The Bus Ride

It hit me like a brick wall, I had completely forgotten that today was my early day until about 10 minutes before I was supposed to get off work. This was the first time I would have to use a different bus to get home since I started the job. I immediately went to my phone and looked up the local schedules for the buses that passed by my work. The bus that took me where I needed to go was just a commuter bus and wouldn’t be running for another hour but luckily there was another that would take me within walking distance of my stop. I didn’t think much of it at the time, little did I know it would be one of the most amazing bus rides I had ever taken. The next bus was in just a couple minutes. It was about 5 minutes before I was supposed to leave but I snuck out any ways. I caught the early bus and was on my way. I wasn’t thinking much except that the bus was pretty empty. I had my head phones in and was just enjoying the free space. Public transportation is a crap shoot. Sometimes you get some elbow room and sometimes the schizophrenic guy who smells like sweat and and alcohol wants to have a conversation about his imaginary cockroach pet. Today was lucky. About 15 minutes into my ride I decided to see the route I was on. This was the first time I took this bus and thought it would be a good idea to know where it traveled in case it traveled to some place I might need to go in the future. I was looking around and about 30 seconds later we pulled up to a stop that immediately made me realize why this route was so empty. It turns out this was a one of the main lines that went in front of the gigantic high school up on the hill. I had inadvertently gotten on the first bus right after the end of the class day. There must have been two hundred students waiting at that stop. “Oh shit!” I thought to myself as the students started to pile on I grabbed my bag because I knew there was no way I was getting a seat to myself at this point, and got ready to squeeze in tight with some smelly annoying high school kid. As I was watching them pile on I was playing a game in my head wondering which one was going to want to sit next to the big guy who is in his work clothes and not looking too happy about his fate. As it turns out my face must have been angrier than I thought because these kids just kept on passing me. I was thinking may I would get lucky and no would want to sit next to the angry guy. I was watching them pass and when I turned around to see how many more were coming I saw them. These two girls were looking directly at me and not breaking gaze for a second as they moved down the isle. To describe these two in one sentence would be almost impossible. To try I would have to say that they were what you would think of when you tried to picture a goddess. They were Aphrodite and Andromeda. The first had a tan that accented her blonde hair. The kind of blonde that when the sun hit it, it looked like the light was radiating from her and lighting up the room. Her bronzed skin was smooth and soft and had the slightest peach fuzz that made you feel the softness of her skin from the across the room. Skin you could lightly run your lips across and they would slide smoothly until you reached an area you wanted to taste. Her eyes, arctic blue and bright, were wide and filled with wonder. You could see them from thirty feet away. She was wearing a tight white t shirt that was complimented by the shortest and tightest jean shorts that I couldn’t even imagine I was seeing. Her shirt stopped just above her navel and her shorts stopped just below her hip bones. Her flat belly was also tan and not the slightest hint of fat, but not over run with muscle. Her hip bones just slightly stick out and wanted to be nibbled on. Her shorts ended right where her thighs met her hips and let just the slightest bit of her cheeks stick out the bottom. Followed by long, beautiful legs with the perfect amount of thigh gap, that went all the way down to the tiny feet in a pair of gray chucks with writing all over them. The second was her counterpart. She had long silky dark brown hair all the way down to the middle of her back. Not quite black but the dark that sucks you in and can trap you there if you let go for even a second. Her eyes just as dark, surrounded by flawless milky skin, that only emphasized how deep her eyes went. She must have been around 5'5 or 5'6 and She was wearing this short black summer dress with a white button up short sleeve shirt underneath. This outfit couldn’t have fit her any better and accented every curve of her tight and fit frame. Her breast, perfect B cups, just poked out enough to spread her white button down shirt so you could barely make out her milky smooth skin and her black bra. Her arms came out from the short sleeves and rapped in front of her to just gently push up her breast a little more. The dress came up just to the middle of her thighs and these long slender legs came out of the bottom all the way down to these perfect pretty feet in summer heals. Every curve of from her thighs to her knees, down her smooth shins and calves, through her ankles and her perfect, slender, pretty, and well manicured feet. Her skin looked as if it had never seen a bruise, nick, or cut in its life span, so kissable and smooth. As they were staring me down and walking down towards me I couldn’t take my eyes away. I felt my heart race and my breath shorten. I was immediately realizing that these girls intended to sit next to me. But there was something more. It didn’t matter who they had to pass or what they had to step over, they just kept holding there eyes to mine. Even when the Aphrodite leaned back to whisper in Andromeda’s ear, they both still continued to stare at me. They finally got to me and there was no more guess work, one was taking the seat next to me and the other wasn’t going past my row. As I started to move over the blond quietly but firmly stopped me and said, “Mind if I take the window? I like the view.”. So completely in bewilderment I grabbed my bag and got up. Then as I was going to try and be nice and let the other girl sit next to her friend, she looked me right in the eyes with a little smile, she said “I prefer to stand.”