, sending the bench swaying back and forth as he wiggled against her. The swaying, of course, meant he didn’t have a steady seat and between his movements and Miranda’s jerking laughter the bench just wobbled harder and harder.

He lost his footing and slipped, and you just managed to get your hands up to shove him into the center of the circle of seats instead of sprawling across you.

He was laughing now too, standing up as the last notes of the song rang out.

“Well, how’d I do?” he asked.

“You need some practice,” Sarah said.

“Aw, it was fun. Do it again,” Miranda giggled.

Matt shook his head, “Not likely.” He kicked a few times to get his leg out of his pants, then went to collect his clothes.

“You’re not putting them back on,” Sarah said quickly.

“What?” Matt asked. “That wasn’t part of the dare.”

“Rule clarification then,” Sarah said. “Anything that comes off, stays off.”

“So if someone has to do a skinny dip, they need to stay naked,” you pointed out.

She nodded.

“Sounds fair to me,” Nicole agreed. “Plus Matt doesn’t have far to go now anyways, then we can see that fucking python he’s been hiding this whole time.”

All three girls took a moment to appreciate Matt’s bulge, and he blushed.

“I am not an animal,” he huffed, impersonating the classic Elephant Man movie.

“Piiiiiiiiiiick,” Tom groaned. “I’m so fucking bored. I thought we were gonna see some tits at least.”

Matt rolled his eyes and picked a name.

**Chapter 8**

“Tom,” Matt read.

“Yes, gimme what you got,” Tom said, sitting up and rubbing his hands together.

“You want tits? Fine,” Matt said, sitting back down. “I dare you to let Sarah pick out a nice set of lingerie for you to change into. Bra, panties or a thong, whatever. Let’s see your titty-pecks in a bra.”

“Ooh, I have this nice sheer blue-”

“Fuck no,” Tom said, shaking his head. “That’s just- no! That’s not fair!”

“What’s not fair?” Miranda asked.

“I- He,” he looked at you. “You two- When am I going to have some fun?”

“Tom, don’t be a spoil sport,” Sarah said. “It’s a good dare.”

“Well I’m not doing it,” he said, crossing his arm. “I’m not putting on some fucking panties or whatever. I’m using my forfeit.”

“Lame,” Miranda said.

You thought that sounded like a mistake. Girls underwear wouldn’t have been the worst, you figured. There were worse things in the world.

“Well, it’s my turn to pick then,” Tom said, leaning forward.

“What? No,” Nicole said. “You didn’t do your dare.”

“Yeah, I used my forfeit,” Tom argued.

“It’s not a pass,” Matt said. “You don’t get rewarded for a forfeit.”

Tom threw his hands up in the air. “Fine, fucking fine. Whose turn is it then?”

“Matt, draw again,” Nicole directed.

He drew again. “John.”

“God damn it,” you laughed. “No repeating dares, remember.”

“Damn,” he said, putting the paper back in the bowl. “Well then, let me think.”

“Too bad,” Nicole giggled. “John in a thong would’ve been cute. I would have needed to get a picture for my mom.”

“No fucking way are you getting a picture of me like that,” you laughed.

“Alright, John,” Matt said. “You dodged the underwear dare, so how about this? I dare you to let each girl strip one piece of clothing off of you and do whatever they want to whatever is uncovered.”

A very quick mental calculation left you certain – you had a shirt, pants, shoes and boxers. That was not a lot of choices for three girls.

On the other hand…

You took in a breath. “Fine,” you said. Standing up, you decided to get the biggest risk out of the way – if Sarah got a chance at you when your pants were already off, there was no way she would let you get away with keeping your boxers.

You stepped up to Sarah and raised your arms out to the side.

“Oh, a dress up doll for little old me?” she asked innocently. “Matt, you shouldn’t have.”

She stood up and circled me, her hips swaying in that little green dress. “Hmm, what to take. Maybe your pants? But what am I going to do with your knees? I guess it’ll have to be your shirt.” The decision was made while she was behind you, and she stepped up close and reached around your waist to grab the hem of your shirt at the front. This, and you had no doubt it was on purpose, pressed her breasts against your back and she rubbed them up and down just a little bit while her hot breath trailed up your neck.

While Sarah slowly lifted your shirt, you raised your arms, but once she had the shirt over your head she pulled it back tightly, trapping your arms around your head. “Hey,” you said, but she shushed you.

“Quiet, I’m not done yet.” She walked around you and she pressed herself against your front, her dress—covered tits to your bare chest, and you could feel her leaning up, her mouth close to yours outside of the shirt over your head. Part of you, a big part, wanted her to kiss you. But that warm breath trailed down your neck as her buddy rubbed lower, down over your chest, and then she was blowing fast, cool air on your nipples.

And then she sucked one, and then the other, and gave the second one a nip with her teeth to boot.

“Ow, fuck,” you said.

“Baby,” she laughed, patting your chest. She pulled the shirt from you and tossed it to the side.

“Get over here,” Nicole said, calling you over.

You stepped over, rubbing at your bitten nipple.

“Take your shoes and socks off yourself,” Nicole ordered, so you kicked them off and then peeled off your socks. She waved you on.

“Well, I guess I only really have one choice, don’t I?” Miranda said as you moved back over to her.

“Sorry,” you said.

She snorted and shook her head. “Too bad I didn’t get your boxers, huh?”

You gulped as she laughed at how flustered you were, then she stuck out her tongue a little bit as she reached for your belt. “So, how’s it feel?” she asked.

“Weird,” you replied, watching her work off your belt. “Hot.” She undid the button on your jeans, then unzipped them. She looked up at you. She looked different than Nicole did from there. From in front of your cock. She was gorgeous, and hot, but you’d thought of her as within reach for so long that it was almost weird for it to be like this. With Nicole it had been like a flash of lightning.

Miranda licked her lips, smiling at you impishly as she took hold of the waistline of your jeans and pulled them down.

Your boxers, a simple black, didn’t show off your dick like Matt’s did, but Miranda seemed pleased by the tent you were sporting. You raised your feet to let her take off the pants and throw them aside.

“Well, what am I supposed to do with you now?” she asked aloud, but it sounded rhetorical.

“Bite his cock,” Sarah suggested, and then rolled her eyes as everyone looked at her confused. “I meant like, give it a little nibble. Through the boxers. Tease him.”

Miranda shook her head and turned back to me. Instead of leaning forward, she reached forward and ran her hand along the front of my boxers, over and around my hard shaft, and then under to caress at my sack. “That’s good enough, I think,” she said lowly. “I hadn’t got to say hi like this yet.”

You sat down quickly when she was finished, then had to get up to pick a paper. Keeping your dick from poking out the front hole of the boxers was getting harder to do.

“Alright,” you said, sitting back down with the paper. You opened it. “I got Sarah.”

“Finally,” the redhead grinned.

“Not a guy!” Tom cheered.

*Want to read more? Let me know and I’ll start formatting the next chapter!*

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