A Mother Turned Pt 2

This story contains incest, noncon, voyeurism, and blackmail elements. All character are 18 or above

Read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/w06y3m/a_mother_turned_pt_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Jay was unsure what was with his mom. As they were walking through the aisles, of women’s clothing, he started to think. The last time he went clothes shopping with his mom, he couldn’t have been past kindergarten. Of course, now he appreciated the thought that his mom would try on some new clothes, and she might even show off a little more. Combine this random shopping trip with his mom’s obvious uneasiness with her constantly checking her phone despite it not receiving any notifications, he could only assume something was up with work.

“Hey mom?” Asked Jay. Samantha stopped as she put a variety color pack of panties in the cart, next to some packs of socks and a few bras. Jay was carrying a bag of clothes that they had bought for him earlier so that the cart could hold more clothes for his mom. She told him women love clothes and she would probably need it.

“Yes dear?”

“I don’t know if there is something bothering you, but if there is, I hope it works out for you.”

“Oh. Thank you dear, I appreciate that.”

His words stung Samantha, as he had no idea the gravity of her situation. Still, she really did appreciate that he noticed something was upsetting her, showing the caring side she tried to instill in him. Chris let her know before they left the house, that he was going to be listening through her phone and to stay ready for instructions. After hearing Jay ask about her, he decided to start sending Samantha her tasks.

Samantha jumped at her phone’s vibration, despite trying to ready herself for whatever sick game he wanted to play. Reading the first text, she was confused, but quickly turned to Jay.

“What are your favorite colors again honey?”

“Uh, I guess I like purple, red, and uh …” He thought back to the panties he took from his mother that’s given him some newfound joy. “Blue.”

Another phone buzz, and Samantha went wide-eyed once she looked at her phone. She started to type when it vibrated again. Jay heard her let out a heavy exhale, and watched as she dropped her phone back on top of her purse. They finally moved down away from the underwear section and into the clothing section of the store. A text message flashed on Samantha’s phone. She took a second to read it, then turned to Jay, uneasy.

“ Your generation is more in tune with fashion right? How about, if you like what I try on, I’ll trust you and get it ok?”

Jay was confused at this proposal. He didn’t really know a thing about fashion. He wore whatever was comfortable, be it T-shirts, gym shorts, etc. His mom had even questioned his outfit choices on this trip several times, ranging from the colors of the clothes themselves, to the combinations between hoodies and gym shorts. Besides, he thought, if she put on those revealing clothes for her run under the idea of “trying something new”, maybe she would be open to leaving behind her business casual wardrobe. She was currently wearing a nice beige sweater and a nice pair of black pants, something she’s worn countless times to her meetings. It’d be nice to see his mom just wear normal clothes. Especially if she shows herself off a little more. As long as he likes it, she’d get it.

Jay agreed, and through the aisles and stands he walked, while Samantha stood by the dressing rooms. While the doors left about a foot of space between the ground and the bottom of the door, she was going to have to put up with it for now. He kept in mind the clothes she usually wore, and at first, he just grabbed a couple sweaters in her size. He liked the brown one, but not the green one he had grabbed. He took the green one before he noticed the green one in a smaller size, deciding to have his mom remodel. She was confused when he returned with the green sweater she said no to, but had to indulge him since Chris was listening on the phone. She pulled it on in the dressing room, noticing it was tighter to put on. She checked herself out in the mirror, seeing the sweater clung to her sides more, and it made her breasts stick out more. Uncomfortable, but it wasn’t her call. As she stepped out, Jay took only a second before he said it’s a good fit. “I just wanted to double check,” he said. After putting that in the cart, Samantha’s phone buzzed. She let Jay know she would wait at the dressing room while he goes and gets clothes for her, and she stepped inside. Jay went to check out tops for her. He grabbed a couple office shirts, with the plan of saying yes to those regardless to satisfy her old style of wardrobe. Then, he would grab tops he actually wanted to see her in. He grabbed a pink button-up blouse, a couple tank tops, and even grabbed a crop top. He realized the last crop top was a size smaller than she wore, but kept it anyways. Hopefully his mother would keep her word.
As he came back to the dressing room, he could hear heavy breaths coming from inside his mother’s stall. He held up his hand ready to knock but stopped to listen a little more. What was she doing, Jay thought as the breathing continued. “Surely she isn’t masturbating?” His mother was always conducting herself in a professional manner, she wouldn’t even have time to masturbate with her workload. But then he remembered that the only man in her life was him.