. Then she nodded down to the seat as if to tell me to take it. As I was sitting down I felt a hand rest on top of mine and as I looked over and was about to pull away I felt the hand tighten firmly holding mine in place. I looked up and as she looked at me with complete seriousness, she held my hand there as she moved a little black sweater down her arm to cover the fact that she was holding my hand on the railing from the rest of the bus. Then she looked at her friend and I looked over as well. Her friend was smiling and back and I could tell that I was no longer in control. We sat there in silence looking at each other and looking around watching the bus get more and more full. A few times the girl in the black dress pushed her body in to let someone pass and I felt her mound on the back of my hand as she did it. My heart was going to explode and my cock was slowly beginning to fill my jeans underneath my backpack sitting on my lap. I was frozen in place thinking could she feel my hand pressing up against her, wondering what was going to happen if she noticed, was this really happening. It happened two more times and as I looked at her she just looked around with a smile. I looked over at her friend and she too had a huge smile on her face but just continued to look around the bus. Finally another person was coming by and as she leaned into let them by, I slightly adjusted my hand so that I could lightly caress as she pushed up against my hand. As I did this I was looking up at her. For just the briefest second I saw her breath catch in her throat and her smile twitch, but she didn’t break character. Finally the bus filled up and it was so crowded that you couldn’t have seen down to the level where my hand was at if you tried. She had someone right behind her now and she was completely pushing her warm soft pussy up against my hand so that I could almost feel her skin through her sweater on her arm and her little black dress. Once the bus started to move things started to get more intense. The little black dress and the tiny shorts sitting next to me stopped looking around, obviously satisfied that now one was watching, and its as if it was only us three on the bus. We were surrounded by people but it was so crowded that no one could even bring themselves to make eye contact with anyone else. The next thing I knew I started to feel something slowly sliding underneath my back pack and gently caressing the inside of my thigh. It was just moving up and down and as my cock got harder the more her hand started to cover it. I looked over at her and there she was looking between me and her friend with a big smile and a little confirmation to friend that she could feel my cock in her hand. I turned back to little black dress who was pressing up against me and with a a big smile and a lot of seduction in her eyes, she reached her other hand down under her sweater and pulled her dress over the top of my hand so that there was nothing in between me and her pussy except, what I can only imagine to be white cotton panties. I could feel the heat and soft swollen lips through her panties and as my heart raced I could feel them start to dampen with warm creamy liquid. She had gotten so wet that it had soaked through her panties and I could feel the natural lubricant all over the back of my fingers. As I was realizing this and feeling tiny short's hand rubbing with more and more pressure underneath my back pack, I felt tiny shorts grab my other hand and slide it underneath her back pack and push it hard against her throbbing, steaming hot bulge. As she pushed my hand against her pussy I felt her legs tighten around my hand and her breath get heavier. Her hips pushed against my hand that was not squeezing her pussy with force and and she let out a little moan. It was ever so quite but we heard and she blushed and covered her mouth like she was afraid someone would here. Then she let out a little giggle as little black dress snickered and covered her mouth with a finger silently. Then I felt little black dress slowly lift up on her toes and push her swollen clit down on my knuckles. Realizing she wanted to feel me inside her, I shifted my hand slightly back and slid my fingers underneath her sopping wet panties and slowly inside of her. Her pussy was so warm and wet. My fingers both easily slid inside of her swollen lips and fought against the tightness of her. It was so intense I almost came right there. I could feel her soaking my hand and slowly riding my fingers in and out of her. Meanwhile I was working my left hand under Blondie’s shorts and feeling her warm wet pussy under my finger tips. It was so wet that I couldn’t even stop my fingers from sliding inside of her if I tried. As I was slowly rubbing my fingers in and out of her pussy, I felt the button on my pants pop and my zipper slowly move down. Again I lost control of my breath and almost couldn’t hold back my load but I managed to keep it because I didn’t want this intensity to end. It was like I was in the middle of an orgasm and if I let it end it was over. So with everything in I contained myself. Then smiling as if she knew what I had just done, she reached down and wrapped her slender soft fingers all the way around my cock. And like a little reward for not losing it yet she gave it a tight squeeze and shot me a huge smile. There we sat, all three writhing in ecstasy but not making a sound. Blondie slowly jerking my cock while my fingers went between massaging her clit and sliding inside massaging her tight pussy walls. And little black dress was moving her hips slowly, but up and down like she was riding my fingers like a cock inside of her. As I was getting closer to cumming the girls were as well. I could feel there pussies start to get even more warm and more wet. Their muscles were contracting around my fingers and their breaths were getting more and more shallow. We were all fighting the urge to moan and let go but it made it more intense. My cock was throbbing and as tiny short's hand moved up and down my rock hard shaft I could feel it coming to the tip. All together in a perfect moment I could feel the girls orgasm on my fingers with a gush of sopping cum and muscles getting so tight it almost hurt my fingers. As this happened there was nothing I could do and I finally let my load explode in my pants. It was the most intense orgasm any of us had ever had. Once it was done we all breathed and as my fingers stayed inside of them and Blondie’s hand around my cock slowly milking it, we undwinded and just enjoyed the release. Blondie pulled her hand out of my pants and lifted her fingers to mouth and cleaned them with her tongue. Little black dress let the pressure off my hand and smiled at me as I tasted her cum on my fingers. Then I looked over at Blondie and pulled my fingers out of her pussy. She looked me in the eyes with those blue eyes as I tasted her next and she swallowed my cum from her fingertips with a satisfied smile. I reached under my backpack and closed my jeans. As we sat there trying to nonchalantly adjusting our garments back, they were smiling and giggling quietly. And then my stop was next. I slowly started to move to get up when the the girl sitting next to me whispered just so I could hear her I'll see you next time.”. When I stood up and started to maneuver behind little black dress she pushed her ass up against my still hard cock, turned towards me, and whispered “Next time I get to taste your cum.”. The bus stopped and I moved off the bus. As it pulled off little black dress sat next to her friend and they both looked at me and smiled hugely and genuinely. I smiled back and they giggled and then I walked away. As I was walking to where I parked I kept playing the events in my head. I still couldn’t believe what happened. I had never experienced anything like. With only a few words I had just had the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I kept tasting both the girls again and enjoyed the smell of there sweet cum on my hands. I had finally reached my car and got in. My cock still feeling her gentle yet strong grip on it and my hands still warm and smelling of their juices, I came to a decision. I know what bus I'm taking home next time I get an early day. 



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