The Afterparty: Around the Pool, Part 1 (OC) (Game of Dares, Slow Burn to Group Sex)

*Six friends hanging around after a college party end up in a game of Dares, and things quickly escalate. This story was originally written in smaller chapters, the first five of which are presented here. Expect an escalating tease, eventually devolving into debauched chaos*


If you were being honest with yourself, even though some of your closest friends were at the party you had started to feel like it might have been a better idea to stay home that night. Your Eng310 course was kicking your ass with readings and you’d proven to yourself over and over again that you just didn’t have game.

Parties like this happened every couple of weeks, and Sarah was often the host since she shared a house with her older sister – paid for by Daddy, of course – and Tiff was out of town a lot. As long as Sarah had it cleaned up by Sunday afternoon, she could invite as many people over as she wanted and party into the night. Booze flowed, music blasted through their sound system and on any one party a good eighty people might filter in and out before most of them went out to one of the student bars or clubs by midnight.

The night had gone pretty much as usual. You and Matt had driven over from the little student flat you rented up town, picking up Nicole on the way. Matt had dressed up in his best new ‘clubbing’ outfit with a dark patterned dress shirt, white slacks and brown belt and shoes. He’d over spent on that outfit, but he’d also bought it on the recommendation of Sarah so it was hard to blame him for coming up short on grocery money this month. Matt had been crushing on the red head for almost as long as you had been pining for Miranda – you might have had him beat by one day of frosh week two and a half years ago.

Jesus, two and a half years. How had it been that long since you met Miranda?

You hadn’t bothered to spend as much time primping for the party as Matt, throwing on a clean t-shirt and some jeans. You could pass muster if you ended up tagging along to one of the student clubs in town, and that was good enough. Thankfully Nicole hadn’t gone overboard either; when you picked her up from her place she was wearing a sleeveless shirt underneath a zip-up hoodie, a pair of ripped skinny jeans and her beaten up converse shoes. Her breasts – you’d known her for way too long to think of them as tits – were almost hidden in the sweater, and she’d been sparse with her makeup. You were thankful, figuring that your oldest friend wasn’t in for a long night out either.

Sarah, on the other hand, was dolled up and decked out to the nines. She was wearing a tight green dress that contrasted with her freckled skin and classic Irish green eyes and fiery hair. When you, Matt and Nicole had walked in the door she had come over and given you all big hugs, pressing her big tits into your chests, and you noticed Matt gave her just a fraction longer hug, maybe just a bit more of a squeeze. You’d been shaking your head with a bit of a smirk at your friend’s disastrous desires when Miranda had swept through the front hallway like an angel, freezing your feet to the ground. Your own disaster-crush had arrived.

When you did some occasional navel-gazing and thought about the girls you had crushed on in your life, both back in high school and celebrities, your type actually lent towards girls who looked like Nicole – punky, grungy styles with some attitude and some geek tendencies. Short and blonde didn’t hurt either. The problem with Nicole was that she was practically a sibling – your mothers had been Sorority Sisters way back when and you had grown up two doors down from each other, calling the other’s mother ‘Auntie.’

Miranda, unlike Nicole, was a brunette who put a lot of effort into her looks. Her makeup was always soft but expertly applied, her perky lips covered in a soft shade of red, and her hair shining and silky with dyed layers of gold and darker browns making it look like cascading water. She was dressed in a slinky black dress with a lacy gold accent covering her cleavage, the dress ending higher than mid-thigh but she was wearing a pair of shiny black leggings that almost looked like leather. Her strappy heels made her legs go on forever, putting her at eye level with you.

Her welcoming grin for you had been sweet and happy, and she’d hugged you, and you’d self-consciously moved your hips back just slightly so she wouldn’t feel your chub.

That was the last you had interacted with her for the night though.

Other students, some you knew and some you didn’t, filtered through the party. Beer pong, dancing, lots of talking and drinking. Some couples forming, making out in dark corners or heading out to the backyard for some privacy. Sarah and Miranda were dancers, the redhead grinding herself against guys and girls equally, flashing her seductive smile and passing out kisses like they were about to go out of style. Miranda was a little more demure, though more than a few guys danced with her in the darkened living room.