When was the last time she even went on a date, let alone had a boyfriend? The breathing getting heavier, Jay knocked on the door. He saw her shadow from underneath the door spaz out for a second, as if she was repositioning herself on the bench inside.

“Hey mom, I got a couple shirts and stuff for you to try.”

The door opened, Samantha looking bothered about something. She smiled at her son extending out the office shirts for her to try, still trying to catch her breath from the masturbation Chris had made her do when her son stepped away. She could only hope he hadn’t heard a thing and knocked as soon as he got back.

“Thank you, Jay.”

Samantha closed the door with the office shirts in hand. She was hoping that Jay would inadvertently help her out and just keep her wardrobe virtually the same. The sick fuck could just make her get any clothes he wanted whenever he wanted, she thought, but at the very least it could be delayed. Especially if her son wasn’t around when that happened. She put on the first office shirt, a simple black collared shirt with long sleeves. She opened the door for Jay, only to see him on his phone. When she asked how it looked, he only glanced up for one second and said “sure.” Well, she thought to herself, maybe this trip will be easy for me after all. She went back inside and took it off. She heard her phone buzz, with the blackmailer telling her to set her phone down at the base of the mirror, giving him a view of the whole changing room. She thought it was weird but had dealt with worse from him. She put on the same style of shirt, this time a tan color. She stepped out once more, with a disinterested confirmation from Jay. She had a feeling he wouldn’t be all that interested in shopping with her. What son his age wants to go clothes shopping with their mom? However, she became slightly bothered when Jay handed her the next tops to try on. He gave her a few tank top style shirts, one white, one yellow. The tank tops showed more skin than she would like, as she only had shown more skin in her workout clothes, especially in her new clothes she had to wear. She shut the door and threw on the yellow tank top, actually thinking it looked nice on her. Jay agreed when she showed him and went to put on the white tank top. Once she threw on the white tank top however, she hesitated to open the door.
The white tank top was thin enough that the yellow of her bra could be slightly seen in the light. Knowing she couldn’t keep Jay waiting, and definitely not Chris, she opened the door. Jay was caught off guard when he rose his head, and Samantha was certain he could see her bra underneath, hoping he would say no to save her embarrassment.

“I think it looks good on you mom.”

“Oh, are you sure? It’s not too much?” Samantha said trying to get out of it.

“Mom, you said you wanted to try different things the other day.”

The words hit her hard, as that very reason was an excuse to a mess brought by some twisted individual, but set up by her actions. Her son tried to hand her a nice pink blouse, Samantha hoping that her clothes would go back to what she wanted. Before she could grab it, her phone buzzed, and she shut the door. While she was reading her phone, Jay looked at the buttons on the blouse. He still had the sight of his mother’s bra through the tank top in his head, and he got an idea. He ripped off a few of the buttons when he was certain no one was looking, and just as he pocketed the buttons, the door opened back up. She apologized for shutting the door on him, and took the blouse out of his hand. She started to shut the door, but hesitated before she left the door slightly cracked open. Jay noticed but decided not to let her know about it. He repositioned outside the door to see if he could get an angle. The crack let him see the mirror, showing his mom’s back on the opposite end of the room, right on the other side of the door. Jay also noticed the phone at the base of the mirror, thinking she was just trying to take pictures to see how she looked from a different angle. He held his breath, watching as his mom lifted the tank top over her head and depositing it in the “yes” pile, which were all the clothes so far. He could see the back of her yellow bra and her defined back. He appreciated the passion his mom had for maintaining a good figure, and he was certain other men did too, if they somehow ever saw her. He figured himself lucky. He quickly snapped a picture on his phone of her undress, even though he knew it was wrong and not even that special. Samantha was intoxicating to him, and he hoped he could get more. His mom slid the blouse over top and began to turn around towards the mirror, messing with the buttons, causing Jay to slip away from the door. After a minute, Samantha spoke from the other side.

