[TF/TG] The Milkmaid’s Tale

Go to the country, they said. The fresh air will do you good, they said.

Fresh air my ass.

City air may be smoggy and filled with cigarette smoke but I’d take that over the reek of cow dung any day.

“Hurry up, city boy!”

I huffed in frustration and turned to see Calvin and the rest of the farm hands smiling at me smugly from the truck. Of course, they had already finished unloading. When my aunt had ‘suggested’ this farm-stay holiday she had failed to mention it would come prepacked with a bunch of arrogant yokels who thought the highest form of comedy was watching a ‘city slicker’ try to lift hay bales.

“It’s John.” I reminded them for the fourth time, “and if one of you could give me a hand, we could all get back to the house a lot faster!”

“Oh, poor Johnny boy!” Calvin jeered, jumping down and hefting the haybale over his shoulder with ease, “didn’t Farm Simulator 3000 prepare you for this?”

I bit my tongue; I had made the mistake of asking for the wifi password when I’d first arrived, a question which had been answered with raucous laughter. Gaming and computers were ‘for pussies’ according to Calvin. Real men work the land, apparently. The Havenway Farm Stay Experience boasted a complete ban of technology, they barely even had electricity which meant my plan for smuggling in my portable consoles and phone had been foiled the moment they ran out of charge the first night.

I should have known this was Aunt Isa’s plan all along, she’d never understood gaming. Even after I showed her my winnings from the local e-sports contest a few weeks ago. In her mind, and the mind of Calvin so it seemed, games were for kids, not grown men. Were it up to me, I’d have walked straight back down the drive and hitchhiked back to the city the moment I realised what I’d been signed up for. Unfortunately, if I wanted to continue living rent free with Aunt Isa, I would have to complete the stupid program, which mean three more weeks of standing in the mud at the mercy of Calvin and his cohort without a round of Raid on my phone to look forward to at the end of the day. Ignoring the jeers, I clambered back into the truck and sat down in silence. I had quickly learned that these men were too stupid to even understand most of the insults I threw back at them. It was better to stay quiet.


When we got back to the farmstead for lunch I’d hoped it would mean a break from Calvin and his pack of self-titled alpha males. No such luck.

“Oops!” He cried, knocking the glass from my hand sending milk splattering all over my clothes and food. I grimaced, watching it soak into my sandwich.

“Ass.” I hissed, Calvin just grinned.

I felt like I was back in a high school cafeteria, I’d bet good money this man had peaked at sixteen. Still, I still had more dignity than they gave me credit for. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me snap. I slid the ruined sandwich into the bin and went to change. If we were going back into the fields I’d stink of rancid milk after five minutes in the afternoon sun. The farm stay program had provided me with ‘appropriate’ clothing when I arrived, which mean jeans and flannels for the most part. To add insult to injury they were all too big and stank of straw. With a sigh I got dressed and went to join the group downstairs only to see them all starting up the truck without me.

“You’re going to the milking shed!” Calvin yelled from the tray, “Us men have real work to do!”

I gave him the finger as they drove off. Jokes on them, milking a bunch of cows for the afternoon sounded way better than listening to all of them posturing and constantly trying to one up each other. The milking barn was on the other side of the farmstead, an area I was yet to visit. I’d seen a few women coming and going in the days since I’d arrived but that was about it. I’d heard people mention a woman named Susie was in charge but for whatever reason she never came to the main farm house. Poking my head inside I saw a number of stalls with large cows chewing away on their feed but no people.

“Hello?” I called out, “I’m John, I’m supposed to work here this afternoon?”

For a few moments there was silence, then the sound of heavy footfalls above me. A second later a hole in the roof opened and a ladder slid down, a woman descended from the loft above.

Susie was almost more intimidating than all the farm hands put together. She was tall and muscular; I’d overheard some of the others say she’d beaten Calvin in an arm-wrestling contest without breaking a sweat and now seeing her, I could believe it. Yet despite all of this, she managed to look hotter in a pair of jean overalls than most women did in lingerie. She looked like she belonged on the front of some sort of farm themed calendar with her cornflower blue eyes and blond hair braided down her back. Talking to beautiful women was hard enough as it is, talking to a beautiful woman who looked like she could snap my spine like a twig was another.

“Huh? Calvin doesn’t usually send me guys.” She gave him a quizzical look before rolling her eyes, “Thinks he’s real funny, meathead.”

I wasn’t sure whether I should agree or not so I just shrugged.

“I don’t really have much work for a-for you.” She admitted awkwardly, “But I guess you can set up the milking machines on the cows?”

“Sure, sounds better than lifting bales of hay.”

