“”Looking in the mirror, moving my brunette ringlets behind my ear. Satisfied with the way my hair looked the crowning of my round ears on top of my head. Adjusting the headband till the ears were just right. Hearing my girlfriend enter the room butt just like before ignoring her till I am completely satisfied with my looks.

“Cum on Mandy. Like, I am waiting for you to get done.”

Hearing her plea and needing my tail I turned towards her. “So what do you think?” Although I pretend not to care what she thought we have been together since boarding school so everything that I did depended on her approval.

“Like, Wow. I am really digging the ears they really match your face.” Slapping Mandy on the bum. “Now cum on, like so we can get to the party.” Stepping up for a kiss. Although with my make-up on especially my ruby red lipstick to press my mouth against hers for once felt just right.

The slamming doors to Stacie’s ride as we gazed at each other over the top of her car. “Um, like, I need your help for a sec Stacie” I asked, petting my long tail. Seeing that smirk on her face, the same smirk that got us into trouble so many times in boarding school.”

“This is the Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 The Rave with DJ Maeve and the hottest tails from around Easygate” Nova ReBoot said with pride.

“Morning morning my peeps. This tail has so many similarities between Mandy and Stacie’s life and my own it’s almost scary. So without any further ado let’s get back into the tail of A Tail, only on Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 with me, DJ Maeve and The Rave!”

“The gentle breeze that seeped under my hair. The almost orgasmic like soft moan I let go of and the real short mini that I wore all pointed to Stacie’s hard nips that I had grating down my back. Trying not to give away the way she made me feel was especially hard since we were the only two standing here. Her breath as it rustled my hair sending shivers down my spine. Her warm hand that lay between my legs. Just nestled with my clit on her finger tip.

“I am here” I breathed into her ear, my hard nips pressed into her back as our breathing matched at this point. Plucking Mandy’s tail from her hand. Gentle pulling it so she can give it one last pet. Sliding down. Down Mandy’s back, my nips going from skin to the lace of her revealing top. My whisper must have echoed in her ears, “Back that cute little booty up…” leaving the rest in a to be continued phrase.

Following what she asked. The feel of my girlfriend holding on to my hips. Parting my lower half with each step I took back. The sudden jolt of her tongue as it struck my booty hole! I, I.. just had to moan. Had to pull on my nips in a desperate attempt to keep it down.
Gasping at the sensation. Stifling a moan that I could not know about! With Stacie’s tongue dancing with my butthole. Getting it all wet and juicy and me all hot and bothered! “Mmm Mmmm” I purred with this arrangement. “Mmm Mmmm Mmm” as Stacie’s tongue extended into my butthole. “Mmm Mmmm Mmm Mmmm” as I felt every lick, every plunge into my asshole! Laying my head on her car with my hands supporting my wanted desires!

“Mmmmmmmmm” Mandy’s butthole tasted like a bed of roses. And even then with me bring down that metal plug. To part with our kink, my tongue her asshole, for a simple metal plug. Drilling her asshole, casting my tongue so far in that I could feel her swallowing. Letting go of one more orgasm, so deep in her asshole that I swore Mandy was going to squirt!
“There you go Mandy” giving it a little shake as I pulled back my hand. “You are now complete” my next whisper was in her ear. “Ears, tail and…” Pulling the plug back. Feeling her booty hole tighten as the neck got wider. “Orgasm” as I finished my thought into her ear. Pulling the plug to its widest point. Watching her booty hole expand along with her mouth. Hearing her silent moans as they were not as silent as she hoped. “Purr baby purr” allowing her gaping asshole to swallow the plug once again. Kissing Mandy’s butt, leaving my mark painted on her inner cheek. “Now let’s get to the party” as my nips ground against her back giving her tail one last pull.