“Jay, honey, are there any other blouses where you got this?”

“Sorry, mom, that was it. Why?” Jay replied, thinking back to the full rack of blouses.

“I think its’s missing some buttons is all.”

“That’s just the style of them now, I think. Come on, lets see it.”

The door opened, and Samantha slowly stepped into view. While the pink blouse meshed well with Samantha’s black pants, Jay didn’t care about that. What he did care about was that his mom had her arms crossed in front of her chest, hiding what he wanted to see.

“You’re not at work, mom. Uncross your arms and loosen up.”

While she normally would have laughed at the comment, Samantha was silent. She slowly uncrossed her arms. Jay liked the view he had of her chest. He could see the top part of her tits since the blouse couldn’t be buttoned, and he noticed the top of her bra cups sticking slightly out. Her yellow bra and pink blouse blended together better than the blouse and pants, but Jay couldn’t say that. His mother pointed at where there was some loose string above the last button she had.

“See, it just looks like a butt-.”

“You look beautiful in it mom. That’s a definite yes.” Jay cutting her off so she couldn’t try to persuade him. Jay quickly grabbed the last top.

“Here, last one,” Jay said eagerly, almost thrusting it at her.

A black crop top with thin straps. She thought it looked small, but figured it would stretch once she put it on. She took it and quickly stepped back inside to hide her chest from the public. Once again, she hesitated shutting the door, which let Jay see back into the room. He had his phone ready for more pictures if the opportunity arose, staring at the mirror. He watched her unbutton the blouse, back turned to the mirror again. She lifted it over her head, dropping it to the side and she eyed the crop top before lifting it over and pulling it down. Jay was upset, hoping she would take her bra off, but she didn’t. Samantha had trouble getting it to sit right, as it was smaller than she thought. She walked to the mirror, and Jay moved before she could see. She looked into the mirror, seeing how her tits were being slightly compressed, barely staying inside the cloth. The only thing keeping them from spilling out slightly was her bra, where you could see the yellow fabric sticking out from the top and its straps. Chris could see her confusion as to how someone was supposed to wear it, as her phone buzzed. She picked up the phone and read the text.

“Take the bra off genius.”

She reluctantly listened, taking off the top and reached behind her to unhook her bra. Jay watched in amazement, as his mom was going to give him what he wanted. He readied his phone, as his mom unhooked her bra and peeled it off her chest. He finally saw his mother’s tits in the mirror, watching them drop as they lost the support of her bra. Her pale tits were enhanced by the dressing room light, and her pink nipples offered a nice contrast to her skin color. He quickly snapped a few pictures, some of her whole body, some of just her tits in frame. Jay had to reposition his cock in his jeans so that it wasn’t obvious he was watching. She slipped the top over, still struggling to fit it past her big tits. Jay moved out of the way before she could fully fit it and after a few more seconds, the door slowly opened. Jay knew it was too small, and he knew she knew it was too small. Her tits were barely contained by the black fabric, and he noticed that very faintly, he could see her nipples poking through. He hoped that if she asked about the size, he’d be able to plead ignorance about women’s sizes. Luckily, she didn’t ask.
“Honey this-”, Samantha tried to spit out.
“You look amazing in that mom! You’re definitely getting that one.” Jay said with excitement. His mother was conflicted with the endearing compliment, but knew she would be seen as a skank by her peers if they were to see her like that. Her phone buzzed, and she went to read it. She announced to Jay. “Go look for pants Jay.” Jay couldn’t believe it.

“Okay!” he yelled back.