Matt was something of a puppy, following Sarah around while trying to not look like he was doing it. He danced with her a couple of times, which was better than you were doing (or not doing) with Miranda, and helped her out more than once with carrying things, cleaning spilled drinks up and sending a couple of the overly-drunk guests out the door.

That left you, watching Miranda make her way through the party like an effortless Ghost of Coed Present (you’re an English major so Dickens jokes are fair game), spending most of your time at the party with Nicole. You two chatted with friends and acquaintances, shared a six-pack of coolers (her choice, not yours) over a few hours and played a round of beer pong against Tom and his buddy Gavin. Tom was one of those guys who everyone in the college knew because he was a loud, infamously dickish kind of guy who got by on ‘frat boy’ charm, his parents money and being on a mildly successful sports team – in his case, he was an assistant captain on the lacrosse team.

It was right after the beer pong game, which Tom spent most of his time trying to egg Nicole into flashing to distract him, that Nicole noticed you staring across the room and out into the hall where Miranda was standing talking to some people who were leaving the house. She elbowed you in the side and gave you a ‘go talk to her’ urge with her eyes, gesturing for you to walk over.

You shrugged, and Nicole rolled her eyes. She ran a hand through her long, silvery blonde hair to smooth it back from her face and then turned and walked over to Miranda just as she was waving goodbye to the leaving students. Panic rose quickly in your throat like bile, imagining the things Nicole might tell Miranda – Nicole knew things about you that Matt didn’t. Hell, Nicole pretty much knew everything there was to know.

Miranda didn’t look over though, she just sort of grinned and chatted with Nicole for a few minutes and then both of them disappeared down the hallway. You forgot about your panic quickly, distracted by a buddy of yours coming over with a beer in each hand.


It was late and almost everyone had headed out from the party. You and Nicole were chatting in the living room while Tom, Matt and Sarah were in the kitchen across the ‘open concept’ area. You had just started to stretch and make motions that you wanted to leave when Miranda came out of the hallway, presumably from the washroom down there.

“Hey, everyone. I’ve got an idea,” Nicole said, startling you as she jumped up from the couch next to you. “Let’s play a game.”

Now, usually when Nicole said that, she wanted to play Risk or Smallworld or another board game with you and Matt and maybe another friend or two. You wouldn’t have minded teaching Miranda about some of your favourite games, but Sarah and Tom? Neither seemed like the board-gamer type.

“Ooh, fun,” Sarah said. She was leaning onto the island counter in the kitchen, the neckline of her green dress revealing a bounty of freckled cleavage while Matt and Tom managed to pry their eyes from her to turn and look back at Nicole. “What kind of game?”

Nicole shrugged, and you suddenly got the feeling this was possibly scripted. “I don’t know, how about Dares in a Hat?”

Miranda walked over, “Dares in a Hat? What’s that? Is it anything like Truth or Dare?”

Now you know this must have been scripted.

“It is, but instead of picking who to ask, you draw names out of a hat or bowl. And it’s Dares only, no Truths,” Nicole said.

You weren’t sure how to feel about any of this. It definitely felt like a trap, considering the way the girls were practically reading off scripts. You also had to consider what exactly Nicole, of all the people to propose this, had in mind because your best friend could be sneaky.

“Fuck yeah, I’m in for this,” Tom said, grinning madly and eyeing Nicole and Miranda.

He was definitely a reason not to play – if Tom wasn’t there, you would have felt relatively safe playing a game like that. With him in the mix, well, you didn’t want to think about it.

“Oh, I’m definitely in too,” Sarah said, standing up and walking around the counter. She strolled past Matt and ran a pair of fingers across the back of his shoulders, stopping long enough that her fingertips trailed slowly as she asked, “How about you, Matt?”

“Sure, absolutely,” he agreed. It was clear to you that he had one thing on his mind – how far could he get with Sarah during this game?

Nicole turned to me, “John, you in? Or are you too worried you’re gonna chicken out?”

