15 Years Later Ch7 [M/F] [Massage] [Heavy Petting]

CH 7 Virgin (Kyle)

She gets in her car and slips the phone between her legs giving me a dark, but not completely blacked out view of her thighs and panties. It is a little too dark to see anything but I appreciate the gesture.

“You still there?” She pulls the phone out of her skirt and locks it into a holder.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good. You said you were in the Marriot?”


“Okay. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She reaches to the phone, but I stop her.

“Hey, what do you want for dinner?”

“Oh, we can order something.”

“You okay with eating first?”

“Yeah sure. Nothing too greasy.”

“I got you.” I give her a wink and hang up before she can.

I pull out the ingredients and get to work on making sushi. On one of my freelance gigs, I took a sushi class so I could write a review for it. The cost of the class had been a little more than the gig, but it was almost a wash. Now, it’s going to pay me back a million-fold.

Without a rice cooker, the rice comes out a little too wet, but still good enough to hold its shape. Just as I finish your last cut, a *knock* comes from the door. It’s just a little past seven. Diner and some conversation might take us to eight, and then the sex can start.

I open the door and she slips past me. She doesn’t go in very far and when I close the door, she opens her arms for a hug which I gladly give her. Her heels allow her head to rest on my shoulder.

“Hi,” she whispers.


Just letting our bodies press against each other, letting her dive into my scent as I dive into hers. Dark cherries and vanilla. It’s better than I remember. So much better.

I pull her closer as I realize that I didn’t remember. Over the years, the memory faded and was replaced with nothing but a memory of a memory.

The real thing cuts into me like a blade, slicing open the wounds of losing her. Those jagged scars on my heart that never healed right and would never be healed by anyone other than the woman in my arms.

I take in a deep breath to keep from crying. *Come on! I can’t cry now. I’m almost there. A nice dinner, some conversation, then we go to bed and we’re together again.*

A muffled sob comes from the crook of my neck as hot tears slide down your skin. Rachel shakes in my arms and I lose it.

My hands grip her coat as I pull her in deeper. I’m thankful that my tears stream down my face without having to wail in pain and anguish like I did the day she left me. Somehow, as I hold her in my arms, I weep in silence.

Rachel kisses my neck a couple times as she cries. All too soon, she pulls back and wipes her tears. When she sees my face, washed with my own tears, her face scrunches in pain as she starts to cry all over again.

“Oh, Kyle. I’m so sorry.” She brushes my wet cheek with her hand before pulling me in for a kiss.

*Her lips are just as full as the day she left me…* No. They’re even fuller. The memory of the memory of her doesn’t do her justice. She’s so much more than I could have dreamt. Her big green eyes, more radiant than all the forests of the world put together, her lips so soft and gentle, and her tongue, a guide to my salvation, pulling me into her mouth.

She slips out of her jacket then she starts to slide her hands down my body to my pants. As much as I’d love to let this escalate, I know better. Women run hot and feel the burn later, usually leading them to think what they’ve done was a mistake. It will be best to warm her up like I first intended.

I grab her hands and press her up against the short hallway wall. She always liked being over-powered. I kiss her one more time before pulling back, ripping my heart out in the process. “I spent a lot of time in the kitchen to impress you. I’d hate for it to go to waste.”

“I swear to God, if it’s a pot of mac and cheese, I’m leaving.”

The ferociousness of her growl leaves no doubt in my mind that she’s serious, but why is she so mad at mac and cheese? “I said I wanted to impress you, not *de*press you.” I smile and so does she.

She nods, looking at my lips, her old way of begging for one more.

I lean into the kiss for a moment before pulling back and letting go of her wrists. I offer for her to lead the way. She smiles up at me and slides a thumb across her bottom lip before she walks into the suite.

The agency offered me a lesser room but after Rachel messaged me, I paid the difference to get into a suite. The investment was well worth it to see her eyes pop at the dinner I made.