Quickly and without fanfare Susie explained how the machinery worked. How to hook up the pumps to the cow teats and monitor the pressure, when to release. How to empty the buckets into the vat, where to clean them between each cow. All in all, it seemed a lot better than heavy lifting and digging up fields with Calvin and his crew. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. Susie was already infinitely better company than my former crew. I was doing my best to concentrate on what she was saying but my eyes kept slipping to her cleavage. Her outfit, while fairly conservative and practical, could only hide so much. If the large breasts straining against her shirt were any indication, Susie was hiding one hell of a figure under those overalls.

“Understand?” She asked and I nodded, snapping back to attention. “I’m going to be out moving the other herd to their new pasture. I’ll be back to check on ya in a bit.”

I couldn’t decide if it was a blessing or not that she would be leaving me alone. On the one hand, the view of the barn greatly diminished without her but on the other, if she caught me staring that would be…awkward. I grabbed one of the metal pails and attached the pipes just as Susie had shown me before, dragging it over to the first stall. Bessy, as the name plate suggested, was calm as I hooked up the suction cups to her teats and flicked the switch; the pump began to hum as the cups began to suck, sending milk down the pipe and into the pail. Easy done!

Without much else to do while waiting I wandered around the barn. Like most buildings here it was rustic and boring. Then the sun passed through the wide windows and glinted off something in the corner behind some spare milk pails. Curiously I approached and pushed them aside to find a small fridge simply marked ‘Special Orders’, I could see several small glass bottles inside containing milk. My stomach gave a rumble and I suddenly remembered that, thanks to Calvin, I’d skipped lunch. With a quick glance around to ensure Susie wasn’t on her way back yet I opened the fridge and grabbed one of the bottles. Refilling it would be simple enough and nobody needed to know.

The milk was thicker than the usual supermarket fare; creamy and rich with a unique sweet aftertaste. I could see why it was marked special order. Eagerly I drained another bottle and then a third. With a satisfied gasp I felt the liquid settle in my stomach, it wasn’t much but it would stave off hunger for a little bit at least. Carefully, I washed the bottle with hot water from the nearby sink and left them in the sun to dry.

A mechanical ‘ding’ told me the machine was done with Bessy and gently I removed the suction cups from her teats and unhooked the now filled milk pail. I started to drag the heavy container toward the collection at the side of the room but found the task increasingly difficult. I wasn’t the strongest guy out there but surely milk wasn’t supposed to be this heavy! Maybe I was carrying it wrong?

I looked down at my skinny arms, dismayed to see how the flannel shirt hung of them. Then I looked closer. My hand seemed…smaller somehow. As did my wrist. This shirt had always been a little big on me but not this big. Pushing up my sleeve I could swear my arms were thinner than they had been this morning. I’d skipped lunch but that wouldn’t cause this, not even with all the work I’d been doing. If anything, my arms should be more muscular after all that exercise!

I stepped backwards in shock only to tumble backwards into the hay. My boots were loose now as well and my foot slipped out of them with ease, except it wasn’t my foot. Gingerly, I removed my sock and stared in bewilderment. The feet now attached to my legs were dainty and smooth, with little half-moon nails that looked perfectly manicured. I wiggled the toes experimentally, almost not expecting them to respond but they did. Was I shrinking? No, it was more than that, my body felt as if it were changing shape as well as size.

A strange tickling sensation appeared at my shoulders and with some trepidation I reached a slim hand up to see what it was. Smooth, soft hair met my fingertips and a high-pitched gasp escaped my mouth. What the hell was happening? Removing my other shoe, I quickly ran to the metallic milk pail to take in my reflection. It was distorted by the curve of the metal but I could see my hair clearly. What had been short and dull this morning was rapidly changing, warm brown curls were sprouting form the top of my head and flowing down to my shoulders in waves. And it wasn’t just the rapidly growing hair that was changing, it was my face itself. My chin had rounded, my cheekbones smoothed and lips inflated becoming sensual and full. I ran a finger along them, noting that the callouses from years of handling a joystick were now gone, leaving smooth skin in their place.

“What the hell…” Even my voice sounded wrong, higher pitched and breathy.


All of a sudden, I became aware of how my clothes felt against my skin. The aforementioned sleeves on my shirt felt lose on my thinning arms but the buttons at my chest were all of a sudden straining. Mouth agape I looked down at the material stretched tight against my chest, each moment the buttons threatened to pop free as the tension increased. With shaking fingers, I undid the buttons to find my smooth chest swelling. Gone was the dusting of dark hair, replaced with a pair of round tits which were rapidly expanding. No longer distracted by my changing feet or face I could feel it now, the skin stretching as breasts formed. What were useless nubs of flesh were now sensitive nipples, growing and turning blush pink against the rest of the pale flesh.