Jay sprint-walked towards the pants section. He hoped earlier he would get to see just his mom’s bra at best, but after seeing her tits and now getting pants for her to try? He was having the time of his life. He grabbed one pair of skinny jeans for her, then went to the shorts section.

He grabbed one pair of normal shorts, so that she would show at least some of her legs to him. On his way back he passed some skirts, grabbing a tan one. If she didn’t like the idea of wearing a skirt, he already did.

He came back to dressing room, the door still cracked open. He slowed his approach and placed himself where he could see her from the mirror, and couldn’t believe his eyes. His mom’s eyes were closed, and she had her hand down her pants, moving slightly in a circle. She was back in her sweater she came in with, but Jay could still tell her was chest rising and falling with heavy breathing. Her free hand was covering her mouth, desperate to try and prevent any moans from escaping. At the base of the mirror, her phone was still there. The thought crossed Jay’s mind that maybe there was a side to his mom that he never knew since she wasn’t around that much, which could explain her new workout clothes and her asking him to pick out newer style clothes. She was constantly checking her phone, maybe she finally decided to meet someone and wants to put in effort? Her phone’s angle made him think that she was taking pictures for someone. If that was true, that didn’t mean he should be the only to get to see her like that. With that thought, he aimed his phone at the mirror, and pressed record. Jay recorded her for roughly 20 seconds, then took a couple pictures. He wished she was more revealing, but he was grateful for it regardless. He then backed up and knocked on the edge of the door, keeping an eye on the shadows under the door. Before he could say anything, his mom yelled out a “Wait!” He heard a zip, assuming it was her pants, and his mom slow her breathing. Samantha opened the door, surprised at how fast he had returned. Both times he left, Chris made her touch herself in the booth until he returned. Desperately hoping that no one would see or hear her, she had forcefully complied, both times coming close to an orgasm, which she knew she wouldn’t be able to contain. Her son had unknowingly saved her both times, but her panties were soaked, and she desperately wanted the trip to be over so she could finish at home. She had to.

Jay handed her a pair of jeans, and she went back inside and shut the door. She froze because she just realized her error. Chris told her the door was to stay cracked while she was trying on clothes, and now she waited. She picked up the phone and waited, and as she stood back up, a text flashed across the screen.

“I told you the door doesn’t shut.”

“I’m sorry. It was just an accident.” Samantha was hoping he would suddenly be reasonable.

“You were told once which was enough. You’ll pay for that in a bit. Open the door now. Got it?”

“Yes sir.” Samantha hoped her son would ignore that she shut and reopened the door before changing.
Jay was disappointed once the door shut. He knew it was foolish to think his mom would dare forget the door when she stripped her pants. As far as he knew, he would never get the chance again. Whatever, he thought, she’s modeling the pants anyway. The door opened, Jay ready to just say yes after he ogled her. When Samantha didn’t step out, he got confused.

“You okay mom?” Jay was actually concerned for a second.

“Yeah, I just uh . . . needed some air. . . is all.” Hopefully he bought it.

“Can I see the pants?”

“I didn’t uh, put them on yet Jay.”

“Oh…okay. I’ll be waiting then.”

Samantha didn’t respond to that, because she hated that he was here now. She appreciated that he was being honest with how she looked, but it was Chris that wanted this, not her. Now at some point, she was going to pay for merely shutting the door, an instinct for gaining privacy. Jay watched as she stood in front of the bench, back to the mirror. He couldn’t believe his luck, as it was like his mother read his mind. Her hands moved, and he heard the zipper come undone. He immediately hit record on his phone so he could capture the full experience. Samantha moved slow, as if she knew she had an unwanted audience, but the door blocked the view to the outside. She leaned slightly forward, hooking her thumbs on the inside of her pants, exhaling to mentally prepare herself. Pushing down, Jay saw as the pants lowered to reveal his mom’s beautiful yellow panties. Comparing them to the blue pair he took from his mom, he figured they must also be cotton. The pants continued to lower, and as the yellow panties started to disappear, the pale ass cheeks of his mother came into the picture. He had dreamed of seeing his mother’s ass for months, the desire amplified from the running shorts she wore that couldn’t contain all of her. He desperately wanted to just walk in and squeeze her ass, spank it and watch it shake each time his hand hit. The asses on the girls his age couldn’t compare to it, and it belonged to his mother. If she was seeing someone, he wished it was him. She stepped out of her pants and pushed them aside with her foot. Jay zoomed in on her ass and then put her legs into frame. She had sexy thighs and smooth legs. She really was the total package in his eyes. Forget any celebrity, girlfriend, and any crush someone could have. His mom was the sexiest woman alive.