She laughs a sob and turns away from the dinner and me to wipe her eyes. She takes a couple steps then turns around and rushes into a hug.

“You hate mac and cheese that much, huh?”

She bursts into another laughing sob that holds more laughter this time. “It’s been a while since I had a real meal that wasn’t from a restaurant.” She pulls back from my chest and pulls me in for another kiss. It only lasts for a moment, but the sincerity pours through. She looks at me with those big green eyes and smiles. Her thumbs wipe away the remains of my tears. “Why were you crying?”

I grab her hands and hold them in mine. “I hadn’t realized just how far gone you were until I had you back.” I smile and nod my head to the table. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

The salmon rolls turned out great despite not having a rice cooker, and we ate while reminiscing over the old days.

“Do you remember that time, you hid on the roof, and everyone was looking for you?” She barely got two words out at a time past all her laughter.

I smile and nod. “Right when everyone started to think I’d left you looked up from the back porch and saw me.”

“I was so mad that I hadn’t thought of it before!” She laughs, then takes another sip of wine. “That was so you. Always playing games and thinking so outside of the box like that. That’s why you write such good books.”

*Books?* I’ve only released one book under my own name. All my other work has either been ghost writing gigs, blog articles or erotica under a pen name.

“I’ve only written one book.”

She smiles and takes another drink. “*Mhmm.*” She winks at me with knowing eyes.

“Have you read my work?”

“A couple, yeah. I really liked the one where the guy gets his tiny little dick locked in a cage while the big bad girlfriend spanks him.”

Heat slams into my cheeks so hard it splashes my ears. “How…”

“It’s great what a little time and effort will get you.”

“Time and effort,” I echo. The smile on my face matches her devious grin. I can’t help but applaud her for figuring it out. But how? “How about we sit on the couch?”

“I’d like that.”

She stands and I follow her with the bottle of wine in one hand and my glass in the other. She waits for me to sit first by taking the time to unhook the straps of her heels. She slides up next to me, tucking her feet under her.

“No, no, no.” I push and pull until she’s seated next to me with her feet on my lap. The food and conversation went perfect, but I’m not leaving this to chance.

Starting on her nineteenth birthday, I gave Rachel a foot massage before having sex every time for an entire year. Sufficed to say, Pavlovian Conditioning is a very real thing.

“How did you find me?” I take her feet into my hands and start to work my magic.

She lays her head back and smiles. “I few years ago, I was thinking about breaking up with Kevin.”

“Wait, what? A few *years* ago? What happened? What kept you together?”

She frowns and shrugs. “I was almost thirty-one, he wasn’t even thirty yet. I just kind of thought that he might be my last chance at getting a decent guy. A woman’s options after thirty aren’t stellar. And I still didn’t want a child at that time, so my options were even lower. Most women my age are either married or have given up on the idea and are just fucking whatever looks good and you know I can’t do that. So…” She sighs and the defeat that she exhales tears at me. “One night, two nights, actually, I just looked up my exes. I went in order of who I was with last and when I got to the end, I saw you.”

She gives a small moan of delight as her eyes roll for a second. Her cheeks redden and she covers her face in her hands and laughs.

“I saw you on Facebook at first, then looked up to see if you were on any dating apps. I found you on OkCupid but it looked like you hadn’t been on there in a while. I found your writing website, it linked to your YouTube and your LinkedIn, but I didn’t see any book. I did a search for your old gamer name and I found a few articles by you, but then I came to a website called Niteshift. My monitoring app told me to be cautious because the site contained *pornographic* content, and I said to myself, ‘Gee, self, Kyle wouldn’t be into writing porn, would he?’ Sure enough, you had a few stories on there that—” She lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Let’s say, had me a little hot under the collar.”

“You liked the femdom ones?”

“I did.” She sits up, taking her feet back and leans across me to put her wine on the end table. She slides her legs over my hips, hiking her skirt up in the process. “Is that what you’re into these days? Did you think of me when you wrote those?”

