15 Years Later – Ch 16 & 17 [Plot] [Fingering] [F/F/F]

# Dinner (Kyle)

She pulls me to the bedroom door and pushes me through before stepping across the hall to bang on Kevin’s door.

“Get dressed for a dinner, fucker!”

I take another step back when Laura storms into my new room, ushered in by Kendra holding the garment bags over her shoulder.

“You’re going to wear this?” Laura asks as she moves over to a large vanity. “Motranina is a little uppity. Do you have anything better?”

“Like what you wore at our lunch.” Rachel comes into the room, shutting the door behind her.

“Yeah, I brought a back-up.” I lift the sweater over my head as I walk toward the closet.

“Oh my god,” Rachel gasps behind me. “You have a full back tat? Let me see, let me see!”

I smile at her over my shoulder and hang up my sweater before complying, pulling my beater off.

“It’s gorgeous,” she says in awe. “How long did it take?”

“It could have been done faster, but it took three years.”

Rachel’s hand slides down my back as Laura asks, “You didn’t see it fucking?” Another hand slides down the other side of my back and I’m sure it’s the little firecracker’s.

“Why would she be behind me to see it while we were having sex?”

“If you pull the drawer out that’s under her shoes, you’ll find the strap on I gave her.”

Rachel gasps. “Laura!”

“What? It’s true. He needs to know what he’s in for.”

“You are not in for that. I used it a couple times on Kevin, but I didn’t like it.”

“But he liked it.” Laura’s grin plays through her words. “That’s because all men are little bitches.”

I scoff and shake my head.

“Don’t deny that you’d love it.”

I shrug. “I can’t say. Never tried. I didn’t think I’d like sushi but turns out it’s my favorite. I also didn’t think I’d like Indian, that turned out to be true.”

“Rach will make sure you love it. You just have to submit to her superiority.”

A third hand with long, graceful fingers touches my back. “I love the style you went with,” Kendra says.

Thankful for the change of subject, I take my chance to eject out of the pegging conversation.

“Most cultures viewed tattoos as mystical imbuements that helped ward off evil. I figured if I was going to go with that theme, Black and Grey would be the best. Mixed with some Japanese and Realism, I think it turned out well.”

“Show them the one of me.” Rachel giggles.

“You’re looking at it,” I reply.

“No. I… I mean… Wait…”

My back is covered in a design that I originated with Rachel when we were younger. The edges of the graveyard are framed by smoke enshrouded ruins. An angel in battle armor hovers over the field at the nape of my neck. Her wings spread out to touch my shoulders. Just like the one on your forearm, the angel’s full-bodied hair is red, but unlike the one on my forearm, the angle’s face isn’t as obscured. I’d given the artist a picture of Rachel for the face. Below her glowing figure, the tombstones and mausoleum are wrapped in smoke and shadows. Six windows in the mausoleum represent family members, but only two of the windows are filled with stained-glass images of my late mother and a cousin who passed.

The tombstones show friends’ names that have passed from my life, either due to life getting in the way or the friendship coming to an end. As best I know, they’re all still alive, but it’s not a memorial to the people, it’s a memorial to the relationships. Several stones remain blank, just in case. A monument with a Celtic cross stands directly under the angel with my name on it. The ground is detailed in grass and creeping vines with a few bones for aesthetics. A broken cobblestone path leads from my monument down to the base of the artwork where the lyrics to *Kiss From a Rose* are scrawled along my lower back. It was the song we lost our virginity to and was our song from then on.

Her fingers trace the words. She giggles and then wraps her arms around my waist, pressing herself against me, resting a cheek on my back. Her hands spread out over my front and her hands grab at me. She pulls back and places her hand on my back with a light pat.

“Okay, you get dressed.” She’s quick to back way and even shuts the door to the closet.

I chuckle. “Mind turning on the light for me?”


The light flicks on and I get dressed in my only other suit. I was gifted the suit by one of my friends, whose name is thankfully not on my back, when he got married. His gift to all his groomsmen was their suit. It’s a simple navy blue three-piece worn over a white shirt with a matching tie.

As I dress, I make out some of the conversation the women are having. It’s mostly Rachel explaining the tattoo. We’d come up with the idea of the memorial to my life in the form of a graveyard, but at the time, we hadn’t come up with the angel or song additions. They all *awe* when she talks about the song. I open the door to find them all in states of undress, changing into very expensive looking dresses.

“Sorry,” I say casually. None of them screamed at me so I think it best to not overreact.

Laura holds her silver dress against herself as she walks over to me.