She stepped one foot into the skinny jeans, then the other. Straightening her back out, Samantha pulled the pants up her body, feeling it get tighter around the legs. She got it up to her ass, and then had to pull and shimmy her body side to side to get it up and over her ass. Her workouts had paid off, but right now she wishes she never did them. She went to the mirror and did a quick up-down and turned sideways. Her ass was practically begging to be free, pressing up against the denim. She opened it, and saw Jay on his phone, and had to get his attention.


No response.

“Hey Jay.”

Jay looked up and took a second. Whatever was on his phone, Samantha figured it must be pretty interesting. Jay still hadn’t said anything.
“Do you like it?”

“Can you turn around? There’s a design on the back that I need to see.”

“Honey, I didn’t see one when I looked in the mirror,” she said to avoid indirectly showing off her ass to her son.

“I’m pretty sure there is. Right now, it looks great mom. I just need to see the back to make sure.”
Samantha slowly started to turn because she had a feeling if she delayed, her tormentor would get upset with her. Jay still had his phone in his hand, waiting for her to turn all the way around. His mother stopped looking at him, too uncomfortable to look him in the eye right now. Once his mom faced entirely away from him, Jay took a picture of how tight the jeans were on her ass. As soon as he had the picture, he let his mom know it looked great. Chris saw the skirt get handed to Samantha, completely full of himself out of the son’s antics since they came here. The kid had a thing for his mom. He began thinking more on how to mess with her. She just began to move the door when he fired off another text to her, only part of her punishment from closing the door earlier. She bent down to read the text and didn’t bother turning around to face Jay.

“Jay! Can you find a nice pair of heels please?”
Jay left with an eager “Sure thing.” He made his way over to the shoes section, quickly scanning the shelves for a nice pair of heels. He settled on a pair of black heels that had laces crossing over the foot and up to the ankle. His mom had small feet, and he thought it was cute since it matched her short height. He slowed to the door again, seeing the crack, but this time there was no noise. Glancing at the mirror, his mom had her head down sitting on the bench. She already had the skirt on, tapping her foot out of nervousness. Jay assumed she was done with her “game,” or whatever it was. He knocked on the door.

“Come in Jay.”

Jay couldn’t believe it. He must have been caught. One of the times he recorded her, she must have seen his reflection in the mirror. He tried to be safe, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to defend himself for his taboo actions. Jay opened the door and came inside. He shut the door, which while Samantha greatly appreciated it, was unsure if she was going to have to pay for it anymore than she was already about too.

“Mom, I am so sorry.” Jay spat out.

“For what?”

His mom was confused at the apology. Did she not know? Jay was so fearful that he was caught, that he was ready for a confrontation, not a question. He quickly attempted to redirect the conversation.

“For taking so long to find some shoes.” Jay seemed abnormally nervous for such a trivial thing in Samantha’s eyes, and she felt like she had to reassure him.

“Oh, you weren’t long at all honey. Come here.” She stuck out her arms for a hug from the bench, and Jay bent down to meet her. They embraced at an awkward angle, before she whispered in his ear.
“You’ve been a good boy since we’ve been here, and I appreciate your help.” If only she knew, Jay thought. He had gotten away with it

Now was the hard part for Samantha. They pulled apart and she looked at her son in the eyes.