You looked around the room, eyes landing on Tom for a long moment as he made a shooing gesture to you, and then back to Miranda and Nicole. “I-”

“Come on, John,” Miranda smiled. “Let’s all go sit out by the pool to play, we can share the swing bench.”

“Sure,” you gulped. “Let’s play.”

“Awesome!” Sarah crowed. “I’ll get a bowl and the names.”


Nicole followed you and Miranda outside. The backyard was dark except for a dozen small ground lights in the gardens around the fence and a few underwater lights in the pool that made the water glow a warm blue. Sarah went to the wicker table in the center of the sitting area and got down on her knees, pulling out a couple of larger candles. Just that act pushed her curvy ass back out against her dress as you, Tom and Matt all got a wonderful little view. As she got back to her feet, Sarah winked at you as you moved past her to the classic wooden bench swinging from the back deck roof by some chains.

Miranda had already sat down on the swing bench and gave you a smile, patting the seat next to her. The bench rocked a bit as you settled down, and she playfully patted your leg. “This is going to be fun,” she said.

“Sure,” you said, giving her a half smile back. Your stomach was churning just a little bit. Usually, during the day at school or meeting somewhere to study, you weren’t so fucking nervous around Miranda. It was the combination of how good she looked in her dress tonight, how long you had stumbled around trying to ask her out, and whatever this plan was that your scheming best friend had initiated. You felt all out of sorts and it was fucking embarrassing.

Tom had been the first one out the door and had taken a seat on the other two-person bench in the little porch sitting area, sitting in the middle and spreading his knees out wide. Matt frowned a bit at this and took one of the chairs across the circle from you, and Nicole slipped into the other chair beside you, crossing her legs as she zipped up her hoodie and then looked over at you and winked. Her little sneaky smirk didn’t help calm you at all.

Sarah, having lit the candles, had gone back inside and came out after only a couple of moments, a dark blue serving bowl in one hand and big magnum-sized wine bottle in the other, the kind that was double sized. She set the bowl on the round wicker table in the center of the sitting area and slipped onto the bench next to Tom, propping her feet up on his lap as she leaned back into the corner of the bench. Tom grinned, his arm already stretched across the back of the beck and he ran a finger through Sarah’s red hair.

“Names are in the bowl. It’s your game, Nicole. Any other rules?” she said.

Nicole shrugged. “I dunno, it’s like truth or dare I guess. No copycatting dares, you need to come up with something original. And you can’t involve yourself in a dare unless everyone is doing it.”

“What about a double-dog rule?” Matt asked.

“A what?” you ask.

“I wouldn’t mind double-doggy, if you know what I mean,” Tom snickered.

Matt shook his head, clearly unimpressed. “If someone dares you to do something, you can double-dare them and then they have to do it too, and if they don’t then they get penalized.”

“I wouldn’t mind penalizing-”

“Shut up, Tom,” Nicole cut him off. You couldn’t help but notice Sarah and Miranda both hiding their own chuckles, and you suppress your own boyish grin. “I don’t know. I guess that brings up the problem of if people refuse dares though. What happens if someone refuses?”

“I think you can refuse one dare, but if you do you have to skinny dip in the pool,” Sarah said. “And then if you refuse again you’re out and you have to go home.”

“Works for me,” Tom said, and you and Matt nodded in agreement once Miranda did. Nicole looked like she thought about it for a longer moment before shrugging.

“Fine, that works,” she said.

“What about the double-dog rule though?” Matt asked again.

“We’ll go with that too, I guess. But you only get one time to use it, or else everyone would just call it all the time,” Nicole said, then sat forward in her seat and reached for the bowl. “I’ll draw first, since I suggested the game.”

She made a show of rolling her fingers around in the bowl, pulling a slip of paper out and dropping it back in before finally pulling a second one out and unfolding it to read.

“Hmm, interesting,” she said, quirking her mouth to the side and looking around the circle. Your chest tightened just a little as she glanced at you, then she looked away. “I got Matt.”

Matt straightened up in his seat.

“Matt,” Nicole said, “I dare you to… hmm… I dare you to take off Sarah’s shoes with your teeth, suck on her big toe and then give her a foot massage until one of you gets your next dare.”