She has a nice body, not as good as Rachel’s but then again, I’m partial as fuck. A more objective view of her puts her at a 9.9 in my book. She has all the curves I like in a woman with none of the one’s I don’t. Green eyes and hair that’s black as night. Stunning.

Kendra is not my type at all. She’s gorgeous. No doubt. But after learning about love through Rachel and my goth/punk teenage years, I prefer them dark. Also, since my mother and sisters are blondes, I’m a little turned off by them.

“Make yourself useful and zip me.” Laura turns around while pulling her hair over her bare shoulder.

*Wow. This woman. Does she have a fucking off button?* I pinch the base of the dress and zip her in one smooth, quick motion but she stumbles backwards into me.

“Fuck! Watch it!” She rounds on me and gives me a piercing glare. “If you weren’t Rach’s, I’d smack you. Know that!”

“I could say the same thing.” I give her a cocky grin I know pisses women like her off.

I can’t be sure what this woman’s problem is, but I imagine it might be that I’m new and she’s just not used to me. Rachel is not only good, but very deliberate about picking her friends. If she’s in Rachel’s inner circle, she’s a good person, but I might have to get into *her* inner circle to find out.

She steps close to me, getting in my face as best she can even though she only comes up to my chest without heels. She stands on her tiptoes to compensate. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Hitting a woman. I bet you get off to that.”

“Ask Rachel if you’re curious as to what I get off to. She knows. Maybe even better than I do.”

“Women always know better than men do.” She steps back to the rest of her clothes and slides into her heels.

“Kyle,” Rachel calls, crooking a finger at me. “Zip me too, please.”

I pull hers slower and dip my nose into her neck. “Please put a leash on your friend.”

Rachel giggles and leans her head back before caressing the back of my head. “She wants me to put a leash on *you*,” she whispers before pulling me in to another sensual kiss. Her soft lips move over mine as if casting a spell, so delicate and subtle.

My hands slide over her tight black dress that forms to her hips like black water poured over her. “If you want to make it to dinner with that dress intact, you better be careful with kisses like that,” I whisper back.

“Does that wake the dragon?”

When we were younger, I made a joke about ‘waking the dragon’ aka, my need to rough fuck. The joke turned into a full-blown saying and ended as a tattoo on my bicep.

“It does.” My heart swells and I look over my shoulder at the two other women who have thankfully moved into the bathroom. I tighten my grip while also toning down the severity of it. “Listen, Rachel. I still want another night of taking care of you. I know you’re burning up and you want it rough. And I want that too. I love giving you want you want. But I want one more night pampering you. You really need it.”

She turns around in my arms and pulls me in for another kiss but this one doesn’t stoke the fires in my cock, but instead in my heart. Pure love. Gratitude, selflessness, desire, compliance, amiability. How she packed it all into her lips and tongue, I have *no* fucking clue, but she is a wonder.

“Soft it is.” She smiles up at me.

“I can’t wait to call you wife, and hear you call me husband.”

“And I can’t wait to swell with your child inside me.”

We both chuckle at that.


Kendra drives us all in her Range Rover. Unfortunately, she hadn’t opted for the third-row seating, so we had to figure out seating arrangements. Rachel originally told Laura to sit shotgun, but Laura wouldn’t have it. She wasn’t going to let Kevin touch Rachel, even if it was just a car ride. So that put Kevin in the front with Kendra. Laura tried to get me to ride the center but I just laughed as if she were joking, knowing full well she wasn’t. Rachel volunteered to sit in the middle even as Laura protested it but finally relented.

The ride is awkward to say the least. No one wants Kevin with us, not even Kevin. While Rachel keeps turning to me, Laura continuously has her turn back around so they can whisper.

I decide to get to know Kendra better, asking how she came to know Rachel, if she’s currently seeing anyone and if she’ll stay at her current position. Her answers are clipped to the shortest versions possible. Her story about meeting Rachel is simply answered that they met at work. She doesn’t have a guy right now, claiming that men taller than her are hard to find. I’m only an inch taller than her but even I’m too short by her standards. She wants someone who’s taller even when she’s in heels, meaning she would need a guy who’s at least 6’4”. All she says about staying at their current office is ‘For now.’ She’s either not much of a conversationalist or she’s trying to figure out what Rachel and Laura are whispering about.

When we get to the restaurant, I’m very glad they had me change. Even those at the bar are in either suits or cocktail dresses.