As the night drug on I remained on the dance floor. Taking on new partners with every song. From the muscle boys at the beach to the sun bunnies that drooled over them. Feeling their kinks and their bodies. With every player they never touched my tail, with every player they were turned aside just as quick. Eyeing my BFF, wondering what her plan was for tonight. Snuggle up on the couch with a dirty movie or spend the night in my arms. The more I thought the more my hands ran over my body. Pulling on my breasts, spanking them to the best. The trust of my hips while my hands danced around my aching crotch. I.. I had to cause no one else…
Refocusing my attention as long leg parted my thighs. As a strong hand helped me finish my sway! Lifting me up, taking away the ground under my feet my heart purred so loud…”

“Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 with DJ Maeve and The Rave will be right back.

Feather Tails your own private maid service that will bring you closer to the stars then ever before. From Chic to Madison all the sinful starlets are using Feather Tails! For a low price you can too! With different options available there is not one package that you can not afford! Be just like the Stars that have been using Feather Tails for more then 50 years because if there is one thing they all have in common is the satisfaction of knowing that they got some before they left the house! Feather Tails, you can run your hand over our work at FeatherTails.cum, that is FeatherTails.cum we shall see you in the morning!

We’re back, Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 with DJ Maeve and The Rave now let us get back to the tail!”

“So loud that everyone at that party just vanished. Just like at so many xxx rated movies I could hear that ’70’s music playing. I could feel his hand as it wrapped around my tail! My legs started to spread before he ever got close to the pull of my tail. Gasping as part of the dance, gasping as part of him struck my puss! Gasping cause my dream of having one orgasm while spinning to the music was cuming true. Was cuming… “Yesss” so was I! I was, “yes yesss yessssss” cuming so fast, so hard that the only moan from my mouth was “Yesss!”
Feeling his grasp on my tail. The way his kink had powered mine! As my brunette ringlets bounced around my face his cock was getting soaked by my puss without being fucked by it!
Painting by all this sudden attention. I could feel the ground cuming up fast. So fast that my eyes sprung open and there it was! Still dripping with my cum… My body could not figure out what to do. My hands were froze at my indecisiveness. Stuck between my tits or my ass while staring at his huge cock that throbbed in my face! Thumping like it had its own pulse. To my ear surprise I heard my girlfriend whispering. “Open that cute little mouth of yours and swallow his cock. Open that little mouth of yours before he moves on! Before you drown in your own spit. Go on, open. Yes, open your…” as I knelt there opening my mouth. Watching as his head leveled with my mouth. Actually watching as he started to face fuck me! Sliding his big long cock in and out of my mouth. I could feel it as it touched the back of my throat! “Oh my fuck” I thought as I started to move. Started to face fuck him back! Started to spasm over my own orgasm. It didn’t take long. My mouth sealed around his cock, my throat tightened! Grabbing his hand, placing it on the back of my head as I lunged forward! “Mmm …. Mmmmmmmmm” rolled from my loins and spilled across that mammoth cock that I was sucking on. That was halfway down my throat!
Much to my surprise I could feel the pull. The sudden rush of his cock being ripped from my mouth! There I knelt, staring up at him. His cock throbbing by the way he held my hair. My heart was pounding like never before. My heart knew what it wanted and just like that it was snatched from it. Snatch just like before when this dance first started to play. Standing as his hand instructed, using his other arm as a brace till my puss was just pressed against his testes, his cock pressed against my stomach. My filtering stomach. Looking for some facial attachment, his arm wrapped around my back lifting me off my feet. Till I was at the same height as him. The rough way his lips tore after mine. Opening them like a wine bottle and drinking up its contents.
This had me flabbergasted, totally by surprise at the way… “Mmm Mmmmmmmmm Ohmifuck!” Breaking that perfect kiss with an orgasm! Not only cause of the way he grabbed my tail butt that immense cock that split my coochie! Watching my chest heave, watching my own tits shutter along with it! I was cuming so hard, so fast that it took me too long to find out that I was having one more orgasm! One more that I prayed for one more that, that… “Ohmifuck” as my body recoiled! One more as my body convulsed. One more as all I could sense is his cock bashing my puss into oblivion! Struggling as the next violent phase escaped my lips when all I could see was his cock battering my puss! Screaming in my own way as all the grace had left my convulsing body! “Ohmifuck! Yes yesss… OooohOooohOooohOoooh Ohmifuck!”
What really brought it home was not my tail or his cock that was buried in my puss! Butt the fact that my tail was no longer there. In all this fucking, in all these sudden orgasms! With my head back flopping like a rag doll to his own powerful thrust! My tit in his mouth! The pressure that he used on it, his teeth on my nip! His fingers in my asshole I was cuming like never before! Going from one phase to the next with only a short half a heartbeat between each gasm my body felt like the rag doll he had in his arms!
Without warning I stiffened. Something was happening between the friction, the constant banging of our bodies! “Oh Ooh Ohmifuck” I exclaimed one last time as my body started to curl up on his cock. “Please, Oh please” was all it took for my next moan was something that was expected from one of those X rated horror films! “Ooo OooOoooOoooo yesss Ooooh Ooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh” clinging to him like he was my life line! Pressing my tit so far into his mouth that I thought he would throw me down!