“Oh, I like this one,” Sarah laughed, swiveling in her seat so that she was dangling her feet over her armrest towards Matt. This had the unintended (or possibly fully intentional) consequence of her leaning back into Tom, her head resting on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a smirk.

Matt looked conflicted.


Matt sighed. “Alright, I guess it could be worse.”

“What, you don’t like my manicure?” Sarah laughed, wiggling her toes in her open-toed heels.

“Never,” Matt said, lifting her foot a little higher and tugging her towards him. Her butt shifted on the bench and her skirt rode up higher, showing a wide amount of her bare thigh to the rest of us.

Matt, holding her ankle to keep her foot still, awkwardly used his teeth to undo the little buckle and tug it open, then fumbled around until he managed to tug the shoe off her foot, sending it to the porch deck. Without hesitation he held her heel and took her large toe, nail polished a green to match her dress and eyes, and sucked it between his lips as he made eye contact with her.

Sarah giggled and wiggled her toes, and when he released her she undid her other shoe herself and swung it over the armrest so he could reach it. “Now rub me, foot man,” she crooned, making everyone laugh. Everyone but Tom, who you notice was staring down Sarah’s dress at her cleavage, which you’re sure he had a pretty clear view of because of how she was now leaning low against him.

Grabbing the foot he had just put his lips to, Matt began rubbing it with both hands for a long minute before letting go with one and reaching over to the bowl. “My turn, right?” he asked, and then fished out a paper when Nicole agreed.

“Alright, I got Miranda,” he said, setting the paper back in the bowl and returning to his massaging. He looked across the circle at her, and then glanced to you and made eye contact before looking back. “Alright girl, how about this? I dare you to straddle John’s lap and neck on him until he has a hickey.”

Miranda snorted and laughed, glancing to you, then back at John. “What if I double-dog dare you?”

“I think it’s time for me to leave,” you say, starting to stand up only half joking.

Miranda grabbed your hand and pulled you back down, her soft fingers wrapping around yours for a long moment and lingering. “No, stay, I won’t do that,” she giggled. “Sure, that’s an easy dare – especially because I’m not the one who’s going to be walking around with a hickey.”


You sat back and tried desperately not to immediately pop a boner as Miranda half stood from the swinging seat beside you and swiveled to straddle your lap. She sat back on your legs for a moment, and you had one long look up her body. Her black dress was tight against her stomach, which had just the slightest rise in it as she leaned away from you. The golden lace hiding the window of cleavage her dress was showing off made you want to rip the dress to pieces, and as she gazed back at you she licked her lips slightly and smirked. Your hands had fallen to her legs and you squeezed the weird, rubbery shiny fabric of her leggings.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Sure,” you replied. “Do your worst.”

“Alright,” she grinned, then took your jaw in one hand and tilted your head back, exposing your neck. For a moment you had a flash of all the supernatural shows and movies you watched with Nicole, and wondered if you were getting sacrificed to Vampire Miranda. She was definitely hot enough to be one, and that would explain your inability to fucking talk to her.

The moment passed, and Miranda leaned in close and gave you a long, broad tongued lick up the side of your neck that sent chills through you. She snorted another giggle, then shifted closer in your lap and she started kissing your neck.

This, you quickly decided, was what heaven must feel like.

Miranda kept shifting herself closer to you as she licked and kissed and even nipped at your neck with her teeth. She rotated to the other side of your neck, the smell of her soft, feminine shampoo filling your nose as her lips played across your skin. As she swapped sides again she adjusted her body, and now she was fully riding your groin as her entire upper body was pressing against yours. You could feel her breasts pressed against your chest, and she had one hand up, gripping your hair on the side to move your head wherever she wanted. Her other hand was resting on your side, tugging on your shirt.

Your own hands had traveled up from the top of her lower thighs without you really thinking about it and now you were holding her hips with both under the hem of her dress, alternating squeezing and gripping.

You groaned, and Miranda hummed a pleasant note which vibrated through her lips on your neck.