The food is super bougie. The price tag is a bit of a blow to me mentally but I remind myself that I have plenty of money thanks to my book deal, which is thanks to my social media. I’ll need to get some content on the page from tonight. Three beautiful women, one of which is now my fiancé? That should go over fairly well.

At the table, I sit at the head with Rachel to my right and Laura to my left. Kenda sits next to Rachel and Kevin sits very still in his chair next to Laura, who repeatedly reminds him that she is within striking distance of his balls if he does anything to ruin their night out. She even has him get up and take a picture of the group. I post the picture on my Instagram and within a few minutes I have a couple hundred likes and shares.

When the meal is over and we sip our drinks, Rachel smiles up at me. “Can you show them the other tattoo of me? I thought it was very clever. Your back is even better, but I just… I think the one on your arm is really nice.”

“Did she tell you that all her other boyfriends have tattoos of her too?” Laura asks. “*Every. Last. One.* Kylie-boy.”

“Laura,” Rachel warns.

I smile and take out the cufflink and pull back the sleeves of my jacket and shirt to expose the tattoo dedicated to Rachel all on its own. “Is that true? *Every* guy you’ve dated?”

“Even a few that I haven’t,” Rachel says, her words full of embarrassment. “But they weren’t smart like you. They had my name plastered across their chest in most cases. Most of them have probably had to get them removed or covered.”

Kevin’s shoulders slump even more than before.

Kendra’s eyes widen as she tilts her head. “The chair… are those…” She smiles as recognition lights in her eyes. “That is clever.”

Laura tilts her head as well and then her brow lifts. “I’ll give you points there, that’s smart.”

Kevin looks at it as well but his eyes dart to the Rachel’s friends. “What are you talking about?” Besides; okay, yes, thank you, and please don’t hurt me, those are the first words he’s said all evening as Laura had ordered his meal for him. “I mean it’s nice,” he quickly adds when all the women throw daggers with their eyes. “I just don’t get what’s clever. It doesn’t even look like her. She has straight hair.”

“I straighten my hair.” Rachel frowns. “Don’t you see the chair she’s sitting on? Looks a little like something, doesn’t it?”

Before Kevin can even really get another look, Laura scoffs. “You’re giving him too much credit, Rach. I’m betting Kyleie-boy got the idea from a woman. Men aren’t that smart.”

I pull my arm back, tired of holding it out on display, and fasten the cufflink. “Actually, I thought of it. I wanted a way to make it her without having to be asked every time someone saw it. I saw a movie poster where a shadow stretched into words and at first my mind thought about putting her name as the chair, but again, didn’t want people asking, so I figured her birthdate and then did Roman numerals to encode it even further.”

“See?” Rachel smiles as she grabs my arm. “He is smart.”

The waitress comes over, a short blonde girl, to hand me the bill but Laura has to say something, yet again.

“Um, are you really just assuming that he’s paying because he’s a man? You think he’s the bread winner here? Because he’s not. My best friend Rach makes way more money, but” she adds as the stunned waitress moves to hand the check to Rach. “Since we’re celebrating their engagement, I’m paying. Give it here.”

“Of course, Ma’am. My sincerest apologies.”

Just as she stretches the bill out to Laura, I grab the black checkbook and pen.

“You were right to give it to me.” I place my ready card in the book and hand it back. When she hurries off, I smirk at Laura. “Just like a man to steal something from a woman.”

“Idiot.” She sits back in her chair and takes another swallow of her wine.

“Hey, Kyle, do you mind if I tag you?” Kendra says with her face in her phone.

I shrug. “Go for it.”

“Why wouldn’t you let me pay?” Laura asks. With her jaw clenched, she sets her wine glass down.

*She’s serious. A cocky or snarky answer isn’t going to go well.*

“Because I said I would back at the house and I’m a man of my word.”

“Men are lying dogs. Like this one.” She jerks a thumb over her shoulder at Kevin. “Little fucks who are never honest.”

*Okay, a little snarky is back on the table.*

“Lau-” I cut Rachel off with a squeeze of her hand.

“You’ve never met a man like me. And I’m not saying I’m unique. I’m saying that you’ve been unfortunate enough to not meet a man who keeps his word. They’re out there. I’m one of them. You don’t need to worry about Rachel anymore. I’m dedicated to her.”

“I have a dozen men dedicated to me. I wouldn’t trust any of them with more than taking out the trash, half of them with even less.”

“They sound like shit.” I grin and take a drink of my bourbon.

“You need a good man.” Rachel snakes her arms around the one I have closet to her. “You’re always talking about taming men, why not just get one that doesn’t need that?”