“I think I pulled something in my back. Could you put the heels on for me?”

Jay felt his pants getting tighter at the thought of the idea. He loved how her legs looked in the skirt, wishing he got to watch her strip again. But the idea of being able to touch her legs more than made up for it. He agreed and bent down onto the ground, setting his phone and the heels down so he could position himself. He grabbed a heel and her foot, something he probably should have asked permission for, but he was distracted. He felt how soft and small her foot was in his hand, when he realized something. She was in a skirt, sitting open-legged, and he caught her masturbating twice. He had to see. He took his time on the first heel, coming up with an impromptu way to see up her skirt. After the first heel, he repositioned himself to sit in front of her, rather than the side. He sat himself on one foot, and grabbed her other foot. This was it. He took her ankle, feigning a struggle with putting the heel on her foot. He then pushed her ankle to the side. He pretended to lose his balance, falling forward, which gave him the angle directly up her skirt. He saw her yellow panties, with a distinct wet spot from her masturbation, making Jay rock hard. He caught himself, and quickly apologized to his mom for throwing her foot. With a raging hard-on, he quickly slapped the other heel on her foot, then slid backwards. Samantha stood up, and hardly looking at her, Jay immediately gave her a yes, then quickly excused himself to the bathroom, taking his phone and bags of clothes with him.

A buzz. Samantha grabbed the phone.

“You’re a good mom. For the heartwarming moment I’ll give you a break.” Samantha stared at the phone waiting for another text.

“Say thank you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Good girl. While he is gone, I’ll let you go get those special clothes.”

“He didn’t need to be here.”

“I wanted him to be. For that comment, you’re gonna try on some jean shorts while he is gone. The ones that are cut off below the ass.”

“Yes sir.” Samantha knew she should stop for now before he somehow makes it worse.

Chris appreciated that she was learning. Jay finished cleaning himself up in the store’s bathroom after taking care of his erection. He wasn’t able to wait any longer, his mom’s wet panties sending him over the edge. He shot several ropes, some landing on the toilet. He only lasted a few strokes, as his mom overstimulated him, a compliment he wouldn’t make known to her. He wiped them up, stuffing his massive cock back into his pants, thankful his mom didn’t see it. Stepping out of the bathroom, he made his way over to the dressing room, assuming his mom was ready to leave, but the cart was still outside the door. He hoped his mom would think he would be awhile, allowing her time to play with herself again. He came up to the door, cracked open again. Before he could pull his phone out, he saw quite the sight in the mirror. His mom had gotten a small pile of clothes in a variety of color, but she currently was back in just her yellow bra and a pair of shorts. Jay always heard them referred to as booty shorts by his peers, and right now his mom gave claim to that name. Her fat ass was peeking out underneath, similar to the running shorts that one morning. The fringes from the cut denim must have been tickling her cheeks, and Jay thanked himself for masturbating, as he probably would have just came from looking at her by now. Her phone was still at the base of the mirror, which reminded him. He about pulled out his phone, when his mom went to take the bra off. He watched her unhook the clasps, and the bra fell to the floor. Right in front of the door, within arms reach. He watched her reach for the new pile she made, and took advantage of the moment.

Samantha reached to the side and grabbed a red lace bra from her pile of lingerie the man on the phone made her grab. She hadn’t owned any since her college years, reminiscing at how carefree she was then. Ironically, it was her carelessness that now placed her in this very room, modeling for two men she didn’t want to. As she straightened up, she glanced at the door and saw a hand reach underneath the stall and grab her yellow bra, pulling it outside. She went wideeyed, dropping the red bra.

“Hey, stop!” she cried out.

As she grabbed the cracked open door, she stopped herself. Her tits were hanging out and her ass was sticking out of essentially a patch of denim. She couldn’t run around like that. She turned to thrown on a sweater and throw her pants on over the shorts, when the phone buzzed.

Not now, she thought, not fucking now. She grabbed the phone.

“That’s theirs now. Keep going.”