She began sucking harder on the left side of your neck, maybe an inch above your collarbone, which was a sensation you hadn’t really felt before. There was limited pleasure and pain, but with your eyes closed it mixed with the feeling of her body against your to feel good. As she increased the pressure again you felt her hips hunch at you slightly and realized with a spark of panic that you were definitely hard, and she could definitely feel it against her.

Miranda didn’t stop, and one of your hands went higher under her dress until you were gripping higher up on her waist, bare skin above the hem of her tights. Finally, and with a pop, she pulled away from your neck. “There,” she proclaimed, leaning her upper body away from you, her hips pushing harder against your lap and your boner. “How was that?”

“Sexy as fuck,” Sarah said.

“Hah,” she laughed, surreptitiously guiding you to pull your hand from under her dress. She turned back and winked at you again, then manipulated your jaw to reveal your neck. “It’s not the worst I’ve seen.”

“Ok, Miss Hoover,” Nicole laughed.

“I know something else I wouldn’t mind seeing that done to,” Tom said, leering at Miranda as she dismounted from me and sat back down in her own seat.

“Oh, shut up Tom,” Matt said. He was still massaging Sarah’s feet with both hands.

Miranda rolled her eyes at Tom, and then reached forward and took a paper from the bowl. You groaned when you saw what it said over her shoulder.

She turned to you with a grin. “John,” she said.

“I feel like I was the one who got dared on that last one,” you said, rubbing at the now slightly stinging hickey on your neck while trying not to adjust your dick, which was feeling trapped in your pants.

“Oh, you liked it,” Nicole said. “Stop complaining.”

“I’ve got it,” Miranda cut into the banter with a sneaking smile of her own. “John, I dare you to let all of the girls get a feel of that cucumber you’re smuggling in your pants right now.”

“Hah, he’s got a boner from that?” Tom laughed.

You weren’t sure if you were starting to blush hard or if you’d gone pale. “Um,” you said.

“Dude, you could double-doggy her and let us all cop a feel of her cooch,” Tom suggested. You looked over at him and he still had his arm around Sarah’s shoulders, and it looked like he was slowly circling the top of one finger around the tip of her bare shoulder.

“Yeah… no. I’m not wasting that,” you said.


You slowly stand, hesitating for a moment and shaking your head. This was something that was really happening.

Felling a bit of spite at Tom, you walked over and put your left foot up on the bench seat in between him and Sarah, leaving your crotch wide open and the bulge of your hard dick obvious as the jeans pulled tight. “Do what you will, Sarah,” you said, taking a deep breath.

“Don’t mind if I do,” she smirked, sitting up and pulling her feet from Matt to get a better vantage. Sarah reached out and ran her nails – also manicured with that dark red polish – down the length of your dick through your jeans, the tiny vibrations as she scraped across the natural grooves in your pants making you stand up a little straighter. “Hmmm,” she hummed, her lips pressed together as she looked up at you with her emerald green eyes. “Looks like you aren’t doing too bad down here.”

Sarah slowly palmed the end of your dick, pressing it against your leg, and then curled her fingers around your girth and rubbed up and down the length. On the down strokes you could feel the heel of her palm push against your balls, while at the top she would rotate her hand and press a little more firmly.

Maybe going to Sarah first was a bad idea.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” you said, pulling back and stepping away from the redheaded temptress.

“Aw,” she pouted, then smirked playfully. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll get a better look at that thing.”

You swallow as you realize she might just be the real predator to worry about in this game. Turning, you’re faced with the two grinning faces of your bff, Nicole, and your crush, Miranda. The way Sarah had been working you, even for that minute or two, you felt like you might explode in your pants if she pulled a similar stunt as her friend. Nicole it was.

You took the few steps across the circle and stood in front of your platinum blonde friend. “Well,” you shrug. “If you really want to.”

Nicole quirked an eyebrow. “What, no presentation for me? Come on, man-meat. I want a show.”

This had Matt, Sarah and Miranda all laughing, while Tom sounded like he was sighing in boredom and frustration.

