The sheltered virgin.

Kelly had lived a very sheltered life. Her father had done all he could to protect her. To shelter her from the world. Even to the point of homeschooling her. She had no social life, which was sad for an 18 year old woman in her prime. It hadn’t always been this way, but ever since the automobile accident that cost her mothers life 3 years ago. Her father had become extra controlling, determined to keep Kelly safe.

She was very beautiful to look upon, blonde hair, blue eyed and almost 6 ft tall. But she had never had a boyfriend, so she was down on herself. Ad far as she could remember she had never even been kissed by a boy. So she felt ugly, unworthy, of love. As her body developed, she had the most luscious looking body. The body of an athlete. Her love life wasn’t a failure because of her looks, it was her controlled environment. But she didn’t think that way. It is weird when a beautiful woman sees herself as ugly, but this is a common affliction. More common than we are led to believe.

She began to get more curious about sex, since she had turned 18. Since 18 was the legal age of consent. One day as her father was at work. Kelly stumbled across her Fathers dvd porn collection. She was curious about her fathers closet, and reached up, to the top shelf, where there was a whole collection of porn dvds. Some had even been recently purchased, while others were going back 3 years or more, ever since her mother died. “ well my dad must gratify himself in some way!” She thought without passing judgment.

So this was the day she would begin to explore her sexuality. The first dvd she came across sparked her interest. Titled “ women make better lovers.” Kelly was more bi than gay. She found certain men and women attractive. She had often fantasized about men, and fingered herself as she thought about being filled up by a man. But she had never explored her desires toward certain women. She had made this a shelf item, and had put it in the back of her mind. But today she felt overwhelmed with desires that would not be denied.

As she watched the two girls kissing, she feels strangely attracted. Her attraction towards women feels different to her attraction towards men. It feels more gentle and more sensual, and more caring and understanding. As women seem to understand their own bodies than men. Watching them rubbing their boobs and nipples together, pleasantly made her own nipples harden, at the thought of doing this with another woman.

Her fav part of the whole video however was when they went and lay down on the bed, and were scissoring one another. The look of their beautiful bodies locked together, and of their pussies rubbing together was just to much. So determining in her heart to one day in the very near future sleep with another woman, she pleasured herself to the point of sweet release. This scissoring practice looked so good! She was determined to have a scissoring encounter of her own.

As she came to the sweet sensation and the lovely visual it was a deeper more intimate sensation she felt, than when she did over men, the sensation of thinking of other woman brought her, was slightly preferred to men though she loved them all anyway.

In our next episode we will find out how Kelly had her first encounter, woman to woman.