*Taming? So, she’s a dominatrix…* That explains a fuck ton. She’s probably a crazy feminist, too. Not the dictionary definition of a person who wants equal rights and opportunities for men and women, which I agree with, but a wild feminist who wants every man collared, licking the heels of his mistress with a dildo up his ass.

I’ve run into these types before. They cry to have the wage gap closed even though they don’t understand what creates the wage gap. They beg to have more women billionaires even though the richest women on the planet, who they clap for and celebrate, are all divorced or widowed from the richest men on the planet. They think the world is against them while they believe in astrological boons.

If the universe were perfectly even, there would be countries that advanced with female leadership over history, but there aren’t any. Despite all the original series and movies showing queens or empresses throughout history who had to run a kingdom while their husbands weren’t able or their sons weren’t old enough, that amount of time probably counts for less than .01% of human history. Men rule the world because it’s the natural balance. An ugly, natural balance.

I can’t say I wouldn’t complain about it if I were a woman, but reality is what it is. Men have a drive that women don’t to take over and conquer. We think of the present while women think of the future. They have a drive to secure the most prosperous future for themselves and their children. Men want that, but it’s not where our drive lies. Just like women want power and control, but it’s not where their real drive is rooted.

I see Laura in a new light. She’s not mad at me. Hell, she’s not even mad. She’s protective of Rachel. After what happened today, all her worst beliefs are being reaffirmed. I have a lot of work to do with this one. From what I gather, she’s Rachel’s best friend, probably edging out Kendra by a decent margin.

“All men need taming,” Laura answers, pulling me from my thoughts. “It’s in their nature.”

I scoff. “No, it’s not. If it was, there wouldn’t be a patriarchy for you to rail against.”

“So what is their nature?” Laura asks, leaning in with a hungry grin.


Her face drops. She probably didn’t expect that honest of an answer. Her slip only lasts for a moment before it returns to a grin, though it’s much less confidant. “And you don’t think that needs to be tamed?”

“Who wins in a fight? A dog or a wolf?”

“Depends on the dog. There are breeds that are meant to kill wolves.”

“No. Fight them and stay alive long enough for the human to show up. If you want a domesticated man, that’s up to you, but don’t be surprised when he shits in the house. You know, a better analogy is that of the bullet and the gun. See, I think men are a perfect bullet. We’re expendable, we tackle our problems head-on, and we destroy things. While women are the gun. Not hardly as expendable as men, but they have the innate ability to enable men to be the best versions of themselves. The right woman behind the right man does the most damage the world has ever seen.” I look over at Rachel. “But it takes the right kind of pairing for the combination to really work.”

“You don’t paint a very pretty picture.” Rachel’s big green eyes pull on my heartstrings.

I frown and I fill my words with regret to let her know I’m not a heartless bastard. “Men aren’t pretty. We’re dangerous. It’s a sad fact. All humans are dangerous, women just look good doing it.”

She gives me a sad smile and leans in for a kiss. We press our lips together but the waitress interrupts with my card and the receipt.

“Thank you for visiting. We look forward to having you back at the Motranina. Have a wonderful evening.”

“Thank you, Vicky.” I smile and give her a little wave as I place my card back in my wallet. I give her a reasonable tip plus a little extra in a way of saying sorry for Laura making things weird.

Once out of the restaurant I film a short video to promote our next one. Just something to have some content up and wet people’s appetite. Unexpectedly, the girls all rush me at the end waving to the camera and kissing my cheeks. *Yeah, that ought to wet some appetites*. Including my own.

# A Wild Request (Rachel)

With Kendra drinking, Kevin, who can’t drink because alcohol gives his little itty-bitty belly a tummy ache, drives us home. Kyle sits up front and actually talks to Kevin. It’s useless shit. Weather, sports, other bullshit. Kyle even sends me a text.

*Hubby: I’m only talking to him so you don’t have to worry about us hearing what you girls are saying. Taking a hit for the team here. ;p Have fun.*

I show the girls the text and we all burst into laughter. I also show them the dick pick I have of Kevin from a couple months ago against one I got of Kyle this morning. Kevin’s little dick is hard but still not as big as Kyle’s while soft. Granted, Kyle’s limp dick was just after he’d fucked in the shower, but still, it’s not even close.

We all roar with laughter and talk about how good ‘the food’ was.

“Yes, I just love a good-sized sausage. It was delicious. And all the juice inside really made my day.” I wonder if the fact I ate the squash and not a thick sausage is even reaching the guys with Kyle distracting Kevin.