“You want a show? I knew there was a reason you bought blu-ray copies of both Magic Mike movies,” you said, then reached down and blatantly adjusted your hard cock in your pants like some baseball player in the outfield.

“Yeah baby,” Nicole grinned, giving you a little whistle. “Let’s see what you’re working with down there. It’s been what, seventeen years since we took baths together as kids?”

“Don’t remind me, I remember you used to fart when our moms weren’t looking,” you countered.

“Hah!” Tom laughed loudly, accompanied by some other snickers.

You put your foot up on the arm of the chair Nicole was in, stretching your jeans tight again, “Grope away, oh small devil girl.”

“Excuse me,” she said, her smile reaching into her eyes as you called her one of your long-standing nicknames. “The title is ‘impish rage demon’ and you know it. Don’t make me show you who’s boss.”

She reached out a hand, hesitating for a split second as she broke eye contact with you and looked at the bulge in your jeans. Nicole put her fingers on the length in the center as if she were cautiously petting a dog, then ran them up and down the length. She looked back up, meeting your eyes, as her fingers slowly curled around the width while she rubbed.

“Huh, that’s pretty hard,” she murmured. You’d sat across from Nicole thousands of times. You’d stood talking to her more than that. You had never made eye contact with her while she was in this position though, looking up at you from so near your waist. So near your cock. Her eyes had the reflection of some of the ground lights around the backyard and candles from the coffee table, and her silvery blonde hair was mostly swept back from her face. She bit the front corner of her lips as you kept staring at her.

Your mouth was feeling dry, and your cock flexed of its own accord at her lingering touch.

You weren’t supposed to be feeling this way about Nicole.

You weren’t supposed to think about how sexy her mouth looked. How you wanted it. How you wanted to wrap your fingers in her hair, feel her fingers wrapped against the bare skin of your dick.

“That all?” you asked breathlessly, breaking the moment.

She blinked and seemed to realize what the two of you were doing. She pulled her hand back. “Well, it’s not the worst dick in the world. I’m sure you’ll make someone happy, someday. Far from now. When she’s desperate.”

“Ha-ha,” you replied sarcastically. Automatically. You took a breath and tried to forget what you had just been thinking about, turning to Miranda. The others were still snickering at Nicole’s joke, but your friend wasn’t laughing. Her lips were pursed slightly open, her jaw jutting out like she was considering something very, very carefully.

“I don’t need a show,” Miranda smirked as you approached her. “Considering I already got a feel up close and personal. I’ll take another one though.”

You stepped up to her and Miranda glanced at Sarah. They had some sort of best friend telepathic conversation, then Miranda gave you a pouty smirk and a shrug. She crooked a finger, beckoning you a little closer, and when you did she put a hand on each of your hips. Slowly, she let one drop down and then slipped it into your pocket, quickly sitting forward and going all the way in until her fingers were wrapped around the base of your shaft through the thin material of your pocket and your boxers.

“Um,” you gulped, jumping a little at the abrupt forwardness.

“Shhh,” she hushed, then winked. “I figure I got you this way, I deserve a little extra. Is that okay?”

She fought the fabrics and slowly stroked you as far down your shaft as they would allow. “Absolutely,” you said, sucking in a deep breath.

It didn’t last long, only a few more strokes, and she finished with a wink and a laugh. “Thanks for being a good sport,” she said.

“Yeah, good job John,” Sarah said. “Taking one for the- well, I guess for yourself. There’s no teams in Dare or Dare, this is war!” While you had been focusing on the other girls Sarah had re-shuffled herself, leaning back against Tom again so that Matt could return to his foot massaging duties. He was using one hand now, stretching the other one like he’d started to stiffen up.

“Sure,” you said, still breathing a little heavier. There was no point in hiding the bulge in your pants now. “My turn.”

You reached forward and pulled out a paper from the bowl on the table.

*Want to read more? Let me know and I’ll start formatting the next chapter!*

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  1. Just finished chapter 1 and plan on coming back for the rest later! Seems very well written so far. You did a great job of covering a lot of time with not a lot of words, and it didn’t at all feel like any details were missed out an overstayed their welcome.

    Looking forward to more!

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