The breasts were the feature that made everything click. I was turning into a woman. How? How on Earth was that possible? I had to be dreaming, I collapsed from exhaustion and any second, I was going to wake up in the mud with Calvin laughing at me. I gave the skin at my side a sharp pinch. The breasts continued to swell. This was really happening! There had to be something I could do to stop it!

“The milk…”

That had to be it! That special order milk I’d drunk. I raced to the fridge, nearly tripping over my jeans as I went, they were too tall for me now. Desperately I searched the area around the fridge, even pushing aside the bottle, searching for some kind of note on how this all worked.


A groan of frustration quickly turned to one of discomfort. My jeans may have been too big for my slender legs now but they were straining against my ass. Like my breasts, it was swelling, becoming round and full. Lacking any better option, I unzipped the fly of my jeans and slipped them off along with my briefs. Tiny pink indents marked where the stitching had been digging into my sensitive skin moments earlier. The only clothing I had left was the shirt but there was no way I could button it back up over my enormous tits.

That wasn’t even the most disturbing part. I could sense it now, the absence between my legs, but I was afraid to look. Closing my eyes, I did my best just to breath. I needed to get my head straight and avoid panicking, there would be a way to fix this. There had to be. After a few deep breaths the panic began to recede, though I couldn’t help but notice the way my breasts felt, rising and falling with each intake of air. Swallowing nervously, I opened my eyes and looked down at my now changed body. Delicate was the first word to come to mind. It was as if all my hard edges had been smoothed; I ran my dainty fingers down the curve of my breasts and ass, resting against my hips and the flat of my stomach. It had been a long time since I’d touched a woman’s body. The adrenaline from my panic gradually began to give way to a much more familiar feeling of temptation. A small, neat mound of hair rested between my legs and curiously I moved my hand toward it.

The folds were moist and I couldn’t help but shiver as my finger slid between them. The skin was more sensitive than I thought possible and sent proverbial sparks running down my legs. Biting down on my full lips I continued, slowly stroking back and forth. I could feel the wetness there growing, fingers becoming slick and easily gliding between the folds. For a few minutes I sat there, watching with fascination as my finger stroked, enjoying the sensations it caused until a new feeling distracted me.

A tightness in my new breasts. With some reluctance I removed my hand from between my legs and turned my attention to my chest. My breasts were round, the skin stretched tight with my pink nipples hard as rocks. Gently I massaged my fingers into the flesh, groaning with relief and frustration. The ministrations did help with the tightness but not nearly enough. The pressure was increasing as well, skin stretching almost as if they were balloons filling with water. Or…


The realisation made me freeze. Horror began to taint my arousal as I realised the nature of my new situation. Not only had my body been changed but now this! I wanted to ignore it but the pressure was slowly becoming painful, I had to release it somehow. Embarrassment flooded me as I realised what I was going to have to do. I raised a shaking hand to my nipple and pinched it between my thumb and forefinger. Then, desperately trying to ignore how good that simple touch felt, I pulled. A gasp of pleasure escaped my mouth as I felt the milk flow out in a steady stream. It was good, so very good but the pressure barely changed. Again, I tugged on my nipple. And again. Each time I had to bit down on my cheek to stop the sounds of pleasure escaping my mouth. It was helping, but my hands couldn’t keep up the pace.

“Holy Hell!”

At some point my eyes had fluttered closed and now they shot open, seeing Susie in the barn entrance mouth agape. I felt blood rush to my face in humiliation as I realised what I must look like right now; naked, breasts straining, pale skin flush with obvious arousal.

“I-I can explain.”

“John?!” She was looking at me in utter shock before a look of realisation crossed her face. “Oh Gods…you drank the damn milk, didn’t you?”

I nodded solemnly, trying my best to cover my nakedness. Of course, I had managed to humiliate myself in front of the one nice person here.

“It just said special order!” I cried, “I didn’t know it would do this!”

“Look at you.” She shook her head, though I could see a gleam of something else in her eyes, “How many did you drink?”

“Three.” My face reddened further.

“Three?!” She cried, “No wonder you look full to bursting! Come on, let’s get you sorted out.”

Susie held out a hand and helped me to my feet with ease, seemingly unfazed by my new naked form. If anything, she seemed exasperated.

“Those are supposed to be for special clients.” She explained, gathering up some equipment, “It’s for women who are struggling to produce but as you can see if I man drinks it well…there are side effects.”

She was explaining further how it all worked but I was finding it harder and harder to concentrate. The pressure in my boobs was becoming unbearable; they were hard under my hands and if I didn’t get release soon, I don’t know what I was going to do.

“Here, lie back.” Susie smiled, settling me down in the hay of an empty stall, “I’m going to make this as pleasant for you as possible.”

With that, she helped me out of my shirt, not like I could have worn it again anyway now that it was far too small and stained with milk. It was then I realised what Susie was holding in her hands; it was a mechanical pump like the one used for the cows but the plastic suction cups were shaped to fit…me.