“I’d love to taste that sausage,” Laura whispers.

Kendra laughs, but Laura’s hand sliding around my waist to cup my breast tells me she’s not joking.

“I… Well…” *God I can’t even think straight!* Sitting next to Kyle all night with his scent rolling over me the whole dinner and him taking charge like he did. Something about him not giving into Laura was so fucking hot. “It’s…up to him.”

Kendra laughs again and then her eyes see Laura’s hand squeezing one of the girls. “Oh! Um… *Ha ha!* That’s so silly.” Her eyes dart to the men then back to us. “What the fuck are you doing?” she whispers through a fake smile.

“It’s not up to him. It’s up to you,” Laura whispers in my ear. Her other hand slides my dress up and she reaches down my panties. “You’re in control with this, hun. Don’t forget that. You tell him what you want. If you’re up for it…” Two fingers spread my lips while a third circles over my clit. “You tell him you want him to fuck me.”

Thinking of Kyle with another woman is a bit of a turn on. Especially if I can actually trust the woman not to try to steal him later. *But isn’t that what Laura would do? Wouldn’t she want to tame him?* My mind clears enough to pull her hand out of my panties, but she uses it to pull me closer to her.

“Please, Rach.”

“I don’t want you to fucking dildo him,” I whisper.

Kendra keeps looking at the guys but Kyle is doing a great job of keeping Kevin talking, asking him questions about his profession is a perfect way to get the narcissist talking.

Laura’s arms tighten around me and her lips press against my ear. “I don’t want to fuck him. I want him to fuck me! Please. He was right. I haven’t met a guy like him. I’m fucking thirty-one! I’m not going to meet a guy like him. Consider it a Golden Birthday gift. Just one time. Just once.”

My eyes dash around the interior of the car as I think. Kendra’s big blue eyes catch mine. She’s partially leaned over me with her purse in front of my legs to block what Laura was doing. She’s gazing at me as if she’s not sure of me, as if she’s not sure what I’ll do next. Maybe I’ll sit up straight, or maybe I’ll do a backflip. She has no idea, but she can’t stop looking. Or maybe…

I grab my phone and hold it up. This conversation isn’t safe in the open, even whispering.

The other two nod and I go to our group message.

*Me: What’s that look Kendra?*

Even in the dim light of the car, Kendra’s face pales.

*Kendra: What do you mean?*

“Fuck.” She sighs and glances at us before shaking her head.

*Kendra: Okay! Fine! I want to fuck him too. I wasn’t ever going to ask though! I was curious if you were going to say yes.*

*Laura: Yeah, I’m wondering the same thing. Are you saying yes? What guy is going to say no to a foursome with 3 women?*

*Me: Maybe the kind of guy that doesn’t fuck for the fuck but fucks for the love?? IDK. He told me he didn’t do so well with other women.*

*Me: He said he’s only had sex with three other women. One was super drunk and super high on a cruse but the other two he dated and the relationships fell apart because he wasn’t over me. He might not want it.*

*Laura: But if you’re there? If you give him encouragement? Maybe that’s all he needs.*

Laura looks over at me with wide eyes, nodding her head vigorously.

“I don’t…” *Shit!* I look back at my phone.

*Me: I don’t even know how to have that conversation. Do I ask, hey, you want to fuck us? I don’t want to scare him off. I’ve only had him for 24hrs!!!*

*Kendra: I don’t want to sway your decision, but he proposed to you. If he’s serious this shouldn’t scare him off.*

*Laura: Exactly!! And no, you don’t just ask.*

*Laura: We all just go into your bedroom together and fuck him.*

*Laura: Have him fuck us, I mean*

*Kendra: I was in a threeway before. If we just start, he’ll join in.*

*Laura: Even better! YES!!*

*Laura: We get in the house. Send Kevin into his kennel and then just start making out on the couch.*

*Laura: Maybe me and Kendra start and then Rach jumps in. Or me and Rach and Kendra jumps in.*

*Kendra: We could start now.*

Laura and I look over to Kendra who shrugs. “It’s just an idea.”

Laura’s hands snake around me again. “I like her idea.”

*Holy fuck…* A three-way with my best friends? All in an attempt to get Kyle to fuck us?

Laura’s hand finds its way under my soaked panties. I wore black just because I didn’t want a wet spot to show in one of my white dresses I’d normally wear to a place like Motranina.

I stare at Kyle. The hard line of his jaw, his big smile, broad shoulders.

“Yeah. Okay.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/w9mlfh/15_years_later_ch_16_17_plot_fingering_fff

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