The CatFish Diaries Part 3: The Hotel Balcony [M/F/?]

Dan had succeeded in convincing her, at least for the time being, to stay. The shower and his tongue had made sure that she wasn’t going to leave dry, though she had barely spoken a full sentence since coming back and seeing her panties pressed to his face and him stroking his cock.

He knew she figured he was some creep that had lured her into something she wasn’t ready for. She had that right. He couldn’t press. He knew he had to find some way to contain his excitement until, well you know. The right time. He was older after all, by at least 20 years and older gentleman are well gentleman. Being boorish and eager is so over done today.

Still he found himself acting like a teenage boy as he stared at her naked body, barely able to conceal the delight his bouncing cock was showing, as it gave Emi, and any people viewing from the street, below the open balcony, a big rising warm hello. He wanted to show her off like a new toy and had left the curtains open to the street 10 stories below. How he wanted to have her face pressed to that glass, hands on the window, and pumping her from behind.

Dan was a grower, not a shower and this was the first time she had seen his cock, up close and personal, and erect. It was a hard one to ignore for sure, no pun intended, especially when he allowed it to go into full Viking mode.

Still Emi stood quietly at the end of the bed, inches from his rising chest, taking in Dan’s musky smell of desire. She felt his warm slow breaths on her neck as they stood motionless like this for what seemed like an eternity of minutes, quietly feeding and following one another’s excitement, tensions building. Her eyes devouring every piece of his body, locked in on her prize below, locked in on Dan’s hand pulling on long Leif Erikson.

There is no way to deny it, Emi was stunning. Her body was a wonderland of curves. Her ass and hips and thighs, the most exquisite soft fleshy world to get lost in. In this moment she reminded Dan of a woman carved in stone on a dais in some ancient Greek temple with Rubenesque curves quietly enjoying the supplicants appeal to enter her. In this case he knew who the supplicant was.

Her breath picking up, Emi’s hand slid to her breast, squeezed, and pulled up on her pink engorged nipple before sliding down to her honey pot and stroking the lips of her pussy lightly. Her fingers, tracing her desire tenderly. “Suck… Please suck on them? “, aching for Dan’s mouth to cover her areola, she begged for his spit. Her breath short and mouth dry.

Maybe it was that he was older, presented himself nicely and was tall and thin with a graying beard. He could be her work colleague, her older uncle or in this case, her lover. If she was being honest maybe it was what he had in his hand that appealed most to her. Maybe she just needed to be fucked and feel desirable, but the thought of his long dick penetrating her and pumping her full of his cum left her wet and slightly nervous all the same. “Please ….. “ Emi continued, shaky from asking again.

Dan could barely manage not to throw her on the bed and fuck her at that moment, but he reminded himself to be a gentleman. After all, her pleasure had to be first, ladies always came first. Reaching with both hands to hold her breast he licked the pink flesh of her nipple, making sure to position himself from below, so he could catch her eyes locked on his tongue. So he could confirm she was ready for what came next.

He gave it just one lick, the nipple salty with the sweat of her desire, before he pulled away and caught her shaky body with his hands. Holding her lightly by her shoulders he playfully slid his soft tongue over his upper lip, locked on her eyes. He wanted to make sure she could see so she knew what was coming next. He slid his hands down her side as he dropped to his knees. At her altar, ready to worship her

He was almost too far gone to pull back and restrain himself before slipping to the floor. His cock was throbbing. “Give me your finger…” he asked from the floor, eye level with the bed. Emi held out her hand shakily in front of his mouth. His outstretched tongue, slowly, delicately licking it clean, finger by finger as if they were a dessert.

“Let me watch” He demanded softly, not so gentlemanly and caught her, eyes wide, staring down at him from above. His hands, shaking, hovered over hers as she started sliding her fingers deep inside her dripping pussy and pulling them out for his tongue to greedily rinse clean. She tasted exquisitely sweet.

His tongue wrapped around her wet sloppy fingers making sure to take every drop. Her hips and ass were swaying. Transfixed on his words. The two, inches from one another, her fingers waiting on his command. “Dan, Fuck me…please please fuck me…”Her voice trailing off as she spotted his hands shaking as they were about to touch her bare skin, inches away.

“You see how my hands shake? You are this Boys dream and this Man’s desire Emi. Whether you believe it or not. I do and I shake at the sight of you. I shake at the touch of you and the smell of you. “ Dan admitted to himself as much as to Emi. Quiet minutes ensued with nothing said but loud breathing.

The simple words, connected with something in Emi Dan noticed. Her fingers stopped moving, her body silent for the moment. Dan noticed the rivulet of her juices, sliding down her thigh, as if pulled out by his simple, sincere words.

Dan’s finger caught the trail of moisture and traced it up, sliding his forefinger up Emi’s thigh before cleaning it with his tongue “Damn baby, this pussy is like a warm ice cream melting on a summer day. “, he smiled before asking Emi to cover her eyes with the tie he pulled out from under the bed. She complied.

“Are we ready now love? “ Dan asked as he cinched the tie tightly over her eyes. She jumped as she heard the hotel door open and shut quietly followed by a set of unfamiliar footsteps make their way to the balcony and slide open the door.

“This is for you my love…all for your pleasure. trust me “Dan said as he placed his hand on her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “You are safe..”


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