Sunset Concessions (fantasy, elfxhuman, vanilla) OC

There’s a palpable tension in the air since they left the road and hunkered down in these old remains of a watchtower. Staying together merely out of pure necessity and safety didn’t do much to boost the mood among the odd band of ragged survivors, though they are lucky that instead of brawling and making trouble everyone took to brooding in their own corner in and around the ruin. While avoiding each other’s company most of the time, they often shared the campfire in the middle of the tower for cooking and warming themselves up when the weather got colder. During those moments, she noticed him looking her over out of the corner of his eye, trying his best to steer away from direct eye contact. Everyone else sensed it too. Out on the road they never spoke more than was strictly necessary, and that hadn’t changed since they arrived here. Everyone is too occupied with their own worries to socialize anyway.

He took one of the few still intact rooms rather high up in the tower, whereas she built a sturdy tent from tarps and brushwood against the ruin’s wall, facing toward the dawn.
Standing in front of her tent now, she doesn’t feel the sun’s warm touch on her face though, but instead on her neck and back, as it slowly creeps towards the opposite horizon, leaving an orange light lingering between the trees of this meager forest. Her eyes, green like a patch of saturated moss, gaze around looking for signs of trouble. Her long pointed ears pick up nothing but the calls of a few birds and the steps of cautious animals in the underbrush. If they’re lucky they will survive another night. The cold autumn air swirls around her face as she takes a step right through the mist of breath she just exhaled.
Her feet take the elf up the tower, silently approaching the door to his room. Instead of knocking, she softly opens the door and slips inside. He had already noticed her, but does nothing other than watch her step into his hideout, his eyes wandering along the clear outline of her suntanned face until he reaches her chin. She lowers her eyes for only a heartbeat before she takes in his appearance as well. His body is still rather brawny, even though the rations ran out weeks ago and the meals they scrounged from the empty villages and burning forests could neither sate their hunger nor provide enough to keep everyone at full strength.
Whereas she is thin and lithe, he appears broad and rough, covered in dark coarse hair from crown to toe. The gaze from his steel grey eyes is piercing, almost paralyzing, and probably the primary reason he is left alone and seldomely talked to. There is more to him though, the dark swollen rings underneath his eyes, and his sunken shoulders give his whole demeanor an exhausted and forlorn aura.
Behind him she can see what seems to be a small shrine of sorts, nothing more than pieces of rubble built into an eye for the human’s gods to look upon their weary servant. There is a candle lit in front of it, its light almost vanishing in the orange-red shine from the setting sun, which has flooded through the cracks in the stone and narrow window slits.

Their mutual survey consummated, the two of them relax out of their tense posture, his face seemingly becoming much more mild as she takes slow steps towards him. There is no hesitation in them, no caution in the sense of fear, but attempting not to cause unease. As her hand reaches towards his bearded face to touch him he lifts his own in anticipation, accepting her into his arms.
Tilting his head down towards her, he brushes against the soft skin on her face, taking in her scent for only a second before his lips press lightly onto hers, eyes closing to immerse themselves into this surreal situation. There is a moment of thrill, a slight tingle, and then a rush of heat and dizziness zapping through both their bodies. Their lips separate only to draw a shaky breath and quickly continue their kiss with obvious craving.
Her fingertips stroke lightly through his unkempt beard and up over his round human ear until they reach the back of his head, urging him with gentle pressure to share yet more of his desire. First his hands flow lightly over the clothes on her shoulder and hip, only grasping her more firmly with her insistence, pressing his fingers into the folds and wrinkles of the fabric as they descend down her backside. He holds her much closer now, close enough to feel her breasts against his chest even through his shirt and her tunic.

Seemingly emboldened by this long forgotten feeling, her scent whispering of the deep wild forests of her kin, and the sweet taste of her tongue poking against his lips he sighs into their kiss. Opening his mouth to embrace her, their tongues begin teasing each other first shyly, but quickly growing more confident, starting a dance that leaves their cheeks growing hot and their throats breathless, while their hands get ever more restless and their hearts ever more revitalised.
Squeezing her fingers in between the folds of his clothes, she soon reaches the hairy, rough skin beneath, making him shudder with excitement. Letting her other hand feel down from the back of his head to grab the hem of his shirt their lips part only to quickly pull it over his head, revealing a bruised and beaten man underneath. His shoulder and chest are scarred from battles old and recent, some of the smaller wounds fresh enough that she remembers the fights where he got them as they were fighting side by side. Just like the slightly curly mop on his head the rest of his body is covered in thick black hair. There is something austere and aristocratic in the way he carries himself even after surviving the worst of the war, even now.
Her fingers follow the tension and relaxation of his muscles over his arms and torso as she teases him with her tongue, softly biting and tugging at the flesh of his lips, the corner of his mouth, and through his beard down towards his neck. Her nibbling and biting gets more assertive there, making him stifle a moan half-heartedly. As his hands cup her bottom now, he presses her closer to his body, causing her to fully feel his erection against her lower abdomen. Both their heads are spinning, their minds a whirlwind causing too much chaos to follow one single thought clearly without stumbling.

