Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 2]

**Chapter 3:**

“What just happened,” Queen said in a panicked voice. I could see her light brown eyes through the slit in the Burqa wide open.

“We seem to have gotten locked in” I responded calmly. I saw her panicking and walking left and right saying “NO NO NO THIS CANT HAPPEN”

I told her not to worry as when her husband comes he can open the door from the outside. She looked at me and told me that he has left the city and her children won’t come home until Monday. I asked her “You mean we are stuck here til Monday ?” To which she didn’t respond and kept walking in her panic.

“The Electrician !” she said “When he comes we can get out”. Then her eyes suddenly fell as if she realized something “but he will be here in 3 hours”.

“Looks like we are trapped here for 3 hours,” I remarked.

We both sat down in a corner on the floor not knowing what else to do.

An hour passed in complete silence. I was sitting on the corner next to the bathtub while she was sitting on the corner next to the toilet which was directly opposite of the door. I could see her hand was on her head and her eyes looking at the door in distress.

The silence finally broke when she said “look away and face the wall”. I was obviously startled by the strange request. I asked her why. She replied, “I need to pee”. Hearing these words come from a burqa-clad woman was unusual. It is not everyday women tell you that they need to pee, especially conservative women but here we were. It was not like she had much of a choice either considering we were in a small room locked together. But still, this doesn’t change the fact that her informing me that she has to pee was kinda kinky even if she didn’t intend it that way.

I obeyed. I stood up and faced the wall. I heard some ruffling from behind once I turned. I figured it was her adjusting her jilbab and taking off her bottom layer. At that moment something triggered in my brain. I assessed the situation.

I was locked in this bathroom with this hot lady for who knows how long. I’m standing here facing the wall like a fool when in reality there is nothing stopping me from turning around and enjoying the sight of watching her pee.

I waited until I was sure that she had been seated on the toilet. Once I was sure of that I turned around and as expected was greeted by a truly beautiful sight.

**Chapter 4:**

Queen was sitting on her toilet majestically. The way she sat elegantly was nothing short of how a Royal Queen sits on her throne. Her big white thighs covered the entire toilet bowl. Her white shalwar/trousers were lowered until her knees so I didn’t get a view of her legs meanwhile her upper body and face were still covered by the burqa.

My heart was thumping in my chest and she immediately noticed me facing her. She started panicking and tried to hide her huge nude thighs with her hands but since they were so big it was not used. She kept telling me to turn around but I didn’t listen. I could not turn around after what I had just seen. I wanted to see more. I slowly walked towards her as her beautiful brown eyes glared through the eye slit of her burqa followed my moments.

When I reached close enough I was standing over her. I was looking down at the Queen seated on her throne and she looked up at me from beneath. She held her hands together and begged me not to harm her. I realized that she was frightened. I tried to calm her down. I told her I was not going to harm her in any way. I just wanted to watch her pee.

She told me that she is too ashamed. “I have never been nude around another man,” she told “and even my husband has never seen me urinate”. I comforted her and told her “firstly you are not nude, your entire body including your face is perfectly concealed in ur burqa, secondly you don’t have any other choice. We are locked in here together remember? I would hear you anyway, so why not just let me watch too?”. She was unconvinced. She told me that she wouldn’t be able to properly do it knowing someone was watching.

I responded by telling her, I have got all the time in the world. Let’s see how long you can hold it in. I said that and sat with my back touching the bathroom door. Exactly opposite to the toilet. I never looked away meanwhile she kept looking here and there. I realized she was getting more and more uncomfortable.

So after 5 minutes of waiting, I felt bad for her and presented a compromise. I told her that I would not look at her entire body while she peed instead we would look at each other’s eyes. This way she would be able to monitor me and ensure that I don’t look at her, because otherwise I may lose control and stare instinctively. “Would you rather pee not knowing where I was looking or would you do it while being informed that I am not looking at you”.

She hesitantly agreed. Little did she know it wasn’t a compromise for me. It was a win for me. Since the moment I had been locked with her, her light brown eyes were the only thing from her body I could see. I loved how expressive they were. Even though her face was hidden behind a black veil those eyes expressed every emotion so deeply. Looking into her eyes while she pisses in my presence gave me an opportunity to see how she feels inside in that moment of vulnerability.

After it was agreed. I sat down directly in front of the toilet and brought my head closer to her. Our foreheads touched. I could feel the smooth silky fabric of her burqa on my forehead and nose as they touched my face. And in front of me was an even more beautiful sight than before. Two light brown eyes looking directly at mine. All I could see were those brown eyes in white eyeballs staring back at me, there was nothing else in my preferal sight besides the black burqa fabric filtering out all the unneeded views so I can just focus on what was in front of me. She had perfect eyeballs and no red lines. I had to really xray into her sockets to see very thin red lines but on the surface, the eyeballs were perfectly white.

It must have been 15 seconds after we got into the position when I heard the sound of water splashing on the water. The sound had an almost calming appeal to it. It was probably because that’s how water sounds where it is flowing in a river. A soothing rhythm I thought to myself. I don’t know what she was thinking at the moment.

The sound of flowing water must have lasted at least a minute before it finally stopped. All that time my eyes stared into the eyes of the source of the sound. Not once did I want to look away. I was getting to look into her eyes lovingly without her even realizing it. All that time her eyes didn’t flinch and probably didn’t even blink.

I wanted to read what was going on in her mind by staring at her eyes. I wanted to see lust. But all I got was sweet innocence. I wouldn’t complain though I think it was still a good start (especially considering what was to follow in the subsequent hours and days)

After the music stopped I asked her if she is done and I got a response. Though I could have continued to stare back into those eyes for another hour I knew it was time to look away. As we moved apart she immediately covered her front

I want to look into her eyes and see how she feels peeing for me.

Frontside as I walked back to the bathtub. I asked her “So did something happen”. I didn’t get a response. I couldn’t believe what I had achieved. When I first saw her all I could do was watch her ass jiggle as she walked from behind. But now an hour later she peed while looking into my eyes. I had developed some kind of attraction toward this woman I was stuck with and things were about to get a lot better for me.

I looked behind and saw her trying to clean her pussy using the hand shower next to the toilet. At that moment I knew what I wanted next. I wanted to masturbate her with that same shower this time looking at much more than just her eyes. However, to get to that point I still needed a lot more work to put in.





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