3:55, the clock read, as Bob pulled into his parking spot a 3 minute walk away from the 5 Lakes restaurant. He was just on time to work.
“Totally radical dude”, he mumbled to himself under his breath. Which is how he always talked to himself, apparently. And he made his way to the restaurant.
Walking inside, he saw his best friend in the whole wide world; Bill. Bill’s parents wanted to name him Ryan, but his parents decided against it because Bill’s mother was gripped with with a sudden random paranoia that one day their son would be the subject of an erotic friendfiction, and if he was named Ryan it would somehow get the author in trouble with the HR department. It made no sense to Bill’s father, but he went along with it anyway, and that’s how Bill became Bill.
Bill and Bob were best friends primarily because they got along so well together, but a part of it was that Bob’s mother had a similar fit of hysteria when he was born. He was supposed to be named Ian, but his mom was suddenly gripped with this irrational friendfiction paranoia, and he was named Bob instead.
Bob and Bill were, in many ways, opposites. Where Bob was a ginger, Bill had black hair. Where Bob was awkward and lame, Bill was confident and bold. Where Bob couldn’t grow facial hair even if he wanted to, Bill had a luscious beard. Where Bob was a typical twink without much definition to speak of, Bill had muscles.
But despite these differences, they got along swimmingly. Maybe it was the similarity in their names and why they were named them. Or maybe it was something more. Something more… lewd.
Ever since Bob met Bill, he had been plagued with erotic thoughts of him. Thoughts he had tried to brush off, but increasingly found himself unable to.
Bob wasn’t gay. He didn’t find men attractive at all. In fact, he had a huge crush on their fellow coworker Gertrude(who was to be named Amy before *her* mother was gripped with the friendfiction paranoia)
Bob didn’t find men attractive. But Bill was different. It wouldn’t even be fair to call Bob bisexual. He was attracted to women and women alone, with the sole exception of Bill, his best friend.
Bill also wasn’t gay. Except for, as he described it, 15% of his sexuality. But even Bill had to admit that even if he was only 15% gay, that 15% was madly in love with Bob.
“Hey Bill, do you want to come to my place and hang out tonight,” asked Bob, halfway through their shift.
“Sure man,” Bill replied.
“BODACIOUS”, Bob thought to himself. He loved spending time with Bill.
Later that night, after their shift ended, Bob and Bill sat on Bob’s bed in Bob’s dorm watching reruns of Dick and Sporty.
Every ten seconds, Bill interrupted the show to make some weird comment or joke. And every time, Bob couldnt’t help but laugh. Not because he was pretending it was funny, but because he genuinely believed it was.
“Hey Bob,” said Bill, “have you ever watched virtual reality porn?”
“Can’t say I have, duderino,” Bob replied back.
“You should try it. It feels so lifelike.”
“I wish I could try reality reality porn,” Bob replied.
“Oh right, you’re a virgin.”
“By choice! I’m waiting for the right person.”
Bill forgot this was a touchy subject for Bob. Trying to move the conversation away from hurting his best friend’s feelings, he asked, “What kind of girl is the right girl for you? Gertrude?”
“Yeah, I do like her a lot,” replied Bob. “But,” he started nervously, “it doesn’t necessarily have to be a girl…”
“Are you bi?” Bill inquired.
“Not necessarily…”
“Then what do you mean?”
Bob took a deep breath. His heart began to race, his cheeks began to glow a bright red.
“I… I’m gay for you, broski”
“Holy shit,” replied Bill. Shocked.
“Forget I said anything.” Bob was flustered and embarrassed and wanted nothing more than for this conversation to end.
“Well,” started Bill, “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anything for you. I’m like 15% gay for you.”
“Holy cow, bro,” Bob said, feeling as though the breath had been knocked out of him.
“Do you wanna, I dunno, do something about it?” Bill asked.
Trepidation flowed through Bob’s brain, but it was beaten out by the eroticism and love he felt for Bill by a country mile.
Unable to get out any words, he merely nodded.
Suddenly, Bill went in to kiss him. And Bob let it happen, feeling Bill’s beard hair tickle his chin, and Bill’s tongue force it’s way into his mouth.
“Cowabunga,” thought Bob, letting Bill’s tongue slide in, and using his own tongue to wrestle back.
They kissed for 20 seconds, but it felt like an eternity of heaven for both of them.
Breaking the kiss, Bob asked, “So… should we get naked?”
Wordlessly, Bill began to move his hands under Bob’s shirt to pull it off. They were both still in their 5 Lakes uniform, but shortly both of their shirts were on the floor of Bob’s room.
Both guys sat there, eyeing their shirtless bodies. Bill’s rippling with muscles, Bob’s adorned with freckles and pale skin, but without much definition to speak of. A little bit of fat covering what little bit of muscles he had.
Bob was the first to take off his pants. And out sprang his 5 inch erection, pointing directly at Bill’s face.
“Bob, are you the devil?” Asked Bill.
“Why, brodowski?”
“Because I’m the devil’s bitch!”
Bob started laughing so hard at Bill’s joke that he almost lost himself in the moment. He almost lost his erection, but then he looked in Bill’s eyes and was back at full attention.
Next, Bill took off his pants. And revealed to Bob a 15 inch cock as thick as two beer cans side by side. It looked comically big. When compared to Bob’s, one wouldn’t believe they were even the same species. And truthfully they weren’t, because Bill was on an entirely different plane of manliness.
“Can I touch it dude?” asked Bob, nervously.
And Bob did. He tried to wrap his hand around it, but couldn’t. Then he stroked up and down the monster before him, sending waves of pleasure through Bill’s body. And just knowing he was giving his friend so much pleasure gave him a mountain of pleasure of his own. So much so that he came. Without even touching his own cock.
“Whoa”, said Bill, cum getting stuck in his beard.
“Sorry,” said Bob sheepishly. “I just like you so much…”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Bill. “But since you already finished, do you think maybe I can have my turn too?”
“What do you mean?”
“I want to fuck you.”
Bob looked at Bill’s 15 inch long, two beer can thick member, and could only think one thing.
“God I thought you’d never ask.”
Without lubrication, without loosening him up, without any preparation at all, Bill fucked Bob. And it went in without any complications. It’s like Bob’s body was made for this. Bill fucked Bob for three hours, and in that time Bob came 7 times. Every time he did, he’d shout “Cowabunga!” At the top of his lungs. It was the best night of both of their lives.
They had a few more nights like this, but eventually they felt it was complicating their great friendship. And because their friendship mattered more than anything else, they put a stop to it.
Three months after they did this for the last time, Bob asked Gertrude out. Gertrude actually liked Bob, a lot. But she had heard about what he had done with Bill, and everyone knew that Bob would never be able to love her the way he loved Bill’s dick. Rather than be second place, Gertrude turned him down.
And Bob, for the rest of his years, never had sex with anyone again. He never sought it out, because he knew it would always be second to his experience with Bill. He never masturbated to anything other than the memory of his time with Bill, either.
Bill, however, lived a happy life and got with lots of women before settling down and having kids. His personality and looks always landing him any girl he wanted. Still, late at night, he’d yearn for Bob’s sweet ass one more time.
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/6ytt4h/mmbob_and_bill_best_friends_forever