Her body is trembling with arousal, his hands squeezing her backside longingly, his groin pushing against hers. There is no bed frame in this room, merely a few sacks of straw covered with a blanket and his cloak. He steers her towards them, and she offers no resistance as she lets herself fall backwards onto the crinkling and crackling bedding, her eyes wide in anticipation as he looms over her, reciprocating her gaze with his strict steel eyes. Biting her lip, she bends her neck backwards and arches her back upwards, showing the artery in her throat pulsing as she lifts her tunic in measured, cunning movements. The fabric gradually reveals her lap and belt, her strong abs with a slender bellybutton, clearly defined muscles and sinews winding under the soft suntanned skin of the elf. He watches, drawing heavy breaths, his patience wearing so thin that his tension is perceptible in the air around them. When the tunic reaches her perky breasts, dark brown nipples stiffened from excitement and the light touch of the clothing as she lets it flow over her body until she pulls it over her head.
Her long hair, the many colours of a tree’s bark, settles smoothly around her and she continues to tease him by letting her fingers move over her own skin, stretching her chin up, quietly sighing. When she reaches her belt her fingers squeeze between the pants and skin. But before she can pull her clothes down, he is already reaching for the waistband, bending down and kneeling into the straw bedding between her legs.

His head sinks towards her chest, making her moan audibly as first his coarse beard and shortly after his lips reach her skin, starting to leave a tickling, moist trail on her breasts, softly kissing and sucking while her body begins writhing under him. She pushes her fingers back into his hair, pressing her short nails into his neck, breathing heavily. Reaching her nipple his tongue starts teasing it, poking and prodding, teeth gently biting into the delicate skin, only to feel it harden even further while the rest of her shudders tangibly, goosebumps erupting, body hair standing on end. The hand that reached to pull down her pants by the waistband didn’t get too far in its endeavor before getting distracted as it brushed against her mons pubis, leaving only a thin layer of silky hair between him and her privates.
It’s almost as though she lures him in with the rhythmic movements of her lower body, pressing up against his fingers. Ecstatic sounds escape her throat while he keeps pushing his erection against her thigh, his fingers shaking lightly.

Nevertheless, they slip into the wettened crease of her vulva with ease. Her whole body tenses for a heartbeat or two. He can hear the pounding in her chest with his lips on her breast and waits, kissing her skin until she exhales, relaxing her body and letting his fingers slide deeper in between her thighs. He proves to be quite nimble, heightening her arousal in all the right places, be it with his lips around her nipples or his fingertip lightly brushing against her clitoris over and over again. Occasionally he stops until she urges him to continue as if in a fever only he can break from her, moving her pelvis against the stirring of his hand. She is practically guiding him until he enters her slowly with index- and middle finger, only dipping into her heated wetness ever so slightly as she moans and stretches her body against his.
His touch taunts her at the entrance of her vagina, but he soon settles to grant her the slightest bit of satisfaction, fully sliding his fingers back into her, gently stroking her inner wall. He has her pinned down, though she is all but reluctant. His weight on top of her, his smell of manual labour and campfire smoke, it all makes her body and mind spark with trembling excitement, a desperate fire swelling up from within her, unstoppable, burning its way to the surface in waves of sweetly dripping agony.

Biting down on her lower lip again, her grasp of his hair loosens. Instead, her fingers work their way down his broad back and sides, tickling him in such a way that he too sighs and moves his body under her touch. Almost mirroring his actions, as if not allowing him the gifts which he has not yet presented her either, the long elven fingers push his pants down only so much before reaching underneath the waistband, flowing through the sea of wiry hair that grows all over his belly, trailing down under his belt and between his legs.
She feels his manhood, her hand gliding along its veiny skin toward the root of the shaft. First she grasps it lightly, listening to his moans and feeling the pressure of him pressing it against her harder and more longingly. She follows his unspoken wishes, gripping the erection firmly as she starts stroking it slowly, feeling it throb and flex with lust. When she reaches the top, her thumb starts caressing the head of his penis, already moist and lubricated with his own secretion, clinging to it, teasing and squeezing while their shared heat becomes ever more unbearable.

He raises his head now, letting his tongue and kisses trail from her breast back up towards her neck, his arms so tense they quiver, muscles coiling under the skin, giving him a sensation similar to battle frenzy, every fiber taut as a bowstring. While sinking down onto one elbow next to her body, his other hand finally finishes what it had started seemingly hours ago, feeling along her thigh to push down her pants until they fall off over her bare feet.
She does the same now, almost in unison, as their intentions are aligned. He can feel her trembling with arousal, she can sense his impatience even though he tries to control his abrupt and sometimes jerky movements. She watches his face as steel grey eyes follow his hand shift back up her body, watching her chest rise as it fills with air when she draws in a breath, and sink back down when she exhales.