Her scintillating kiss rolls across my lips and her tongue coaxes mine into a slippery dance.

I moan into her mouth as I grip her hips. Her hands slide from my shoulders to my hair, balling into fierce grips.

“*Ah-ah*. You like it when the woman is in charge, yeah?”

I grimace. “Actually, I wrote that for the fans. The readers there are super sub-boys.”

“Oh.” Her eyes shift and she slouches slightly.

My hands slide under her skirt and grab her ass. “I’ll do whatever you want, Rachel. I’m here to please *you*. If you want to control me, if that’s what gets you off the most, that’s what *I* want.”

Her smile returns and she straightens up in your lap. “And if I want to spank my naughty boy?”

“I see you forgot your paddle, but I have a belt you could use.”

We both laugh for a bit until she leans forward and puts her head against mine. My hands against the bare skin of her ass catch fire and her arms around my neck are like shackles that I never wish to be free of.

I have the woman of my dreams in my hands once again, and she wants me enough to cheat on her current ‘partner.’ *Partner… What a joke.* Someone fucking dumb enough to share this woman, this fucking goddess. Then again, I can’t say I wouldn’t offer the same if I though it would keep her with me in some fashion. But giving her to another man like this. He’s willing to let another man, some man that she’s comfortable with, stick his dick in her and make her feel pleasure because he can’t cut it.

Do either of them think this will really work?

She wanted to break up with him years ago and now she’s cheating on him with her ex.

They’re fucking finished.

I need to make sure that she breaks them up, not me. If she thinks I broke them up, she’ll just run away from everyone, including me.

“Rachel, I—”

She places a finger on my lips. “Don’t say it. Not yet.”

She reaches down and grabs one of my hands and sticks it under her skirt from the front, placing my hand on her soaked g-string. She’s literally dripping into my hand. It’s not like my erotic stories where they’re gushing like a fucking faucet, but God damn! *When’s the last time she had sex, or a fucking foot massage for that matter?*

“I’ve never been so wet, Kyle. Never. It’s been so long since I’ve had good sex, it’s been even longer since I’ve had great sex. *Your* sex, Kyle.” She leans in and snatches my lips up in a deep kiss.

My fingers massage her swollen mound through the satin fabric. Her juices slide down my fingers and pool in my palm. *Jesus fucking Christ!* I know she needs it bad. She reached out to me halfway across the country while she still has a partner for crying out loud. But I had no idea it’s this bad. Best break the bad news now so I’ll have time to recover.

Rachel, I have to tell you something.”

Her sultry eyes flash wide with panic. “Oh, God! Do not tell me…” She reaches down and presses her hand against my throbbing hard on. “Oh, thank fucking God! I thought you were about to tell me you have erectile disfunction, too.”

“No! No way. I’ll be a diamond for you until I die. I… I just…haven’t done this in a while. I wanted to give you a heads up that, I might… You know, go fast the first time.”

She sits up strait, putting her hands on my chest while pumping her own out, putting the girls right in my face. “Oh? How long?”

The last time I had sex was when Colin took me on that cruise ship and I slept with that Latina. *Fuck that was five years ago.* “It’s been a few years.”

Her brow raises as her smile spreads. “You know, they say that after two years you’re basically a virgin again.” She leans down and places a heated kiss on my lips.

*Damn! This is a woman!*

“I get your virginity again. Do you like that?” Her hands slide down to my pants, unbuckling me and slipping beneath the fabric. “There he is. I’m going to do something I never got to do to you before.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

She giggles as she slides off my lap and onto the floor at my feet. “I’m going to make you cum from sucking your cock, Kyle.” One hand slips around my cock as her other hand lightly runs her nails along my shaved skin. “I can’t wait to taste you again, Kyle. I can’t wait for your load in my mouth.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vpbedm/15_years_later_ch7_mf_massage_heavy_petting