The Farm Life (Part 7) [NB][Hucow][Forced Orgasms][Pregnant][Machine][Milking]

Alex woke up the next morning, their little alarm clock blinking 9am at them. A plate of some dried foods were on a shelf nearby, with a glass of water. They greedily gulped the water down and chewed on the food as they started to wake up more. Their breasts were getting tender and sore again, probably in need of another milking, this morning however they felt their abdomen and it was already bulging a little! Their pussy felt hot and wet already, and was begging already for another orgasm this morning.

They finished their food and left their room, Greg was talking to another sow, patting them on the cheek and smiling as they exchanged words. This sow had short cropped orange/red hair to their scalp, their face and shoulders full of freckles on their pale skin, Alex noted scars on their flat chest leading down past their smooth abdomen to their shaved pussy and muscular legs.

Alex approached as the two finished talking. The freckled person looked at Alex’ belly and smiled at them. “Congratulations! Looks like your first breeding session was successful!” They beamed.

“Yes, congratulations Alex!” Greg said, turning to face both of them.

Alex saw that the person’s tag on their collar said ‘Dirk’. “Thank you! Although I’m surprised to see a bump already this early!” Alex said, blushing and putting a hand on their belly.

“Ah! That’s due to the doctor’s special touch which safely accelerates the process to just a few days!” Dirk giggled.

“We’ll knock you out before your birthing, you won’t even notice it’s happened.” Greg said, putting a reassuring hand on Alex’s shoulder. “You’re really doing a great job here Alex!”

Alex smiled at the reassurance. “I should get myself to the milking, my breasts are super sore!” Alex complained.

“I’ll send them a message to give you a few extra things today for your milking,” Greg said as Alex turned to leave “just relax and let the farmhands take care of you!”

Alex plodded to the back of the barn, into the milking stalls, the farm hand looked up. “Oh Alex!” It was the freckled redhead from last time. “Just got a message about your milking today! Follow me!” He led Alex into a stall, and clipped them into position, breasts swinging heavily between the two bars, slightly distended belly held between two other bars. He made a few extra movements behind Alex, and their thighs were strapped onto the posts where their ankles were attached, rendering Alex’s legs immobile.

He walked around front. “Farmer Greg wanted me to remind you to just relax.” The farm hand said as he slipped something over Alex’s head, it covered Alex’s eyes and had a ring that slid into Alex’s mouth behind their teeth, forcing their mouth to stay open. The farm hand was quick to secure the buckles behind Alex’s head.

Alex heard the sound of the milk pumps starting up and felt relieved, their breasts felt super sore and tender hanging below them. They felt the farm hand carefully apply lube to their nipples, then the pumps suction on and start their painfully hard suctioning of emptying Alex’s breasts of their milk. Alex felt the farm hand apply lube to their engorged clit, then felt the same painful suctioning applied to their clit, tugging so hard Alex thought for a moment it was going to be ripped off before it entered in rhythm with the suctioning of their breasts.

Alex let out a moan at the unexpected suctioning of their clit, the ring gag in their mouth garbled the sound and instead made it sound like a moo. Alex’s arousal increased at the sound of their own animalistic noises, and only increased as the farm hand patted Alex’s ass cheek, not in a sexual way, but in the way one might pat an animal to reassure them. Alex definitely was getting off on being treated like the cattle they were.

“Sow’s can get pretty needy when they’re pregnant.” The farm hand said as he continued to do things around Alex. They felt a hand lubing their pussy up, sliding a couple fingers in and causing another moo-moan as the fingers expertly lubed up all of Alex’s pussy. Then Alex felt something at their hole.

Another mechanical engine sound started and Alex felt something push into their pussy, then slowly pull out, then back in again to equal depth. Alex groaned as they realized a dildo was being pushed in and out of them by some kind of fucking machine. They heard the stall door open and close and now they knew they were alone in the stall.

Alex felt better, their breasts were starting to become less tender as the machine milked it out of them, the painful pinch of the machine was now becoming more familiar and enjoyable to Alex the longer they got used to it. The tugging on their clit felt amazing just as much as it stung, it was helping Alex build to what felt like a huge orgasm, and now they understood why the doctor had seen to enlarging it, the suction on it helped ease the pain of all the procedures Alex had to go through if this was a weekly event of breeding sessions. It probably also helped with their womb sucking up all the cum sample being used to inseminate them.

As their orgasm built they felt the sensation of the fucking machine in their cunt. It was unrelenting and kept doing the same motion over and over, becoming just a rhythmic as the sucking on Alex’s nipples and clit, making Alex’s mind relax into the rhythm and losing itself in it as their orgasm crashed into them. Their muscles tried to clamp down on the dildo in their pussy, but the machine didn’t stop, nor gave in to the attempt, it simply kept fucking in and out, gliding on Alex’s pussy juices and lube. Alex’s moo-moaned again, they could feel drool dribbling out of their mouth onto the floor as the assault on their senses took over again.

The suctioning on their nipples and clit feeling overwhelmingly good, the dildo in their pussy pushing them back to the brink of another orgasm. Their mouth held open, making them moo like the hucow they were, being blinded to how this all must’ve looked to anyone who would’ve looked through the window in the stall. Their orgasm crashed over them again, still trying to clamp down on the fucking machine with it’s slow unrelenting pounding, but failing as it continued through the flexed pussy walls. Alex wailed as loud as they could, their nipples and cunt starting to become sore, their clit twitching with the orgasms and pain.

The assault continued, Alex was strapped down for a reason after all. The machines didn’t care that Alex was overstimulated now, they just continued their rhythm, pounding Alex’s hole and sucking on their sensitive nipples and clit. Their inability to see or speak gave no outlet to distract them from the onslaught. Alex was thrashing about as much as they could until finally Alex’s overstimulated brain reminded them what Greg’s soothing voice had said, just relax, Alex took a deep breath, and immediately had another orgasm ripped out of their body.

They laid into the bars, trying to keep still, the machines continued, ripping orgasm after orgasm out of Alex as they moaned quietly in the stall, alone with no one to help them. The relaxing made it easier for the machines to do their work and keep pushing Alex over the brink to make the assault more pleasurable and easier.

Alex heard someone open the stall. “Alright Alex you should be done now!” It was the farm hand from before. He turned the pumps and machine off and slowly removed Alex from the confines and the straps around their head, letting them see and close their mouth again. “Feel better?”

Alex smacked their lips together a bit, they actually felt much better! There was no longer a heat in their belly they hadn’t noticed before, their breasts weren’t tender anymore, and even though their nipples and clit looked chewed up by the machine they actually felt fine. “I feel great actually! Thanks!”

“You may find that you produce milk a little faster while pregnant too! Don’t be shy if you need more than one milking in a day!” The farm hand smiled back and started wiping down the equipment.

Alex wandered off, they wanted to go to the fields and grab a bite to eat and maybe lay in the sun.



  1. Why are you speaking in multiple people tho like good story but they is multiple people this doesn’t read grammatically correct

  2. Idk what I’ll do when this series ends besides reread it and get off to it until I have it memorized 😂

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