Soon their eyes meet, and even though there is no smile on their faces, they are each assured of the other’s feelings. She lifts her chin the slightest bit in a gesture of consent and agreement, then he continues sinking down on top of her, as well as in between her legs, which she parts for him most willingly, roguishly stretching one of them over his backside to hold him. Her lips press a gentle kiss onto his forehead when it bends down, before he reciprocates it onto her mouth, closing their eyes, reigniting the fiery dance of their tongues with casual ease. Resting on his elbows, his chest hot and heavy on top of hers, he shifts her arms and hands above her head to hold them there, grasping her by the wrists, both knowing she can choose to escape his fingers at any moment.
As he descends between her legs, she can feel his erection graze her inner thigh, resting atop her privates, gently rubbing and pushing against her while they kiss. Their anticipation swells as the air seems to grow warm and wet around them. Her teeth sink softly into his lip, urging him onward, and he has no intention but to comply.
The head of his penis pushes lightly into her vagina, uniting his wetness with hers, enveloping him with her sweet lubricant while his body shifts to accommodate their movements. She moans, her lips on his, flexing her fingers in his grasp above her head, writhing under the teasing of his manhood. Aroused as they are, he finally slides into her, steady and easily, both of them holding their breaths and struggling to suppress their moans. The heat that rushes over their bodies breaks them out of their initial tension, both breathing heavily as their bodies fully unite, the pounding of their hearts indistinguishable as there is no space between their chests.

He starts moving raggedly at first, but quickly adjusts to her pace and his own desires, pushing himself against her pelvis while she motions against his body, lifting her hips and rotating them slightly. Their bodies grow damp swiftly, adding another intoxicating element to this ritual of satisfaction. She can feel the tiny pearls of sweat on her belly, rubbing from his coarse-haired, rough-hewn body into her own. He groans against her pointed ear, kissing the salty skin of her neck, sinking his teeth into her shoulder just deep enough to make her shudder.
She continues to hold him close with her leg, pushing him even tighter towards her, even further into her, feeling his penis pressing against her on the inside, leaving her gasping and tortured, laboring restlessly towards their sweet redemption.
They remain entangled, their longing growing into a kind of benign greed, their want seemingly insatiable no matter how far they go, no matter how sweetly she moans or how deftly he teases her. Their motions change, his body slipping off of hers while she turns from her back onto her side, allowing him to nestle his front against her back. Her hands freed she uses them to steady herself, sliding her fingers in-between his when he brings his arm around her to rest it on her chest, gently massaging her breast.
Both their bodies are trembling, shaking with arousal. Their bonding continues almost hastily now as he enters her again, grabbing her bottom and squeezing it lustily. His head sinks down to rest against her shoulder, his dark hair, wet from sweat, clinging to his temples, breath coming ever more raggedly. Her face is turned towards the ceiling, bathing herself in the pleasure as she groans, her voice taking on higher notes with each of his thrusts against her pelvis.

The turn of the tide comes not as a sudden wave of flashing light, but as a stealthy shadow hiding the sweet golden rays behind it, edging at the boundary of their minds, herding them towards a mutual goal. While the sun outside their tower room has already dipped below the horizon, leaving the autumn air crisp and the sky twinkling with stars, the fires inside the bodies of the elf and human joined in ecstasy are just about to erupt into a final firework.
Her fingers placed between her own thighs, lightly touching her clitoris with almost no movement, while the thrusting of his hips against her, inside her, are enough to make up for it, easily pushing her closer and closer to her desired destination. Shuddered moans accompany the arrival of her climax, her body tensing up, her muscles stiffening for just a second before breaking into twitches and spasms, a quiet cry of sheer relief escaping her throat as she reaches behind her head to grab his hair firmly.
He feels it too, first the tension and then the convulsions of her body especially inside her, throttling his erection with a jolt that makes him groan loudly. It takes all the sanity and control he can muster to let himself slip out of her vagina, biting down hard into her shoulder as he pushes his manhood between her wet glistening thighs, ejaculating onto her leg with slowly subsiding thrusts. His moans turn into something almost akin to a whimper, panting to catch his breath while the relaxation begins to grab ahold of him. He caresses her body with his touch, kissing her shoulder where his teeth left a mark.
A slight smiles creeps across her lips now. She leans back, melting into his embrace as they sink down onto the straw bedding. Their cheeks flushed with heat, their wet hair clinging to their faces, they pant, slowly steadying their breathing, listening to each other’s heartbeats in the silence that fell over the tower room.
A gust of cold autumn air whistles and whispers quietly through the narrow window slits and cracks in the stone, making the almost burnt out candle stump in front of his altar flicker with a warm yellow spark of light before being snuffed out, leaving them in comfortable darkness.

Author: Alex Beck
Words: 3179


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