She wanted to plea to him, knowing he hasn’t been reasonable so far. A new text.

“Don’t make me upset again.”

She set the phone down and returned to dressing herself, on the verge of tears. She pulled the shorts down, thankful to take the slutty things off, but inevitably put it into the yes pile. She wrapped the red lace bra around her tits. She hooked her soaked yellow panties, pulling them off and setting them on the bench. She reached and grabbed the matching red lace panties, sliding them up her legs, covering her begging pussy. Looking in the mirror, she hated it. The bra barely covered her nipples, while the surrounding lace was transparent, revealing the flesh of her breasts. A single strand on each side crossed over the width of both boobs, with thin shoulder straps. She turned around and eyed her backside, trying to stretch the panties to cover her ass, but the panties only covered about half of it at an angle. The backside was almost entirely transparent, and the panties barely covered her pussy.

She then tried on a purple lace babydoll lingerie dress. The dress covered her tits more, but still offered cleavage, in addition to sideboob. The straps were thicker, and they came into a hook around her neck. Attached to the cups was a sheer purple veil that went around the center of her slim body, leaving her upper back exposed, and extending to halfway down the ass. A purple thong was all she had to cover her womanhood, disappearing into her ass from the back side.

The last outfit disgusted her the most. It was a blue lace bustier, with a perverted twist. The lower half of her torso was covered front to back in a semi-revealing manner, half transparent, half solid. That was all that was covered. In the back, the outfit stopped just above her ass, with a thin layer of material immediately disappearing in between both cheeks. In the front, her breasts hung out above the material that just stopped underneath them. The only part of her breasts covered was a thin sliver that had one thin strap crossing over each of them. Her eyes traced down. Where the front of a pair of panties would be, there was only the fabric splitting into two, connecting to the back from underneath. She was exposed down there, feeling the cool air on her womanhood for longer than she wanted.

Jay came back once he thought enough time had passed. Not seeing a trace of his mom, he went to the check-out where his mom was waiting by the door to leave. Samantha was back in her sweater and pants, a boring outfit compared to what Jay had seen her in earlier. She seemed like she had just cried, and was visibly upset.

“You okay mom? What is it?” Jay had a feeling what it was, and he had felt bad about it. Now, however, was not the time to try and come clean. His mom let out a big sigh.

“Works just tough sweetheart.” She couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

Jay stuck his arms out and hugged her, pulling her close. She wrapped her arms around him, and lost herself in the moment. Jay was inversely enjoying the moment, as while his mom was still in the sweater, he noticed the lack of support given by a bra. His mom had lifted her head from his body and looked Jay in the eye.

“I love you Jay,” was all she whispered.

“I love you too, Mom.” Jay said with a hidden double meaning. As they climbed into the car, Jay heard his mother’s phone vibrate. He hoped that whether it was her work or her unconfirmed love interest messing with her, he wanted it to pan out for her. She was his mother after all.

Jay got out of the car once his mother parked, but his mom asked him if he could take the bags to their rooms, and she would make them a late lunch. Jay didn’t even realize they had spent that much time there, but he didn’t mind. Jay took his bags to his room first, moving in a hurry. He knew his mother respected his privacy, so once in the room he dumped the clothes onto his bed, and watching his new “gift” fall out. He figured since his mom was getting more bras, he might as well get one too. He felt sorry for putting his mother in a compromising position, but thought of his new fantasies for when he is alone. He stashed the bra in his nightstand next to her panties. While they didn’t match, he now had a set.
Jay wrapped up moving her bags into her room, making sure she was occupied in the kitchen. He began sifting through her bags, seeing all the things that he said yes to were bought. However, he realized there was an additional bag that was blacked out in contrast to the regular clear plastic bags. He didn’t remember any of these clothes, and he pulled out what was on top. As he unfolded the cloth, he realized he was holding a red lace bra. He set it aside and sifted through the bag, figuring out what it all was.

A bag of lingerie. In his favorite colors

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/w0w459/a_mother_turned_pt_2


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