Cuming around to my girlfriend. To that sweet face that I will never get tired of seeing. My arms wrapped around her shoulders as we danced to the beat. As I was trying, trying to speak. Trying to speak in a voice that I could understand. Reaching behind me, reaching for my tail butt that’s when it stopped. The dance, my worry free face! Looking like I was going to faint I clutched my girlfriend by the shoulders! Knowing that my life finally had meaning at least…”

“This is the Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 The Rave with DJ Maeve, now let’s get back to the tail!”

“Ooo OooOoooOoooo Mmm Ooo OooOoooOoooo my goddess!” Feeling my booty hole stretch out as his hands went from my thighs to my chest! Gripping me, pulling on my tits as he robbed me of my voice! That same long hard cock, the one that I sucked! The one that I prayed would explode in my throat. The one that held me in his arms while I rode that stallion of a man. The one that exploded in my puss and sent me into the stratosphere! Was now bending my booty hole for his cock!
I stared into Stacie’s eyes as the fireworks went off in mine! I could feel his head as it slipped into my tight fuck hole. With every breath I could feel my booty getting tighter and tighter, I could feel his cock as it plowed into my butt! Nodding my head at my girlfriend, mouthing these exact words. “Fuck Mmm right now! Right, right! Now…”
With my hands still on her shoulders her tongue tagged my clit at the same time his cock was fully in my bum! The reaction was so fucking amazing the only thing I could do is moan! “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh Ooh Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh!”

We stared at each other from across the top of her car. I was here butt my body was somewhere else. After a long second I could hear her whispering into my ear. I could feel my own tail as it glided over my thighs. She whispered again, “Time to go home. You never know he might be there” saying this with a crooked grin on her face she opened the door and put a towel in my seat. “Mmm Mmmm, I can see that he broke the seal. Next he will try to hold you prisoner in your own bed while he fondles you” smiling my best sinful smile, “or maybe that will just be me…” Shutting the door as I thought about all the wicked things he or she could do to me tonight. About all my kinks that needed to be played with. About… “Mmm Mmmm Ooh Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkkkkkkkkk Mmmmmmmmmm nOoow!” Sprang forth from my body that left me helpless and venerable as Stacie started the engine.”

“That is why you should never ever go to a party without expecting someone to take you home. The is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers with the hottest tails from Lesbian Morning Show Klit 96.9 The Rave. Up next is your favorite sisterly duo of Kayla and Trina with the hottest music, Interporn and more from their hot little bed of Lesbian Morning Show with Klit 96.9 The Rave! Chow peeps.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vqiznm/klit_969_the_rave_136_a_tail_dream_master_ff_mf

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