“I know this must be weird for you.” Susie winced sympathetically, “But trust me, you’ll enjoy this. Plus, we have to replace the milk you drank.”

Gently, she placed the cups over my swollen, sore breasts and flicked the switch. A quiet mechanical hum filled the air and then the machine began to pump. Alternating each side, the cups squeezed my breasts and I cried out as pleasure and relief as both sparked through my core. It took only a few moments for the pressure to begin to lessen and I fell back in the hay, marvelling at the sensation of the pumps on my breasts; unable to even feel shame. Relief washed through me as my boobs began to soften once more. The machine continued to massage them as I shivered and writhed. It felt better than anything I had ever experienced.

My legs knocked against something and I realised Susie was still sitting between them, watching me with pupils blown wide with arousal. No woman had ever looked at me with such desire and I felt myself getting wetter as I met her gaze. Without a word, Susie lowered herself between my legs, hooking them up over her shoulders. I could feel her breath on my pussy, it made me shiver.

“Please.” My voice was rough with desire.

A gasp escaped me a moment later as I felt a tongue dart out against my clit. The tip traced circles around that sensitive nub for a few moments before a warm mouth enveloped me.

I threw back my head in ecstasy. It was too much. The stimulation on my breasts, the tongue between my legs. It was all too good. Slowly Susie’s tongue ran along my folds, circling my clit and gently sucking on it. She was teasing me, her and her machine. I could feel something build within me. Unlike the orgasms I’d had in the past this one was coming on slowly, my inner walls were burning with desire and I could feel a new kind a pressure slowly increasing in my core. My muscles twitched and writhed against my will but Susie held me down easily, increasing the pressure of her tongue, once of twice I swear I felt it slip inside me and I cried out.

I was getting close, so close. Desperately I thrust my hips but Susie held me in place with ease. My new body was so dainty and small compared to her muscular form I had no choice but to lie back and take everything she and the pump were giving to me.

I revelled in it. I wanted more. More friction, more of the machine, more of Susie. My moans were loud, increasing in pitch as I neared the edge, I couldn’t control myself any longer. Susie gave one final, hard suck at my clit and my eyes rolled back into my head as I came. Pure pleasure crashed through my entire being and wetness flowed freely from my hole which Susie happily lapped up. I could feel the last of the milk in my breasts being sucked out and into the machine. When the shockwaves had finally ceased, I collapsed backward, limp in the hay trying to catch my breath.

Susie unhooked the machine and came to lay beside me, gently rubbing a finger in circles on the flat plane of my stomach.

“You filled the whole pail.” She teased, “not bad for a first timer.”

I swallowed, with the pressure and arousal finally delt with my mind seemed to clear. The gravity of all that had transpired seemed to slam into me like a brick wall. Was this my life now?

“Sorry,” Susie looked away, “I probably should have asked before I did that you just looked so…well, you looked hot as hell, John. Still do actually.”

“No, no that was good. Really good.” I assured her, blushing at the compliment. “It’s just…Am I like this forever now?”

Susie smiled but shook her head.

“Nah, the milk wears off in a couple of hours. Though, you did drink three so it might be a while.”

“Oh, good. That’s good.”

A sense of relief flooded me but it was tinged with loss. Being this way wasn’t unpleasant now that the shock had worn off. For a few moments we stayed like that in awkward silence before Susie spoke again.

“Since you’re stuck like this for a while, did ya want to come up to the loft?” She indicated to a ladder leading to the top of the barn. “I’ve got my old playstation set up and-“

“You have a playstation here?” I sat up abruptly, “I thought all tech was banned!”

“Yeah well, Calvin and his cronies aren’t the brightest.” She chuckled, “Sneaking it in here and hooking it up to the generator was nothing.”

I found myself giggling girlishly, then blushing at the sound. It felt strange coming from my mouth.

“You know, you can come work here again tomorrow. If you like.” Susie offered; pink tinged her cheeks as she did so. “Making those special orders…it can be a lot of fun.”

I thought for a minute and found myself nodding. There were certainly worse ways to spend my time.



If you had told me a year ago that I’d willingly be returning to Havenway I’d have laughed you right out of the room. Yet here I was, waiting for the bus to come and whisk me away from the city for another four weeks in the countryside. My winnings from the latest tournament were more than enough to justify a few weeks break.

Smiling, I rested my hands against the flask sitting in my lap. When I’d emailed and told Susie I was coming she’d mailed it to me in a special freezer line container. I didn’t need to open it to know what was inside. She’d sent a note as well.

‘One for the road. See you soon.’


Hope you enjoyed!

This story was written as a commission.

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Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/vlk0u7/tftg_the_milkmaids_tale